Member Reviews

Alexa (Lexi) Berman has her goal set. Go to culinary school, work her way up to being a chef and getting a Michelin star. Then opening her own restaurant. There is no time for anything else. Her friends are trying to get her to loosen up but that's not working. Jake Taylor is a musician working in dive bars trying to get noticed. The chance meeting changes everything. The chemistry between them is off the charts. She gets her dream job and he heads to LA. Only it seems like he ghosted her. Can she get out of her head to let him back in? Not only are her fears giving her the blues, but his celebrity status is getting in the way. It takes advice from her dad to get her back on the right path. New Years Eve in NYC is the one time of the year for possibilities and HEA's.

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Thank you to Netgalley and publisher for this cute and heart warming ARC! Loved Lexi and jakes story. While there were times the pacing towards the end felt rushed, I really enjoyed the development their relationship. I wish there was more development with Madison or Mia, but overall a cute read

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Is being in the public eye is worth it?

Lexi Berman wanted to uphold her mother’s dream for her by finishing culinary school and becoming a professional chef. But Lexi never thought that the guy at the bar would write a bestselling viral song about her blueberry pancakes that she served him after their weekend together never expecting to see him again.

Musician Jake Taylor was getting ready to fly out to Los Angles to record his demo album when he met Lexi but after a whirlwind first album he tried to see Lexi as a friend after her returned to New York but there was something between them. But could Lexi deal with spotlights of his career and the hard work being on the lowest rung in a restaurant.

Till There Was You has a great romance about being in the public eye and the hard work in restaurants.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from the author and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book is a realistic glimpse into the world of culinary arts students as well as a wanna-be pop star. The plot had some difficulty holding my attention since some of it was trite and other parts were predictable, but it was moderately paced, so I kept going. The characters are all flawed and realistic, but not terribly dynamic. There is not a lot of growth of character as the story moved along to the foregone conclusion. This book is more suited for younger readers, maybe 20-30 age graphic since the language and the steam/spice were both off-putting to me. The novel does include a lot of humor and some truth about staying focused on your goals in life, no matter how challenging they may be. Dealing with difficult topics like grief, self-discovery and self-image, the book was okay but not an attention grabber for me.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16th CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

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Lexi wants to be a Michelin starred chef and has sworn off dating to stay focused on her career. When she meets handsome musician Jake just before he leaves for a tour, she decides to bend her own rule for a weekend romp. Jake’s tour takes off but he can’t get Lexi, or her blueberry pancakes, off his mind.

This one wasn’t my favorite, though you may enjoy it if you enjoy: 💨 insta love 🥞 blueberry pancakes 🎸 rockstar romance 👩🏼‍🍳 restaurant inner workings 🎧 he writes a song about her 🩷 new adult romantic comedy

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3 stars.

"Till There Was You" by Lindsay Hameroff starts so strong! I loved the connection between the main characters, Lexi and Jake. I am not the biggest fan of insta-love as a trope, but Hameroff truly does it justice here. I really swooned hard for their romance in the beginning, and even rooted for them to get their second-chance romance. Unfortunately, the insta-love chemistry only lasts so long as the book's first half is better than the second half, where it all falls apart and becomes quite lackluster. Lexi devolves into a needy pick-me girl. She abandons her work, ethics, personality, friends, and wants for Jake. All of this happens... and for what? Jake doesn't speak up or advocate for Lexi or their relationship, he doesn't defend her/the two of them in any way, and I felt like he used Madison and the situation they were put in to garner more attention for himself (despite adamantly denying doing so). Let me be clear: Lexi is not innocent here. She abandons all of her principles while simultaneously sabotaging their courtship at every single turn. I feel like most authors have a hard time doing anything other than turning every single rock star romance with a "normal person" (aka non-famous person) into exactly the mess that happens here. It's quite cliched. Jake gets too big for his britches and puts his relationship on the back burner. Lexi questions everything they have ever had and needs constant reassurance that he's with her. Jake becomes more and more distracted by fame, performing, and living the high life that he loses himself entirely, and Lexi gives it all up for him, only to be ignored, so it ends in fiery chaos. While this was a fast read, I wish it had been more interesting. I didn't really believe that Lexi or Jake were happy at the end of the book, more that they tripped and fell into what happens to them in the end. Still, the chemistry between Jake and Lexi in the beginning might be enough to sustain most readers, it just wasn't enough for me. Also, the song "Blueberry"? It would never be a hit in real life and is cringe and not sweet. #sorrynotsorry

Thank you to NetGalley, Lindsay Hameroff, St. Martin's Press, and St. Martin's Griffin for the complimentary ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this review.

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Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Till There Was You is the first book I’ve read by this author. I wanted to love it as the humor made me laugh out loud and I enjoyed the jokes. Unfortunately, the characters were one dimensional and the romance was pretty tame.

Since Lexi is a chef, allow me to compare this read to cotton candy. If you want a light, sugary, fluffy read with no real substance this may be the read for you.

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Such a great rom com! Culinary student Lexi meets struggling singer Jake in a bar one night and that turns into the perfect weekend. Among other things, they fall in love over Lexi's blueberry pancakes. Jake heads to California for what should be a great opportunity and ends up being his big break. He is the next big thing and Lexi's friends have no idea his is the hook up that broke her heart. Imagine trying to get over someone with his voice literally everywhere singing about your pancakes. Fast forward to Lexi working her dream job and Jake reconnecting a few months later. Can she trust this is for good or is it just for his next inspiration. Even if it is for good, does she really fit in his crazy life? Warning, it will leave you searching for the perfect blueberry pancake recipe. I haven't found it yet, but if you know of one, send it my way!

This was such a fun book to read! I picked it for the @betweenthecoverspod and Between the Covers Book Club at @dogearedbooksAmes pick for April.

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This was a pretty cute celeb romance!

I actually think this would have made a great novella.
The start and ending were super fun 🥰

I really enjoyed the story, probably since I’m a sucker for it - MCs getting together before fame, and navigating that afterwards.

📖 Till There Was You
📝 Lindsay Hameroff
🗓️ 02/20/2024
💜 Contemporary Romance

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️

This one had a really strong start for me - I loved the dynamic between Lexi & Jake, their instant connection and strong pull to one another.

Something in the middle was lacking for me - the conflict was a bit repetitive. I felt myself wanting to skip ahead and see how it worked out.

I also wanted MORE of the characters - I didn’t feel like I got to know them enough, especially Jake.

Tropes + topics:
😍 insta-love
⏳ second chance
👩‍🍳 chef fmc
🎶 musician mmc
🤩 famous person
🏠 temporary roommates
💖 single POV/first person

Thank you to NetGalley & St. Martin’s Press for an advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

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TILL THERE WAS YOU – Lindsay Hameroff
ISBN: 978-1250902917
February 20, 2024
Contemporary Romance

New York City – Present Day

One night, culinary student Lexi Berman meets aspiring musician Jake Taylor in a dive bar where he’s performing. They hit it off and end up spending a few days and nights together at her apartment. She even makes him her signature dish, Blueberry Pancakes. Fast forward several months later and Jake is a rising superstar with a hit single that he wrote called Blueberry. It’s clear to Lexi that he drew inspiration from her, but she can’t tell anyone. After all, Jake had told her when he left her apartment that morning, they would keep in touch, but he never contacted her. She has even deleted his phone number from her phone. In the meantime, Lexi has graduated from culinary school and has obtained a job in the kitchen of a top restaurant. Then Jake shows up one day at her apartment. It’s like there never was a chasm between them. While she insists that they only be friends, it’s soon clear that they care more about each other than only being friends. But can there be a future between a rock star and an aspiring chef?

TILL THERE WAS YOU takes place over several months and is told only from the viewpoint of Lexi. She is estranged from her father after he remarried shortly after her mother died and moved to Florida. She is living in the family apartment that is almost like a shrine to her mother. Meeting Jake in the bar that night led to an instantaneous attraction between them. Lexi went into the fling knowing that Jake was working on getting a recording contract and becoming a star. At the age of twenty-four, Lexi didn’t mind that because they were both young. However, after he left, she realized how much he meant to her. But it was radio silence from him. Now he’s back in her life and he is taking her on a whirlwind tour of what it’s like to live in the world of the rich and famous. However, Lexi begins to feel uncomfortable. Her job at the restaurant is important and she can’t give up her dreams to follow Jake around like a groupie. He wants to please her, but he has obligations to those around him. How will they resolve their conflicts? Is there a chance for a happily-ever-after for them?

Imagine yourself as an everyday person who suddenly finds yourself being the girlfriend of a famous person. While it might be fun, the stress eventually gets to you because there is always a competition going on from those who demand his attention, and you want to be alone with your guy. That is what Lexi is going through in the thought provoking TILL THERE WAS YOU. Jake is a good guy, but his career is as important to him as Lexi’s is to her. As they grow closer, once he returns, the more conflicted she becomes. Should she just break it off and forget about the one man she has fallen for? Their magical love may end up being cursed. Find out what happens by grabbing a copy of TILL THERE WAS YOU.

Patti Fischer
Romance Reviews Today

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As a musical theater lover, I absolutely loved the Broadway thread that was woven into this story and the relationship between Jake and Lexi. It made me so happy that their shared appreciation of musicals was discussed the first time they met and that it influenced the very first song he chose to play for her. I can't think of a more immediate way to endear these characters to me, and the fact that it shows up throughout the book just brought me so much joy!

Also, I can honestly say that I never had the desire to be a famous musician or a chef --- and after reading this book I am grateful that I never found myself on either of those career paths. So often we are shown the glamourous side of celebrity --- whether as a singer or a chef --- but Lindsay Hameroff showed us the darker, less glitzy side of both jobs. It was useful insight in understanding both Lexi and Jake and their endeavor to chase their dreams but their realization that sometimes our dreams change when something or someone comes along that tips the balance of things. The description of what they both dealt with work-wise went a long way in making them sympathetic characters and helping the reader understand why they made some of the questionable choices they made.

I also have to mention how much I loved Lexi's 2 best friends and Jake's family!!
You may enjoy this book if you love:
- An inside look into the world of celebrity or restaurant kitchens
- Second chance romance
- Forced proximity
- Descriptions of delicious food
- Flawed characters that are not perfect but may be perfect for each other
- Broadway musicals
- HEA/love wins

Read with care and caution if you are triggered by loss of parent to cancer (prior to events of the story), strained relationship with parent, sexism, brief mention of workplace harassment, and manipulation.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story and spending time with Lexi and Jake. It was an engaging read and I am thankful to the publishers for the opportunity to read this advance review copy. I'm off to make some pancakes and listen to Les Mis ; )

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I have chosen to withhold my review of Till There Was You by Lindsay Hameroff in accordance with the marketing boycott of reviewing and platforming titles published under St. Martin’s Press and associated imprints. As a company, St. Martin’s Press has yet to meaningfully acknowledge and address the harm caused by a marketing employee who perpetuated Islamophobic sentiments against those of Palestinian descent specifically, and has a documented history of discriminating against readers of Arab heritage in general. As a reader, I refuse to participate, even passively, in perpetuating harm against my fellow readers in an activity all should be able to enjoy.

Once action is taken by St. Martin’s Press as a company to address the harm caused and how they will be dedicated to a decisive plan of action to address needs for diversity, equity and inclusion, I will upload my review of Till There Was You by Lindsay Hameroff.

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Lexi has wanted to be a Michelin starred chef ever since she was a teen, and once her mom died, she’s been determined to make her proud - and avoid any distractions. Jake Taylor is an aspiring singer, looking to make the big time, and Lexi simply can’t resist. The two spend one magical weekend together, but then Jake disappears… right as he becomes an overnight star. His hit single? A song obviously inspired by the blueberry pancakes Lexi made him during their brief time together. When Jake reappears in her life a year later, one of the most famous people in the world can she trust him enough not to abandon her again? And can she handle living in his spotlight?

Lindsay Hameroff takes two heavyweight tropes – the aspiring chef, the meteoric celebrity – and sets them on a collision course in her debut novel, Till There Was You. Mix in insta-love, a double whammy of daddy issues, and (dead) mommy issues, overnight success vs creeping failure, and you’ve got a recipe for a pair who really probably shouldn’t be together, but ends up there anyway. Jake screws up again and again – ghosting Lexi, allowing his very obviously doesn’t-have-his-client’s-best-interests-at-heart manager (his name is Vinny! Of course he turns out the villain!) to control his career in ways he hates and drives a wedge between him and Lexi, and showing up expecting Lexi to drop everything for him time and time again. Even more frustratingly, she basically does.

While Lexi and Jake are cute together, they felt really young to me. Both need to do a lot of work on themselves before they’re really ready to commit to each other (or anyone else). I wish Harmeroff had aged them down a few years (make them 21 or 22, rather than 25-26) – it would have better suited the story and the characters. Lexi’s friends were a hoot: I particularly enjoyed celebrity PR manager Chloe and her enfant terrible client, and sorta kitchen rival Mia. Plus, all the tasty sounding food inspired me to put down my book and make fresh pasta for dinner!

In sum: Fun, but slightly askew. Age down your characters or make them more mature – and market the book appropriately for a higher rating.

CW: Death of a parent (off page, in the past), sexual harassment in the workplace (described)

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5 ⭐️

After a random bar meet, sort of one night stand turned epic weekend, Jake and Lexi found more common ground than they thought they’d have. But when Jake pursues his music career in LA and skyrockets, Lexi finds herself trying to get over him. She’s been forgotten after all. Ready to move on after a year, she finds Jake at her front door. Between his busy celebrity engagements and her crazy chef hours at a restaurant, could their reunion spark a long lasting relationship or are they inevitably doomed?

This was the celebrity romance I was looking for! Plenty detail about Lexi’s chef life, Jake’s stardom, and the complexity of Lexi’s emotions around her father that left. All told in Lexi’s POV, I thought I got a lot of Jake’s thoughts because he was just the biggest cinnamon roll hero. Loved him! Even though I was anxiously waiting for the other show to drop practically the whole time after they reunited. Overall enjoyed this one and recommend to my lovely celebrity romance lovers!

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Plain boring.

Safe to say that this wasn't for me.
Thank you Netgalley and publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Lexi is a culinary student who has a steamy weekend with aspiring singer/songwriter Jake. After their weekend together, Jake heads across the country to record his demo and just so happens to get discovered and sign a record deal. Lexi didn't want to fall for Jake but she did and he broke her heart when he didn't call her. Flash forward over a year later, Lexi has her first real job in a restaurant and is possibly starting a new romance with a coworker when Jake shows up at her doorstep asking for another chance.

I hate that Jake disappeared like that on Lexi but understand they were basically strangers still. The story is well written and I enjoyed it. If you're a second-chance romance lover, this is one you should check out.

Thank you for the ARC for my honest review.

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🖤 rockstar romance
🖤 independent woman
🖤 second chance


✨ “A kaleidoscope of color to fuel my creativity.”

✨ “Found the key to my heart and what does she find? I’ve got the taste of blueberries on my mind.”

✨ “When I’m with you, I feel like who I am is enough.”

I truly did enjoy this book and I was so excited to be offered it through my email to just read it!

Lexi is a student in culinary school in NYC as a 23 year old because she went to college first. Her father lets her live in the apartment she grew up in because he currently lives in Florida with his new wife who Lexi does not want to get to know. Her father just up and left after her mother gets sick and passes. Griefs a wild thing and how everyone deals with it is vastly different

She meets her new best friend Ali in culinary school. One day they go out with Lexi’s childhood friend, Chloe, to let off some steam after a bad day in class. The friends end up leaving early to head off to prior engagements while Lexi stays behind at the bar to drink more. She meets a hot guy who ends up being the musical act. They hit it off and end up spending the entire weekend together while she cooks him some homemade meals. Jake ends up leaving Monday morning to LA for a shot at a record deal. While recording his music he performs and is spotted by a new label who wants to sign him. Jake of course immediately calls Lexi to tell her the wonderful news.

It’s short lived because he ghosts her the next day. Months later the song he was working on in her apartment that one weekend they spent together is now a hit and being played everywhere.

Lexi gets a job at a restaurant but quickly learns that it’s not what she was expecting to be doing after culinary school. One night Jake shows up drunk out of the blue and they start a friendship because she doesn’t trust him. She makes a new friend and works her butt off while trying to juggle her friendship with Jake before fully going public.

Going public with a celebrity as a normal human would be so crazy and i don’t know how people do it. Social media ruins so much especially your thoughts about yourself. Lexi of course does everything they told her not to do while dating Jake like checking the comments online being one.

We of course have our falling out and it sucks to see it. I truly did cry during it because she is able to rekindle with her father and fix the relationship she really needs. There’s more that goes down but i don’t want to spoil anymore.

The weird romantic interest with Ethan felt a little pointless to me due to Jake coming back the same day was just awkward. Had she been seeing Ethan longer it wouldn’t have felt as weird.

The first 30% was a great fast paced informative book. It was pretty detailed and going how I thought it would. But the rest felt extremely fast paced. We jumped a whole year and it felt like a month had only gone by. I feel like 320 pages just wasn’t enough for this story. I know it’s a quick rom com but by the end it felt like we were rushing and then it just ends. No epilogue either. I think a 500 page romcom is the perfect amount to have their 75% fall out then take time to get back and makeup.

Thanks to NG and the author for this book to read early!

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I was really excited about this one because the famous person x normal person trope is one I typically enjoy. Unfortunately, I just really didn’t enjoy the mmc and overall the pacing of the book felt a bit slow for me. While this wasn’t for me, I can see its appeal for others which is why I’m landing at 3 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy.

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Sometimes, you start a book and know immediately in chapter 1 that you’re going to love the book. This book was so fun and such a light, easy read. I was in a slump and this was one of the few books I was able to start and finish and I am so grateful for that.
I would say Til There Was You is a second chance, rockstar romance between a musician, Jake and an aspiring (and then actual) chef, Lexi. After a magical and unexpected weekend, Jake heads to LA for the chance to record his music and sign with his agency. After he goes viral for his song, Blueberry Pancakes (about Lexi and the pancakes she made him that weekend), they both lose touch. Now, a year or so later, Lexi has graduated culinary school and is starting in a restaurant while trying to ignore everything Jake-related. When he shows up on her door needing an escape from his celebrity life, Lexi is hesitant to let him back into her life after he hurt her by essentially disappearing on her.
This book was really cute and romantic. Jake is such a goner for Lexi and while she tends to be more hesitant in letting him back in, she really does see what a connection the two of them have. This book was a 4 star read for me and I can’t wait for people to read it when it releases February 20th!

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Rating: ⭐ 3.5/5
Spice: 🌶 2.5/5

Till There Was You is a cute insta-love and second-chance romance!

✨ Aspiring Chef FMC
✨ Celebrity MMC
✨ Insta-Love
✨ Second-Chance Romance
✨ Single POV

Hameroff made Lexi a relatable character and I was sympathetic to her struggles at the beginning of the book. The meet-cute and beginning of the novel drew me in and I was on the edge of my seat wanting to know why Jake ghosted her after their weekend together. I also loved the relationships and dynamics that Lexi had with her friends.

There was some very mild spice - just descriptions leading up to the actual act and not much description of the act at all. It was somewhere in between fade-to-black and open door but there were around 3 or 4 of these scenes. Overall around a 2.5/5 on the spice level.

I lost some interest once Jake came back into the picture and new conflicts arose. The drama and challenges of a celebrity trying to date a normal person didn't hold my attention and by the end, I just wasn't as drawn into the story as I hoped I would be.

I felt as though Lexi was flipping back and forth constantly on whether they should be together and it took an extremely long time for both her internal and external conflict to begin to resolve. Once her internal conflicts started to resolve it was nearly instantly and the change happened in a chapter or two.

Till There Was You was my first attempt at reading a Rockstar/Celebrity romance. I think I've discovered that I'm not really that into them. Ultimately, this was an okay book for me but I'm sure that for others this might be right up their alley, so if it sounds interesting to you then I recommend checking it out! It is a light and quick read, and overall enjoyable.

Thank you, NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review! All opinions expressed in my review are my own.

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