Member Reviews

I really loved the first chapters. The beginning of this love story was incredibly well written and I couldn't put it down. I lost interest at 70% in, it felt too long and repetitive. Her insecurities went for too long. I think the break up should have happened sooner so her growth would have been more prominent and better developed. But I really think this romance book will be popular.
I loved the cooking, the recipes, the way the author describe food.. I was starving just by reading.

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Lexi Berman is a student hoping to eventually become an executive chef in a Michelin-star restaurant. Jake Taylor is the dive bar musician whom she meets and has a steamy weekend with. Jake leaves to record a demo in LA, and Lexi never expects to see him again. He's an overnight success, and she is doing well at her new job. When Jake turns up at her home, it derails her plans. The two can't seem to remain just friends, but a relationship with Jake means being in the tabloids as the subject of rumors and cruel comments that could potentially ruin her career. Is it worth keeping hold of?

This romcom stars a chef and a pop star, and both have incredibly busy careers. The two have chemistry and get along well. The demands of their jobs are hectic, as working in a restaurant requires many erratic hours just like recording an album and promoting it. While neither asked the other to drop their career, Jake asking Lexi to accompany him everywhere meant she was requesting time off a lot. She was also subject to paparazzi and staff that didn't want her involved with Jake. It preys on Lexi's self-doubts and fears of being abandoned again, leading to the low point in the relationship. We get our happily ever after on New Year's Eve, in the most dramatic fashion possible. It was such a fun finale, with real emotional stakes for both of them, but especially Lexi.

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Culinary student Lexi is looking for anything but love. But after a magical weekend with aspiring musician Jake, she falls head first into an epic love story.

This is my type of book. Here's what I loved.

The comic relief of friends. Lexi has some amazing friends in this book and they supply some much needed comic relief especially when the angst gets high.

Let's talk about the angst. This cover makes the book look like a cute romcom. And while there are moments of romcom, it really is more of a romantic dramedy. Lexi and Jake have a whirlwind first weekend that then leads into some heart breaking moments as their relationship gets put on hold for both of their dreams. I was sad and anxious and laughed out loud at many points.

Lexi and Jake. Both are a little lost and need to work on themselves. But you want them to do that so that they can really work together.

All in all, this was such a good romance that will stay your heart!


Thank you to the author and publisher for the gifted copy.

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Till There Was You begins with Lexi, an aspiring chef, and Jake, a dive bar musician, connecting and spending a whirlwind weekend together. She writes him off after he ghosts her and refocuses on her schooling, but soon finds that he has launched to stardom after writing a song about her. A year and half later, she’s finally landed a job in a restaurant when Jake shows up at her door asking for forgiveness. Now they need to figure out a new level of relationship among their careers and fame.

This book has the perfect amount of sweet and spice, and I definitely recommend it to anyone who loves second chance, rockstar roommates, supportive soulmates working through hard pasts and future together, and grand gesture romance tropes. It showed the realities of two demanding careers, and while I wasn’t quite sure about how it ended up working out, I enjoyed the swoony moments and conclusion.

Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for providing an eARC for my honest opinion.

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Honestly this is a devastating review to write because this was one of my most highly anticipated romance releases of 2024, and I was psyched when I got an eARC. But alas...this book was really hard to get through, for several reasons.

The biggest complaint I have was the pacing - this an insta-love story, which isn't necessarily bad, but the timeline was all over the place, and the characters weren't exactly ever on the same page as each other when it came to depth of feelings. Jake was head over heels for Lexi, while she spent most of the book dealing with major trust issues and definite avoidant behaviour. Like I struggle to believe she ever really liked him; she treated him pretty horribly, and was constantly looking for flaws and errors while unable to take responsibility for her own. I loved Jake but low key couldn't stand Lexi.

The second was that the book ends rather abruptly. They have conflict and disagreements and major (valid) concerns raised about how their relationship would play out, go through a major third act break up (again, due to Lexi's trust issues) and then all of a sudden they're back together and BOOM it's over. We don't see Lexi work through her commitment and trust issues, we don't ever really see them happy together for a significant amount of time so...kinda hard to believe this is a relationship that lasts.

And, this is minor, but the "Jewish rep" in this book amounted to one mention of matzah ball soup...bro.

Many thanks to SMP and NetGalley for the eARC

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2.5 stars rounded down. I really wanted to like this one, but unfortunately it hit on a whole bunch of tropes that just aren't for me.

At the start of the book, Lexi is a student in culinary school, and after a bad day at school, she ends up at a bar. She starts talking to a guy, Jake, it turns out he's performing at the bar, they have a magical whirlwind weekend together, and then he goes to LA to record his demo tape. Which blows up, as does their relationship -- he gets so caught up in everything that he takes too long to reach out to her, and then Lexi's best friend sends him a mean text and deletes his number.

Okay, pause. I'm not the biggest fan of the one night stand (or one weekend stand) trope, but I can deal with it. But deleting someone's number so you can't contact them reads as immature, so I could do without it.

Well, it turns out that Jake's song that goes viral is called Blueberry, and it's definitely absolutely inspired by the blueberry pancakes that Lexi made him that weekend. And a WHOLE YEAR goes by before Jake shows up at her doorstep. Another trope I hate -- the time jump.

Without going too much into the plot, there was so much jealousy going on in this book. Lexi is jealous of Jake and his famous friends (and famous maybe ex-girlfriends). Jake is jealous of Lexi being a normal person. Before Jake shows up, Lexi goes on a date with one of her coworkers, and when she breaks it off with him, he acts jealous about Jake. And don't worry, Jake is jealous about this coworker. All of it was so unhealthy.

And there was so much meddling. Everyone in the book had an opinion about Lexi and Jake's relationship, and it was almost always to tell them that they shouldn't even bother -- it's too hard to date a famous person, it's too hard to date as a chef, you'll have to put their career first, etc. It was exhausting to read.

Especially because of the meddling and the jealousy, I could see the third act break-up coming from a mile away. I'd guess it was at least 7 chapters of Lexi telling herself that it would never work with Jake, then saying that to him, then him promising her that they'd figure it out, and that cycle repeating before Lexi finally broke up with him. And THAT was exhausting to read.

And another trope I hate -- the last chapter has a time jump, though it's just two months later.

There were things I liked about this book, though. I liked Jake's character as a famous musician who wanted to still keep pieces of himself. There's good but intense grief rep (I had some issues with this, too, but on the whole, I appreciated it). Lexi's friends did crack me up. And I did read this over the course of two connecting plane rides. But there were just a lot more things that irked me.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Griffin for providing me with an eARC of Till There Was You in exchange for my honest review.

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Absolutely loved! This was such a cute romance. The instant chemistry between Lexi and Jake was to die for.
The second chance and opposites attract romance pulled at my heart and I loved being a part of their journies as a couple and as individuals. The story held some Hallmark moments while still having moments of spice to keep me hooked. Lexi's friends also played a huge part in how much I enjoyed this story. When an author can get you to like the supporting characters as much as the main characters, it helps to hold my attention even more.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves the Hallmark moments but is also looking for some spice.

Thank you to NetGalley and Lindsay Hamerhoff for this ARC opportunity.

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Lexi & Jake were soooo cute! But also angsty & dramatic & full of tension. Jake Taylor was the sweetest, swooniest rockstar ever. Lexi had *a lot* of issues to work through, but ultimately I felt like she figured herself out. Lexi’s friends were a great balance of comedic relief & practical thinking. The behind-the-scenes of the restaurant world was also a lot of fun to read. I really didn’t know what to expect with this book, but I was pleasantly surprised.

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This is such a fun rom com! I love a good famous person / non-famous person romance, and the fact that Jake isn't famous when he meets Lexi is even better. And as someone who has watched A LOT of Food Network through the years, I absolutely loved that Lexi is a chef. Lexi and Jake had great chemistry. And I adored Lexi's friends too! Thoroughly enjoyed this one.

Also it really made me want blueberry pancakes the entire time I was reading it.

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Till There Was You is an entertaining second chance, celebrity romance. Lindsay Hameroff creates distinctive and engaging characters who are clearly made for each other.


Chef Lexi and musician Jake meet at a NYC dive bar on a Friday night, and proceed to spend the weekend together. But when Jake heads to LA the next week to jump start his career, he and Lexi lose touch. Only months later, he’s seemingly everywhere with his hit song about Lexi and her pancakes (not a euphemism). When Jake returns to NYC almost a year later, he immediately seeks out Lexi. Can she trust him not to hurt her again? Can she deal with the celebrity lifestyle of an up and coming musician, especially while working in a restaurant kitchen? But she’s finding it impossible to ignore their overwhelming connection…

This romance between the chef and burgeoning rock star is entertaining, and well paced. Lexi’s insecurities are completely relatable. I especially liked her Jewish background, and the subtle way it influences her perspective and her cooking. And while we don’t get Jake’s point of view, the fact that he spends most of the book writing love songs about Lexi helps prove his “I’m gone for her” feelings.

Readers can see the third act breakup coming from a mile away. But that didn’t change the fact that I was anxious about the impending doom ahead because I was invested in the story. The subsequent grand gestures are also predictable and completely enjoyable, as is the role of Lexi’s supportive girl gang.

Till There Was You is a satisfying romance with characters who face relatable challenges on their way to their HEA. If you are a fan of celebrity romances with a touch of insta love, you’ll enjoy Lindsay Hameroff’s story.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a super cute and sweet romance. Lexi is an aspiring chef who meets Jake at a bar. She's not looking for a romance but there's just something about Jake. After a perfect weekend together, Jake heads to LA to record a demo. He becomes a hit almost overnight and Lexi doesn't hear from him again. Lexi moves on and starts a job working at a restaurant. And then Jake comes back into her life. Is she ready for the fame that comes with dating a celebrity? Or should she just continuing working toward her dream of being a chef?

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I saw pancakes on the cover and I was immediately in! This ended up being such a cute, sweet romance! I finished last night and can't stop thinking about it!

Culinary student Lexi Berman meets Jake Taylor in a bar one night. They hit it off, spend the entire weekend together, and then Jake takes off for Los Angeles and Lexi doesn't hear from him again. Until over a year later, when Jake unexpectedly shows up on her doorstep late one night, now a famous musician back in New York to work on his music. Turns out that Jake never forgot about Lexi and his hit song, Blueberry, is all about her. While Lexi finds that flattering, she is cautious with Jake because he left her heartbroken. Does Lexi let herself fall for Jake again and risk getting her heart broken once more?

The main characters were so lovable and relatable, you couldn't help but root for them and their relationship. Lexi and Jake were so supportive of each other and their dreams. This story also gave some insight into the culinary world, which I thought was interesting.

While a very minor plot point, I also really like how Lexi rekindled her relationship with her father. Family played a big role in Lexi's life, it was nice to see her ready to receive the support she needed from her father.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Griffin for the digital copy. My review is honest and voluntary.

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Title: Till There Was You
Author: Lindsay Hameroff
Length: 315
Format: ebook arc
Pub Date: February 20, 2024
Genre: RomCom, ChickLit, Contemporary Romance
Rating Out of 5: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Spice Level: open door-ish?
Lexi, a determined culinary student, strives to honor her late mother's memory by pursuing an executive chef career. Her steadfast no-dating rule wavers when she meets musician Jake, leading to a steamy weekend. Jake becomes an overnight celebrity, possibly inspired by Lexi's blueberry pancake recipe. Balancing newfound romance with career aspirations, Lexi faces challenges as Jake's fame grows. Amidst tabloid scrutiny and rumors, she must decide between a meticulously-planned future and a potential recipe for love in the chaos of fame and New York City's restaurant scene.

This one had a little bit of everything that I love in a book! Laughs, swoons, characters with actual depth to them, found family, food references, and NYC life. Seriously. I love reading books set in NYC so I can live vicariously through the characters. This one starts off with an insta-love meet cute that I thought would be cheesy but was actually perfectly believable (to me anyway). I was also scared there would be more of a love triangle, but, thankfully, that was avoided 😮‍💨😅😌. I put this as open door-ish because, while it’s explicit, it’s not super descriptive at all. It was actually the perfect amount for me. I loved all the pop culture references (especially the 10 Things I Hate About You one). I loved getting a peek into the ins and outs of working as a chef in a restaurant. It made the story feel that much more real. And I love how everything got wrapped up in a nice, neat little bow for all the characters. HEAs are my favorite. The only thing I would’ve loved more was an epilogue.

Read if you love:
Insta-love (not the cheesy kind)
Mild third-act breakups
Pop culture references
Broadway musicals

Special thanks to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review!

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Unfortunately this story did not fully resonate with me.

It had a strong start, but the pacing and writing style were a bit off. I am also not a big fan of insta-love and that is what Lexi and Jake seem to have.

Even though Till There Was You was not my particular cup of tea, it was was an overall cute story and I will definitely check out more from this author.

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What do you get when you have a woman sworn off love to stay focused and finish culinary school? The most handsome stranger that sings Broadway tunes for her, that's what! Lexi bumps into Jake at a bar where he performs and knocks her off her feet for one glorious weekend. But then he jets off to LA where he becomes famous and falls off her radar. Lexi accomplishes what she set out to do: follow the dream she believes her mother wanted, to work in a restaurant to start her path to become a chef. But when Jake appears again over a year later, her stuttering heart can't turn him away. She is opened to love and heartache and finding what she is really made for.

A swoon worthy romance, Till There Was You was the perfect read leading up to Valentine's Day. As I read, I could picture each character, because they were described so gloriously well. Lexi's lifelong friends are quirky and loyal, and the celebrities are just as you'd expect. There is even some Southern charm to boot. Plus, blueberry pancakes will become your favorite breakfast, guaranteed!

I cannot wait to read more from Lindsay Hameroff!

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the ARC. The opinions expressed are my own.

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This one was a good debut effort. I thought the story was cute and loved the little insights into the popstar and culinary worlds. The dialogue was a bit immature though and the writing felt very young. The book would almost be better classified as YA, maybe NA, despite the odd spicy scene and adult age of the characters. And I wish there had been a bit more depth to the characters.

Issues aside, I did enjoy the premise. And the sweet fluffy content ( no pun intended) was a great palate cleanser after an involved world building, heavy fantasy book that I finished before picking this one up. And all the food talk had my mouth watering. There was also some good communication between the MC's as they worked out their issues. Especially coming from Jake. A solid first book attempt and I feel like the author has potential if she cleans up and matures the writing style. I would check out future books to see where she goes.

TW: loss of a parent, Cancer, sexual harassment in the work place

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This is a really cute, fast paced rom com. The characters are likeable and the story is fun. I really enjoyed the fact that Lexi had career goals and aspirations

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Till There Was You by Lindsay Hameroff is a cute second chance romance between culinary student Lexi and dive bar musician Jake. After spending a the weekend together, Jake is off to LA to hopefully launch his music career and the two lose touch. Over a year later, they find each other again and the chemistry is still there. But can they make a relationship work now that Jake is famous?

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and read it in one sitting. It was the comfort food for my soul that I needed and I look forward to reading more books from Ms. Hameroff.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for gifting me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this book and I will be talking about it to anyone that will listen for a while to come. I highly recommend this book. I could not put it down - I could have read it in one sitting, but had to force myself to put it down to get some sleep.
There was the perfect blend of friendship, romance, heart ache, and tension. While reading a romance you know what to expect - there’s a certain formula. While this book did follow this, there was so much that was unpredictable. I had no idea how the issues would be resolved - how could Jake and Lexi possibly make this work?
I never cry while I read and my eyes watered a few times towards the end. Those grand gestures at the end made me swoon, as did a lot of the story. The conclusion was everything I could have hoped for. I remain extremely satisfied by my reading experience.
The chemistry between the main characters was phenomenal. The side characters were so much fun. So much of the story was realistic with respect to the life of an intro chef, the life of a pop star and the struggle to make a relationship in the public eye work. I liked how the author kept the development to what was necessary so that the story did not drag on. The pacing was excellent.
Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an advanced e-copy. The opinions expressed are honest and my own.

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In Lindsay Hameroff’s “Till There Was You,” culinary student Lexi Berman is on a mission to honor her late mother’s memory by achieving her dream of becoming an executive chef. But when she meets Jake Taylor, a charming musician, she finds herself swept up in a passionate affair that threatens to derail her carefully laid plans. As Jake’s fame skyrockets, Lexi must navigate the challenges of maintaining her career, privacy, and budding romance in the spotlight.

I found myself thoroughly engaged in the dynamic between Lexi and Jake, rooting for their love to overcome the obstacles in their path. Despite knowing there would be a happy ending, I was kept guessing until the very end, a testament to the author’s skillful storytelling.

One aspect I particularly appreciated was the insight into the realities of working in the restaurant industry and the toll it can take on relationships, especially when compounded by the pressures of fame and long-distance dating. Hameroff deftly explores themes of privacy, media scrutiny, and sexism, adding depth to the narrative and prompting reflection on larger societal issues.

The characters were well-developed and relatable, and their struggles felt authentic and poignant. I found myself invested in their journey and was satisfied by the resolution of their story. Overall, “Till There Was You” is a compelling contemporary romance that will appeal to readers looking for a heartfelt and thought-provoking read.

I was provided with a DRC of this book from the publisher but the thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.

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