Member Reviews

3.5! I thought this book was really cute! I really liked the plot and it was pretty enjoyable to read up until the last couple chapters. The more I read, the more annoyed I got with the FMC. I didn't like the fact that she needed reassurance from the MMC every five seconds and about basically the same thing every time too. Honestly, the MMC is kind of a trooper because I would have had to break up with her after the third time she asked me the same question. The MMC was a lot more likable in my opinion and he's not even really the main focus either which is crazy. All the pop culture references were kind of fun as well. I feel like the ending was a little rushed and was just kind of a "how do I wrap everything up quickly" kind of thing. I do think it was pretty decent for a debut novel though! I hope to see more from this author in the future. Maybe a spinoff about one of the FMC's other friends... 👀.

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Thank you NetGalley for my arc.
What a fun, swoony romance! This is a perfect quick beach read. It’s fun, flirty, and has a lot of heart. What a fun romcom!

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There is much to like about this second chance/third chance at love novel. I wasn't sure I would end up liking this book, at all, as I didn't care for the beginning.

Lexi is in school to be a chef, she has a day at school that doesn't go well for her, so she meets her friends for a night out. They end up leaving her to go do other things and she ends up meeting a guy named Jake at the bar. Turns out he is the musical talent for the evening. After his performance they go to another bar and end up back at her apartment, where he not only spends the night but the whole weekend. They are young - so of course, things like that happen.

Lexi keeps sabotaging the relationship that Jake wants to have with her, and things go awry. They connect again after a time and things go awry again, and yet another time. I think the story is fine, I think I just didn't like the characters. Lexi really has a lot going for her, but her character feels flat and one-dimensional. Jake just seems to good to be true.

It was a fun romp, but just an okay read - for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC of this novel.

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3.5 rounded down. This book was kind of a rollercoaster for me. I went in afraid I wasn’t going to like it because rock star romances can be kind of one note. But the first half was so funny and charming and unexpectedly emotional. Unfortunately, the back half devolved into the exact series of rockstar romance cliches I was afraid of, and the whole thing just lost steam for me. A pleasant read for the most part, but I feel like the characters were a bit immature and the book’s potential was left a little unfulfilled.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing me with this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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In support of the SMP boycott, I will be withholding my review of this title until SMP speaks out. If the boycott is resolved, I will update with a full review.

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I loved this book. It made me laugh for solid minutes straight. It made me cry. I was invested in Lexi and Jake from their instalove esque meet-cute and few days together, that brought to mind Lizzie and Rake from Mazey Eddings ' Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake (minus the accidental pregnancy).

What I loved most though was the characters' authenticity, and the relationships that develop because of that. For example, this is a second chance romance; lots of people would have considered Jake ghosting Lexi an unforgivable thing, and were Lexi someone else, the book would be over. But he apologized and makes changes. And makes other mistakes. He doesn't suddenly become the perfect man. And Lexi makes questionable decisions other than reuniting with the rock star.

These two are real. Add to that some scene stealing friends, co-workers, a villain that's a guarantee in the entertainment industry, and this mixture had me reading the book in one day.

I can forgive the Nicholas Sparks reference (he's NOT a romance author) because the 90s/00s references made me so happy. Movies, boy bands, fashion...its magical.

I loved this debut and I'll eagerly await the author's next book!

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This is a good book. The two main characters are Lexi and Jake. Lexi is in culinary school. Jake is a singer at a bar wanting on his big break. They meet in a bar there is an instant attraction. They have a weekend stand. They don’t see each other for two years. They each have issues but together they work them out and fall in love.

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I wanted to love this but this was not the book for me :(

The characters definitely had an insta-love that was incredibly lackluster in chemistry and depth. I love a good second chance romance but this was not it.

However, I love the premise of the up & coming chef falling in love with the upcoming rock star.

Thank you to St Martins Press & NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book was a sweet romance based on comfort food and music. Two of my favorite things. I loved all of the characters, yes even Chad (IYKYK). This book was an easy read and perfect for winter time coziness.

There were parts that felt a little dragged out writing wise, but truly that was my only complaint with this one. Following Lexi and Jake on their journey to love was a sweet as blueberry pancakes.

Seriously though, this was a great pallet cleanser read between some heavier books for me. A very light and fluffy romance book with some spice mixed in!

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the ARC

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Synopsis: A girl meets a struggling musician in a bar and they spend a whirlwind weekend together. He becomes an overnight sensation and she doesn’t hear from him again…until a year later when he shows up at her door.
Pros: I ate this story up with a spoon. It was quintessential chick-lit romance. I loved the celeb-normal person dynamic, and the leading male was pretty swoon worthy.
Cons: I enjoyed the first half of this book more than the second half. When drama hit the female lead was pretty immature and insecure, and the ending was very rushed. But overall I still really enjoyed reading this, and if you need a light romance, I think you would too!
Thank you Netgalley and St.Martin’s Press for the arc! It will be released next week!

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This was a cute book. The storyline was sweet, albeit, a little lacklustre. I did enjoy the story and finished it to the end but was a little disappointed in it overall. I found the storyline to be a little boring, for lack of a better word. The beginning was great, Lexi and Jake hitting it off and then him disappearing and becoming famous and her finding out a few of his songs are about her. Then he shows back up into her life and I think after that is when my interest began to ween off a little bit.

The conflicts of him being famous and her being a normal person who is overwhelmed by this is a very overdone storyline and I was hoping there would be a little more to it. I also felt like I was reading a YA novel, except for the steamy scenes. The rest of the time, I felt like this could have been more of a young adult story. Remove the spice, make them teenagers and you’ve got a great YA book.

Anyways, the writing wad good, it was a cute story but I was a little disappointed overall. Was expecting a little more.

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When Lexi Berman, a culinary student, has a weekend fling with the bar musician Jake Taylor, she falls for him hard. But then Jake disappears to build his career in California. Now as an up and coming star, Jake is back, but Lexi isn't sure if she can open her heart again. Till There Was You begins with a bit of instant love. I am not a particular fan of this trope and this part of the book felt rushed as the two immediately move into couple mode. I kept waiting for some character development or an explanation of why they were connecting so quickly. I did enjoy the story when Lexi and Jake reunite as the author gives it more time and depth. This is Lindsay Hameroff's debut novel and I can see a lot of potential in this story and her writing. I recommend Till There Was You to anyone who enjoys a light romance.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Griffin for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a cute fast romance read esp. with being in a relationship with a famous musician. I do feel like the chemistry between our two main characters was a bit stale but it was still cute.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5 stars
🔥🔥 - 3 spicy scenes, mild details

[ thank you @netgalley for the eARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own! ]


Read if you like:
•celebrity romance
•insta love
•second chance
•broadway musicals

“When I’m with you, I feel like who I am is enough.”

Looking for a cute romance, look no further!! This was super sweet (pun intended 😉).

Jake & Lexi were cute together. It was definitely insta love for them but it worked! I loved when they reconnected again so we could see them together for more than just a weekend. They were both navigating how to both follow their dreams — Lexi: to become an executive chef in a Michelin star restaurant & Jake: a famous musician.

They had ups and downs like every relationship trying to navigate Jake’s stardom and Lexi’s long hours at work. The third act breakup happened but the grand gesture was super sweet. I just wished there was an epilogue!! I wanted just a tiny bit more closure about them!

Overall, this had me craving blueberry pancakes (IYKYK) and I’ll be looking forward to reading more from this author! 🫐

“I like the way you feel like home.”

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Thank you Netgalley, St-Matin’s Press and the author Lindsay Hameroff.
This was a totally enjoyable romance, I loved the characters Lexi and Jake.
I wished I had a Jake in my life while reading this wonderful book.
Fun romance that makes you smile, and ache for them to be together.
Quick read and I will surely look forward to read more from her.
Highly recommend
5 stars

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This was an enjoyable story filled with sweet moments, relatable characters and lots of banter. I loved Lexi and Jake’s relationship and was rooting for them as they followed their dreams despite being young and naive. Im a sucker for a guy with a guitar and loved their early moments together. Throughout the story, I appreciated their growth as individuals and I also loved all the supporting characters! Ali and Chloe were sassy, fun best friends and I enjoyed reading the chapters when Lexi was working in the kitchen as a chef. The ending was a little unbelievable and far-fetched but I guess anything can happen as a celeb! 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I really liked this book and it was going ti be 5 stars until about 70% in. That's when I realized that Lexi was in desperate need of a therapist and seemed incapable of having an honest conversation. She started to come off as incredibly selfish and j really felt for Jake. She redeemed herself a bit at the end and this wound up being a book I liked but didn't love.

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Till There Was You had potential, but I didn’t really vibe with it.

Lexi and Jake meet one night at a dive bar where Jake is performing, and they spend one wonderful weekend together. Soon after Jake travels to LA where he is discovered and overnight, he’s a big star. And then he stops returning her calls and texts. Fast forward months later, and he’s back in NYC, trying to win her back.

I think what I’m struggling with the most is that both Lexi and Jake seemed immature and unlikable. Jake essentially expects Lexi to rearrange her life on his timeline to accommodate him, and Lexi does—calling out of work, coming in late, just being a terrible employee at her job as a new chef at an upscale restaurant.

There was a lot about work-life balance—which I am a firm believer of, but it felt like the narrative was forcing Lexi to choose either a career or a relationship and family. ¿Por qué no los dos? It’s definitively untrue that a woman (or anyone, really) in 2024 can’t have both.

At the end of the day, Till There Was You almost worked for me…but not quite there. Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for the review copy.

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Lexi is in culinary school, determined to make it to a Michelin star restaurant one day. She has sworn off dating.

Lexi meets Jake Taylor at a bar and they strike up conversation. Some sparks fly. They end up spending one very memorable weekend together. She makes him her fabulous blueberry pancakes.

Jake is a musician, playing dive bars. After their weekend, he flies to LA to record a demo. In a whirlwind, he hits it big fast. And Lexi never hears from him again.

Until he turns up in the middle of the night a year later at her apartment door. They still have feelings and decide to give a relationship a try. Will they make it? Or are their worlds too different? You'll have to read it to find out!

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was cute, but ultimately I was not invested in this relationship. There was too much indecision and contrived conflict for my liking.

I like the idea of the book, but the execution wasn’t there for me.

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