Member Reviews

Till There Was You was a cute, fast-paced, second chance romance. Lexi & Jake meet and immediately you feel their instant connection. Jake gets famous overnight and basically ghosts Lexi. When they are reunited I did feel that the explanations were not fleshed out enough, but I loved them navigating their way back to each other. Could’ve done without the celebrity drama and the dreaded 3rd act breakup- and Jake’s naivety when it came to Vinny and Madison (blinders anyone??) but it was a fun read that had my heart pounding.

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I really enjoyed this book and loved the creativity in it. Lexi was a really great character and I loved how she went after her dreams to be a chef. She is highly independent and, for the most part, has her life together. Jake seems like a fun time and that exactly what he is after they meet and have excellent chemistry! However, things change nearly overnight for Jake as he becomes a celebrity. I think the young chef/celebrity pairing is a rare one so I enjoyed seeing it. I think the author could’ve left out some of the details of food/the kitchen because it made it feel slightly forced. However, I like that the author didn’t write song lyrics and kinda left hearing the music up to the reader. I really enjoyed the overall plot of the book even if some of the ending was highly predictable. I could’ve done without the 3rd act breakup, but I didn’t mind it as much with the celebrity trope in this book. The supportive best friends and family made this book more enjoyable and I only wish there was more time with Jake’s family. Overall, this was a really fun and relaxing read although some of the romance scenes just didn’t work (don’t write detail if you feel uncomfortable writing it because I felt awkward to read). 3.75⭐️, 2.25🌶

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In Till There Was You, Lexi and Jake serendipitously meet at a New York City bar when they’re both on the cusp of fulfilling their dreams: Jake as a singer/songwriter and Lexi as a professional chef. After spending a steamy weekend together where they formed a strong emotional bond, he heads to LA to record a demo album and she returns to her culinary school classroom, both hoping to take up where they left off when he returns, but fate has other plans. What are the chances that an overnight sensation and a fledgling chef can carve a path to happily-ever-after, especially when everything from Jake’s self-serving agent to a promise Lexi made to her late mother are pushing them in the wrong direction?

The relationship that Hameroff created for these two is honest, fun, supportive, trusting and heartwarming, so readers will root for them to fall in love, despite circumstances and choices that pull them apart. As Lexi’s insecurities over her mother’s death and her father’s abandonment (when he quickly remarries and moves away) have her convinced that Jake won’t stick around as his star ascends, he sees her as a grounding influence, a muse, and the only person who truly cares about him, not his celebrity. So, when the third act break-up inevitably happens, although it is not what either want, it’s not due to a frustrating lack of communication or wrong assumptions authors often use gratuitously. It’s because these two need time to figure out if they’re pursuing the right dream and if they can prioritize the love that’s been so evident from the beginning. For readers who like insta-love, second chance romances with a bit of spice and a lot of heartfelt emotion, this one hits all the marks.

I received a complimentary ARC of this book from St. Martin’s Griffin through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

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This is a fun, entertaining read. Jake and Lexi are interesting, relatable, captivating, entertaining, intriguing characters. I enjoyed them as individuals and as a couple. I enjoyed their on-page time together from the start. Jake, I wanted more of him 😊. The various secondary characters added to the fabric of the story and my enjoyment. Hopefully we’ll get more of some of these side character – Ali, Choe and Mia – in future books 😊. I love the family and friendship in the story and the roles they played. I did want more to the ending than what we got. The story is easy to get into and read.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Till There Was You follows Lexi who wants to become an executive chef in a Michelin star restaurant. She is not going to let anyone get in the way of her dreams. Then she meets Jake Taylor at a dive bar who is an up and coming musician. They spend one weekend together before Jake leaves for LA. Lexi never expects to see him again. Soon Jake releases a song that is about Lexi. But she finally is getting closer to her dreams and thinks nothing of it. But then Jake turns up at her doorstep one night and throws her plans for a loop. Has Jake gets more famous so does his feelings for Lexi. And they have to decide if it is worth being together.

This was a really cute book. This was one I read because I thought the cover was cute. I did feel like this was similar to other romance books I have read. But this was a really good book for being written by a debut author. I do look forward to reading other books by her in the future. I did feel like this book was lacking some plot development. I felt like it seemed rushed in some points. But overall I really enjoyed it.

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A wonderful story of growth, maturing and finding that special someone. Lexi and Jake are perfect together.

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What a FANTASTIC debut! I absolutely love celebrity romances, and this one was fun, charming, heartwarming, funny and real. I enjoyed every moment of it and stayed up way too late finishing it. It made me laugh (many, many times), it made me cry, and it made me extremely hungry. My next order of business is finding some blueberry pancakes at the earliest opportunity. I can't wait to see what Hameroff does next!

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This was a great debut. I enjoyed the writing, the premise, and the banter. It was instalove. There no burn. There was no groveling. They were just in love. I will pick up more from this author.

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“Till There Was You” is the perfect celebrity romance to pick up this Valentine’s season! Lexi and Nathan are endearing as individual characters and as a couple. The spicy scenes are well executed, and the romance feels so authentic and believable. This was such a fun book to read, and I highly recommend it!

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Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for the chance to read an early copy of “Till There Was You.” Overall, I enjoyed this book which detailed the romance between chef Lexi and musician Jake. The conflict seemed believable, if not a bit predictable (meddling manager + scheming colleagues definitely make an appearance). I liked the scenes with the characters families and think both Lexi and Jake showed growth over the course of the book.

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Thank you Netgalley and St Martins press for this early release of Til There Was You. Unfortunately this one was not for me. I’m not a fan of romances where the couples meet and fall into bed instantly and this one was fully in that category. Seemed a lot of a stretch and just not my vibe. I’m sure it would be great for many romance readers.

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Ooo such a good book! I loved the premise and the characters! Jake and Lexi have such a good friendship that you can’t help but root for them when they are in the same scene. Jake truly cares for Lexi and you can see it even though you never get his POV which really says something about the writing!

Lexi is so strong but stubborn and she needed someone like Jake to push her through and make changes in her life! Both characters fight for their dreams and I love how respectful of each other’ works out so well!

The Deuxmoi sighting was random and had no build up or brought up again, that wasn’t necessary, it just felt odd and misplaced but other than that I loved the book!

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Thank you @stmartinspress for an early copy of Till There Was You by @lindsayhameroff. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. 🤍

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5/5
Release date: February 20th, 2024


🛑Read on with caution; review may contain spoilers🛑

Lexi and Jake’s chemistry in Till There Was You was phenomenal. Despite only having the weekend together before going their separate ways, there’s a promise that their relationship, or at least palpable attraction for each other, isn’t going to be forgotten anytime soon. Like most celebrity falls for normal girl romance novels, this one is also shrouded by the social/fame status gap.

I empathized with Lexi for the majority of the book, how hurt she felt when Jake ghosted her after their spectacular and amazing weekend together, how after his instant fame, he finally finds his way back to her and feels confused and happy at the same time, and most especially when she felt so stressed, emotional, and insecure, thinking that Jake should be with someone as famous and glamorous as he is.

For a debut novel, the author had me engaged throughout the book, and she made me so emotional as she wove through the story with such compelling and passionate characters. She also gave them the character growth I was looking for, albeit making me teary-eyed during most of it.

I most definitely enjoyed reading Till There Was You and loved all the Broadway references and the banter. I’m looking forward to reading more of Lindsay Hameroff’s work in the future!

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What a sweet and adorable romance! I really enjoyed this book — the characters were cute, their second chance at love was realistic and the romance was swoon-worthy. I also loved the food aspect — both the home cooking and in the professional kitchen. Lexi's friends were supportive and really entertaining too! There was some miscommunication in the book that I felt was repetitive and a little overdone, but it didn't deter my overall enjoyment of the book. I can't wait to read more from Lindsay Hameroff in the future!

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Although I thought this would be syrupy sweet in a good way, just like those pancakes on the cover! I was bamboozled by a insta-love romance and those just never end well for me.

I liked that the MC was trying to keep a promise to her mother even if keeping it became frustrating. She had dedication. Other than that, I didn't care much for her or her friends. Their conversations were on the juvenile end and just didn't match with my sense of humor.

Still love the cover though! It makes me hungry for pancakes.

Thank you to the publisher for a gifted copy!

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Till There Was You is the debut novel by Lindsay Hameroff. It's a story about Lexi who is attending Culinary School with the ultimate goal of being Executive Chef at a Michelin star restaurant. She meets Jake at a dive bar and their chemistry is off the charts from the start. Jake leaves for LA to record a demo and they don't keep in contact. Jake has an instantly popular single, Blueberry, which makes him famous practically overnight. A year later, he's back on Lexi's doorstep trying to get her back but the spotlight might be a risk to her career dreams.

This is a second chance instalove romance. I think it was sorely lacking in character depth. Lexi and her friends felt very immature. My husband is a chef with a pretty advanced career and her trajectory one year past culinary school had me rolling my eyes. I think this one just felt a little too "new adult" for me. It might be a case of wrong book for this reader as I'm certain many others will enjoy this one. It was a quick and easy read. I inhaled it in just one sitting.

I do want to gush on that cover though! It immediately suckered me in. So cute!

Thank you to NetGalley, Lindsay Hameroff, and St Martin's Press for this eARC. All opinions expressed are my own. #netgalley #TillThereWasYou #StMartinsPress

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TILL THERE WAS YOU was a cute romance that was filled with one of my favorite tropes: celebrity love interest plus sort of insta love. I thought this book was fun until the main couple actually got together. Then the FMC, Lexi, became almost insufferably immature and that truly ruined the experience of the novel for me.

I actually really enjoyed this novel up until about 60ish%. I thought that, while the writing was a bit clunky in places (you could tell this was her debut novel), the story was fun and the celebrity dating a “normal” individual was in full force, which I adore. And for the clunky bits of writing, there was funny banter in places that made me laugh and appreciate the writing style. These parts were the highlight and I thought they were cleverly done.

But THEN the couple actually got together and Lexi became THE WORST. Jake, the MMC, was pretty amazing almost throughout the whole novel (except in the beginning) and Lexi just ran so hot and cold, lacked proper communication, and basically changed her mind every 3 pages. This truly reduced my enjoyment of the novel because it felt juvenile at that point, even though she is supposed to be 24. I didn’t relate to Lexi, I just wanted her to decide what she wanted. Throw in some conflict that pitted two women against each other that felt high school and I was disenchanted.

Overall, I think this debut novel had a lot
of potential and the issues I had with it will go away once the author develops as a writer. If you like instalove, celebrity love interests, and cute romances, this might be right up your alley.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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This was a fantastic debut. Brimming with heart, sweet moments, and a reverence for food, there was much to love. Parts of it did read young, and there were some inconsistencies with timeline. I also had trouble reconciling how a 24 year-old had so many references that would be more appropriate for someone a good 15 years her senior.. All that aside, if you're looking for a celebrity, insta-love, second chance (ish) romance, definitely check this one out! I look forward to reading more from this new author.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for gifting me with an ARC to review! All opinions are my own.

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This is an entertaining romance about a chef and a rock star, both trying to break out in their profession. When Jake finally hits the big time, it is confusing for both he and Lexi, as paparazzi, managers, and their own self-doubt get in the way of their feelings.

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If you’re looking for a rock star/ normal girl New Adult than Till there was you is the book to read.
There’s a girl group of friends, texts, insta love and all the fun of being in your twenties and in love.

It’s interesting and if I were in my 20s I feel like I’d enjoy it more.

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