Member Reviews

I overall enjoyed this book though I felt like it was a little slow and it took me a while to get into it. A second-chance romance between Lexi, a chef who is just starting out and Jake who, right after they met, became an overnight singing sensation. Cute and sweet, I liked the characters although they did read as young and a bit immature. Jake though, with his disappearing act, did not deserve another chance given his reason for disappearing and there was very little depth to their relationship. However, it was a fun few hours of escape.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martins Press for allowing me to read the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

I was very intrigued by the plot of this story, but unfortunately it just fell flat for me. Lexi and Jake’s meeting and their weekend together in the beginning of the book felt very rushed, and because of this I really didn’t feel/believe their romantic connection. Both Lexi and Jake seemed to really like each other after the weekend they shared but since we didn’t see much detail of it I did not see how they felt that way and didn’t feel the passion. I just personally didn’t feel the “soulmate” connection between them, coupled with the fact that I just didn’t think they were a good match for each other made me not really want to root for them as a couple. I think this beginning set me up to not enjoy the book as much as I could have because I was reading their story but not really believing the connection. However, there were some sweet moments between the two of them and Jake did seem like a good guy. There were also some things that made me laugh as well, especially her friends Ali and Chloe.

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This was such a cute romance! I loved Jake and Lexi. I thought that the events were realistic and I believed them. I was rooting for them the entire time and it made me think what I would do if I was in Lexi's position and my weekend fling suddenly became famous. I loved this book and I loved their love. Highly recommend this one.

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I have SO MUCH LOVE for this book and all of its characters. Plus, Jake and Lexi’s chemistry is just *mwah* magnificent, and I loved watching them fall for each other

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Brother this was straight up CRACK.

CRACK. Look I'm not going to out myself on main but I am, and the truth is, reading this book made me pull up my old Niall Horan fanfic that I wrote when I was teenager and LET ME TELL YOU, I HAVEN'T HAD A DAY THIS FUN IN A WHILE.

To be serious for a minute, the writing was lovely, the jokes were SO. FUCKING. FUNNY. and you know that saying about how you don't remember what people said, you just remember how it made you feel??? This book made me feel like grinning ear to ear!!! That last scene was literally what romcoms are made of! Made for!

Here's what I plan to do: I plan to purchase a copy of this book and deliver it straight to Steph Bohrer's P.O. Box.

This book was crack and if you disagree you can argue with a wall.

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This book was cute, but I didn’t love it as much as I hoped I would. This is a sweet and spicy insta love romance. I am not a huge fan of insta love romances. I felt like this book was a little on the younger side for my liking. It was a cute read, just not necessarily for me. This was a promising debut novel, but it should’ve been categorized as a YA novel. If you’re a fan of YA reads, I think you’d enjoy it!

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Fairly predictable rom com but it was still a good read that I enjoyed it. It was also a quick read.

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was a great book. If you are a foodie, you will definitely enjoy this book!

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Lexi, an overwhelmed culinary student meets a guy at a bar and spends the whole weekend with her before he goes to LA for a week. He promises to come back, but he essentially ghosts her. She has kept the identity of the guy a secret from her friends because after his trip to LA, he becomes a famous singer. He reappears on her doorstep and Lexi is not sure whether to take him back or not. The whole time this love story is going on, Lexi has gotten a job in a kitchen and is working her hardest to fit in. Will they be able to survive the reality news outlets getting into their relationship or even Jakes supposed mentor?

This was a sweet, easy read! Jake and Lexi clearly had an instant connection and they fit with each other so perfectly. There was a great amount of drama without being too over the top and then there were two villains, his producer and his "mentor." I enjoyed the glimpses into the life of a restaurant cook and how cut throat that industry can be as well.

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Congrats on your debut novel Lindsay!

First things first, this cover is absolutely adorable!

I immediately liked the FMC, Lexi. A 24 year old culinary student who hopes to make her late mother proud by becoming an executive chef in a Michelin-star restaurant. She is head strong and has no plans to veer off her path of success. Lexi and her best friends are completely relatable. I loved the witty banter between them all, it reminded me of my close friends at that age. The MMC, Jake Taylor is an attractive dive bar musician who ventured to LA after a steamy weekend with Lexi. In hopes of making it in the music industry he goes to LA to record a demo. Much to his surprise, he became an overnight celebrity and everything changed. After no contact with Lexi, Jake suddenly shows up at her front door in hopes to apologize for his actions and rekindle their feelings for each other.

This is a sweet second chance romance that will warm your heart. A romance between a celebrity and the one who stole his heart before that status. This is insta-love which I do like, but wish I could have been given a little more. I didn't feel very connected to their romance. I did find it hard to want to root for them when it was just one weekend and he did ghost her after all. He did come back though, and he tried to make it right. There is something to say for that! Love a man that can admit his faults and apologize. There was a main point made in this book to be able to have a work-life balance. I liked that we as readers got to see the struggle with that. I mean I struggle with work-life balance and it doesn't always end up as planned. Sometimes we have to make adjustments and end up on a different path altogether. That path might be the best thing for us. I was semi-frustrated with the 3rd act breakup. I just don't really see why that was in there. It felt forced and made me lose interest in Jake as a character in this romance. Could he not see even a little of what was going on? It made Lexi look like an insanely jealous girlfriend and I didn't think she deserved to be portrayed that way.

Overall it was a warm and cute romance and I am excited to see what Lindsay writes in the future.

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Advanced Book Review! Thank you @stmartinspress and @netgalley for sending me this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.
I think I’m in my celebrity romance era. I loved Lindsay Hameroff’s debut novel, Till There Was You.
This book literally has all of my favourite things (see: point about Broadway references). Till There Was You is a second chance romance between a celebrity and a chef that takes place in New York City with amazing Jewish representation sprinkled throughout.
I loved learning about Lexi’s career and finding herself as a chef. And I felt for her having to do this without her mom. I liked how the book also highlights the behind the scenes of working in a restaurant and the challenges of being a woman working in a restaurant through the character of Mia.
I loved how sweet, kind and protective Jake is, even once he becomes a huge star. I think some would refer to him as a cinnamon roll hero. I really enjoyed watching Jake and Lexi’s relationship grow as they each deal with their respective careers. I also loved Lexi’s friendships and how supportive her friends are of her. I feel like someone should have done a better job of warning her what dating a famous musician would be like, although I appreciate that Chloe did try.
And I really loved the pop culture references – especially all the Broadway references, which shouldn’t be a surprise given the title of the novel (IYKYK).
Favourite quote: “You never make me feel like I have to prove myself. When I’m with you, I feel like who I am is enough.”
I couldn’t put this book down and I can’t wait to see what Lindsay Hameroff writes next!

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4 Stars

Cute, fast read. Lexi is a 20-something culinary student who is a rule follower from the word go. When a chance encounter with a singer from a bar causes her life to change. Jake Taylor is a singer trying to make it in the music industry. When the pair’s paths cross, spark fly in this story of lovers to not to who knows with a big finish.

Read fast and couldn’t put it down. Sure you can tell how the story will go, but it doesn’t detract from it at all. I really enjoyed it!

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I think I desperately wanted to love this book so much. I love books that showcase women in positions where men usually shine, but I just couldn’t find these two in love. I felt that Jake was sort of predictable, I knew that something was coming. This one was not for me, sadly.

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This book was SO good! I laughed, I cried (literally), I couldn’t put it down. Own of the best rom-com books I’ve ever read. Loved it so much!!

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I really love Lexi’s and Jake’s story. They’re both working hard towards the careers they’ve always dreamt of. After a one-weekend-stand, their careers finally start to progress. Neither forgets about the other, and the cross paths again. Dealing with a new chef’s busy schedule, and a rockstar’s schedule and fame seem to throw wrenches in their plan to be together.

I know this book is about Lexi and Jake, but I have to note Vinny‘s character. The way that this man threw the biggest wrenches into their relationship gave me so much anxiety. During the last 20% of the book, I felt nauseous and didn’t stop reading for one second until I finished it. I needed that HEA.

I hope Chloe and Mia get their chance at love!

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This book was pretty okay. If you like romance, fast pace, and light-heartened! Lexi and Jake have a cute meet cute but other than that their love story felt very instant and not relatable considering hes a celebrity? Hmmm. I didn't particularly like the side characters or the conversations between them. (I usually love the side characters but this felt very naïve and like tween friendship.) If you think you want to give a new author a chance I think you should give this one a chance!

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A cute rom com romance with good characters that are great friends.
Lexi and Jake are a mismatched couple that falls in love but can they overcome their different life styles and find true love and happiness.
Voluntarily reviewed.

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I have a lot of feelings on Til There was You! Lexi Berman has spent her adult life trying to make her late mother proud by working to be become a chef, and one way to do it: no dating. But in comes Jake Taylor and her world is tipped on its axis. Until he leaves to record a demo and becomes an overnight superstar. And when he shows up on her doorstep after months of ghosting her, her world is changed again. I am not an insta love fan, but these two had such clear chemistry. I was cheesing so hard with their first weekend together, and even when they reconnected. As I was reading, one of the notes I took was There’s a real sense of romance in this. It’s a story where it’s hard to not be smiling while reading cause it’s the kind of romance everyone wants—where your breath is just taken away by someone. The fame elements aren’t my favorite, but I love these two and their connection. He does feel mildly flighty responding to real questions about them as a couple but I appreciate how they support each other. And then at 75%, it feels like things kind of fall apart, at least for me. While I like the resolution and how things ended up, the conflict at that 75% felt forced and abrupt and honestly frustrating. It fell into tropes of miscommunication and just didn’t work for me. Which is a bummer because as a romance, it’s so romantic and swoon worthy overall. Jake and Lexi are so well done, I would’ve loved his POV in this, but Lexi was so strong as a narrator. And her friendships were just lovely. I cared about this community of people. And I cared about Lexi. There’s a lot of heart and good banter in this and I’d still recommend it, I just wanted something different out of that last conflict.

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TW: Parental death (cancer)

3.5 stars

Lindsay Hameroff's debut romance novel showed great promise. I love chef romances and rock star romances so putting them together seemed like a definite winner for me. Unfortunately I could not get into the FMC and the decisions she makes through out the book.

Lexi has big dreams of making it as an executive chef with the encouragement of her mother's dying wish (or what Lexi thinks was her dying wish) for her to be a Michelin star chef. She's focused on her career and doesn't have time to date. Until Jake Taylor comes barreling into her world, after an unforgettable weekend together Jake is off to record a demo and blows up on the music scene becoming a mega star and ghosting Lexi in the process. A year has passed, Lexi finally has a job in a restaurant but it's not all it's cracked up to be, and guess who shows up on her doorstep one night? Yup!

I found Jake to be that puppy dog pleaser type of MMC. He was super sweet and fun when Lexi first meets him. He brings out the fun in her and encourages her to do things that she normally wouldn't do. But he also is so naïve, especially the way of the world in the music business. It was obvious from the get go that his manager sucked and was evil, still no excuse to ghost a girl who he held such a connection with. And then to come back and expect it was cool to stay on her couch? What!? Eventually he wakes up and realizes what's going on but it was just a bit annoying how long it took him. Otherwise Jake was great, sexy, sweet, and very much about Lexi.

Lexi on the other hand. Oh my gosh girl I just wanted to shake some sense into her. Granted the girl has been through it with the death of her mother at such young hard age (16). But cutting her dad out of her life without even talking through the reasons why he did what he did. Then the lying to her new dating partner and to Jake when he comes back? It felt so dirty and wrong, I'm glad Ethan reacted the way he did, she deserved it. Lexi just seemed a bit spoiled through out this book. It's all about her. She doesn't really ask her friends about their lives at their little brunches, it's very much about Lexi's dramas. And just expecting her job to accommodate her many absences...especially in that fast paced world of restaurants...what was she thinking??

Overall it was an okay romance read. It was easy to read and I got it done in one sitting. The pacing was a bit slow to start but picked up around 55-60%. I most likely won't read it again but it was okay to fill my Sunday afternoon. Thanks so much to St. Martin's Press for gifting me an eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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First thought: I always find strangers to lovers a fun read as I like how their story begins and this one is no exception. You will instantly fall in love with Lexi and Jake in this cute read with a little spice. Just be warned you will crave pancakes.

Lexi has one goal to finish culinary school and land a job in a kitchen in NYC so she can work her way up to head chef one day. Cooking is her love language and she wants to honor her mom by proving she can make it, and nothing will get in her way. That’s why she doesn’t date.

Jake is a southern boy in NYC looking to prove he can make his dream of becoming a musician work. Music is his life it’s not a hobby like his dad thinks it’s everything to him, so he has to prove him wrong. He’s hoping to record some songs and find someone to sign him.

Jake and Lexi meet at a bar where he is playing a gig and they hit it off, Lexi goes against her rules and invites him back to her place. They have an insta connection and spend the most amazing weekend together. Lexi even makes him her legendary blueberry pancakes, they are so good Jake writes them into a song he’s working on.

Jake and Lexi part ways as he goes to LA to record some music, one thing leads to another and he gets signed and overnight he’s a music celb. Lexi never hears from him again, until she hears a song about her pancakes on the radio!

Now months later she’s graduated from culinary school and landed her first job in a kitchen Jake shows up at her door. What will she do? Is the connection they once shared worth giving up her chance to chase her dreams?

Literally Themes you’ll find:

* Strangers to Lovers
* Celb Rockstar MMC
* Chef FMC
* Insta-Love
* Second Chance
* Epic Grand Gesture
* Chasing your Dreams
* Mild Spice


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