Member Reviews

One of my least favorite tropes is insta-love. For me to be fully invested in a couple, I need a foundation, chemistry, and lots of sweet moments. Though at times I did have a hard time connecting with this story, I was able to enjoy the connection that the author built for Lexi and Jake. They had an undeniable chemistry with cute banter and adorable moments.

What I didn’t enjoy in this book was the celebrity dating a “normal” person. Lexi's inner monologues became convoluted and repetitive that it started to make the book not enjoyable. I didn’t enjoy the conflicts because they felt cliche and overdramatized and it took away from Lexi’s character growth. This book had so much promise, but it did fall flat at pivotal points of the story.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martins Griffin for the ARC

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This was so sweet. I loved the two main characters together. A little cheesy or corny at times but all-in-all a very cute read!

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I absolutely adored this book!


Such a perfect mixture of, laughter, sadness, happiness all wrapped into one! The last 25% broke my heart and healed it.

If you like reading; Lauren Asher, Catharina Maura, Lucy Score or Tessa Bailey, you’ll LOVE this!

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Oh my gosh this was SO cute! We follow Lexi, who has always dreamed of being a chef, who meets Jake, an aspiring musician. They’re meet cute is absolutely adorable and so flirty. I really loved Lexi and Jakes chemistry and I absolutely loved the little insights we got into each of their careers. All the chef talk made me feel like I was watching a Gordon Ramsay show and I loved it! My only complaint is that I wish Lexi and Jake had been more open with their thoughts and feelings and communication. I wouldn’t say it was a miscommunication trope, but I think there were definitely parts they could have just been honest with each other about and it was so frustrating! Overall this was an amazing debut and I’ll definitely be buying a physical copy come Feb!

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Even though it was enjoyable to read, this book had a number of problems. The characters didn't seem to have any depth, which made it difficult for me to relate to them. I rated this book three stars overall.
Thank you net galley and St. matin's griffin for this ARC.

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I was unprepared for how much I loved this!!!
Til There Was You had me gripped from the first chapter. There’s just something about the pop star trope that is so fun and this book was so refreshing.
Lexi and Jake were absolutely great MC’s, each of them had such robust personalities and well-presented flaws that I truly felt like their best friend who was rooting for them right alongside Chloe and Ali!

The only piece I disliked about this novel was that around the 70-80% mark it became a little too closely aligned with the miscommunication trope and I felt as though Lexi and Jake were having the same situations/conversations multiple times. However, the sweet ending completely made up for it! This is one book I craved an epilogue for and I am so excited to read more from this author.

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Book: Till There Was You
Author: Lindsay Hameroff
Format: Digital
Genre: Fiction, Romance
Places Featured: New York City, New York, United States
Review Score: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ (3 ½ stars rounded down)
Review: Lexi a young up-and-coming chef in New York City–trying to figure out her career (and life) path after losing her mother as a teenager. A chance meeting with a musician, Jake, in a bar turns into a special weekend of passion for both Lexi and Jake. Jake even turns it into a hit song that turns him into a worldwide superstar–unfortunately, he forgets to include Lexi on his rise to fame and he ghosts her. The rest of the book is about these two attempting to (re)build their relationship and discover their best lives. I have no problem with rom-com tropes, but this story was just a little too unbelievable and contrived. There is good chemistry between Lexi and Jake, but Lexi often comes across as a bit crazy and Jake is a bit one-dimensional. Not a bad book, but I can’t say it’s all that great either.
*I was given a version of this book for free in exchange for an honest book review. The book will be released on 20 February 2024.

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reminds me of a wattpad fan fiction, which isn't a bad thing. the premise seemed very cute and i was excited to read this but i couldn't connect to it

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Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin's Press for the ARC of this title. I loved it so much. The main characters were likeable and real and reading about how they navigate their relationship amidst the pressures of fame and real life was a delight. The book was reminiscent of The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jimenez. I will definitely be picking up other titles by this author. I loved following Lexi and Jake's relationship and seeing them find love despite the odds. Definitely a feel good book and I highly recommend it!

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dnfed 20% in. the writing was very basic and the characters lacked a level of depth. it didn't pull any strong emotions from me and just felt unrealistic and cringy.

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I absolutely loved this book! Jake and Lexi are so cute. I loved the other characters as well. I liked how the author described everything in detail. Lindsay’s writing style is amazing. Towards the end of the book, (where they fought), I cried. This book was amazing and I can’t wait to read more of her books!!

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The idea behind this was really nice and cute but unfortunately it didn't really work for me. I just couldn't seem to stay interested in the story or characters.

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Thank you to netgalley and St. Martin's Press for sending me the arc in exchange for my honest review

rating: 4/5 stars

Very cute fluffy styled romance! i actually enjoyed this book and it was one of the few to get me out of a reading slump. I loved the characters and I'm also a huge sucker for insta-love when the characters actually have believable connections that make it happen. Would read more from this author asap!

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Till There Was You is everything I have ever wanted in a romcom book! A break out artist writes a song about his weekend he spent with an up and coming chef. And then he ghosts her ….. but shows up over a year later. The food network foodie in me absolutely adored this book. He had me hooked from start to finish. The comedy was on point, along with current and past pop culture references. It gave me all of the feels! I needed this book in my life after reading so many heavy fantasy driven books. I will now read whatever else Lindsay Hameroff writes!!!

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Meh. Cute idea, and writing is fine, but nothing makes this story stand out. Lexi is your typical "every girl" (but rich, so she can have her own apartment for story purposes) who is "the only one who understands" the up-and-coming artist. Throw in a couple cute breakfast foods, entirely unremarkable side characters, utterly predictable plot, and I've already forgotten this book before I even finish it.

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A cute, fluffy romance!
The pacing of the romance between Lexi and Jake. It felt very insta-lovey. They have an instant connection the moment they meet.
There's so much miscommunication that this book should be labeled as having communication as a trope rather than miscommunication. It was so ANNOYING!! I hated it

Ahh but... there were so many cute moments but I cant give this more that 3 stars

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This was such a cute rom-com. I loved the uniqueness of the plot, and the characters were likable. Such a fun quick read!

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I really enjoyed this! I needed a fun rom-com to get me out of a reading slump, and this did just that. I didn't like how insecure the main character was written; she tried to be tough but at the slightest bump in the road she was thrown. I wish she would have been stronger.

I received an advance copy. All thoughts are my own.

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I enjoyed this romance book. Both main characters were engaging and realistic even though the plot of course wasn’t realistic. It was a quick read and definitely enjoyable.

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Lexi Berman has sworn off dating to focus on her career goals of becoming a chef. Enter Jake, an up and coming singer with whom Lexi has an instant connection with. After spending a weekend together, Jake goes off to record a demo and blows up over night. Lexi comes to terms with never seeing him again until Jake re-enters the picture. Lexi finds herself trying to balance her feelings, career, and insecurities along with dealing with a potential life in the spotlight, but will she be able to cope with the heat?

The start of this was okay, but it went downhill. It gets bonus points for fun side characters and a Six the Musical mention, but other than that, this is a pass for me.

Insta-love. Not outright stated as such, but there's enough talk of this two day connection being unlike anything the two have experienced before to warrant the label. Perhaps this is just my cynical, never-been-in-love self talking, but it was not great. When Jake comes back, it returns into almost insta-love territory, but there are also time skips that make it hard to see how their relationship is coming along.

Miscommunication: There's so much miscommunication that this book should be labeled as having communication as a trope rather than miscommunication. There isn't healthy communication, it's mostly one or the other having a bit of a tantrum before the other comforts them and THEN they can talk about it.

Lexi: her emotions are valid, but girl needs to be in therapy. She's highly insecure, people pleasing, and not great at communication. She has potential, but she comes across really juvenile. She lets Jake get off scot-free a lot.

Jake: the fact that he nearly jeopardized Lexi's career from the jump made me see red. He's also so naive (or dense, take your pick) that he cannot see what's directly in front of him.

This book fell flat, and it felt like a lot of the same drama repackaged and rehashed a lot.

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