Member Reviews

“Till There Was You” is a rom-com book by Lindsay Hameroff. I needed a light fluffy read and this book delivered. Are there some odd plot quirks? Yes. But, overall this book is a quick sweet read - holes and all. Some of the humor is perfect … some of it was for those up on their current trends. I found the love story a bit insta-lust, but it wasn’t too bad. Overall, this was a cute fast to read book.

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This book was impossible to put down. I was swept up in the bright lights and swoon worthy adventure of a new romance. Perfect balance of romance and comedic relief.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for sharing this ARC!

Till There Was You is an adorable second chance romance that involves celebrity dating. This book does not break any new ground in the contemporary romance genre but if you are looking for something light and breezy it's a great option. The main characters, Lexi and Jake, are adorable together and I found their relationship to be flawed but relatable.

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Ever since the death of her mother, Lexi has lived life cautiously and carefully. She wants to insulate herself from ever getting hurt again so she has taken the safe and reliable path in life and in love in order to avoid any unwelcome surprises.

One night at the local dive bar, Lexi uncharacteristically stays behind to have a drink after her friends leave. She meets Jake, an amazingly handsome and talented musician. After he performs a set at the bar, they have a passionate one-night stand that turns into a weekend. Jake goes out to California to audition for a music executive. with promises of keeping in touch and trying a real relationship...and then she never hears from him again.

Months later, Lexi is working when she hears a song called "Blueberry" come on the radio. She realizes that she is hearing Jake on the radio and the song seems to be all about her.

Suddenly, Jake walks back into her life with apologies and explanations. He is now a rockstar on the rise but he still has feelings for Lexi.

Can Lexi afford to give him a second chance? Can she risk her heart for a love straight out of a love song?

I loved this rom-com that was achingly romantic as well as a great exploration of grief, parental relationships, finding your life path, and the importance of friendship. Hameroff creates both complex characters and compelling situations that engage the reader.

Definitely don't miss this amazing rom-com!

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I've always been a sucker for "foodie fiction" and add a romance and Jewish FMC to the mix and you've got the 'recipe' for a 5 star novel for me (ignore my bad dad humor...)

I'm amazed that Till There Was You was a debut for Hameroff, the characters were so well fleshed out and the story grabbed me immediately. I loved watching the relationship between Lexi & Jake unfold and was completely invested in their story.

An easy 5 stars for me!

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This sort of plot line, one where the protagonists fall for each other before one becomes famous, separate and then reunite, is very appealing. Till There Was You is well-written, has good dialog and supporting characters and provides insight into the worlds of rock stars and high-end restaurants. I enjoyed it a lot. My only criticism, if pushed, is that it was a little long. The relationship ups and down began to seem a little repetitive after a while. However, I recommend this book and will for sure be looking for Lindsay Hameroff’s next book.

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The story was great, the characters were sweet and I connected with the, but I think this was a smidge too long. Towards the end I found myself wanting it to be over, but I think this could be alleviated by editing down 25-50 pages and I don't think this would compromise the story at all.

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I enjoyed the book it was a little bit of a slow burn. 350 pages for a contemporary romance is a little too many it dragged on but the plot was sweet and cute. I appreciate the opportunity to review.

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Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the chance to read an advance copy of Till there was you by Lindsay Hameroff. This was a wonderful rom-com, and was a fast read. I enjoyed the romance between Lexi and Jake, as they try to have a relationship while both go for their dreams. While predictable, it was a great read after reading several thrillers.

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This book was so sweet! The second that Jake sang a song for Lexi, I was done for. Immediately, I was sucked in by their love story and devastated just as quickly when Jake disappeared. After a full year, Jake reappears and Lexi decided to give him another chance. Laughed out loud multiple times, smiled my way through and was cheering for the couple at the end. Read this one in one seating, definitely would recommend.

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I really didn’t plan to read this in one night, especially a school night, but it sucked me right in. Super cute book!

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This was such a cute story! It kept my hooked all the way though, anxious to see what happened next. On many occasions I laughed out loud, especially parts about chad lol. The only reason I removed a star was because Lexi is so wildly insecure and kept having the same issue over and over again. Jake is such a sweetheart. Vinny is a total dick. And Madison made me want to ring her neck 😂. All signs that the author did an amazing job getting emotion out of me lol
Looking forward to more books from her!

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This book was super sweet! It starts off with a steamy one night stand shared between the two main characters, but after they reconnect, their relationship grows into more than just insta-love. Lexi is trying to make her way through life, especially after her mother's death and her father moving on without her and Jake is an up and coming pop star that doesn't know who to trust. I loved the way they supported each other and the romance felt very real. This was an easy, low-conflict contemporary romance that was so fun to read!

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What would it be like to fall in love with a star before they hit it big? What happens when you go along with it?
The connection between Lexi and Jake starts when Jake is a "no one." Blueberry pancakes after an one-night stand lead to a hit song, and Lexi being ghosted by Jake. A year later they reconnect and she is starting to build her career as a chef. You fall along as a normal (well ass normal as you can get) chef falls in love with a budding star.

What I loved: their instantaneous chemistry + that Lex'is career was also emphasized + the different relationships with parents + friends
What I think maybe could be improved: there are a couple of plot holes with WHY HE GHOSTED HER FOR A YEAR?!?!?! like the tf. Also Lexi is suuuper insecure and gets jealous easily so if that bothers you it will become a central theme

Overall this was a really enjoyable read and would recommend. Thank you to netgalley for the arc!

TW: Death of a parent, cancer (mentioned briefly), grief

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I throughly enjoyed this book and I kinda hope it becomes a series lol. I loved the way Lindsay wrote Lexi and Jake’s relationship. It was such a love at first sight kind of vibe but they had obstacles they had to over come in order to be fully there for each other. Seeing their growth as both individuals and a couple really felt “normal.” Meaning that it was a real life experience that I feel a lot of people go through. Also, I really felt that the content was picked and chosen for me because I’m a broadway junkie who loves Les Mis and I’m also a southern girl. I fully laughed out loud at Jake’s mom but also crying when Lexi had the convo with her dad. It was honestly such a cute rom com and I definitely recommend.

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Jake & Lexi have a truly dynamic chemistry. I love that Jake shows up when Lexi least expects it, turns out to be the exact opposite of what she THINKS she needs but everything she ACTUALLY needs. I had such a boy next door charisma that draws you in, a wonderful “chaos” to Lexi’s control.

The storytelling was engaging, fun and creative. The characters were well developed and entertaining. I felt the emotions through the pages and was bought into the plot from page one. I really enjoyed the way Lindsay wrote everything from their first interaction at the dive bar to their final scene in Times Square.

Could I have used a little more spice? Sure.
Could I have used one less internal monologue of Lexi thinking Jake should be with someone in his own world and not her? Sure. Those things aside, I couldn’t put it down! I hope to read more by Lindsay in the future!

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•ARC Review•

I loved this book! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I don’t want to give a synopsis of the story because I find that whenever I read an overview of a romance novel, it pretty much always tells me everything I need to know to predict the entire story, and it usually ruins so much for me. I didn’t read anything about this book before reading it (I just liked the cover), so I think that helped me love it more because I didn’t see anything coming. So I’ll just say that in this one you’ll see:

- death
- grieving
- love
- infatuation
- friendships
- celebrity drama
- family drama
- New York City
- apartment-living
- a little bit of spice 🌶️
- dream-chasing
- jealousy

…and blueberry pancakes! 🫐🥞

It’s a unique, heartwarming story, and I really liked that there was more to it than just Lexi’s main relationship. You also get to see the relationship between Lexi and her friends, co-workers, and with her dad. Which, of all the relationships we get to see in this book, the one with her dad might have been my favorite. At one point I sobbed because of it 😭

‘Til There Was You is Lindsay Hameroff’s debut novel. It comes out February 20, 2024 and you don’t want to miss it!

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What a romance!! Everyone likes to think that a famous guy will fall in love with them, but this story shows it’s not all cakes and rainbows. I enjoyed the sweet yet realistic romance and the fun characters and all of the food. I could totally see Jake Taylor as a celebrity we all know and love. I also liked the friendships as well. Cute story for sure!

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Lexi and Jake are the couple you will root for the whole way through. Their story pulls at your heart strings, and has you guessing every step of the way if they will make it. I really enjoyed how different each of their worlds were- but at the same time they were both just trying to make it in tough industries. This was a wholesome romance that I couldn’t put down- and the ending was perfection and so quintessentially New York!

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This was a cute little romance. Lexi, an aspiring chef meets Jake at a dive bar one night and they immediately hit it off spending a steamy weekend together. Then Jake leaves to record some demos in LA and turns into a overnight success. Then they don't speak for a year.

I usually like my romances to have a little more drama, a little more tension, and a little more spice. But this is still a sweet romance second chance romance with a happy ending.

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