Member Reviews

"Till There Was You" is a cutie of a rom-com. Starring a talented, pancake-making chef and a handsome, normal guy-turned-singer, this book is a warm and comforting read! If you are looking for something familiar and will make you feel good, I suggest "Till There Was You"! It is an easy and quick read!

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I've been watching cooking shows since I was a child (it all started with Top Chef) and my love for boybands (also One Direction) spawned soon thereafter. Therefore, this book was right up my alley. The descriptions of the settings as well as the food were so vivid, that I could see them while reading. This was a fun, quick read that I would recommend to anyone who is thinking about reading it. This is Hameroff’s first book and it’s very solid and I am excited to see what else she writes!

There were a few things I picked up on that reflect the star rating. Their relationship started off very ‘insta-love’ when they met at a bar one night. While this can be seen as normal or can happen in reality, I mostly disliked this trope due to what follows after and how his absence affected her. I would’ve loved to see them really get to know each other the weekend they spent with each other to really believe the longing they expressed for each other throughout the book. As loveable as both characters were, they felt a little flat when it came to their relationship together.

They would have an argument/disagreement (with valid emotions and issues) and then it would get resolved on the same page and not work through it or have an honest conversation. I know this is a ‘normie-celebrity’ romance where their lives are different, but they didn’t really sit and have a conversation about what it meant to be in this type of relationship. For example, Lexi wants to keep her privacy, gets mad when Jake doesn’t answer Fallon, and then gets apprehensive when Jake invites her to the premiere as his girlfriend.

I would’ve loved for Lexi and her father to have a deeper conversation about their strained relationship that has affected her for a good portion of her life and see a small progression in their relationship. It felt very surface-level for an issue that was spoken about throughout the entirety of the book. I love epilogues and this one didn’t have one. I would've loved seeing the level of stardom Jake made it to as well as Lexi and how she grew from her decision to put a pause on her career.

Overall, great read! It was fun and I got through it pretty quickly.

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Such a cute rom-com read, kinda reminded me slightly of a "No Reservations" mixed with a little with "Forever my Girl" very feel good warm and fuzzy love story.

Not too steamy in terms of description but sticks to the story and the two main characters Jake and Lexi but, very cute in terms of second and third chance love. Fast paced read that can be read in one sitting, clear writing, and the supported characters were equally as cute and funny.

Would recommend this read and this author, seems like a debut author so I cannot wait to see where her writing goes (seems like an emerging Hannah Grace to me).

Thank you to St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Griffin, and NetGalley for providing an eARC for a honest review.

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I absolutely adored this book and devoured it in one sitting! A cozy romance that's perfect for fangirls. Full of loveable characters, fun settings and a swoon-worthy love interest. The chemistry!!! I was rooting for Lexie and Jake from the very start. This book tackled issues like fulfilment and family trauma which created well-rounded, flawed characters making them even more loveable! Overall a shining debut! I'm looking forward to reading more from this author.

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My heart is bursting from the book! I picked it up as a light read and man am I ever glad I did - I binged within a couple hours, I could not put it down. The banter between the MCs and the side characters had me laughing out loud at times, and the chemistry and emotions between our MCs is spot on. The spice here is very emotion based and so even though it was fairly fade to black, there was still plenty of steam. The plot is engaging and while certain events were predictable, it didn’t feel like a rinse and repeat plot like some do. If you like angsty, emotional, feel good romances, definitely read this!

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I’ve channeled my inner cheerleader and grabbed my long retired microphone for this one.

Hello my little hamsters, if you aren’t just as excited about the upcoming release of Til There Was You, and cheer with me I’ll be dispensing some serious spankings!

My heart is already aching for more books by Lindsay Hameroff.

I loved Lexi and Jake!!! You can’t help but fall in love with Jake yourself, I mean who could ever resist a steamy musician 😍.

All kidding aside, Hameroff crafted a well developed love story that’s both charming and witty and will make your heart pitter patter just a tad faster.

This book will also make you crave pancakes 😉

Check out this teaser :

Culinary student Lexi Berman, 24, has one goal: to make her late mother proud by becoming an executive chef in a Michelin-star restaurant. And she isn’t going to let anything–or anyone–get in the way. But when she meets Jake Taylor, a dive bar musician who charms her with show tunes, she makes a rare exception to her no-dating rule. After a steamy weekend together, Jake leaves for L.A. to record his demo, and Lexi never expects to see him again. And she definitely doesn’t expect him to become an overnight celebrity, with a breakout single that’s almost certainly about her famous blueberry pancake recipe.

As Jake’s star rises and the world speculates about the subject of his song, Lexi keeps the affair to herself. After all, she’s finally found her footing at her new restaurant job, and even has a prospective romance with her coworker. But when a distraught Jake turns up on her doorstep late one night, her carefully-laid plans are thrown for a loop. Though she and Jake try to be friends, things between them soon reheat faster than a bowl of Lexi's matzah ball soup. But a relationship with Jake means risking her face in tabloids, withstanding cruel internet comments, and worst of all, jeopardizing her career. As Jake’s upcoming tour approaches, and rumors swirl about him and another pop star, Lexi has to decide if holding onto her meticulously-planned future is worth walking away from what could be the perfect recipe for love.

Set both in the chaos of fame and the high stakes world of New York City restaurants, this novel sprinkles in a second chance at love and a dollop of celebrity drama to create a romantic romp that will make even the most jaded reader smile.

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"Till There Was You" by Lindsay Hameroff serves up a delectable mix of romance, fame, and the culinary world, making it a promising read for those who enjoy contemporary love stories with a twist.

The story introduces Lexi Berman, a determined culinary student with dreams of becoming an executive chef and fulfilling her late mother's legacy. Lexi's commitment to her goals is unwavering until she meets Jake Taylor, a charming musician whose talent and charisma quickly break down her no-dating rule. Their whirlwind romance sets the stage for a tale filled with passion and emotional depth.

The novel explores the complexities of love and ambition as Lexi grapples with her growing feelings for Jake while trying to protect her carefully planned career path. The added layer of Jake's sudden rise to fame and the speculation about his song only adds to the intrigue, making it an enticing plotline for readers.

The juxtaposition of the culinary world and the world of celebrity brings a unique and refreshing angle to the romance genre. It promises to provide readers with an inside look at the high-stakes restaurant industry, sprinkled with delicious descriptions of food that will surely tantalize the senses.

As the story unfolds against the backdrop of New York City, readers can expect to encounter a blend of heartwarming moments and the challenges that come with fame and tabloid scrutiny. Lexi and Jake's journey towards love and self-discovery is likely to resonate with anyone who has faced the dilemma of choosing between personal desires and professional success.

Overall, "Till There Was You" appears to be a delightful and emotionally rich romance novel that combines the allure of love with the tantalizing world of food and fame. It's a recipe for an engaging and satisfying read.

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I was fortunate to be selected to read this arc in exchange for an honest review. This was my first book I’ve read by Lindsay Hameroff, and it didn’t disappoint. I swooned over jake from day one. A stressed out student chef Lexi trying to make her way in the world, falling in Instant love with Jake a want to be famous musician. He just had a magnetic energy to him. I did find that this book was extremely slow to get into in a sense of it was an instant connection but I felt like we lost a lot of descriptive details I found it was very fluffed off and could have used more details. There was absolutely no spice to this book, it was cute but I felt like we didn’t really get a lot about their time spent together and what we did it was quick. The last 5 chapters of the book flew by, I thought there was more detail between Lexi and Jake. Honestly one of my favourite parts in this book is when Lexi finally realizes what she needs to do for herself I felt like that is finally when I started to like her character. I loved Jake this entire book, he tried to stay true to himself snd not allow the fame to take over his life. Overall cute book 3 stars but I wanted more details. The book has great character development separately and together. I felt super drawn to Mia in this book tho she was such a small part but I want to know if she is going to get a book.

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Thank you to @netgalley and the publisher for providing me an E-ARC of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Lexi has one goal in mind; to graduate and become executive chef. So, there is no room for love in her life; until Jake who is an aspiring singer. Can Lexi achieve her goal and at the same time, fall in love?

This book was so good! The characters were relatable and you wanted to root for them! Overall I would recommend this heartwarming book!

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I loved everything about this book. From the tropes to the banter to the sweet moments that defined the characters relationship in my eyes to the tearful moments that gutted me. While there was definitely Insta-love that I know many people aren’t a fan of, it’s not an immediate HEA nor even an immediate “jump into a relationship” type of situation-ship. There’s real life that’s lived and heartbreak that’s felt in the midst of all the epic love story moments. What I loved most, though? This isn’t a story where the heroine gives up her identity because she falls head over heels for a guy, nor does he ask her to. The FMC came into the story with her own goals and aspirations and it still maintains the same throughout the story, he’s just factored into those aspirations now, not taking them over. I love that. As someone who has recently come into my own finally and found love within myself, I love seeing a story like this.

Review will be posted on goodreads as well as Amazon and left on my bookclub Insta.

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Thanks to Netgalley, the publishing company and the author for giving me the chance to read and review Till There Was You.

Loved the book and it's a sweet romance about a chef and a musician. Love how every character interacted with each other.

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This book’s plot is everyone’s dream! Lexi is a chef in New York City and she meets Jake in a bar on a night out. After spending a whole weekend with each other they are enamoured with one another. The chemistry was insane! It felt like they were just meant to be because they fit so well together. BUT their weekend came to an end when Jake had to leave for LA to record music. Skip ahead a few weeks and Lexi hears a song by JAKE about HER famous blueberry pancakes…

I’m a sucker for a good musician x everyday person book. Lexi and Jake were just so much fun. They felt like one of those montages in a movie when everything was going well until it wasn’t… I was equally invested in both of their journeys throughout the book but especially with Lexi’s. Jake made her realize that there was a lot in her life she needed to deal with and when she did it felt like a weight off not only her shoulders but the reader’s as well.

If you’re looking for a book that is giving YN moment then this is for you! Plus the author is a big Harry Styles fan so that’s a big plus! Thank You to NetGalley and St.Martin’s Press for this eARC!

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A charming, funny, and sweet debut! I enjoyed reading Jake and Lexi’s romance and watching them grow and navigate love together. I love how the close-proximity/roommates trope worked in this one. I also appreciated how both leads had their own dreams and goals seperate from one another. Excited to read more from this author!

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What a cute story this was!! Loved reading Lexi and Jake’s journey, and even though I haven’t dabbled much in the insta-love trope I thought it was done well here. Lindsay did a great job with her side characters, too—I really liked Chloe especially!

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of this book. I went into reading it without any expectations and I loved it! The story was cute despite a bit of insta-love. I loved the story and characters but most of all I loved all the pop-culture and musical references. I would definitely read again!

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Quick read, nice characters, low drama.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A sweet second chance romance full of love, living with grief, and a lot of blueberry pancakes. Great for fans of Taylor Swift. Readers of Rachel Lynn Solomon and Elissa Sussman will enjoy Till There Was You.

Lindsay Hameroff’s debut novel hit the mark for me - it had a little bit of everything I enjoy in a story. A strong plot, endearing main characters, strong friends (Chloe, Ali), Jewish food, and a dose of real life. Lexi is coping with the loss of her mother 9 years ago to uterine cancer. She’s living in her grief and Hameroff really portrayed it accurately and how hard it can be to cope with such an enormous loss.

I only wish Lexi had communicated better with Jake about how she was feeling with their conflicting work schedules. He tried to get her to open up but she wouldn’t.

I really enjoyed the food aspect of this novel and learning a bit about what goes on behind the scenes at a restaurant.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A gorgeously well written debut! I love reading about chefs and foodies, especially for the delicious descriptions. Lexi lost her mom as a teen (grief is a big part of this story), and she’s determined to become a renowned chef, as her mom dreamed. She’s sworn off men to achieve her goal, but she falls into a swoony one night stand with Jake Taylor, just days before he makes it big in the music business. Their lights dim while apart for several years, then Jake returns to Lexi’s door, needing his anchor.

I’m trying to avoid spoilers. Their falling out was hard to read but necessary. I do appreciate that we get to see Lexi heal and let herself need someone. Jake is such a loveable golden retriever stuck in a hard business world, and we love to see him pine for her. Highly recommend this book!

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**Possible Spoilers**

Till There Was You is a cute romance about sticking to your true self and making relationships work even if it's hard.

I gave this book 3 stars because it was enjoyable and easy to read. The ending had me swooning! I loved how Lexi finds herself and what she wants in a career, a relationship, as well as with her family throughout the book. Her relationship with Jake was the sweetest.

However the book as a whole had me feeling like all the pieces of a puzzle were there but not put together correctly. Lexi begins by stating how she will not have a relationship while going through culinary school then goes out with a random guy she met, let's him stay the whole weekend, and says she fell in love with him. Insta love is not the choice for me. She then gives him a second chance after "breaking her heart" VERY easily. The whole middle of the book is very repetitive about how their relationship will never work but they want it to over and over so the story gets a little slow.

I do like where the author left the story at the end!! I will still recommend this book to friends and other book lovers because it was cute and it might be the right fit for them!!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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loved this romance and finding love. I loved her friends and that there was such a spark and loved that song about blueberries was just about her cooking. loved it

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