Member Reviews

I love this book! It was adorable and also made me want to become a chef and move to nyc. Love it and I can’t wait for the next book by the author.

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. Lindsay did a wonderful job of bringing to life the love story of Lexi and Jake. There were so many moments where I caught myself smiling so big with the conversations and moments between the two. I loved the mix between her as a baker and him as a pop artist. I am so happy I had a chance to read this debut novel. I cannot wait for it to be released, so I can grab a physical copy for my bookshelf. I look forward to reading other books Lindsay will write.

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If you’re looking for a very very fluffy book, this is it.

📖 The Details:
Til There was You by Lindsay Hameroff

⏱️Quick Summary:
Lexi has her future planned out - finish culinary school, get a job at a restaurant, and become an executive chef - none of which includes dating. Then she meets and spends an amazing weekend with Jake Taylor, and plans change.

💁🏻‍♀️ My Take:
This was ok. It was predictable and basic, but entertaining and sweet. I couldn’t really relate to the characters or their relationships but it kept my attention and I was happy with how it all turned out. Unique plot, cute dialogue, well written.

Would recommend as a palate cleanser.

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This book was cute overall, although a bit surface level for me. However, I was quite surprised and disheartened to immediately notice a scene was directly PLAGIARIZED. The scene where Lexi meets Jake at the Pierre is copied, almost word for word in some parts, from the same scene in The Idea of You by Robbine Lee. This was a book released by the same publishing house, so I can't fathom how it got past the editors. I truly hope this scene is removed before the book's February release.

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This book is *chef's kiss* (pun intended).
Heading into this book, I was unsure since I'm not usually crazy about celebrity romances or second-chance romances, but this may have convinced me to change my stance! I have read an ungodly amount of romance books, and I have to say, this is the first book where their love felt realistic. It had hardships and insecurities and those little bumbling mistakes you make when you fall in love, coupled with the intense giddiness and butterflies that come with it. I love that no matter how much time went by, there was always a little invisible string tying them together. One of the biggest parts I appreciated that this book highlights is the reality of being a young adult and spending so much time working towards a dream to realize that it may not be the right fit for you after all and having to pivot. This book felt just as much about the character's individual growth as it was about them falling (and staying) in love. I loved getting to experience their love and the process of becoming each other's home. However, this is a four-star read for me rather than a five-star because the ending felt a little rushed. I would love a few more chapters or even an epilogue about what life looked like for them a few months into the future- I wasn't ready to say goodbye to them! I will be recommending this to all my book friends, and I look forward to seeing more work from Lindsay in the future!

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I was sold reading the blurb for this one, however the execution of it fell flat for me. Lexi and Jakes relationship was very insta-love. They spend a weekend together and then don’t talk for over a year and then when they reunite, Lexi immediately offers to let him move in with her. It just seemed super unrealistic and at times corny. I lost interest the last half of this book and the third act conflict was super predictable and lame. This one just wasn’t for me.

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A charming romance with vibrant voice and charming characters. I felt like both Lexi and Jake were believable characters and from their first date, I was rooting for them! An adorable cover, too.

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So so cute! i really loved this book.
Lexi, an aspiring chef, and Jake, an aspiring musician, fall in love over achieving their dreams and blueberry pancakes. A one-night stand turned into a weekend leaving them chasing the dream of a career or relationship.

i loved that the fmc grew outside of the relationship. i loved that the story line was not just about overcoming the ultimatum of their career of their relationship. I'm not the biggest fan of second chance romance but this one really took my heart. Lexi and Jake's chemistry was just perfect. It had me rooting for Jake to get the girl but also Lexi fall into the person she was meant to be.

my heart ached for Lexi when she talked about her parents. I could feel her emotional turmoil and understood her feelings of living the life her mom wanted for her.
Seamless and quick read.

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Oh man. I did not like this. I honestly didn’t think a romance about a rock star and a chef could be boring, and yet! So many people kept saying rock stars can’t have relationships! Chefs can’t have relationships! That was the main issue was that everyone kept saying they were never going to work out. It felt so silly!

A lot of things happened off page that I was like “hey I want to read more about that.” It just fell flat for me.

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till there was you did not disappoint. this book was about a beautiful but hard relationship between a chef and a overnight hit sensation musician.

i connected to lexi a lot. she was a very relatable character and i found myself being able to understand her more as my relationship with my father is the same.

i like how this book shed light on how quickly one can rise to fame and the difficulties it can bring to relationships, because it's not going to always be easy. but i loved how much they loved each other. what they needed was better communication and to figure out what they wanted for their careers before they could get back together, which is understandable.

overall i really enjoyed this book as i'm an avid cooking show watcher and huge music fan, so thank you netgalley and st. martin's griffin for this arc in exchange for an honest review <3

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Why was this actually such a good and cute read?!?! Both of the main characters were very charming and their meet cute has become one of my all time favs now. The chemistry kept me flipping the page and not wanting to stop reading which is why I know this is a 5 star book. It didn’t have anything new or groundbreaking but it still teleported me to another world which all I have asked from a book. While there some decisions that made me annoyed, it didn’t affect my feelings after closing the book. Would recommend for anyone looking for a cute romcom with celebrity love interest, lots of cooking and scenes that WILL make you giggle.

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Well this was a wonderful little read!

So many things to love about this book: great pacing, awesome characters, second chance romance. The romance was sweet and swoony. My only complaint was the end resolution, it felt a bit quick to me but other than that, it was great!

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AHHH THE CHEESE! This adorable story is definitely an insta-love story with some second-chance-romance tied in.

When Lexi and Jake meet the chemistry is instant. And they don't hesitate to act on it, spending an entire weekend together despite having just met. What neither of them realizes is how Jake's career as a musician is going to blow up all because of the song that he wrote about Lexi's blueberry pancakes.

Predictably, as Jake's career escalated, the distance between him and Lexi grows to an extent where they completely lose touch. Until one day, out of nowhere, he shows up at her doorstep.

Now, I typically don't read celebrity romances, mostly because of how unrealistic they end up being, but there have been a few that I've enjoyed, so I decided to give this one a shot. Unfortunately, this, too, ended up feeling quite unrealistic. Now, hear me out. When I say "unrealistic", I'm not talking about the celebrity falling in love with the "regular" girl. I mean the actual progression of their relationship. It definitely didn't make much sense. Then you add in the fact that he started ghosting her all because of a single text that Ali sent, which to be honest should've been interpreted as funny, despite the fact that he claims the last time he was happy was when he was with her. Completely unrealistic for two supposed adults.

While I do love a good HEA, unfortunately this story just wasn't for me.

3 ⭐️

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It was a cute read I read it in a few hours though the pacing was really slow in some parts and I disliked the constant miscommunication

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Till There was You by Lindsay Hameroff was such a fun and cute read. Lexi is a culinary student when she meets musician Jake Taylor. They share a weekend and a connection neither of them are soon to forget. Jake is off to LA to make it big and Lexi is soon forgotten until Jake shows up at her apartment over a year later.

I loved the chemistry between these two characters even when they were making me mad with their insecurities you couldn't help but want these two to win, These supporting character were quirky and I truly hope that we get to see more of them in the future.

If you're into insta-love, rockstars, chefs, and second chances then this is the book for you.

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A culinary student and a struggling musician meet at a bar. They spend the weekend together in a lavender haze. He says he’ll call when he’s in LA. Things happen. He doesn’t. Months later a new hit song is on the radio and everything changes.

This book was a cute, easy, read with just a bit of spice. I didn’t have an amazing time reading it but there was nothing wrong with it.

The characters were likable and fun. This book made me hungry and want to date a rockstar. Lol

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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DNFed at 30%

I want to start off this review with a huge thank you to Net Galley for an ARC of this novel. I've been wanting to read this book for a few months now and I was lucky enough to receive an early copy, however it was not right for me. I really tried to like this book and I thought, after reading the excerpt, that this book was going to be so good. I'm so sad that the story didn't work out the way I envisioned it happening. I think my biggest problem with the book was the timeline. Lexi and Jake's connection was so quick, they barely had a chance to form a believable and likable foundation for a relationship. They met, talked for five minutes at a bar, he sung her a song, and then slept at her apartment for the weekend. Then he just leaves for fifteen months and I am confused by it all. It was just so fast-paced that it was awkward and I didn't think there was anything super special about the romance between Lexi and Jake. I was fighting a cringe the entire time I read this. I'm so sorry. I really tried to enjoy this, I promise, but when he finally came back fifteen months later (AKA two chapters later) and was like "I was trying to remember the last time I was really happy and it was my weekend with you" I just couldn't do it anymore.

Sorry to everyone at Net Galley and the publishers who were kind enough to pick me for an ARC, but this one was just not for me.

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Cute and fun! I felt like the beginning of the relationship was rushed, but enjoyed how it developed and evolved later. The insight into the life of a chef was interesting and different!

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2.5 stars. Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and St. Martin's Griffith for this advanced copy! You can pick up Till There Was You on February 20, 2024.

This was a cute romance! The beginning really hooked me, as we watched sparks fly between Lexi and Jake for their one whirlwind weekend together. But after they reconnected months later and began navigating their second-chance romance, the story started to lose me a bit.

A lot of that has to do with the writing. Personally, it didn't always capture me and motivate me to keep reading. It felt like I was watching a 2010s romance between a rock star and the "normal girl" who wants to keep her regular job and date the celebrity. I love a good cliche, but this one didn't hit the right beats for me.

If you eat up miscommunication and "realizing you let the other person go too easily," this is definitely the story for you! Lots of sexy scenes, romantic interactions, and small conflicts leading up to the climactic ending. The characters had some dimension, but I just didn't connect with them personally.

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This was a cute little story. I enjoyed how the couple met at the bar, but then it was incomprehensible that Jake disappeared without a word and never even got in touch with Lexi until he showed up again.

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