Member Reviews

Till There Was You is a beautiful reminder of the power of love!

From the second Lexi and Jake met you felt the connection and as their story continued, even when my heart was breaking, you knew that these two would find a way. Their bond was just too deep!

I love the meet cute that took place between these two! They just clicked and it was funny how much heck they gave each other. They had so much in common and even the things they disagreed on helped to balance them out.

I identified with Lexi so much. Her need for Oder and rules but yet when give the right circumstances how care free she could be just spoke to me. I loved the passion between these two and my heart oh my heart broke when things came crashing down. I love when a story is so good you feel like its happening to you and that’s exactly what this story felt like!

A must 2024 MUST READ!

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What a pleasant surprise! I picked this book up on a whim and I am so glad that I did. It was such a sweet story.

At first I was a little confused by the insta-love between Lexi and Jake, but once I got further into the book, I understood the purpose of the plot. I related to Lexi’s work ethic and independence, and I was drawn to Jake’s humbleness and loyalty to Lexi.

If you like books with a culinary focus, I would easily recommend this book for you. Lexi’s culinary background allowed for so many yummy food descriptions that had me wanting to get in the kitchen myself.

(Slight spoilers here) The only thing that stood in the way of this being a five star review was the repetitiveness of the story towards the end. It didn’t take away from the story, but I could have gone without the third act breakup.

Regardless, I still recommend picking up this book when it releases in February!

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Thanks to publisher and netgalley for an e-arc of this book! I enjoyed Lexi’s culinary experience through school then her first job as it all unfolds throughout the story! The romance between Lexi and Jake developed quite quickly and the steamy scenes were top notch but the sheer amount of miscommunication that happens throughout the book drove me up the wall🥲 Admittedly, it’s one of my least favorite tropes but it did take me a bit away from my enjoyment of the story . All that to say, a really solid debut for Hameroff and I’m definitely going to keep an eye out for their future works!

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CW: death of a parent (recounted), cancer (recounted), sexual harassment

Closed Door Modifications: Chapter 3 (some parts), Chapter 17 (some parts), Chapter 21 (some parts)

I would like to thank NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing me with a free e-ARC of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Months after a magical weekend with Jake Taylor, Lexi Berman never expected to find him become an overnight musical sensation nor be the inspiration behind his most popular song. Yet, when she finds Jake outside her apartment door in the middle of the night, Lexi navigates trying to be friends with Jake despite their lingering feelings for each other.

Hameroff does provide a somewhat unique and very interesting premise for Till There was You, and her writing style is very good for a debut novel. Readers are able to get right to the heart of the book, experiencing the rush of Lexi following her dreams of being a chef and the magic of falling in love more than once. Hameroff is able to create a solid group of characters to help advance the plot and you will fall head over heels for Lexi and Jake’s relationship.

I do think there’s some work Hameroff needs to improve on when it comes to character development. Specifically, I felt that Lexi seemed hypocritical about dating a celebrity and her reactions to her work not immediately falling in line with Jake’s schedule feels frustrating at times as a reader.

Nevertheless, Till There was You is a swoon-worthy romance for readers that like the soulmates and second chance romance tropes that you will want to look out for next year.

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I DEVOURED this book with even more gusto than I would have devoured any of the (extremely delicious sounding) meals in it. It was so cute, and so wild, and made me cry (not a super impressive feat in general but for a book about pancakes [lol] it was a bit surprising).

When they let themselves, Jake and Lexi communicate so well. The problem is that they idk not always let themselves, and also their lives are both so chaotic that it takes a superhuman effort just to make time for each other. But the genuine affection they both have for each other is so heartwarming it physically hurts me.

Also, we love a man who can admit when he’s wrong and we love a woman who knows her worth even when it’s challenged repeatedly. These two are too cute and I’m mad about it.

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I enjoyed this read! I thought that it warmed my heart, but there were a couple of faults that took away my joy. I thought this book was an instant love. There was no real slowburn, which I tend to enjoy. I did love the meet cute and the type of romance that was presented in the book! The characters were beyond lovable, and perfect on page. Their happy ever after is something that a girl only dreams of.

Thank you for the copy of this arc!

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I loved this story so much. It was a sweet, emotional, and wonderful love story. My only wish is that this book would have been a bit longer. I say this only because I enjoyed it so much and I really didn't want it to end. I hope the author gives us more from this world.

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Lexi and Jake meet by chance but this is a wonderful chance on love. The ups and downs are worth wading thru for this ending.

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Starting 'Till There Was You' from debut author Lindsay Hameroff’s culinary-inspired novel late evening led to an all-nighter I do not regret. Her romance not only has a fresh and delightful mouth-watering edge, but for gourmets like me, it will most definitely sate your appetite. I revelled in the hustle and bustle of an upmarket restaurant’s kitchen where the heroine is determined to find her feet. That said, Hameroff’s main characters’ journey to happiness isn’t without its angsty moments.

Whilst I thoroughly lapped up Alexa Berman, aka Lexi and Jake Taylor’s surprise beginning, it all felt too good to be true. Although what was or maybe wasn’t about to happen saddened me, I loved Lexi’s tenaciousness and couldn’t help but give her my full attention. I understood why gaining work experience had virtually always been a challenge and why amorous distractions were off her radar; however, Jake Taylor’s subsequent actions and his quick rise to fame in the music world perturbed me somewhat.

Jake will charm the pants off you! The southern crooner and composer of a song played constantly on the radio is a token to Lexi, and their fleeting intimacy–yes, I’m all in for insta-love, made me impatient for more. So why did she and I get the impression that he’d done a disappearing act? Aah, will Hameroff give these two lovebirds a second chance? I certainly hoped she would. 

As the story unfolded, I learnt the nitty-gritty aspects of a rockstar’s lifestyle, the influence those around Jake had on him, social pressure and how he handled it all. His reason for not giving up brought out all my emotions, and I even wondered if he and Lexi could find a happy medium with such demanding careers.    

Loving Lexi and Jake was beyond effortless. And the magnificent secondary character development: I fell hard for Ali and Chloe, and the dialogue per se, peppered with witty one-liners that had me cracking up, was a relief when things got even more complicated than they already were. The finger-licking dishes are worth remembering, without forgetting a generous sprinkling of off-the-charts steaminess and some pretty tense scenes that left a lump in my throat.

Despite devouring this novel, I savoured every last word. What can I say about the ending? Well–to say Hameroff blew my mind would be an understatement! She has delivered an enthralling, faultlessly flowing and heartfelt story that merits all the stars, and I cannot wait to see if she’ll be cooking up more from where this came from. Bravo!

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book, it is insta love and a second chance romance. It’s full of sweet moments and so funny. I actually found myself laughing out loud multiple times.

Lexi and Jakes relationship was very sweet and relatable. It showed that they were both chasing their dreams, but feeling lost in their lives. They found comfort and love in each other.

I absolutely loved the found family, Chloe and Ali were amazing friends. I was also rooting for Ethan! Ethan was a sweet and kind man. I truly hope that in the future we can get books following their stories. I don’t even understand why, but Chad was almost endearing.

I would definitely recommend this book. It was fun and fast paced, I read the whole thing in one sitting. I’m sure many people will also love it.

Thank you to Netgally and St. Martins Press, for providing me with this ARC in exchange of an honest review.

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Lexi Berman is an aspiring chef who is 6 months into culinary school when she meets a dive bar singer Jake Taylor. Despite her no dating rule they spend a magical weekend together before Jake heads to LA to record his demo.

Jake hits it big with a single about Lexi's blueberry pancakes and life takes them both in different directions. He becomes an overnight celebrity . She gets a job in a local restaurant that she hopes will help towards her goal of one day opening her own restaurant.

Lexi tries to forget about Jake, but that's kinda hard to do when the man's face is plastered on billboards and his song is constantly blasting all over the radio. After months of no contact Jake shows up on her doorstep and Lexi tries to ignore the butterflies she feels when Jake is around. Can she focus on her career and be friends with the one guy who gets her? Can she withstand the barrage of comments on social media? Will she be willing to break her own rules to find her own kind of happy?

This was a quick and fun read. At times I thought Lexi got in her own way, but overall it was enjoyable.

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Till There Was You" by Lindsay Hameroff is a delightful and heartwarming novel that left me utterly charmed. Culinary student Lexi Berman meets Jake Taylor, a dive bar musician, and sparks fly. Despite her no-dating rule, Lexi takes a chance on Jake, leading to a steamy weekend together. When Jake's music career takes off, fueled by a song that seems to be about Lexi, their connection becomes even more complicated.

Set against the backdrop of fame and the bustling New York City restaurant scene, the story blends second chances with the challenges of celebrity life. Lexi and Jake are endearing characters with their own dreams and vulnerabilities. As they navigate their relationship amid media attention and career aspirations, the novel offers a delightful mix of romance and drama.

Hameroff weaves a tale that captures the magic of unexpected love and the dilemmas that come with it. The exploration of fame's impact on personal relationships is thoughtfully portrayed, making the story relatable and emotionally resonant. For those who crave both romance and emotional depth, "Till There Was You" is a must-read that will leave you with a smile.

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Heart-felt story of Lexi and Jake, two passionate people trying to find their way in this world. The author has seamlessly helped them find their way to each other too. Great, quick read. Let’s hope there’s a story for Ali next!

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I was so lucky to be given the opportunity to read an ARC of this book so thank you so much Lindsay, Netgalley, and St. Martin’s Publishing!

This book follows Alexa Berman, an aspiring executive chef and has just finished culinary school and is trying to make a name for herself in the industry in hopes of making her mom proud. And Jake Taylor, a beautiful Southern man who finds himself an popstar overnight. After they have a magical weekend together, he vanishes for almost a year. And right when Lexi starts to pick her life back up and move on, Jake pops back into town!

I will admit, I was a bit hesitant about how this book was going to go, simply because I went to culinary school and worked in a 5 Michelin Star 5 Diamond restaurant and it generally doesn’t get depicted very well. But I was so pleasantly surprised! The anxiety of presenting to your chef during class for critique and focusing so hard on the negatives they say, how absolutely crazy and hectic your first stage at a restaurant is with a team you don’t know, the RELATIONSHIPS THAT HAPPEN WITHIN A KITCHEN AND THEN NEVER TALKED ABOUT AGAIN!!!! and just how much of your life gets taken over by working in a restaurant! It was done so well and made me laugh so much!

Not only was the kitchen atmosphere so fun, but the characters were so funny! Lexi’s friend Ali who was obsessed with celebrities and went on a million bad first dates was hilarious and I felt like she’s just a super relatable character! Jake had so many funny one lines and Lexi just felt super relatable!

Overall I really really enjoyed this book (I was just kind of sad that it was mostly all fade to black scenes because I love the spice and that made me read it a bit slow but that didn’t deter anything!) and I am so excited for it to come out so I can grab a physical copy!!

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A chef meats a musician in New York City!. Full of charm, and the threat of celebrity a wonderful romance blossoms. What a great read!

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This book was so delightful! The premise was so fun, I loved watching the characters figure out what went wrong between them and fall in love, and the FOOD! I’m hungry just thinking about it.

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The cover alone is what drew me into this book, but the story within the book is what got me to stay! I can see this being a very popular book at my library. And I will be recommending it to my patrons and my friends alike.

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This was a very cute romance between Lexi, a chef, and Jake, a rising pop star. A year ago, they had an amazing weekend together. Jake wrote a song about her, got signed to a record deal, and the song became a huge hit. After the song blows up, he ignores Lexi’s texts and phone calls. Understandably, when he shows up in her life again, she’s not interested in reconnecting. After he explains why he ghosted, slowly she begins to let her guard down and starts to fall for him.

I love a celebrity romance, and this book does a good job of showing how difficult it is to be in the public eye. The food descriptions were also great, and the restaurant atmosphere seems accurate and well-done based on my secondhand knowledge of what restaurant kitchens are like.

Recommended for readers who enjoy chef romances and celebrity romances!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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This was a quick, easy read that I unfortunately didn’t really connect with. It started off with a lot of promise. I loved Lexi and Jake’s initial meeting and weekend together. It felt like the two of them had a lot of chemistry, and I was looking forward to how things would play out following the impending separation mentioned in the blurb. Everything that came after fell mostly flat for me though. It all felt like it happened too quickly after they’d only known each other for a weekend prior to over a year of zero contact. The relationship and drama surrounding it felt surface level to me, despite attempts to give it depth.

Though I didn’t love the book, I think it was a decent debut and the author has a lot of potential. I would read another book by her in the future.

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This was such a fun read! I can't wait for more by this author. I would absolutely recommend! If you are looking for a book to get you back into reading. This is it!

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