Member Reviews

There is something fulfilling about a book with a strong hero and heroine, and then a bunch of supportive side characters that are supportive no matter what. I also like when there's a shift and a bad character goes good. This book was fun, made me smile, and was so much more than just a rockstar/chef falling in love book.

Lexi, who is an accomplished chef, has some abandonment issues after her mother's death and her father having remarried quickly. Lexi is pretty much on her own, aside from a small group of friends. At a bar she meets Jake just before he takes the stage. Almost as soon as they meet, he becomes an overnight sensation and is catapulted into stardom.

This book was fun and engaging 1st and then 2nd chance romance. It's filled with angsty moments designed to keep them apart. My favorite part was was the come-to-Jesus meeting someone who needed to explain himself. Hit me right in the feels.

Five stars

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Ooooh I devoured this. I think Lexi and Jake were cute and those sparks were going crazy. I think their meet was adorable and the song about her blueberry pancakes was fun. This was just a fun and entertaining (kind of) high stakes romance.

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Super cute, quick, quirky summer romcom read! Perfect book to make you chuckle. I really enjoyed reading this book and found myself cheesing at certain parts.

The writing style was cute, the NYC descriptions were super spot on. Lexi was funny and enjoyable and I really loved her personality develop in the kitchen and out. She was a very relatable character. I somewhat wish the romance was a little slower and we got to see some more work being put into Lexi & Jake’s relationship in the beginning. I wasn’t necessarily a huge fan of the insta love. Overall 4 stars!

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This was a quick, very easy, light read. Always love to see Jewish rep in romance. It was not my style - hero was a little too perfect and the romance a little too saccharine - but I can see how others would appreciate it.

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I loved this book! I enjoyed the heroine's arc and was interested throughout. The relationship is extremely cute and it grows nicely.

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This was a cute, fluffy romance! Would've been 4 stars, but I didn't feel a real connection between Jake and Lexi throughout any of the book. Their entire relationship felt fairly flat for two people who found instalove. That being said the story itself was pretty good!

The ending was so good, though! By the last 10% I was in tears 🥹

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for a copy of this e-ARC!

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I wrote this book and I'm a pretty big fan of it. Then again, it's basically an amalgamation of all my favorite things (Sound of Music reference intended), so I guess it's sort of a given. I hope you'll enjoy reading it too!

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."Till There Was You" by Lindsay Hameroff was a joy to read. I had 15 full-body laughing fits throughout this story, along with a couple of heartfelt tears. I'm so glad I read this. As a Jewish woman and the wife of a chef, I related so much to the main characters but with a role reversal. My favorite part of this story was that the main female character didn't lose herself in order to please a man. The side characters, the "3 Musketeers", were so relatable and fun; they added the perfect comedic backbone to this story. This book should be on everyone's summer reads list.

Please feel free to reach out and ask me to turn this review into a tiktok closer to the launch. I know my followers will love this book. Social handle lifted_pdx

Kat Darby

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This was adorable! Insta love isn’t my favorite but for some reason it worked here. It was swoony and relatable.

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4 Stars Till There Was You by Lindsay Hameroff was such a sweet and emotional romance, and I loved every second of it!

Driven culinary student Lexi Berman won't let anything get in the way of making her late mother proud by becoming a Michelin-starred chef, and that includes a relationship. But after a whirlwind night, which turns into a whole weekend, with musician Jake Taylor, Lexi is rethinking her stance on relationships. But then Jake disappears after going out to LA to record a demo and he suddenly becomes an overnight celebrity after a smash single inspired by Lexi and her blueberry pancakes. Finally working in a restaurant, but at the very bottom, Lexi is on her way to making her dream come true, even though it's not all it's cracked up to be. Suddenly, Jake turns up at her apartment again and Lexi's carefully laid plans are thrown through a loop. Lexi yearns for control, something she seems to lose around Jake. They agree to try to be friends again, but as their deep connection resurfaces, Lexi knows that she could never just be friends with Jake Taylor. Lexi has to decide what to hold on to--her carefully laid plans to fulfil the dream she shared with her late mom or her relationship with Jake.

This was a great second-chance, rockstar romance. Jake was an absolutely adorable southern boy who simped hard for Lexi. Lexi was beautifully flawed, but also courageous and inspiring. The only thing I didn't like about this one was that the HEA was too short. I wish we could've gotten a glimpse at Jake and Lexi in the future, especially to see if Jake's dad came around to support his son's career and how Lexi's new venture worked out. Such a good read though!

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More like 2.5 stars. Very much a quick insta-love romance with no real depth. Very cheesy/cutesy at times. I think if I was in the mood for a quick romcom this would have been great but I always like my books with a little more slow-burn and with fleshed out storylines and characters.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martins Press for an arc in exchange for an honest review!

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