Member Reviews

This was a fun read and I can't wait to read the next book in the series! I am now adding all of Patricia Johns' books to my TBR. I really want to see Pet and Asher get together! I love learning about other cultures/religions and so I loved the details of Amish life explained in this book!


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I loved this first in series! I both read and listened to this audio book.

The setting is in cold and frigid Amish country and the main character is a strong willed “unmarriagable” Amish woman, Petunia. Petunia has accepted her fate, knowing she is not marriage material. She speaks her mind too much, she has too much of an opinion and she can’t cook for anything. She has resigned to caring for her widowed father instead of settling down with her own family.

Things take an unexpected turn when she finds her best friend, Eden standing over the body of Eden’s not so secret lover, Ike Smoker. Ike is a bad boy who showed up in Blueberry, PA several months prior. Everyone has warned Eden against Ike but she loves him….

Local detective, Asher Nate is investigating Ike’s murder, and asks for Petunias help with navigating the Amish community.

It is impossible not to adore Petunia and appreciate her strong sense of self. She seems to feel a sense of longing for her own husband and family, but is also excited at being the towns youngest old maid.

I can’t wait to read more of these!

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this title.

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Petunia Yoder was a seamstress, happy in her work sewing for upcoming brides, but when she went to pick up some ice for making her specialty ice-cream, she was shocked when her best friend, Eden Beiler, rushed out covered in blood. Ike Smoker, Blueberry's ice man, was inside - dead. The icepick had made sure of that. And Eden was on top of the suspect list.

The Amish community was tight; they stuck together and sheltered one another from anything unsavory. But there weren't many who had liked Ike Smoker; consequently there were a lot of suspects. When the new, local detective sheriff, Asher Nate, asked Petunia to be his interpreter and help out within the community he wasn't used to, Petunia agreed. With secrets and lies unfolding at a rapid rate, both Petunia and Asher knew the clock was against them. Would they find the killer before someone else died?

Murder of an Amish Bridegroom is the 1st in An Amish Seamstress Mystery series by Patricia Johns and I quite enjoyed it. Petunia wasn't the 'norm' in the Amish community - stubborn, with her own ideas, determined to do the right thing, and a business woman to boot - everyone, including her father, said she wasn't marriage material (she is 22 in the book!!) A young old maid she's called, and she doesn't mind a bit! Her character is a delight! I'm definitely going to read more in this series, and recommend this one to fans of cosy mysteries.

With thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.

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Murder Of An Amish Bridegroom is the first book in the An Amish Seamstress Mystery series by Patricia Johns.

Petunia Yoder is known as the youngest old maid in all of Blueberry, PA. Petunia is outspoken to think for herself, whereas, in the Amish community, the man handles everything outside the home. Plus, her cooking, for the most part, definitely needs improving, but her ice cream usually turns out fine. Her father has an Amish tour business, and when the day’s tours are complete, the tourists are brought back for ice cream. Petunia needs to make ice cream for today's tourists, but first, she needs to visit Ike Smokers Ice House. When she arrives at the ice house, she sees her close friend Eden standing in the doorway and has blood on her hands and dress. Once inside the ice house, Petunia finds Ike Stoker, Eden’s boyfriend, dead, having been stabbed in the chest with an ice pick. Eden says she came to visit Ike and found him dead. The police are called, Asher Nate arrives, and Eden is soon taken off to the police station to be questioned. Petunia is sure that Eden didn’t kill Ike during Petunia’s interview with Det. Nate said that since he is relatively new to Blueberry and an Englisher, Petunia suggests she be with him when he interviews the Amish. Based on Petunia's information at the scene and shared with Nate, Petunia might be a valuable asset and agrees that they team up. Petunia shares with Nate that Ike was not well thought of in Blueberry. He was known to borrow money and not pay it back and was known to be a womanizer.

Murder Of An Amish Bridegroom is a beautiful start to a new series. The characters were well-developed, believable, and enjoyable. I particularly liked Petunia’s father. For the most part, he wasn’t happy that Petunia was working with the police, but on the other hand, it was something that she needed to do, and that she would do an outstanding job. The book is well-written and plotted. There were enough twists and turns that I kept guessing until the end as to the killer's identity.

I'm looking forward to the next book in the series. I’m anxious to see how Petunia and Asher get on the next time.

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The first book in a new series and it indicates that the Amish Seamstress Mystery series is going to be one to follow. One little query - no Amish bridegroom was murdered in the telling of this story. Not quite sure where the title came from. However one at least of the murdered persons was indeed Amish. But definitely not a bridegroom.

Our main characters are Petunia Yoder, Amish, smart and sure that she is spinster material, and Asher Nate, Englisher, detective and totally charming. They absolutely have to sort out the Amish/ Englisher problem because they are the cutest couple and deserve to be together.

The mystery is excellent, the characters charming and I think I may have to give it five stars. Looking forward to the next book.

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4 Stars
One Liner: A solid start to a series

Petunia Yoder is the youngest old maid of the Amish community in Blueberry, Pennsylvania. She is 22 and too independent (straightforward, nosy, and opinionated) to find an Amish husband. However, Petunia isn’t worried. She is a seamstress (among other things) and has enough income of her own. Her widowed father runs a tourist agency, and the two have a comfy life.
One day, Petunia goes to Ike Smoker’s place for ice only to find him dead and murdered. Eden Beiler, her friend and Ike’s girlfriend, is the prime suspect. Petunia knows Eden is not the murderer. When Homicide Detective Asher Nate, a newcomer in the region, asks for her help to interpret the Amish nuances, Petunia agrees to help. After all, she needs to clear her friend’s name.
Soon, she discovers there’s a lot she didn’t know, and her life could be in danger even if sleuthing is fun. Can Petunia and Asher solve the murder before there’s another death?
The story comes in the third-person POV of Petunia Yoder.

My Thoughts:
My first introduction to the Amish community was through the Criminal Case game on Facebook. So when I saw this book, I wanted to re-live the experience in another format (and I’m always looking for new cozy mysteries). Let’s say this was a fun ride.
I don’t know anything about the Amish, so I can’t say how authentic the portrayal is. A few words from Pennsylvanian Dutch are used but are easy enough to understand.
Petunia sounds and acts older than 22. She has some girly traits but is balanced enough when required. Even Asher, the English detective, though 27, seems stable and reliable. Quite surprising, but nice, too.
There are bits of humor scattered throughout the book. Be it Petunia’s cooking (no guarantees there) or her father’s confidence that she will enjoy sleuthing way too much. He is a great character. He is protective but also someone who knows his daughter well and gives her the freedom she craves (something the Amish girls don’t always seem to have).
There are a variety of characters, each doing their part and bringing something to the plot. Some make a stronger impact, and I hope to see them in future books.
The mystery is well done. Ike Smoker is disliked by just about everyone in the Blueberry Amish community. In fact, he hardly seems to have any Amish traits. This increases the list of suspects, but the plot progression is well done. The reveal comes out with a bit of a surprise yet ties up everything with satisfaction.
Though the cover looks ordinary at first glance, it is cleverly done. I wish the colors popped out a bit more (or are they deliberately muted to suit the simple Amish lifestyle?).
At just 272 pages, the pacing is a bit uneven, but that’s expected in the first book of a series. However, there’s no dull moment. The book ends on a hopeful note with a clear indication that Petunia will continue to solve crimes in Blueberry.

To summarize, Murder of an Amish Bridegroom is a good entertainer and a great start to a new series. It sets the right tone and expectations for the coming books. There will be romance too, and I’m curious to see how it will be handled.
Thank you, NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books, for the eARC. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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I really enjoyed this series introduction! The character development was well done and the author has created characters that readers are going to really like. Petunia, who considers herself ‘the youngest old maid’ in her Amish community, is smart, strong, compassionate and determined to find the truth of who murdered Ike Smoker. Asher Nate is the detective who is responsible to investigate crimes in his community, both ‘English’ and Amish. He recognizes that to find this murderer he’ll need someone within the Amish community to assist in the investigation. Thus begins the partnership between the two. The mystery is well developed and keeps you guessing. Is the portrayal of the Amish community accurate? I have no idea really. Does it matter? It doesn’t to me, because the story itself is so good and the story is what I chose the book for.

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This is a first in series and a new to me author. The mystery kept me guessing. Petunia is an interesting main character. She is outspoken and many of her actions would be controversial in her Amish community.
I was a bit confused by the title of the book as the man who died was not in this instance an Amish bridegroom. Ike Smoker never proposed to Eden. There are many reveals in the story that let you know just how far off course this man was.
I like detective Asher Nate. He has a past that has wounded him. He is able to bear criticism from Petunia.
My understanding of Amish society is entirely influenced by books, so I can’t say how accurate the portrayals are, but they certainly represent how many groups of people would react in situations posed in the book.
I liked the narrator’s voice in the audiobook.
Thanks to Netgalley, Crooked Lane Books and Dreamscape Media for the opportunity to review this book.

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I loved Murder of an Amish Bridegroom by Patricia Johns. It's a perfect blend of mystery, series-plot setting, character introduction and development. My only hiccup was Petunia being termed 'unmarriageable' based on her inability to cook or conform to traditional gender roles.

Despite that, the story is captivating. Detective Asher asking Petunia for help in the murder case is a nice touch. The plot unfolds with surprising twists, and the ending kept me hooked. Overall, a fantastic debut, and I'm excited for the next installment!

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Kept Me Guessing

This is such a wonderful cozy mystery! While the title and blurb piqued my interest, the lovely cover completely cinched the deal. As I read the story, I could see more and more of how on target the cover really is and how well it matches the story.

Although those elements drew me to the story, the great characters, story line and mystery kept me glued to the pages. I loved Petunia and her way of looking at things, her determination and her caring nature. I also loved Asher and how he was willing to learn from Petunia. They definitely made quite the investigative pair. The story kept me guessing right to the very end and that is just one of the great things that made this such a wonderful read and one that I highly recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book. All comments and opinions are voluntary and completely my own.

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A nice start to a new series! Petunia knows that Ike was not a nice man, that he was disliked by many but most especially by the family of Eden, woman who loved him. She also knows that Eden wasn't the one who spiked him with an ice pick but who did? There's a new detective- Asher Nate- in town and together, they work to solve the mystery. This is especially nice because Nate is most interested in Petunia's take on things and because Amish culture is woven throughout the story. He's also respectful (he doesn't react when she points out that Amish girls leave school after grade 8 among other things). Petunia's a hoot and intrepid as can be. The mystery is just twisty enough. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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22-year old Amish seamstress Petunia Yoder considers herself an unmarriageable old maid. So when her best friend, Eden, is accused of murder, Petunia is determined to work with the Police detective investigating the case to prove that Eden is innocent.

The book was very well written and I liked the characters. Plus there were enough suspects to keep me guessing. But I find it hard to believe that an Amish woman in her twenties would be allowed by both her father and Bishop to participate in a murder investigation.

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3.5 stars, rounded up

When Petunia discovers the body of her Amish community’s ice man, she also discovers her best friend on the scene with blood on her hands. Asher Nate, the homicide detective, is new to the area and needs Petunia’s help to interpret the clues he uncovers. To keep her friend out of jail, she reluctantly agrees to help.

This is what appears to be the first book in a new series featuring the Amish in Pennsylvania. We live not to far from that part of our state, and I enjoy books set there if they’re accurate and well-written. I couldn’t help but compare this book to those I’ve read by Laura Bradford and Amanda Flower, and when this book fell a little short, I thought perhaps it was the author’s debut, but that is not the case. It does, however, appear to be her first *mystery book, so that might contribute to that slight disappointment.

I like Petunia, the main character, her father, and the way he supports her in her desire to be her own woman. The jury is out on some of the others in the Amish community, but I’m sure many of those will be addressed in future books in the series. I didn’t care for the almost instant attraction Petunia felt for the detective – a little too close to the ‘love at first sight’ trope that I dislike so much. It’s hard to believe that a woman so far past her rumspringa would fall so quickly for an Englisher, but that too may be addressed as the series progresses.

The murder victim didn’t have a good reputation in the Amish community, so there were quite a few potential suspects to consider. My list kept changing as the story progressed and more information was uncovered, but the motive and the actual killer took me by surprise, so kudos to the author for not making the mystery easy to figure out. I look forward to reading the next book in this series to see what happens next with Petunia and Asher, and to get to know more of the people in Blueberry, PA.

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I gave Murder of An Amish Bridegroom by Patricia Johns 4 stars

Petunia Yoder is Blueberry, Pennsylvania’s youngest old maid, at twenty-two years of age, and completely unmarriageable. But she’s determined to celebrate her friends’ weddings with joy and a full heart. Unfortunately, Petunia’s best friend, Eden Beiler, is playing a dangerous game with a man who is ruining her reputation.

Ike Smoker is the community’s ice man—the one who cuts, stores, and sells the ice—and when Petunia discovers him dead with an ice pick in his chest, Eden is found on the scene with blood on her hands. Homicide detective Asher Nate is new to the area, and he has a challenge on his hands. The Amish community sticks close together, and he doesn’t understand the subtleties and nuances of the clues he uncovers. He needs an Amish interpreter, and he asks Petunia if she’ll help. In a bid to keep her best friend out of prison, she agrees.

-------- REVIEW --------
A new to me author and also the first book in a new cozy mystery series. I have only read two Amish cozy mysteries before, and this was the best one. I really enjoyed it, and Petunia was a very strong and likeable character. She had a great relationship with the detective, and I couldn't stop smiling when they were flirting. Forbidden love is one of my favorite tropes. I am curious to see if this will develop further in the future.

The mystery was also well written. There is a lot of investigating in this book, but it still felt kind of slow. Maybe because it was in an Amish society without technology, so it was more talking to people and trying to figure out the mystery that way. There were also not too many suspects, so I had a hunch on whodunit.

A really great start to a new series that I highly recommend!

Thank you, NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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What a great start to a new series! The Amish have always been portrayed as good and virtuous people (as they are) and I had no idea there was a seedier side until I saw the show title “Amish Mafia” (never actually watched it) and it made me think that there are some who are not like the others. This book cemented that view; in fact, at times, I had a difficult time reconciling the fact that the characters were Amish, but that added to the drama of the story. I loved Petunia and her matter-of-factness as well as her spirit and determination. It will be interesting to see where this partnership with Detective Asher Nate and the police department does in future books.

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I read a number of cozies set in Amish towns, and I found this one somewhat unconventional. Petunia and her father are refreshingly likeable and relatable, as is Englisher Detective Asher Nate. I enjoyed spending time with these characters and was pleased that while Petunia's unmarriageable status is mentioned often, she accepts it without bitterness and even a touch of humor.. Unlike many cozy mysteries,, this book embraces a working relationship between Asher and Petunia from the outset without all the angst and animosity that often exists between the amateur sleuth and law enforcement, not to mention an Amish amateur sleuth and Englisher detective. I think even those who dislike such pairings will be pleased with how this one is handled. Of course, there is that potential "forbidden" relationship that may prove interesting as this series develops. This is a great easy read, and I look forward to the next book.

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Murder of an Amish Bridegroom is the first in the Amish Seamstress Mysteries. Petunia Yoder is the self-proclaimed Youngest Old Maid in Blueberry, Pennsylvania. She speaks her mind, independent and her cooking skills need some help. But she is an excellent seamstress and has a business making wedding dresses for the women in the Amish community and also selling Amish style clothing to her father's tourist business customers. Local iceman, Ike Smoker, is found stabbed in the icehouse and Petunia's best friend, Eden Beiler, is there with him and with blood all over her clothing, the police think they have their killer. Petunia knows Eden could never kill anyone. There are no tire tracks in the snow, which means the killer has to be someone in their Amish community. Petunia gets Police Detective Asher Nate to let her help in the investigation. He realizes she can get him into the homes of the Amish so he can question them. Ike is not well liked so there are plenty of suspects and secrets. Then a second murder happens. Can Petunia and Asher find the killer before Petunia becomes the next victim.

LOVE THIS BOOK! I could not stop reading once I started. Petunia was my favorite character, but her father, Elias, was a close second. I can't wait till the next book of this series!
Thank you Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for the chance to read this book and give my honest opinion.

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Petunia Yoder makes wedding dresses, which is ironic as the residents of her hometown, Blueberry, Pennsylvania, consider her their youngest old maid and unmarriageable. When she stumbles across a dead body with an ice pick in the chest and a close friend with blood stained clothing standing nearby, Petunia knows she has to do something.

Detective Asher Nate has been working out of the Blueberry precinct for a short while but has already worked out that, as an Englisher, the Amish way of life is something he needs to learn a lot about. When it becomes clear the only person who couldn't be guilty is Petunia, Asher asks her to be the liaison between himself and the local community. As interviews begin and Asher starts to work out what happened, Petunia wonders if life in Blueberry will ever be the same again.

This is the first in Patricia Johns new series and I loved it! Petunia and Asher are already fully formed as the main protagonists and worked well alongside other characters who hopefully will appear in future books. The storyline was excellent and combined seamlessly with some of the basics of the Amish way of life which I look forward to learning more about as the series continues.

I was able to read an advanced copy of this book thanks to NetGalley and the publishers, Crooked Lane Books, but the opinions expressed are my own. This promises to be an excellent new series which I look forward to reading a lot more of. Highly recommended.

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What stuck with me was the pluck of Petunia and the interesting friendship developing between Amish Petunia and outsiders Asher as they work together to solve a murder. Since my only real knowledge of Amish culture and customs comes from books such as Amanda Flower's Amish related series, it took me awhile to settle into the book but once I did, I enjoyed it. I mean, after all, who can't root for a main character that has dubbed herself the "youngest old maid" in Blueberry, Pennsylvania, at age 22.

The story begins almost immediately. Petunia has promised to make ice cream for the group of tourists her father is taking around. When she realizes she doesn't have the necessary ice on hand, she heads off to the ice house in her buggy. She arrives at the same time as her father's tour group and sees her friend Eden's buggy is there, too. Then a dead man is found. The ice man. Even worse, Eden is found with the body and bloody hands. Not good.

Petunia's outspoken manner leads new-to-the-area Detective Asher Nate to recruit her to help him. He's wise enough to know the Amish community tends to be reluctant to talk to outsiders, which basically translates to anyone non-Amish. It's interesting to see how Petunia and Asher work together, their reluctant pairing turning into a friendship. Petunia is torn as she knows the killer must surely be of the community. Even worse, it may be another friend. She just cannot believe Eden is guilty of murder, even though it turns out Eden has some secrets that might give a lesser friend pause. Eden isn't the only one with secrets. It's easy to believe the simplicity of the Amish life means no crime, especially murder, but people are people. And, people keep secrets. Even family.

Will Petunia be able to tread the fine line of helping bring justice without further alienating herself from the more hard-line believers? Why did seemingly sweet Eden even like the guy anyway, much less plan to marry him? Will Asher's newness and differences allow him to find answers with Petunia's help? What might be the penalty be for Petunia for daring to help an outsider investigate the community and even friends? Could Petunia be putting herself in danger?

Who....oh, enough teasers. This was a fun, easy read (even with my personal running around complicating things) and I wound up liking the characters a great deal. It's my understanding the the author has published several Amish romances, so it'll be interesting to see if/how she deals with the interesting dynamics emerging between Petunia (who he's calling "Pet" by the end) and Asher as the book ends. Thanks #NetGalley and #CrookedLaneBooks for introducing me to this intriguing setting and its people. I'm looking forward to continuing this new series soon.

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Murder of an Amish Bridegroom by Patricia Johns is an outstanding mystery.

Will Petunia Yoder find out who killed Ike before Eden is convicted of his murder?

Petunia Yoder
Petunia is the "youngest old maid in Blueberry township." She is not like your average Amish lady. Petunia is outspoken and forgets what her role in society is. Even though Petunia says, she doesn't want a husband and is happy to be an old maid. She respects the vows of matrimony, and I think she sincerely wants to be married and have a family. Hopefully, whoever she marries likes burnt pies.

The other thing about Petunia is that she likes putting puzzles together and solving crimes. She is pretty good at it. Perhaps next time, she will figure out who the culprit is before she is in danger. The other thing is she doesn't lie well at all.

The Mystery
Ike Smoker is new to the community but is making trouble everywhere. He takes liberties with a young woman, borrows money and doesn't pay it back, gambles, drinks, and is loud and obnoxious. He is not a good man; I think he is a cad. Anyway, said cad is killed, and Eden (his girlfriend) finds him. Eden is Petunia's best friend, and when Eden is arrested, Petunia decides to help the police find the actual murderer. So, she teams up with Detective Nash, with her father's blessing, of course.
Our investigative team finds that all is not as it seems in the Amish community of Blueberry, Pennsylvania. There are secrets and secrets, more than Petunia even knows.

Five Stars
I love it. The story is sweet, well, other than murder and all the reasons for it. Our Amish sleuth wrestles with finding the murderer in her community. Petunia shows strength of character and that she is still growing. She is helpful and wants to be part of their church, not someone on the outside.

My rating for Murder of an Amish Bridegroom by Patricia Johns is five stars. I was entertained. If you like a sweet, cozy mystery, I recommend this one.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Murder of an Amish Bridegroom by Patricia Johns.

Until the next time,

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