Member Reviews

I have to say, I didn't even make it a quarter of the way through "The Blue Fairy and the Pyromancer" before I had to put it down. The writing was clunky, the pace was slow, and I just couldn't connect with the characters or the story. The premise had potential, with a fairy and a sorcerer teaming up to uncover a dangerous truth, but the execution fell flat for me. The dialogue felt forced and the world-building lacked depth. The inquisitor hunting them down felt like a one-dimensional villain, and I couldn't bring myself to care about what happened to any of the characters. I would never tell someone to not read something but I found it to be a struggle to get through even a small portion of it. Some may like this but the litte that I read of it was not my cup of tea.
2/5 STARS!

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The book cover is beautiful, and I have to admit it pulled me in right away. I know never judge a book by its cover.
I imagine the characters like Peter Pan and Tinker Bell and while it has some fun aspects, I wasn't prepared for the heavier emotions that will come with the read.
Thank you Netgelley.

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This book had some serious action and I loved it! This was such a great book. I loved the writing style of Zeiss and want to read more by her! Such a great story.
I just reviewed The Blue Fairy and the Pyromancer by Zeiss Schreiber. #thebluefairy #NetGalley
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This was pretty intriguing. The characters were good, and the epic fantasy worldbuilding was great. I'm going to be honest and say that the prologue was the chapter that was the most interesting to me and had me turning pages the fastest.

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This was such a fun read! There were so many plot points and scenes that just drew me into the story. The prologue has to be one of the best I have seen recently as it really set the tone for the rest of the book.

I Breeze and Keiran were great characters and were their POVs were definity my favorite. I didn't like Faith quite as much, but overall the characters were realistic in their reactions, feelings etc.

Really recommend this one!

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Breeze is frustrated by the prohibition placed on her fairy family about human interactions. When she runs away to look for her Nana, she comes to rely on a human almost as much as the human comes to rely on her.

Breeze has an innocent, open view of the world. In the world outside her forest, however, that innocence is tested in ways she could never have imagined.

The imagined world where fairies and humans both exist is well-described and enthralling for the middle-grade reader. A sequel is teased, with many possible story paths available.

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Interesting characters and world. It held my interest throughout. Unfortunately, the prose style was not to my taste and I found myself distracted from the story because of it. The description and the early book set up both led me to expect a certain plot turning point to happen much earlier in the story--like 1/4 of the way through, or midway at the latest. Yet it dragged out to be in the final sequence instead. I was sufficiently invested to see it all the way through, and I'm intrigued enough that I rather want to know where the series will take the story, because it really did feel more like the Beginning rather than a complete story (I mean, it's not a cliffhanger, it just feels like it set up a lot of things that are still to be addressed). But with my disconnect with the prose style I don't know if I'll come back or not. I'd say, try to read a few sample pages if you can--if the prose is fine for your personal taste, and you like the genre, then you'll probably enjoy it all.

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I tried, but this book just wasn't my cup of tea. Maybe it is a matter of personal preference, but I just found it difficult to connect with the characters and engage as much as I would have liked to. Still, I liked the idea behind the book and I would recommend it to any avid fantasy reader.

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There was so much potential in this, but all I could really think about was Peter Pan and Tinker Bell while reading this. It was just confusing because of all the POVs and it was hard to keep track of because at some points I'm thinking who are they talking about?


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The Blue Fairy and the Pyromancer was so enjoyable! It was action packed and full of lovable characters as well. I absolutely fell in love with this story.

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What a page turner! Great action and I really fell in love with the characters. The way this author writes, you can’t help but connect with them and really get attached. Very immersive read and it really kept my attention. I couldn’t put it down! Thank you so much for letting me read this and I can’t wait for their next adventure!

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I wasn't sure what to expect of The Blue Fairy and the Pyromancer. The Blue Fairy sounds like it might be a children's tale, while the cover has an almost YA feel and the depicted blue fairy appears almost angel like. Indeed in the story, Breeze, the blue-winged fairy, is often taken as being and angel.

This first volume of the series concerns a sorcerer/pyromancer and a newly minted priestess/inquisitor charged with capturing him. It opens with her mother executing his mother as a witch., and then turns to Breeze's story as she feels drawn to leave the forest, go beyond the protective bounds laide down by Nana and search for her.

This is an impressive debut novel, and I'll look forward to the next.

The characters are interesting: Breeze the fairy somehow naive but with her own kind of wisdom and integrity; Kieran the 'sorcerer 'is very human, and aware of both failings and limitations - and grateful for his bit of training by a mysterious mentor; while Faith the 'inquisitor' lives in the shadow of her mother, the grand inquisitor' is also human, searching her soul for the truth.

When the three meet, there are truths for all of them to learn.

The background is a matriarchal Church with priestesses in the temples and inquisitors on missions,, protected and accompanied by a knight, a kingdom that suppresses magic while enemy nations don't. While these are today trite tropes that I am somewhat bored, even irked, by, in this story we start to tear down the walls of those traditions. The plots and storylines are well-balanced and well-textured, with certtain threads picked up in the epilogue to point the way to the next in series.

I was also irked by the Breeze's tendency to fall into the hyperbolic trap of calling withholding of information lying, although I was please to see that other characters were thinking that she needed to learn the difference between lying and deceiving, although the latter is different again - and the education on this point has not yet happened.

There is some bad language, so parental guidance is recommended for the younger reader - it is probably best for readers 15 and up.

I'm giving it 4 out of 5 stars.

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This book was great. I was easily able to get lost in it. It had be feeling for the characters.
World building 5/5
Characters development 4.5/5
Pacing 5/5
This book is about a fairy who meets a promancer and shares she secrets of her world but soon regrets it.

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I really enjoyed reading this book and am looking forward to the next book because that cliff hanger ending is legit! The story starts off by dragging the reader in and launching you on a roller coaster ride of plot twists, breath holding spirals, and shocking drops. I enjoyed how the story had fragments of each main character's life that wound together to make a more meanigful joining of the characters as the story grows.. The characters are well rounded and the story line flows smoothly. I would say that even with the occasional f-bomb this is a very good YA book as well as adult readers.

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The Blue Fairy and the Pyromancer is a fast paced suspenseful fantasy adventure!
Packed full of action, magic twist and unexpected turns! Definitely give this a read, the story of Kieran and Faith is not to be missed!

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This is an excellent book. I just absolutely love the character of Breeze. She is an adorable fairy who says and does the cutest things. I will miss her until book 2!

As soon as the book starts you see the author's talent for pulling at your heart strings, switching from feeling so sad, to being delighted by the cuteness of Breeze.

There are fantastic character arcs and transformations, one in particular towards the end I did not expect.

Great book!

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I love this book. I love the storyline and how there are such plot twists, like Faith switching the sides. I love it, that there are fights and chases, but also discussions about complete different points of view, like the one between Faith and Breeze in the Church or the one between Faith and her Knight about whether Inquisitors use magic or not.
I like it, that Breeze always tries to bring everyone together and that she managed to get Kieran and Faith to help each other.

I was literally obsessed with the book and I can't wait for the next book, to get to know, what will happen to the little group next and who will find them first.

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I struggled to get into this book. It’s nothing against the author or the theme, since I know so many others will like it, but personally, the fairies just seemed really childish to me.

Breeze had a very bubbly personality and so did all the fairies. I couldn’t stop thinking about tinker bell (I know somebody else said this too) and it didn’t exactly sell the story to me.

Kieran was a little more complex, but I still didn’t exactly find myself able to stay interested.

I was only able to get to around 15% before I had to stop reading. There wasn’t enough elements to the story to keep me entertained.

But thank you for sending me a copy for review!

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Zeiss definitely has a way with writing.

Pacing - nice & timely
Characters - interesting & full of depth
Story - a different voice from your typical fantasy, enough to keep the flavor
Magic - interesting 🤔

I'll read another book from this author, I was impressed

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book from start to finish and highly recommend it. You’ll enjoy the mystery, adventure, and romance you find. The book is well paced, and you won’t want to put it down.

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