Member Reviews

2.5 stars

This book had so much promise. If I was rating based on the first half it’d easily be 4 stars, but then we hit a weird area where it becomes like a romance book. I hate romance novels. I dont mind a little sprinkled in, but not a full fledged book about it. I almost DFN, I wish I would have. I only stuck with it hoping it would get back on track and add to the beginning part of the book.

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The cover got me to pick it up , started out good , had the feeling of a good monster book but something happened, it was like the author forgot what they was writing about.

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When a monster kills her daughters Ceely vows to take revenge and she will do it with all the means at her disposal, risking her own life if necessary.
The first part of the story promises to be a science fiction or horror story and is well paced, but from that point on it becomes a romance between Ceely and the Baton Rouge Captain Caesar. We also have other characters who tell their points of view as McKenzie or Jacob but always focused to some extent on the protagonist couple. It is not until the end of the book that we see the creature in action again in a conclusion that could allow for a sequel.
In summary, FAULT is not a bad book, the characters are interesting and it entertains but in my humble opinion, it is not a horror story rather a bit of science fiction with a lot of romance which is not a bad thing if you know what to expect.

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