Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC.
10/10 Needs to be in every office waiting room.

Here and there, it was a bit confusing to know which text bubble or panel I was supposed to read next. This did not distract from the information given.

This book may not convince the ultra-right or uber transphobic family members, but it definitely could help people gain a deeper understanding of gender itself. I feel like someone who is less academic may still walk away with a lot of questions. However, I also think that someone who knows just the basic definitions of gender and sex will learn something from this.
Not only does this book cover how different cultures views gender historically, but it makes a point that the term "gender" itself is English and comes from Western society. Terms like "third gender" is not representative of how other cultures see gender. There are things that are just hard to translate from other cultures.
That being said, I think this point would definitely be something that my older family members may have trouble understanding. I'm not sure if I'd hand this book to my grandfather. People see things from the lens of their own culture. So, older right-wing Americans are not going to understand some points this book is trying to make.
I think that's okay, though. This book does a good job at providing all of the facts, as well as admitting that we don't know everything yet.
It gives you a brief overview of everything gender and how messy the concept is. It goes into the science of sex and how weird that can be, too. All in all, gender is really strange, as the title indicates.

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Read this! Read this! Read this! Illuminating and profound. It doesn't matter your age or gender, you will learn something from this wonderfully educational text that discusses gender in all its many forms. Scientific, yet down to earth.

I loved it all, but I was especially interested in learning how other cultures perceive gender. And then the section about how modern gender in the US came to be—surprising and fascinating.

Very well researched and incredibly informative. We need more books like this.

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I loved this book!! It was extremely informational and explained a ton of things that even I didn't know about. I am definitely going to buy this for my collection.

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AHHHHHHHHH! I am so happy to have been granted access to this gem of a graphic novel from NetGalley, Teddy G. Goetz and Jessica Kingsley Pub. I think everyone needs to take a few minutes and digest the content conveyed in this book, because it might just help yall understand the wild construct that is gender, and how the heteronormative constraints have been bound a bit too tight for far too long. Break out, yall.

Gender and Sex are two different things? And feeling normal or being perceived as normal by others is subjective. It’s time for politicians to keep their hands out of people’s metaphorical pants, per se, and just let everyone live the life they feel comfortable living.

The illustrations in this book were very well-done and perfectly projected when it comes to getting the point across.

Gender is Really Strange hits shelves on October 19, 2023, and this will definitely be an educational resource for all the bigots in my perimeter.

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"Think of the first time you were aware you had a gender..."
"Or the most recent time you were aware of your gender..."

Linking experiences to gender
Breaking down binary BS
History of gender norms (that might not be so normal)
Scientific explanations of gender, sex, hormones
How different cultures view gender and sex

Beautifully done graphic novel - we are all on gender journeys and all gender journeys are valid!

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