Member Reviews

This looks like a very cute story; alas, the Kindle formatting makes it very hard for me to read. All the pages are sideways and cut-off. While I trust that the story is good, I hope that future books from the publisher fix the issues.

Oliver and Charlie travel through time finding information about how humans used to reuse materials. They travel through different countries and saw different cultures.
The novel has themes of humour, friendship and ways that children can make a difference when it comes to protecting our planet.
A really informative read. Great graphic novel introducing children to environmentalism. Kate Wheeler and Trent Huntington make some really meaningful links to the environment which can help with Science and PSHE.

Kate Wheeler and Trent Huntington have created a comic/graphic novel read for all ages with some meaningful environmental links. The information is presented in an engaging way, and I can easily see this book being popular in classrooms linking literacy and science.

I loved how this showed how recycling has been done throughout history and through various cultures and countries. It was very informative and I learned a few things by reading this. This will be a great graphic novel to introduce children into environmentalism via recycling.

Fantastic book! I wish they made a book like this for adults.
Charlie and Oliver have a school project on recycling to do. They travel through time collecting information on how humans used to reuse materials. They learn what things are being done now to help the earth and its inhabitants. Full of wonderful information on recycling and what we can all do to help out.
Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

I learned quite a bit from this little book. A beautiful and engaging way to teach about the history of recycling.
The reason there was a time machine in the first place was a little forced, but everything after was well done.

This book was super cute and fun to read and I believe that this book will help educate kids in a fun way

A sweet, informative but not boring graphic novel for any kids who want to know more about what they can do to help the planet. This would even be useful for adults, too!
Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.
It balances friendship, humour, feelings, along with beautiful dialogue and illustrations, to show how everyday kids and people can make differences in protecting our planet. The jumps back in history was a super cool idea, and it was a great way to show how trash and recycling have changed over the years, and how people’s approach to it had changed. This book taught facts without seeming as if it was ‘teaching’ - my using minor characters to talk about what they were doing to combat waste and what the people of their time thought. It kept me engaged - I read it in one sitting - while making me think deeply about the planet. Would highly recommend for anyone who has kids or works with them - or even anyone who just wants to learn about recycling and trash in a lowkey but well thought-out way.

Loved the way this is brought forth in a graphic novel to reach people on this important issue. Great story; loved how it’s explained, where you can actually put what you learned into action.

<blockquote>It's too much stuff for kids to handle! It's our problem now, and we didn't even do anything.</blockquote>
I have received a copy of This Graphic Novel ARC, In exchange for an honest review, Thanks to the Kate and Trent, and thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity.
This will come out June 13, 2023, It's a trip through the history of recycling, most of it though was semi modern times, But it was still many information i didn't know before, It makes your mind Whirl on how to fix this kind of issues in your own country, sometimes it feels the best we can do, is just start with ourselves, if we are not living somewhere, where our voice matters...
<blockquote>We didn't make this big plastic mess and we're not gonna clean it up on our own.</blockquote>
It's a middle grade graphic novel, but it was really funny, and really educational for me, and it echoed with my environmentalist line of thinking, Yes humans in recent years, have caused so much pollution, we won't really feel it's heavy effect in our lifetimes, but as we care so much for our children, for their wellbeing and future and education and health, Keeping the planet clean is also so important for their wellbeing and health and existence, and they shouldn't fight it alone, the fight started now in many countries, but the majority i believe still needs to start thinking of that too, including my own country.
<blockquote>We can make real big change that could actually make a difference.</blockquote>
The Economy in most countries is moved by the consumers, if u don't consume and start demanding no plastic packing and so on, eventually people will listen, if it's effecting their sales, specially if there is others who can provide the same service but greener!
<blockquote>The difference between trash and a valuable resource isn't what it's made of, it's what you can do with it!</blockquote>
I have no complaints about the story or the art, As a kid time traveling stories really intrigued me, and it's an amazing way to make important topics like this pass to the younger generation.
As for the art it was cute.
Grazie e arrivederci.

This was such a fun way to learn and question recycling and its history (which I knew absolutely nothing about!). "Team Trash" compiles for sure a wealth of information for kids and adults, I for one, only recently discovered that not all plastics can be recyclable and this graphic novel explains which types are and aren't and why and what we can actually do about it (to name only one example). I loved it!