Member Reviews

Abby Ward lives in a town haunted by disappearances. People vanish, and when they're found, their bodies have been dismembered and sewn back together in unnatural ways. But is it the work of a human killer…or something far darker?

Where He Can’t Find You was such clever and creepy read! YA Horror fans are going to love this!
I’m never going to look at red thread the same ever again. But damn, that whole aspect was wholly unique and pretty sadistic! Just the term “The Stitcher” gave me the chills🙌🏼

Coates describes the setting & scenes so well; the small, rundown town with all its neglect and abandonment, the rules that accompany the setting sun and the mines! Reading about the tunnels…ooph! It was so clear to me, it felt cinematic!

Oh yea, this was fun!

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Fire for this arc in exchange for an honest review!

Pub date: 11.7.23.

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FINALLY!!! Darcy Coates deserves an award for this one! It's been a long time since I've read any horror that I would classify as scary, but this book was truly terrifying. Not going to lie, I was scared to read this in the dark. I had to turn on the lights and force myself to put down my Kindle. I even watched TV for a little bit to take my mind off of it before going to bed. And the tension and creepiness never wavered throughout the story. It was 400 some pages of terror. This book is classified as YA but could have fooled me. It was filled with all sorts of delicious creepiness. It gave me classic Stephen King vibes, too. I loved every minute of it! Highly recommend!!

Thank you to the author, Sourcebooks Fire and NetGalley for granting me digital access in exchange for my honest review!

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Thank you to the publisher for this ARC! I was so excited to read something from Darcy Coates. Unfortunately, this one fell a little short for me. It was hard to get into. I am a huge fan of horror and YA, maybe the apocalyptic scenario was strange to jump into? Not horrible by any means. Worth a recommendation.

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"Hide somewhere he can't find you."
I am a big fan of Darcy Coates' writing. I love how detailed her stories are; she builds a creepy and tense atmosphere wonderfully. The characters are well-written and you feel for them. You want them to make it out safely. The book reminded me a lot of It by Stephen King - the monster reminded me of Pennywise and Doubtful reminded me of Derry. The endings had similar vibes as well.

I found that the first 100 pages were slow and a little boring. There is a lot of exposition given and it jumps around the characters a lot. After the 100-page mark though, the story picks up and I flew through the rest of it within a few days. The finale was fantastic and it wrapped everything up nicely. The comic strips at the beginning of each part were a nice touch as well.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of "Where He Can't Find You" in exchange for an honest review.

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I fell in love with Darcy Coates with her haunted house books. I would gladly read a thousand of those and never get bored with them. But I am so proud of how much she has grown as an author. I’m still reading and I’m still obsessed.

First she scared us with malicious ghosts in haunted house. Then she terrified us with the underwater horror, From Below. Now she’s got us traumatized over underground tunnels. Honestly in my opinion Darcy Coates is one of the best horror authors in the game. She makes a wide variety of books for different ages but everyone can still enjoy them. The jacket says this is intended as young adult but it scared me!! I actually had a horrible nightmare after reading the majority of the book. That’s a good sign!

The Stitcher is absolutely terrifying. I’d love to see this as a movie but I also know they wouldn’t be able to do it justice. I’m not sure what inspired this twisted monster but it’ll stay with you.

I highly recommend checking out Where He Can’t Find you by Darcy Coates. Thank you NetGalley, Darcy Coates, and Sourcebooks Fire for the opportunity to read it. I have written this review voluntarily.

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Review: I really want to know how Darcy Coates comes up with all these stories! She is amazing. While this book did start off slow, it was a slow build to the climax which was non-stop!!! No matter how tired I was, I could not stop reading this book! It was that amazing! I did pre-order this book, but was excited when @netgalley approved me to read it early. I don't like having to wait to read more of Darcy's books! This one is definitely tailored more for a YA, but anyone who has loved her books in the past will love this new one! I mean, a serial killer who has been around for 100 years and called The Stitcher! How can you not be intrigued by that! Would definitely recommend!

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Quick paced and creepy! Another reviewer mentioned a Stranger Things and Scooby Doo gang vibe and I think that's spot on. I liked the characters and how they had each other's backs. The story is unique and I would consider it somewhat of an introductory YA horror book. And that cover and the blurb are perfection and set this book up so well.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital copy and a chance to read this early. All opinions are my own.

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“This was how you survived in Doubtful.
You watched. You learned.
And you figured out the rules that would keep you safe.”

A mysterious force known as The Stitcher plagues the town of Doubtful. Man? Monster? No one is really sure. He takes people, severs their limbs, and sews random pieces back together in an amalgamation of mixed parts. A grotesque mockery of their former selves. What does he do with the missing pieces? That’s for you to read and find out.

When Abby’s sister Hope is taken by The Stitcher, it’s up to her and her friends to figure out how to rescue her. The reveal of the mystery around The Stitcher was great (and I won’t say too much for fear of spoilers!) and I loved that technology was always in danger of failing. It made the climax a bit more intense. I enjoyed the narrative and especially loved the graphic novel images sprinkled in at the beginning of each separate part of the book. This is probably not something I would label YA, but then again, I would have read it when I was in that age category, so maybe it is! But it is definitely disturbing and is clearly a classic Darcy Coates-style book. If I have anything to critique, I would say it was a bit long. I like horror to feel tense and fraught and sometimes a shorter story can help keep that pace.

I love Darcy Coates and this is no exception!

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Darcy Coates will never let me down, another quick paced, unforgettable novel that I couldn’t sleep before I finished.

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Great book, loved the story and the different twist and turns. Really liked how different characters stories came into play and it developed and changed through the story. The characters were great and relatable but not over written like some other authors do. The twist of the ending wasn’t expected and overall a really well write book. I would have enjoyed a little more horror however that’s just personal preference.

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Like her other books l've read, the writing is great. However, I just wasn't invested in the story. I didn't feel connected to any of the characters and was waiting for a twist that's common in Coates' books -but it never came. I'm also not a fan of monster/cosmic horror, but if you are you will probably like this.

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BOOK REVIEW: Where He Can’t Find You x Darcy Coates
💀 💀
Goodreads Rating: 4.15/5
My rating: 4/5 ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️
Read this if your favorite show on Netflix is Stranger Things
💀 💀
Darcy Coates’ books are long but I love them because you can’t put them down. I didn’t know this was YA until I started but hot damn, this didn’t feel YA! It was definitely a spooky book that makes your heart rate increase. I loved the friendship group and I loved the Stitcher serial killer vibes. This reminded me so much of Stranger Things which is the only reason why it lost a star. Very quick read though and I enjoyed it.

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I am never disappointed by Darcy Coates. When I started this book and realized it was marked as YA I was hesitant, but within a few pages it had me hooked. It's dark and creepy and has such an atmosphere that I've come to expect with Coates' writing.
I will definitely be purchasing the hard copy when this comes out and passing it along to friends.

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review.

This was a spooky read that left me scared to get up and go to the bathroom at night! Reminded me of It, Stranger Things, and a tiny bit of Scooby Doo? Fun, gross, and creepy!

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What a wild ride I LOVED this book and I couldn’t put it down. Not gonna lie it was a tad long but I can see that if they didn’t include all the story bits and pieces we would miss out. I love the characters and Abby’s development throughout the story. I wonder if there will be a sequel like following Abby as she crime fights, that would be really cool.

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This one was okay for me. I do love a good thriller, but horror books can be hit or miss. I was surprised too see this one labeled as YA simply because I thought it was a bit gruesome. Maybe I'm just clutching my pearls thinking of middle schoolers reading this. Then again, I grew up reading Goosebumps.
Overall, the story was only okay. I thought it dragged a bit, though the premise was compelling.
I'm glad I got a chance to try out a new-to-me author, and I'd read her books again given the chance. I just think I didn't really connect with this one.
Thanks to Net Galley for the book to review.

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Thank you Net Galley and Publishers for giving me an opportunity to review this book.
This was a fast paced crawl under your skin kind of horror novel. I loved the descriptions of the "Stitcher" and thought it's background was really neat. I am happy that this book was not overly gory in the details but it still made you feel that Ick. I think the group of kids were the right ages for this story and it reminded me of IT in some ways, but it is entirely its own story.

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Darcy Coates never lets me down! I have loved every book that I have read by her so far and Where He Can't Find You, is no exception! This novel does have a YA feel to it, but it's still thrilling, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time I was reading.
There is something wrong about the town of Doubtful, technology goes on the fritz and people go missing here while no one bothers to look for them. The town hangs up Missing Persons posters and just hopes that the body will show up. Abby Ward, along with her sister, Hope, and her friends, Rhys, Riya, and Conner live by a strict code. Do not go outside at night. Make sure all your doors and windows are closed and locked at night. Do not travel alone, only in pairs. Because if you don't, the Stitcher will get you.
When Hope gets taken, Abby vows that will she do everything she can to get her sister back. But who, or what, is the Stitcher? Where does he live? How far will Abby go to get her sister back?
Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Fire for the ARC of this book.

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This is a whole new style from Darcy Coates and I think its really good. thank you so much for the arc.

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This was a good one! 5 stars!

The words “somewhere he won’t find you” are slashed in dark red paint on the the side of the general store in town. The omen has been there for decades. There are no cars. Lights flicker. Cell phones fail. And there are especially no people around outside after dusk. No one will speak a word of The Stitcher.

Although people have been disappearing for what feels like eternity, no one will acknowledge The Stitcher’s wrath. They follow the rules and they avoid the dark at all costs. Not only does The Stitcher take people- they dismantle the bodies and put them back together in unseemly ways with red thread.

Abby’s sister, Hope, is taken from right underneath her. Abby and her friends are determined to cut through the lies, hidden secrets, and theories that surround The Stitcher to find Hope before it is too late.

Darcy Coates constructed an epic tale with this one. This book is so dark, terrifying, and made me jump at the slightest unexpected noise. I honestly don’t know how she got away with calling this YA.

I haven’t read Coates before, as I found her pretty intimidating. So many books she has! How would I ever pick?! I am so glad I started with this one. She has such an atmospheric and petrifying style, that I will now reach to pick up her books off the shelves. Also- who else related this to Stephen King’s It? Just like Pennywise, The Stitcher will continue to haunt me.

A great thank you goes out to Darcy Coates, Sourcebooks Fire, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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