Member Reviews

4.5 overall!

I absolutely love Darcy Coates and when I found out she was doing a YA novel; say less. I was instantly hooked from the start with this story and couldn’t put it down. Coates is the queen of creepy and gory and she definitely brought that into this book well even though it is YA. I really enjoyed all the characters throughout the story and was rooting for the Jackrabbits the whole way through. I did have a feeling of how the twist was going to go but I still enjoyed it even when it happened.

This book is just over 400 pages but it honestly doesn’t feel like it and is more of a quick read with it being YA. Did it have to be that long? Probably not and it did feel a little repetitive at times.

Overall, I absolutely loved this book and recommend it to anyone who loves creepy, gory reads that makes you want to sleep with the lights on. I will definitely be reading more from Coates and am so here for more YA novels from her!

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I tried to engage with this book but found it to be a real struggle. It certainly captures the horror of the concept. The tone throughout is uneasy and it leans into the body horror. The ancient evil element certainly isn't unexpected. It's something we see a fair amount in teen horror. THe characters aren't strong enough here to drive us through the slow slog of horror.

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I thought this book was a good read. I felt that the beginning was a bit slower than the authors other books I have read. Overall, this author is fantastic and I can’t wait to read more by her!

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Darcy is one of my all time favourite authors and this was her first YA book? I absolutley loved it, it gave me strong IT vibes which is also a favourite book of mine, great believable characters(as always) and a solid plot, really enjoyed it!

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Darcy Coates is the queen of horror in my eyes. This is her first YA and I was so pleased that it was just as scary as many of her other books though it felt completely different than many of her books.

Abby Ward lives in a strange town where people randomly go missing regularly. Because of this the town doesn’t stray out after dark and Abby, her sister, Hope, and her group of friends have strict rules that they follow. The group of friends are dedicated to getting out of the town and learning as much about the mysterious villain they call the Stitcher (as the victims will reappear stitched together wrong with red thread) so they don’t become his (its?) next victim. But when Hope goes missing Abby is desperate to do everything she can to get her back and not have her be the Stitcher's next victim. With the help of her friends and a newcomer to the town she goes after her sister and uncovers just who (or what) the Stitcher is.

While this is such a dark and sad story in a dark and sad town I couldn’t help but love the characters. The group of friends all have unique qualities and personalities and their relationships with each other are heart warming. The townspeople are well written and the villains are absolutely creepy. My favorite part is trying to piece together if this is supernatural or just the work of a serial killer. Without giving anything away I can say there are some downright terrifying scenes. Between the group digging into the town’s history to the action packed scenes I was entertained throughout the whole thing.

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This was a great book! Good story, good plot, it kept me interested. BUT, upon finishing it, I got very strong IT vibes. Monster underground, group of friends work together to kill it and the town is happy again. Very IT like but still great!!! I will always love darcy

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I love a unique urban legend story and this book does have that. A scary monster looming just out of site, desolate setting, and creepy serial killer all check a lot of boxes but somehow this story just doesn’t find its stride. The characters are underdeveloped, the pacing is slow, and I don’t feel invested in the story at all.

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2.5 Stars

I’m not sure what I was expecting going into Where He Can’t Find You but it definitely took me to a place I wasn’t expecting at all. I was expecting a creepy serial killer story but it was a lot more than that… still definitely creepy tho!

I loved this misfit crew of teenage friends, they were found family at its best! Each one unique, each one interesting and each one has their own issues because of the “stitcher” who hunts and kills people from their town.

I had some issues with this group of teenagers running around a town alone with a know killer on the loose and no one seemed to care. They made so many ridiculous decisions and at times they were a bit unbelievable. A few things were left unresolved for me in the end too and that bothered me as well.

Overall, this book kept me on the edge of my seat and I couldn’t wait to see what happened next!

This may be a very small spoiler below…

For me this was like Goonies meets, Stranger Things, meets serial killer suspense drama. It was good but slightly confusing a bit all over the place at times.

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The characters, gripping plot, and well-executed scares made it a compelling read. Darcy Coates, as expected, crafted a brilliantly suspenseful story. The ending kept me on edge, and the literary scares felt like scenes from a horror movie.

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Darcy Coates is a skilled master of the thriller novel. I am such a fan and really enjoyed this particular novel. There are always interesting plot twists and turns that are hard to anticipate. Looking forward to the next one!

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I really liked this book. It was appropriate for bring a YA book but still gave enough scares and gore that it was still a great horror novel. I will say one of the plot reveals felt a little unnecessary as it was never mentioned again but other than that it was really cohesive. I read the end of this book in the dark with just candle and it freaked me out a little.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

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I genuinely loved this book. Thank you so much netgalley for letting me read this book. To be completely honest, at first I didn’t like Abby or the new girl in town Sam but they quickly redeemed themselves. I found the characters and the story very interesting and the plot gripping. I devoured this book just to see what was going to happen next. The story was brilliantly constructed as expected from Darcy Coates. It almost made me think of a few parallels with Steven King’s IT. The ending was incredibly suspenseful I was just as anxious for the characters as they were. The spooks and literary jump scares were also executed well enough that they weren’t predictable and fit in smoothly. It was like watching a horror movie in my head. Darcy Coates is brilliant at making her books very descriptive as if you’re literally in the pages of whatever book you’re reading of hers, this one was no exception. It’s easy to forget you’re reading a book when you read her works and this one had me checking my surroundings even after I was finished.

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Despite being YA, this was super dark and gruesome and I really enjoyed it! This was incredibly reminiscent of IT, mainly the remake movies. The friend group with the one newbie and the journey to uncover a killer in a town determined to ignore the disappearances. Uncanny! (and Georgie, if you know you know). As it's one of my favourite movies, it was almost a guarantee that i'd like this and I for sure did!

This was the first time I have picked up a YA release from this author and despite LOVING their adult releases, I just wasn't sure but I feel like the horror is not at all dampened despite targeting a younger audience, The eeriness, fear and tense atmosphere remains just the same and leaves me so nervous for the outcome and what will happen to to the characters.
I love Darcy Coates writing style, she has an incredible way of building intrigue in a way that I love and keeps me engrossed even through the long page counts that her books often have. I can't wait for her next release and encourage everyone to pick this one up!

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Supernatural folklore and a towns dark past is what Where he can’t find you brings to the table. Abby and her friends live with strict rules to stay safe. Never go out after dark, never go out alone, and don’t close your eyes or the stitchers will get you. As people go missing and come back mutilated, everyone lives on edge. When Abby’s sister goes missing, she will do anything to get her back including find stitcher.

This YA horror was an absolute gem to read! I really enjoyed the pacing and storyline of the novel. I will forever insta-purchase Darcy Coates! One of my favourite authors ever!

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Second book of 2024 was another hit. I mostly listened to audio for this one and I freaking loved it. Definitely don’t let the YA part of this book scare you away, I think the only real time I noticed I was reading YA was when their age was brought up. This book just gave me the heebeejeebees (is that how you spell it? 😂). The stitcher just really freaked me out and when they described sewing stuff…🤢. I just can’t believe what the young characters in this book do. I also loved getting their backstories and how the stitcher had touched their families lives. Overall we are off to a creepy, solid start to the year

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Whew! What a wild ride! Darcy Coates is an auto read author and this one did not disappoint.

Abby and her friends live in a depressing town and dream of escape. They all follow specific rules. Why? Because people go missing and red thread marks bad things. The police know something bad is happening but they are powerless to stop it. Can Abby and the others save the town?

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Where He Can't Find You follows two sisters as they navigate life in their small town. Except their town is plagued by the Stitcher. What and who exactly is the Stitcher? Why and how does the Stitcher pick victims? Are the town youth ever going to be safe? These are questions answered in this thriller.

This novel really took me by surprise. I believe that it is Darcy Coates's official entry into young adult literature and what a start it is. I mean truly this was such a great mystery and horror novel. I was flipping pages furiously in order to discover what had happened to these characters and to solve the mystery set within the pages. Readers everywhere are going to love this and don't worry it has all the makings of the classic Coates novel. Horror, mystery, great characters, suspense, and impending doom combine to create a truly one-of-a-kind story.

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Just when I thought I wouldn’t find a good horror story, here comes Darcy Coates with Where He Can’t Find You. I have loved all of the stories Darcy Coates writes! This story pulls you in from the beginning and doesn’t let you go until the final question: Do you want to see something good? If you’re a fan of Darcy Coates you must read this!!
Don't forget, keep your windows shut and never go out alone in the dark

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This was my second book by Darcy Coates and it did not disappoint. If you love the supernatural, don't delay and pick this up today!

Abby Ward lives in a town where people disappear. When the bodies are found, they have been dismembered and put back together. Is The Stitcher human or something more?

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They know him as The Stitcher—a serial killer that snatches people up and then leaves them in pieces. Sometimes stitched to another person. Sometimes, The Stitcher doesn’t throw them away at all. Abby Ward would know the latter better than most. Her father was taken by The Stitcher and no part of him has ever been found. Not that Abby’s searching, anyway.

But when her little sister, Hope, gets taken, Abby can’t help but go after her. She’s really all Abby has left besides her friends. And what kind of sister would she be if she were to lose Hope to the darkness?

So when I say that this book was absolutely horrifying, I mean I was literally jumping at any sudden noise and refused to read this in the dark. Coates scared the shit out of me with this IT/Jeepers Creepers plot, so much I had to put my Kindle down and take a few deep breaths before going on. But I was hooked and had to know what happened to Hope and what the hell kind of beastie The Stitcher was no matter how freaked out I got (which was a lot).

Coates’s writing was sharp, but she knew how to draw out the suspense of the moment before showing the reveal in a bunch of gory detail. She absolutely blew me away with the lore of The Stitcher and how the whole town had been haunted by him for decades. And the ending was absolute *chef’s kiss*. Absolutely, 100% recommend!

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