Member Reviews

Where He Can't Find You is set in a town where a lot of people disappear. When the bodies are found they are dismembered and found sewn together in unnatural ways. People start to question if this is the work of a human being or something darker. But whatever is killing people is known as the Stitcher. Abby's sister Hope is taken by the Stitcher and wants to get her back before anything bad happens. The police aren't helping so Abby and her friends take matters into their own hands. Can they save Hope before it is too late?

Darcy Coates is becoming one of my go-to horror authors. I really enjoyed this book. Even though this was a YA book it was still creepy. This was a pretty fast read due to the pacing of the book. I do feel like this book was a little too long it was over 400 pages. I felt like this book was really dragged out. However, I thought this was a really good horror book. I do think I prefer her adult books over her YA books. Just due to the fact that some parts of this book felt super childish. But I highly suggest this book and this author.

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This one is high up on my list of favorite Darcy Coates books!! 💯❤️

I was interested and invested from the get-go on this one!! 👏 Who is The Stitcher? Is it Charles Vickers? Or is it someone - or something - far more sinister?!? 👀🫣💀

It had all the spookiness and creepiness I have come to love Darcy for!! ❤️ Even a little claustrophobia added in!! 🫨💯

Highly recommend!!! 💯

Thank you to NetGalley, Sourcebooks Fire, and Darcy Coates for the eARC in exchange for my honest review! ❤️

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This was such a good horror story! This was a great book to close out spooky season with. Thank you @netgalley and @sourcebooksfire for the early copy! 
Abby Ward lives in a town that's haunted by a serial killer, The Stitcher, who kidnaps people and when their bodies are found they've been stitched together in all messed up ways. She and her friends have rules to keep them safe but one day her sister goes missing, and Abby will stop at nothing, even risking her own life, to get her back. 
This was exciting and fast-paced, and I thought the backstory of the bad guy was just perfectly set up. Abby was a great main character, and I also really liked all her friends, and the dynamic they had. My only nit was that this felt like this could have been stopped much people have been disappearing for decades and Abby was really the FIRST to go looking for a loved one? For the sake of the story I get it, but I also want to shake everyone who lived in that town. 
Definitely recommend!

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This was one creepy, crazy suspenseful book. Any time you have a small town, mines and the disappearance of people over time then you have the beginnings of a great book. The author was able to keep the reader hanging on, wondering who the serial killer was and who would be the next victim. I had to read this one constantly because I was not willing to wait for the end. I stayed up until really late to finish this book because the desire to answer my questions was real. I did not guess the way this book would go at all.

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She's done it again. With tension starting from the very first page that grips you until the very end, Darcy Coates gave us another thrilling horror. Coates is one of my favorite horror authors and I was so excited to get my hands on this arc. Like others have said, this reads like a ghost story but its just so much more. She manages to not only create an absorbing atmospheric environment that we get lost in but gives us characters that we can't help but to root for.

I am so excited to see this one on the shelves at my library.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the eARC for an honest review.

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4.5 stars! This was a really fun and unique horror story! I was hooked right from the beginning and couldn't stop reading to find out what was going to happen. I was constantly guessing about what was going to happen, whether it was actually a serial killer or if it was paranormal, or something completely different, and I really enjoyed the direction it went! There were some genuinely creepy moments and it made for a perfect way to end the spooky season! My only complaint was that the formatting of the ebook made it a little hard to tell when there was a change in points of view, so I hope that the final copy has some differentiations at that part to make it easier to read.

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I love Darcy Coates, definitely one of my favourite authors, Where He Cant Find You was good but not great, like some of her other books that I have read.

~Darcy's writing style in very good.
~The body horror in this was insane, very dark and I had a good time with it. I was actually surprised at how much there was for a YA book. as a 35 year old, this was very unsettling to read.
~ The idea if the Stitcher was really interesting & unique.
~the friendships in this story, I enjoyed the strong bond this group of friends had. Connor was my favourite.

~Way too long, IMO this did not need to be 400+ pages.
~The twist & ending left me with a lot more questions than answers. How does the killer have these "powers", the entire thing with the animals and technology failing didn't make sense to me, also WTF was the deal with Abbys mother throughout the book and the ending, seemed out of the blue and didn't really connect to anything in the story. I need answers to WHY these things were happening, and it just felt like these ideas were there but no actual depth or thought was put into it beyond "this is happening because its happening".
~Some parts kind of felt unnecessary, and could have easily been replaced with more background/history on the Stitcher.
~Ultimately disappointed with Charles Vickers character, I feel there was a lot of potential for him to be a great character but 3/4 of way and onwards what happens to him and his role almost felt like an afterthought.

READ THIS BOOK IF YOU ENJOY: serial killers, body horror, friendships, small creepy towns, creature features, the supernatural, YA horror, mystery.

Thanks to netgalley and Sourcebooks Fire for sharing a digital copy for me to read and review, as always, opinions are my own 🤘🏻💀🤘🏻

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Darcy Coates for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for Where He Can't Find You coming out November 7, 2023. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

I’ve had a few books by Darcy Coates, and I love her writing. I am so obsessed with her books about ghosts and her survival thrillers. I haven’t read one of her YA books yet, so I was really interested in checking it out. I loved the small town feel of this book it felt more cozy. I thought a lot of the characters were really well written. I thought the group of friends are really close-knit and I love their relationships. There weren’t a lot of adults present in their lives but that’s typical in a lot of YA books. The only thing I really had a problem with was that it felt like there wasn’t much of a mystery. It felt like everyone in the town knew who is killing people in the town. So the only real plot was for them to try and stop the Stitcher. But overall I really love her writing, and it kept my attention.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys YA Mysteries!

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Darcy Coates does it again weaving a story filled with dread, eeriness and impeding doom. Where He Can’t find You is the latest horror offering by Coates but this time it is targeted for the YA audience, but I found this novel to appeal to the adult demographic as well. The story revolves around a group of teens who must follow a set of rules so they will not end up prey of the serial killer The Stitcher who dismembers its victims and then sews the body back up using red thread. When Abby’s sister Hope goes missing, Abby and her friends must frantically search for her and put their own lives in danger.
I loved the pacing of the novel, it was tense and at times gave me anxiety not knowing if the characters were safe. I enjoyed the different characters perspective of the ‘jack rabbits’ which added to the depth of the story. Coates has a talent for painting a picture in my mind with her atmospheric settings and descriptive prose. The depictions are often terrifying and filled with gore so definitely not for the faint of heart. It is a perfect novel for the spooky season and will leave you feeling unsettled in a good way.
My rating 4 out of 5
Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Fire for this eARC which will be published November 7, 2023.

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What a story. Perfect for the season. I read other reviews and don't understand how people are surprised by the fact that it's a horror story with a specific element. This author excels at writing a tense, thrilling story with characters you are invested in. I couldn't stop turning pages. The ending was perfect.

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Abby lives in a town where many people go missing mysteriously. She and her sister live by a strict set of rules, so she is shocked when her sister goes missing. Along with her friends, she find her sister before it’s too late.

I struggled to get into this one largely because I didn’t feel readers were given the necessary context or background. It just threw us into this world without much explanation, so it was hard for me to recover from that.

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This book is probably the scariest book I’ve read in a while! It said it was Young Adult so I didn’t expect to be absolutely terrified, but alas.

The haunting of Ashburn house has always been my favorite @darcybooks but, I believe this one has stolen that top spot. This was creepy, different and binge worthy (only in the daytime) and I feel like this needs to be turned into a horror movie, cause my heart was racing towards the end!

Definitely pick this up on November 7th, and it’s scary, you’ve been warned.

Thank you @netgalley and @sourcebooksfire for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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It was great to read a YA spin on Darcy Coates work. It has all the classic hallmarks of her haunted house stories and expands them to a deeply unsettling town. I really enjoyed the mystery of the town and how Abby did her best to explore what was happening. I think that it does read a bit different than her typical style, so I can't say that being a fan of her other work would make you a fan of this, but I think it's a great book overall so I think it's likable in general.

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Where He Can't Find you is Darcy Coates at her best. This small town horror story is carefully crafted, eventually weaving a thrilling tapestry of nightmares, secrets and friendships. The story grips you from the beginning and doesn't let go until the last word.

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I've read almost all Darcy Coates's haunted house books, and naturally so excited when I get a chance to read this young adult book! It has all the thrill and suspense, and I love how the investigation progressed along with the mysterious secluded town vibes!

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced readers copy. Such a fantastic and scary book with enjoyable descriptive detail.

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I find it hard to believe that this book is marketed to young adults because I think it is the perfect spooky read for adults as well. The book was creepy, twisty and overall a terrific read.

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Where He Can't Find You is the first book that I have ever read by Darcy Coates. Whew! When I tell you my heart was RACING it was racing.

This YA novel follows a group of teens in a small town who are trying to figure out the serial killer who dismembers their victims then sews them back up, thus giving the nickname The Stitcher. The need to find out who The Stitcher is grows more frantic once Abby's sister, Hope, is taken.

Although this is classified as an young adult book, I did find that this book was quite unsettling. It was the perfect spooky read for the Halloween season, but if you love horror, you'll enjoy this one year round.

I give this one 3.5 stars, only because while I was on the edge of my seat this entire time reading this book, I don't like the feeling of panic that it gave me. There were times that I had to put my Kindle down because I could actually feel my anxiety creeping in. HOWEVER, I feel like Darcy Coates wants her readers to feel this and if that's the case she hit the nail on the head

Where He Can't Find You is available on November 7th.

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Fire for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Darcy Coates has become my go to author when I need a quick scare. Where He Can’t Find You follows a group of teenagers on a mission to solve a gruesome mystery surrounding a series of deaths spanning decades in order to save one of their own. I thought the unraveling of the mystery and the pacing were spot on and the characters were fantastic!

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A visceral horror story which really gets under your skin! Not for the faint of heart. There were parts of this story which caused me to feel a real sense of dread. The mythology surrounding the Stitcher really helped ratchet up the tension. There were many twists with a very satisfying finale.

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