Member Reviews

In Balancing Act, Emily March takes us back to charming Lake in the Clouds, Colorado and its charming cast of characters. We revisit Genevieve and Helen as they continue to navigate the second half of their lives, exploring who they are and what makes them tick. Genevieve struggles to hold onto her new and improved independence while balancing her desire to rebuild her relationship with her daughter, Willow. She also holds onto her determination not to backslide into being at the beck and call of her adult children and their dramas. How can she juggle being a helpful parent and still find her true, sustaining passion in life?

Willow, newly widowed mom with two young children, has followed her Mom to Colorado, ready to swallow her pride and come clean about her life in Nashville. The guilt she feels about her broken relationship with Genevieve is only one layer of trauma she's struggling with. Wouldn't you know she had to meet an irresistible man fighting demons of his own?

Maybe this sweet little town can still provide the answers and healing her little family needs. And just maybe it will throw in hope and harmony along the way.

Emily March has deftly drawn in her readers with her interesting characters and thoughtful plotline again. It's easy to identify with the topic of PTSD and grief in this story, provoking thoughtfulness and soothing readers who might need comfort in their lives.

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Loved this book and the continuation of this series so much I read this one 1.5 days! Looking forward to seeing where this series goes next.

This was such a heart-whelming story about Willow, her family and Noah. It was also great to continue Genevieve’s story and her journey to embrace her life. I loved Willow’s kids and how they were involved in the story. The “meet cute” between Noah and Willow’s son was adorable. It really set up the story.

Would definitely recommend this book and series. Thanks to the publisher, author and NetGalley for the advanced copy!

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Thank you for. Allowing me to read and review. I loved this heartwarming story of second chances. You will definitely want to read Willow and Noah’s story. It’s very special.

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Such a heartwarming story of second chances, reconciliation, and self-discovery. Genevieve is wrestling with the reality of turning sixty and trying to find her purpose in life. Her daughter, Willow, is struggling with her own issues, including secrets from her past all the while raising two kids alone. Noah is fighting his own demons after a catastrophic fire changed his life forever. As I read the book, I felt like I worked through the emotions along with the characters, anxious for the decisions they had to make. I highly recommend Balancing Act, the second book in Emily March’s Lake in the Clouds series.

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A family story that continues. Genevieve shook up her arguing adult children when she sold her home and moved away from them.
They all reconciled and the story continues in Lake in the Clouds Colorado where she has built a resort.
Her daughter and grandchildren have come to visit after the untimely death of her husband. This is a complex storyline and emotionally charged.
This book was engrossing and I highly recommend it.

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"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own." Thank you Netgalley.

Every Day Is Christmas was a delightful read I feel this can been read all year around 4 stars🌟🌟🌟🌟

Happy Reading

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