Member Reviews

A fast little novella. Overall I enjoyed the read. It was fun and suspenseful throughout. Thanks to publisher and NetGalley for chance to review.

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When I requested this book I didn’t know it was a novella. Although it was a longer novella it kept me entertained from start to finish and left me wanting more. The book takes place in the present (with multiple perspectives) and the past so sometimes it can get a little confusing. I listened to the audiobook while following along on my kindle so that seemed to help. But if I was just listening to the audiobook I see how confusing the reader could get. It was suspenseful and chilling all throughout. I didn’t see the last twist until about 80% of the way through the book. Overall, I liked all the characters and enjoyed reading this book.

Thank you to NetGalley for the Advanced Copy.

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This story is told by multiple narrators, some in first person and others in third. It’s another fictional story involving a true crime podcast which seems to be a popular theme lately. This was my second read by this author, and I really enjoyed it. It was a short, quick read that had a good story with well-developed characters.

Maddie still lives in the small town where she was attacked as a teenager running a local bookshop and caring for her father, the former sheriff, who recently suffered from a stroke. She only has flashes of memories from the night her best friend was murdered and two other friends disappeared with no trace. I found her journey to facing what happened that night very compelling.

While Harley’s career as a novelist never really took off, he’s found success in a true crime podcast that have turned into more lucrative nonfiction projects. His backstory complimented Maddie’s and I enjoyed his personality in contrast with the public image projected for him.

There was a full cast integrated into the story to give the reader a feel for the community as well as other victims which are possibly linked to the crimes. A current victim is given a point of view that gives the reader more clues to the mystery. I had this one narrowed down to two perpetrators, so while I enjoyed the reveal, I wasn’t necessarily surprised in the end.

Recommended as an alternative to all the sweet Hallmark style romances during the holidays, for those who enjoy a seasonal setting with their murder mystery/thrillers, and to those of you still enjoying the podcast theme.

Thank you to NetGalley and Mysterious Press for a copy provided for an honest review.

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This Christmas novella is one that is a super fast read. A girl survives a brutal attack and 10 years later, more girls are missing even though the original murderer is behind bars. I guessed the killer pretty early on though even with some misdirections. Overall, super short, very fun read!

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3.75 stars. Thank You to Netgalley for the E-ARC Even though it took me a couple of days to read this Thank You Adulting said no one ever. I really enjoyed it. I know this was a novella I could of totally read a full book of it. I know it would of been great.

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Christmas Cozies have become a popular subgenre, but a Christmas Thriller is a different story indeed. Lisa Unger’s novella tells the tale of horrific crime in a small town that is still reeling ten years afterwards. An evening at a wild teenage party left one girl dead, another left for dead, and two girls missing. Now the survivor runs a book shop where she is approached by a famous true crime podcaster and author who has come to investigate the cold case. The story is written from three points of view, and constantly jumps back and forth in time as well. Although the shifts were well handled, I found them rather disconcerting. Either a multiple point of view or a multiple timeline can be confusing enough. To do both was a bit much. The story was interesting, but there was so much action in a short novella that the ending seemed to be thrown together. On the other hand, usually I can see the solution, long before the ending. Although many reviewers said that they did so, I did not identify the culprit this time around. I think that Unger did an excellent job of subtle clue placement.

I was happy to receive a review copy of this book from Mysterious Press. I enjoyed this quick read and recommend it to thriller fans.

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Christmas Presents is a super fast paced novella with a lot of suspense packed into a short book. I enjoyed going back in time via multiple POV's to piece together the mystery that still haunts Little Valley.

Do not be fooled by the title, this book will not get you into the Christmas Spirit! :) While it was cool that Harley had a successful podcast, I did appreciate that the entire book was not so heavily focused on this as a lot books currently are.

Lastly, the book did seem to have a rushed ending that was a bit predictable but it did not take away from my enjoyment of this book. Overall, a good read by one of my favorite authors.

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A novella with a cute juxtaposition for the title. Madeline had a traumatic experience ten years ago with her best friend dead and other missing. Her boyfriend has been in prison--but now, she's learning there's far more to the story, especially as the other women are still missing. It's set near Christmas with lots of cold, snow, and presents. Told in multi-POV and featuring a bookstore owner. It was a good book, a decent read. Especially with the upcoming holidays, I would recommend.

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Another twisty, fast-paced mystery from the always reliable Lisa Unger. This one focuses on the owner of a bookshop who, as a teen, was a victim of one of the most highly publicized crimes in the area. But was the right man arrested for the crime or could there be an accomplice still out there stalking women?

Unger does a fabulous job of characterization, building suspense, and well-placed red herrings until the surprising ending. I love that Unger always has feisty heroines who fight back and who you always want to root for. This book has two such women and the ending is a great payoff.

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At times gripping as well as chilling, <i>Christmas Presents</i> is a page-turner. Set during the days leading up to Christmas, the holiday is actually more a part of the setting than the plot – a clever juxtaposition (as is the title!) With an interesting and varied cast of characters, Madeline Martin, the owner of a successful independent bookstore, stands out. She struggles to put the grisly attack she survived as a teen in the past. But Harley Granger, a true crime podcaster/author arrives in the small town of Little Valley, New York intent on unburying the cold case from ten years ago.

Overall, this was a quick, engaging read that held my interest. The first, of two, weak areas was the transitions between timeframes. At times they seemed a bit choppy which then made the story a bit disjointed. Second was the somewhat predictable culprit. Most readers will figure out the ending in advance but this is still a satisfying read right to the last page.

3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

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Calling all thriller lovers!! Looking for a Christmas book that ISN’T a romance? Christmas Presents is the book for you!

This novella had me gripped from the very beginning. A ten year span after a traumatic experience at a high school party that left Madeline scarred, her best friend dead, and two others missing. Her boyfriend has spent those years in prison. But is there more to this story? Why are other women still going missing?

It all take place within the 5 days before Christmas, so think snow, cold, and of course, presents. I loved the fact that the MC owns the cutest little bookstore in town.

This is told from multiple POV in different timelines, and my only complaint is I wish each chapter was labeled. It alway took me a hot minute to figure out whose perspective I was reading.

Overall great book. I really enjoyed it!

Thank you NetGalley and W.W. Norton & Company for this ARC in return for my honest opinion.

Pub date: 24 Oct 2023

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This novella is CHILLING to say the least. I was hooked from start to finish and I would definitely recommend to any true crime fans!

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Thank you for allowing me to read this book as an ARC.
While I usually love Lisa Unger's books, this one fell flat for me. It was ok but I did not find it very exciting or a nail-biting thriller.. it seemed very predictable and there were no twists or turns that made the book wanting to continue reading. The characters were honestly a little boring and I did not enjoy the switch back and forth on some of the characters as it made the story confusing.
Overall, it was a quick and ok read and I give it 3 🌟.

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I have always found novella's to be too quick and not detailed enough. Well let me correct myself. This is the second novella I've read recently that blew away that opinion.

It IS possible to write a really good novella. And Lisa Unger did it.

Many years ago Madeline along with her friends were attacked at a party. Her best friend is dead and two others are missing. A suspect is charged and jailed. Justice is served. Or is it?

When a true crime podcaster shows up to investigate all these years later, Madeline is dismayed that it is all being brought up again.

Packed full of twists and turns and guesswork. Did the police get it right all those years ago? What was Madeline's relationship with the convicted killer? Read it and find out. It is a quick but satisfying read.

Thanks to netgalley and Penzler Publishers, Mysterious Press for the arc.

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Attacked by classmate Evan Handy and left to die 10 years earlier, Madeline Martin, owner of The Next Chapter Bookstore, has tried to put her traumatic past behind her. When true crime podcaster Harley Granger shows up one evening in her store announcing that he plans to reopen the investigation as part of his newest podcast, Maddie is reluctant to help. Until the news of a young woman’s disappearance puts everything she thought she knew into question.

Set during the Christmas season, this cozy psychological mystery thriller is a good, quick read perfect for the coming colder days. This was my first time reading Lisa Unger but it will not be my last.

Thank you to Netgalley and Penzler Publishers (Mysterious Press) for providing a advanced digital copy in return for an honest, unbiased review.

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This book was brilliant, but then again everything Lisa Unger does is perfection.

This one was a quick read, following Madeline as a true crime podcaster comes to town. Madeline is a survivor of Evan Handy, He murdered her friend and left her for dead. Now the podcaster is in town, looking to dig up the tragedy from 20 years earlier. But did they have the story right 20 years ago? Or were they wrong?

This book was sooo good. I couldn't put it down and read it in one sitting. The kids even had cereal for supper because I couldn't be bothered to do real life stuff. Anytime this author puts out a book it's a auto purchase for me, this one was so good and I cant wait to add it to my collection.

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It turns out that in spite of what it says in the lyrics to a recently popular song, you can indeed do evil deeds in a small town. At least that is the case in Lisa Unger’s latest novella, Christmas Presents. A tale of two not-so-festive Noels, this story examines what happens when our first love is the worst possible choice we could have made.

Madeline Martin (not the popular author!) just wants to close her store. It’s late, she’s been on her feet for hours and thanks to it being the official Christmas shopping season, The Next Chapter Bookshop has been busy all day. The man currently browsing lackadaisically among the stacks will be her last sale of the evening. If he actually buys something. Which he finally does. It is a popular mystery, not to Madeline’s taste, but she is happy to wrap it beautifully and show him the door

However, he has no intention of letting her show him the door. Harley Granger didn’t come into The Next Chapter Bookshop at closing time for a best-selling thriller. A true crime podcaster, he has built a living from solving cases the police can’t. He doesn’t want to leave until he gets what he really came for – her story, not some silly made-up suspense novel. Ten years earlier, Madeline’s then-boyfriend Evan Hardy allegedly murdered her best friend, Steph, kidnapped two other girls, and left Madeline battered, bleeding, and moments from death on the banks of a frozen river. She was found by another friend, Steve (subsequently referred to by his nickname ‘Badger’), but has only vague recollections of the events surrounding her assault because Evan had drugged her at the start of the evening. While her father, Sheriff James Martin, had continued to search for the missing teens before the stroke that left him immobile and nonverbal six months ago, Madeline has always done her best to put it behind her. But Harley is convinced that somewhere in Madeline’s foggy memories lies the answer to what happened to the missing girls. He has come to the store seeking Madeline’s input, although he assures her he will go forward with or without it. Madeline firmly tells him it will be without it.

Juxtaposed with Harley and Madeline’s discussion of her adventures in a (not) Winter Wonderland is the story of Lolly, a topless dancer at a local club. She’s getting ready to go home for the holidays and figures she will probably make the move permanent. Dancing at a strip joint was never what she wanted for her future and she needs to get out before it becomes a way of life. When an extremely handsome customer asks her to meet at a local diner after her shift, she thinks why not? It’s only a meal and they will be in a very public place.

When Lolly goes missing, it makes Madeline reconsider what her father had said all along: Evan Hardy might have had a partner. A partner who is still making their idyllic small town his hunting ground. Will Madeline, Harley, and Badger be able to do what the police could not? Will they be able to find the guy who has hidden in the shadows for ten long years?

This is a romantic suspense story and all I can say is that while Lisa Unger writes great mysteries, the romance portion of the tale doesn’t really work. Not only does it go in a direction I didn’t expect, but it’s also tacked on to the ending and, given the resolution to the crime, creepy as all get out.

Fortunately, the investigative portion of the story is interesting; the writing is smooth and the pacing brisk. Since the bulk of the narrative is about the crimes, that means most of the story is actually really good. Madeline and Lulu make excellent dual heroines, both of them women determined to rise above whatever challenges are thrown at them. Madeline fought for her life against Evan and won, and when Lulu goes missing, Madeline is determined to fight for her and win that battle, too. Meanwhile, Lulu is also determined to survive. Which she has a shot at since her captor is pretty much a hapless idiot. In most novels, I would have found that unbelievable but I think this story underlines an interesting point about small-town investigations. It’s hard to believe that people we interact with regularly have a truly dark side, something that winds up crippling the search for the culprit in this tiny community. Evan was handily caught because he had been an outsider preceded by a bad reputation. Our new (or possibly also old) perpetrator, although he is a fool who works in his own backyard so to speak, hasn’t been caught because no one would want him to be guilty.

Another duality between Madeline and Lulu, beyond their strength and intelligence, is the danger women are often put in by seemingly ordinary decisions. Going to a diner or attending a boyfriend’s Christmas party shouldn’t be events fraught with peril but it is often while ladies are doing the ordinary that the extraordinarily horrific happens to them. It’s good to see their rather mundane lives juxtaposed with the evil they encounter while living them.

I liked how Harley is depicted as being both something of an opportunistic slime and yet also a man who works hard to get the job done and give his listeners the true story. There is a very human side to his drive for success that makes him understandable if not always likable.

Coming in at under 300 pages, Christmas Presents will be a nice start to the holiday for the author’s many fans and for those looking for a standalone suspense tale that will make for a quick and easy read amidst the hustle and bustle of the season.

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I'm a sap for the holidays and I search for good Christmas books to read during this time of year. Searching and finding are very different things. Finding a good Mystery book set in the holidays is like finding a needle in a haystack. There just aren't that many and that is why I'm reading "Christmas Presents". This is a mystery/suspense book set at Christmas, not a sweet, fun Christmas read. From the prologue the sinister tone is established and only gets more sinister as the book progresses. I'm not a fan of multiple timelines, my feeble brain has trouble keeping track of one let alone three. As these different plot lines ebb and flow we see how they weave together and the resolution, while a tad convenient, is satisfying.

It is Christmas week and Madeline Martin, owner of The Next Chapter Bookshop, is crazy busy with customers when in walks Harley Granger a wildly successful true crime author and podcaster. He is in town researching Madeline's worst nightmare from ten years ago. But as a businesswoman she makes nice with him, his presence could be good for business, if not for Madeline personally. Ten years may seem like a long time but when you live with almost dying it can seem like yesterday and Harley wants Madeline to relive the night that Madeline's best friend died, two other girls went missing and left Madeline scared forever.

Harley Granger is in town to be close to his ill father, even though they haven't been close for years. He has bought the Wallace house and is looking into the events that led to murder and the disappearance of the Wallace girls and put a scar on Madeline Martin's face. He also knows that other girls have gone missing in the ten years since Evan Handy was sentenced to life without parole. Is there a connection? Could Evan be innocent?

My thanks to the Publisher and the Author for providing a complimentary digital Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel via NetGalley. This is my fair, honest and personal review. All opinions are mine alone and were not biased in any way.

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A CHILLING Christmas novella.

I'm a novella skeptic, but I was really impressed at what Lisa Unger was able to do. A full cast of characters, a past/present storyline, a real plot, and a LOT of creepy suspense.

I really enjoyed the small town setting, and though I had my theories about who the killer was, I enjoyed watching it all play out. I was really on the edge of my seat the whole time!

My review will go up November 8!

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Christmas Presents
Author: Lisa Unger
Source: NetGalley ARC
Pub. Date: 10/24/23
Christmas Presents isn’t the kind of Christmas story you will find at Hallmark. It is, however, set during the Christmas season. The story weaves back and forth between the ten years that passed when two young girls went missing, another one was found dead, and another one rescued but with her face badly cut and disfigured after a raucous party. The guilty party was captured and is serving life in prison but wants to prove his innocence. A true crime podcaster arrives in the small town to figure out this cold case, find the two missing girls, and interview the one living witness. There is little to be jolly about in this story, and finding out the “truth” is the best part. In the meantime, the search is on for a new missing girl. I love a thriller, and this one does not disappoint. I am always amazed that writers can weave our current addiction to actual true crime murder podcasts into a great story. Well done, Ms. Under. The book was released yesterday, Oct. 24th. A good read. #mystery #thriller #murder #missingGirls #podcast #killer #cold #smallTown #ChristmasPresents @launger @netgalley  #podcast #penzlerpublishers #fiction #chiller #OneWrongDecision @mysteriouspress

I received a complimentary copy of this ARC. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. Thank you to Mysterious Press and the author for the opportunity to read this novel. Pub. Date: October 24, 2023.

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