Member Reviews

This suspenseful thriller involves a cold case and secrets locked in a small town. The local bookstore owner has to face her history of being a victim and the only one who survived that horrible event. When a podcaster opens old wounds, she must work through the horrors again. This book had me scared yet hopeful. It was well written and kept me turning pages quickly to get answers. I read this book on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I've never read a Christmas thriller so I was very optimistic about how the setting would be depicted, but this ultimately fell flat. This really isn't very christmas-y and the plot twist was pretty predictable. The ending seemed very rushed as well, which was disappointing.

HOWEVER if you liked Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six and are a big Unger fan I might still recommend it for a quick winter read.

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Thank you Santa for bringing us a Christmas novella by the queen herself, Lisa Unger. It was the perfect read for Christmas in July!

Despite her tragic childhood, Madeline Martin has built a life for herself as the owner of The Next Chapter Bookshop. Harley Granger, a true crime podcaster walks into her shop one day and starts digging up memories Madeline has been trying so hard to forget. She’s the only survivor of Evan Handy, the man convicted of murdering her best friend and is suspected of the disappearances of two sisters.

This was such a quick read. I’ve read a couple of Lisa Unger’s books in the past and loved them. There’s just something about her writing that hooks you from the very first page. I enjoyed the setting of the story and there were some twists I didn’t see coming. This is a solid novella that wrapped up nicely!

If you love cozy settings with a good suspense plot then I highly recommend checking this one out on October 24th! Perfect for anytime of the year.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Mysterious Press for the e-arc!

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What a terrific holiday read! I absolutely LOVED reading Unger's novella, Christmas Presents. It was ace! There was suspense, mystery, and a bit of holiday cheer. All in all, this was a great whodunit that focused on true crime podcasts and their impact on culture and society. I just loved the flashbacks and the red herring - definitely made me keep guessing. Such a fun read!

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I’m a big fan of Lisa Unger and also really into Christmas and cozy mysteries. This book is not exactly cozy, but it’s the perfect read for a cold winter day when you’re snowed in and want to make some hot chocolate and read a wintery psychological thriller! It’s a novella but it’s not super short (which I appreciated because it was that good!)

It follows Madeline Martin, a bookshop owner who survived a teen tragedy years ago and is just trying to get by, while taking care of her father who has suffered a stroke. She’s shocked one night when a famous author/true crime podcaster shows up in her shop right before Christmas, but he’s not just there to buy presents. He wants to investigate the case of local brutal murders…the one that Madeline barely survived and was witness to the murder of her best friend, Steph, and two of their other friends whose bodies were never found. Recent kidnappings and murders of women in nearby towns have Harley convinced that they are all somehow connected.

I really liked this fast-paced thriller and really can’t think of anything I didn’t like about it. It was just what I needed to get me out of my reading rut!

I received an advanced copy from NetGalley in exchange for a review and opinions are my own.

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Madeline Martin had a traumatic and life changing experience in her past. She now cares for her father and owns The Next Chapter Bookshop. She is enjoying the status quo of her life until one night a man walks into her bookstore and makes a purchase. The man is author turned true crime podcaster, Harley Granger. He purchases a Christmas present for his father and in the process brings up the events of the past that Madeline does not want to revisit.

Harley Granger has a knack for seeing things in a different light and plans on doing a podcast on Evan Handy who has been in jail for killing Madeline's friend, Steph and almost killing Madeline. Two sisters have been missing since that night and it is believed that he is responsible for what happened to them as well.

I enjoyed the setting of this book and the mounting tension and unease. The setting and snow created a chilling atmosphere which I enjoy in books. I thought Lisa Unger did a great job showing how Madeline was forever changed by the event. She is scared on the inside and outside from the events of that night. She will carry the weight of that night with her for the rest of her life.

This is a short book that was a fast read with a few twists and turns. I had two suspects in mind while reading and enjoyed how things turned out. The final resolution was not shocking but was enjoyable and made sense. This book was a reminder of how much I enjoy Lisa Unger books!

Gripping, well written, atmospheric and fast paced.

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When I got approved for this first was excitement then oh snap it’s a Christmas Book. After dragging my feet a bit I was like “Wow thank you Christmas in July” , from the minute I started I honestly didn’t want to put it down. It kept me engaged and guessing….. I tend to devour all of Lisa Ungers books and this one did not disappoint! I gave it four stars but honestly it deserved 4 1/2!

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Totally gripping, definite page turner, short and sweet! This Christmas Novella by Lisa Unger releasing this October tells the story of a woman living in a small town working to forget about her past until it all comes back around the ten year anniversary when a famous journalist rolls into town. She has to face truths she never wanted to face! This book has such a unique structure that really kept you at the edge of your seat. Plus it was super short so a nice and satisfying read. There’s a twist you won’t see coming and even a sprinkling of romance. Lisa Unger always gets it right and she delivered with this one!

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I normally do not read Novellas but I love Unger so much as an author that I figured I would give her newest a shot. Christmas Presents is almost the length of a novel and is yet another wonderful, well written story about true crime writer who decides to investigate the Evan Handy murders. Maddie, the only survivor of the attack, is just trying to work at her bookstore and care for her dad when her past is dug up. The book had a great flow to it with multiple points of view and a good amount of suspense to keep me wanting to read. I figured out the ending rather early on but it did not take away from the entertaining read that this book was.

Thank you to Netgalley and to the publishers for allowing me to read this arc.

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Christmas Presents by Lisa Unger
Madeline Martin was left for dead 10 years ago when her boyfriend, Evan, killed her best friend then turned his knife on her. Strangely two of her other best friends went missing that same night too and were never found. Evan has always claimed he was innocent but is serving life in prison. In the meanwhile other girls have gone missing. Harley Granger is an author/true crime podcaster who comes to town to dig up the past that nobody seems to want to revisit. Is there a connection between what happened 10 years ago to the girl’s disappearances now? The story is told in the past and present. You have to pay attention to this but it was pretty easy to follow. Lisa Unger always writes a good story. Read this in 1 day.

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What happens when your worst nightmare gets reopened by an ambitious true crime pod caster? Are the old memories and relationships true and trustworthy? Book store owner Madeline Martin and pod caster Harley Granger pull together to find long awaited answers. Will this finally be the break that is needed to put the past firmly behind? This psychological thriller will keep you guessing to the last page.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own." eARC provided NetGalley and Mysterious Press

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Well once again the blurb tells way too much about the plot, especially considering that this is a novella and only 224 pages long!!

Because of the explanatory blurb I’m going to go with a pros and cons review!

PROS: Interesting premise although not unique. A small town, simply named “Little Valley” experienced a violent crime a decade ago.

Those involved still have not found closure, in spite of the indictment and imprisonment of Evan Handy. He was found guilty of the murder of one, attempted murder of another and possible kidnapping and murder of two other young women who are still missing.

A likable protagonist, Madeline Martin, was the one who survived Evan’s attack. She is left with physical and emotional scars. I enjoyed the description of her bookstore and how she loved what she did.

CONS: The blurb!! Geez, leave more for the reader to discover!

Despite some twists and deflections I was able to pick out the “monster hiding in plain site”. It was only a matter of time before this person was revealed.

Despite the apparent closure of the mystery there were still quite a few loose ends that didn’t quite add up.

If you enjoy this author and want a quick read, you will enjoy this.

I received an ARC of this novella from the publisher through NetGalley. It was my pleasure to read and review this title.

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Lisa unger never disappoints! I loved this book just like I loved her others. This book was so atmospheric, creepy, thrilling & kept me on the edge of my seat. It made me feel like someone was watching me or behind my back. I love the story & twist & turns. Amazing character development. I will read anything by her!

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC.

Madeline Martin lives a quiet life where she owns a bookstore in the small town she grew up in.

Harley Granger is a novelist turned true crime podcaster who is determined to discover the truth of what happen to Madeline Martin and her friends in high school. Events of the night left Madeline fighting for her life, another girl dead and two sisters missing.

Evan Hardy was Madeline's boyfriend at the time who was arrested for murder and suspected in the disappearance of the sisters. But if Evan is in jail, how do you explain the other missing girls?

Another good read from Lisa Unger! 4 stars!

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I wish this was a novel and not a novella because it had me dying for more. This is my first Unger book and she has a very compelling writing style. A great concept and my type of holiday read, but everything felt very surface level. There was just so much potential! I wanted to know more about everything and everyone. And it wasn’t a particularly shocking read; Unger did a good job dropping clues for the reader. Had the story been more fleshed out with more extended flashbacks to tie me in emotionally, I think I would’ve enjoyed it a lot more. Overall, a really fun read that’s fast-paced with a fantastic plot. Perfect read for this winter considering there’s a Santa mask involved!

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I really loved this! I couldn’t put it down and was picking it up whenever I had a chance! I would recommend it. Even when I thought I had an idea what was going on I still was excited to read and figure out for sure. Kept me entertained till the end. Not your typical Christmas book!

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Christmas Presents is a fast-moving, solid mystery with various clues swirling around to lead to the surprise ending. Lisa Unger has created another suspenseful, dramatic thriller worth reading.

Thanks to NetGalley and Penzler Publishers for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Will the attention of a true crime podcaster help solve a decades-old mystery, or will it just open old wounds?

Nearly a decade ago in a small town called Little Valley, NY, a teenage party held just before Christmas ended in tragedy. A group of four friends went to the party; of them, one girl named Steph was murdered; her friend Madeline was horribly injured and left for dead; and Ainsley and Samantha, the two sisters who rounded out the group, disappeared without a trace. Evan Handy, the boy who hosted the party, was new to town, the quintessential “bad boy” who arrived with rumors of violent behavior whispered in the school corridors. Maddie’s father, the sheriff, wanted her to have nothing to do with Evan, but for the first time in her life the somewhat nerdy “good girl” disobeyed her father. She was in love and didn’t believe that Evan was as bad as others said. She found out differently on the night of that party years ago. She survived, but her three friends either died or disappeared. Evan was convicted of killing Steph, with Maddie as the primary witness, but no trace was ever found of Ainsley or Sam. Maddie believes that the tragedy was all her fault, and many wonder why she alone survived. Life has gone on in Little Valley; Maddie runs a small but reasonably successful bookstore in town and helps care for her father, the now-retired sheriff who is slowly recovering from a devastating stroke. Mrs. Wallace, mother of the missing and presumed dead sisters, has contacted true crime podcaster Harley Granger and asked him to consider looking into the events of that night long ago. Harley has found more success investigating old crimes for a true crime podcast and writing books about them than he ever did writing novels; some say that his ethics are less than commendable, but he does seem to have a talent for picking up on things that others have missed. When he show up late one December night at Maddie’s bookstore, he tells her that he has bought the Wallace house and will be looking into the events of that night. Maddie doesn’t want to talk to him, and her best friend Badger wholeheartedly agrees. Why rip open the healed scars and bring pain to those who still suffer from the aftermath of the crime? But Harley likes to say that the past is alive, and that it is dangerous to try to bury things when they remains unresolved. A young woman has recently disappeared in the area, as have two others since the night of the party. Are those disappearances connected to that of Ainsley and Sam, as Harley believes? What happened on that night at Evan Handy’s house? Did Evan really kill Steph, and if so did he act alone? Why does Maddie blame herself? And what happened to Ainsley and Sam? Maddie decides that it is time to confront the demons of her past….but is she risking her life in doing so?

This novella is no cozy Christmas caper, but instead is a well-written if dark tale of evil deeds in a small town. With the popularity of true crime podcasts and TV series in the world today, using one such show and its creator as the impetus to relook at a past crime is an interesting hook. Maddie is a sympathetic character….she survived a horrible attack and betrayal, and has been able to create a life for herself despite those events. Anyone who ever fell for a bad boy or lied to their parents to go have fun can relate to Maddie’s actions back in the day, and be thankful that their own choices didn’t result in tragedy. As Maddie’s memories of that night start to return, and as Harley’s digging turns up interesting new facts, it is clear that there is more to that night than has thus far been discovered. As the story unfolded at a satisfyingly quick clip, I followed along hoping that in the end the truth would be known (and very much enjoyed the journey). Readers of Ms Unger’s previous works should find this holiday novella appealing, as would readers of Mary Burton, Lisa Jackson and Robert Dugoni. And if you just like a little murder with your ho-ho-ho, pick up a copy of Christmas Presents. Many thanks to NetGalley and Penzler Publishers/Mysterious Press for allowing me access to an advanced reader’s copy.

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A great novella that kept me reading as do all of Lisa Unger's books. Liked the way the mystery was tied together in the end and the seasonable elements worked well. Looking forward to the next book by Lisa Unger.

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What if the man in prison isn’t the only monster?

Madeline has done her best to move on from the night that she got the scar on her face; the night that her best friend was murdered, and the night that two of her other friends went missing. Ten years later she’s running an independent bookstore in her hometown when an infamous true crime author/podcaster wanders in to buy his father a Christmas gift - at first Madeline is a little starstruck (after all, she carries many of his books) but that sours quickly as she realizes Harley Granger’s other reason for visiting is her past. He’s looking into that horrific night a decade ago with the hope that fresh eyes will be able to unearth a clearer picture of what really happened, & to see if the three women that have come up missing in the time since are in any way connected. The teenage psychopath that terrorized Madeline & killed Steph is rotting in prison, but Granger thinks it’s possible that someone helped him with the other two girls & has continued kidnapping women.

I tore through this Christmas novella in one day - the story was addictive, & I loved all of the references to bookstores & authors & the writing process. The different focuses (Madeline, Granger, & the most recently missing woman, Lolly) kept the plot moving & showed how pieces of the past related to the present events transpiring. The shiny holiday season has a serious dark side in this thriller & the author does a fantastic job of showing that that time of year isn’t always a holly jolly experience for everyone.

Thank you to NetGalley & Mysterious Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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