Member Reviews

Quick read, somewhere between a short novel and novella and this will be a fun, twisty Christmas read. Madeline owns a small local book store in up state New York. As a teenager she was the victim of a killer who murdered her friend and tried to kill her, leaving a long scar on her face. Madeline tries to forget about the past but everything is brought up again when a crime podcaster named Harley Granger arrives in town and wants to bring look into her case. .

Madeline's story alternates with the story of Lolly, a young woman who works as an exotic dancer and who was kidnapped shortly before Christmas. As Lolly dreams about being returned to her family, we also find out more about Madeline's ordeal, her murdered friend and two other friends who were missing and presumed dead. I liked the idea of the podcaster but I also thought the description of Harley, convicted killer Evan and local man Chet all sounded exactly the same. I liked the close relationship Madeline had with her father and I always like books set in bookstores. Recommend for people who like twisty, serial killer stories. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this ARC in exchange for a review.

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3.5 rounded up to 4 stars.

This book is on the shorter side (under 250 pages) yet I feel like it needed to be longer. It was sort of rushed in areas, especially the ending which left me wanting for more.

I was a bit confused at first, especially in the beginning. The story is told in different POVs both in first person, except the chapters weren't labeled and it took me some time to figure out. It got easier as the book went on, but sometimes I was still confused at which POV I was reading.

The plot was captivating and intriguing. I enjoyed the re-opening of a cold case for a true crime podcast and delving into the secrets that were held in a small town where it seems everyone knows each other.

Thanks to Netgalley and Penzler Publishers, Mysterious Press for a digital ARC and allowing me to have Christmas in July!

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This book follows a woman named Maddie, who ten years after an unspeakable tragedy, is still trying to move on and let the past remain in the past. When a true crime podcaster comes to town wanting to talk to her about new evidence that has been uncovered, Maddie is forced to face all of her memories and feelings about that night ten years ago and question everything she thought she knew. This book takes you on a journey of healing, closure, and moving forward in a beautiful way, all while giving you the great suspense of a classic “whodunnit.” This book was a great read and you definitely won’t regret reading it! The characters and their pain sink their claws into you from the beginning and don’t let go. This story was full of twists and turns and the ending was not at all predictable. The only critique I had is that when the chapters switch back and forth between character’s different POV’s, I wish the author would have made it clear which character’s POV we were in, whether by adding that character’s name to the chapter number, or by some other method. It is easy to tell which character’s POV you are in once you have read a couple of sentences, but that would be my only critique if I were to nit pick the book. If you’re a fan of true crime, adult fiction, or suspense/thriller, you will enjoy this story.

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This is not a warm and cozy Christmas story. It’s dark and sad. It’s wonderfully written. Lots of twists and turns. I didn’t quite like the back and forth between past and present but that just my personal taste in writing styles. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Thank you NetGalley and Penzler Publishers for the ARC of this novella!

Murder stories and Christmas, its like someone knows the things that make me most happy (why am I like this?) Madeline Martin was the lone survivor of a brutal attack within her circle of friends right before Christmas, two whom are still missing a decade later. We join the story at Christmas time once again, when a famous true crime pod-caster comes to town to try and uncover what really happened that fateful night. And then another young girl goes missing.

What I love about Lisa Unger is that she doesn't just write a plain old psychological thriller, she incorporates emotions, trauma, relationships and the complexity of the human experience into her stories. So you get meaningful characters as well as suspense, and this beauty is no exception. I think she really wanted this one to fit the novella profile so it felt a bit rushed...everything is thrown together at the end to wrap it up: someone is shot, there are love confessions, and they figure out whodunit in 10 minutes when the case has been unsolved for a long time. I would have liked to see the author just let the story tell itself instead of trying to cut it down, but I still really enjoyed it!

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While Lisa Unger’s Christmas Presents was better than the other Christmas story I read recently, I think I’m going to stick with Charles Dickens for stories of the ghosts of Christmas past. Neither of the recent books are very Christmassy, in my opinion.

Madeline Martin doesn’t have time for a podcaster. She’s the owner of an independent bookstore, The Next Chapter Bookstore. Although she has caregivers for her father after his stroke, she also takes care of him. She also suffers from survivor’s guilt and PTSD. Why would she want to talk with Harley Granger, a true crime author and podcaster, about the events that leave her trapped emotionally and physically, in this small upstate New York town?

Madeline still blames herself for what happened almost ten years earlier. She and her childhood friends were a close-knit group at seventeen. Madeline ran around with Stephanie Cramer, sisters Ainsley and Samantha Wallace, and her best friend, Badger. She’s the one who introduced a newcomer to the group. Evan Handy already had a reputation when he arrived in town, and Madeline’s father, Sheriff James Martin, knew he was trouble. Despite warnings, Madeline broke every rule to be with Evan. It all blew up on Dec. 23, 2014 at a party at Evan’s house. Stephanie was killed, Ainsley and Sam disappeared, and Madeline was left for dead in a riverbank. Although Sheriff Martin arrested Evan, he always suspected there was a second person involved in the violence. He chased the truth until his stroke six months earlier.

Now, almost ten years later, Handy still protests that he’s innocent. Granger is in Little Valley to question townspeople. And, another young woman has disappeared, a dancer at a local topless bar. Granger points out that five young women have disappeared in the last ten years in the local area. He lets Madeline know he thinks she has the clue to the truth.

Unger’s story is truly about the ghosts of the past, and how they continue to haunt survivors. In a story with two timelines, she peels back the layers to a surprising solution. It’s right before us, but unexpected. For those looking for a disturbing story for the holidays, Christmas Presents works.

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Love Lisa Unger, always a great story by a better storyteller. Thanks for the advance copy. Not quite as good as her earlier works but will continue to read as I just like the way she tells a story

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Another GREAT Unger story with all the right elements in place: suspense / intrigue /danger and a touch of guile added in.
Madeline Martin is living her life doing what she loves most: selling books in her own hometown bookstore and helping with the care of her infirmed dad, the former sheriff. Having survived a brutal attack, many years previous, by the boy she thought loved her, and seeing her best friend killed in front of, with two others gone missing, she is working on finding peace in her life, doing what she loves as the boy who broke her heart and nearly took her life, lives out his in prison.
Until it all becomes headlines and a struggle, once again.
Harley Grager, famed podcast and solver of "cold cases", comes roaring into town to revisit the crime, determined to interview Maddie and others. and to prove that perhaps, an innocent man has been jailed all these years.
The story builds and builds, continually reeling you into it, in the very innocuous Unger style.
Great storyline, well developed and defined characters and excellent use of the "then and now" back and forth.
Ready for another.

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In Lisa Unger's latest, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, we are introduced to Madeline Martin, who survived a tragedy ten years prior and is now a bookstore owner. Unfortunately, one in her friend group Steph did not survive that tragic night. Another two sisters have been missing for the last decade with their mother putting on a vigil at Christmastime for them.

Now Madeline is confronted by Harley, a writer turned podcaster, who turns up in the small town and wants to investigate the case. Meanwhile, a local dancer has disappeared, so the time is right to figure out what has been happening to young women around town.

This was a propulsive, action-packed (particularly in the last half) thriller. As what typically occurs in these edge-of-your-seat thrillers, there isn't a ton of character development. For that reason, I probably won't remember the story in the too distant future; however, it held my interest very well while I was reading.

A note on the Christmas vibe: There were probably 7-10 mentions of Christmas/winter, like decorations and bitter cold, but I wouldn't say that it has an overwhelming "read me in winter" vibes. Of course, I read it in July.

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Three POVs, two in the first person. One POV in the present and flashbacks. It sounds more confusing than it is and that wasn't an issue for me with this book.

What WAS my issue is none of the characters are fleshed out, I didn't understand the motive, we never get the jail house interview, the girl missing is from a local stripclub that has local patrons and there's a local truck stop and yet no suspects from any of these local places came up? Huh?

This felt more like an outline of a book than a book. Which means there are items there that have promise but it all feels a bit half baked.

That said, I know there's an audience for a quick who dun it, and this is paced rather briskly. Those looking for a read with a resolution, and not a totally bleak ending, will enjoy this.

2.5 stars

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Thanks to Netgalley and Penzler Publishers for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Madeline Martin was the lone survivor of an attack by Evan Handy back in high school when 3 of her friends were murdered around Christmas time. She has tried to move on, since Evan is in jail and she needs to focus on her book store business and her dad who is recovering from a stroke. But when a podcaster turns up in town hoping to reopen the case at the request of one of the dead girls’ mothers, Madeline has to face the past again.

I am not usually a big reader of novellas and didn’t realize that’s what this was when I requested it but overall it was pretty good. It was short but not so short that a story couldn’t be developed. But my complaint is that I didn’t feel like enough info was turning up often enough to keep me totally interested. Looking forward to this author’s next full length novel.

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It’s been a few weeks since I read this. I didn’t immediately leave a review because, frankly, I wasn’t sure how I felt about this novella. Someone else compared it to ‘90s teen suspense fiction and that resonated—that’s not intended as a slight, but it does likely explain why I was underwhelmed by the story yet still read it quickly and with interest. Ultimately there were just too many pieces that didn’t work for me.

It’s short enough that you won’t be upset because of wasted time even if you only find it a three star book. Fans of the author will be happy to spend a couple hours in her newest work. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy.

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Madeline survived an attack as a teen that left her three friends either dead, or missing. While she tries to deal with the trauma of her past, a podcaster wants to review the case and shows her that more girls have gone missing and everything may be connected.

This was a very short and fast paced read. The author packed a lot of plot points in to the short pages. Some aspects worked, some seemed too rushed. More development was needed between characters and how the mystery unfolds. Overall, it kept me interested to the end!

Thank you Netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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It’s Christmas in July!! 😯🎁🎄

I requested this book from NetGalley because I’ve enjoyed previous reads from Lisa Unger in the past, and this book is a novella (although at 260 pages, I felt it was a rather long novella 🤷🏻‍♀️). Of course with that being said, I think I would have enjoyed this story more had it been even longer. For once, I found myself wanting more from a story.

Madeline Martin is the only survivor from a horrific crime that happened ten years prior. Her attacker, Evan Handy is locked up in prison for the crimes that he committed. Little does Madeline know that three other crimes have taken place in her small, quiet town since.

Madeline is informed of these other crimes by Harley Granger. Harley Granger is in town to interview Madeline for his true crime podcast about her vicious attack, and the murder and disappearance of her two friends ten years ago right before Christmas. Madeline is not comfortable talking about that horrific night. Why can’t she remember clearly what happened? Did Evan Handy have help committing his crimes?

All in all, this was an enjoyable read. As I mentioned above, I would have liked a bit more to it. I also found it to be a little predictable, as I guessed what would happen early on. Regardless, I wouldn’t hesitate to add this book to your Christmas list! 😉
(3.5 stars, rounded up)

Many thanks to NetGalley, Penzler Publishers, and the author for an ARC of this book, which I had the pleasure of reading. Publication date: October 24, 2023.
Genre- General Fiction (adult), Mystery & Thrillers

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3.5 🌟 rounded up

When I saw that Lisa Unger had a book coming out with Christmas in the title, I felt like it was Christmas. Murder and Chris? I mean
what could be better? Lisa Unger did not disappoint with this book either. In true Lisa Unger fashion she kept me guessing what would happen next and surprised me with twists and turns. Harley Granger, failed author, but successful Podcaster starts looking into an interesting case that left madeline Martin barely survived. He best friend Steph died. Evan Handy was arrested in her attack and Steph's murder. He Aldi suspected in two sisters kidnapping and disappearances. That should be case closed, right? Madeline's dad, also a sheriff, remained obsessed with his daughters case right up until he had a severe stroke. Since Evan's arrest multiple other girls have gone missing. Madeline keeps getting Christmas presents left at her door every Christmas and Evan is determined to find out the truth once and for all.

This was a quick read that I wished would've benefitted from more plot and character development. I enjoyed Christmas Presents but thought it would've been even better if it were a bit longer.

Thanks to Netgalley and I Penzler Publishers for this ARC for my honest and unbiased review.

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Loved this book. Finished it in 2 days and couldn’t put it down. So many twists and suspenseful moments.

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CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, written by Lisa Unger, is a wonderful novella. In this book, Madeline Martin is a trauma survivor working in her independent bookshop, The Next Chapter, in rural New York. Harley Granger, a bookseller, author, and true-crime podcaster meets her in the bookshop. He plans to investigate the case involving Evan Handy, the person responsible for causing Madeline’s facial scar and for stabbing 17-year old Stephanie Kramer to death. Evan continues to claim his innocence regarding Stephanie’s murder and the whereabouts of Ainsley and Samantha Wallace, two sisters who went missing the night of the murder. New evidence sparks renewed interest in Evan Handy and his crimes. Harley Granger intends to explore this case in his podcast. Also, Madeline receives a Christmas present each year, but the sender is unknown. Who is sending her the gifts?

Lisa Unger knows how to grab your attention and keep it focused on the story. I like the way she teases out the happenings from the past. As a result, I carry on reading late into the night until I reach the satisfying conclusion. Thank you, and Penzler Publishers and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review the advance reader copy of CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.

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3.5 stars-You just need to say Lisa Unger and I am all in. This is a novella, so a little shorter of a read. The premise was so promising….but for me this lacked the cleverness and depth you typically find in a Lisa Unger novel. The ending was a little too neatly wrapped up for me. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the arc. All opinions are my own.

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I inhaled this novella. To say that the plot was catnip to me is an understatement. Bookshop-owning protagonist that survived a murderous person (maybe serial killer?) is being sought out by a true crime podcast host. What really happened around Christmastime that night 10 years ago? Is the true killer behind bars? I don’t want to say more about the plot because the less you know the better. Having a book-loving protagonist is just the bee’s knees for me, it couldn’t be any better.

This is the first Lisa Unger book I’ve read so I didn’t know what to expect. I can understand why she is a big name in the thriller genre! The plot is tight and extremely suspenseful, the characters are well-developed, the writing is fantastic, unusually lyrical for a thriller. The narrative was a bit confusing at times with two female characters written in first person present tense. Things are wrapped up (no pun intended) a bit too quickly but there was also an unexpected love story, so all in all I can just say wow. Loved it.

Thank you @penzlerpub and @netgalley for letting me read this in exchange for an honest review.

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I will read this kind of story, the one dredging up an old crime, probably a billion times and still be satisfied. And I'm satisfied here, so yay for us all. While I didn't find the mystery itself too mysterious, this is still a delightful tale that doesn't overstay its welcome. And in fact, I kinda wished it were longer.

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