Member Reviews

As progressive, anti-capitalist author Naomi Klein hastens to point out, she is not the same person as “liberal” right-wing media darling Naomi Wolf. Klein’s initial bemusement at the frequent mix-up gives way to repulsion as she analyzes Wolf’s positions on such hot-button topics as vaccination, neurodiversity, and right-wing “patriotism”, as well as her alliance with former Trump aide Steve Bannon. Climate change, anti-Semitism, and militant Zionism are also among Klein’s concerns. Klein writes about how the notion of the “double” in both psychology and politics can lead to oppression and even genocide.

This very readable book is a good introduction to Klein’s life and thought.

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Naomi Klein returns with what I think is her best book yet, and that's saying a lot. She ventures into the territory of psychology, phenomenology, social critique, and profound analysis of the slippery slope of the creation of "self" in this hyper-mediated era.... the terrifying slide into outer and inner deception. that is the hallmark of the early 21st century. This book shook me and enlightened me. Not for the fainthearted, not a light read, but oh so vital.

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Doppelgänger begins as a memoir discussing the confusion on social media and in popular culture between the author, Naomi Klein and another author, Naomi Wolf. Wolf, who has over time become more and more radically conservative and conspiracy minded seems to invade Klein’s life in many ways. But, this book discusses so much more than just these two particular authors but looks at doppelgängers in history and culture, at shifting populist beliefs, at Covid and mental health.

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