Member Reviews

The Court of the Undead is a captivating story filled with an abundance of tension. I was enthralled by the way the relationships between the characters evolved and transformed throughout the pages. Undoubtedly, I eagerly await the release of the second book, as I am genuinely curious about the fate of each and every character. Surprisingly, even the most detestable individuals managed to capture my interest.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

This one was tough to get through. Not only content wise, but the writing just didn’t vibe with me. It almost felt like nothing good was going to happen ever to our main characters. I didn’t realize how dark this fantasy would be.

Unfortunately, not for me!

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I did not manage to read this unfortunately, due to unforeseeable issues at home. I did not manage to read this unfortunately, due to unforeseeable issues at home.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publishing team for this ARC!

I was really intrigued by the concept of this book and while I think there were many interesting parts, overall, I struggled with the writing style. It was a lot of telling rather than showing so we're just told a lot of things were happening and what to think of the characters rather than discovering things as we go along. While I liked having a dual POV for the sisters, I was definitely more interested in Yara's side of things. I think it was a different spin on vampires, especially in this kind of setting but the story lacked passion and getting me to care about it.

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The Court of the Undead is the epitome of a booktok hit! It seemed like it would be right up alot of people's ally's. Personally it wasn't my cup of tea, but I am able to recognize how it is a well written book with alot of intention and it is a great story. The pacing was what threw me for a loop, it was just very fast paced at times, and then very slow at other times. The love triangles were really fun to see!

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This book had me in a chokehold. The blend of history and fantasy was just perfect. It was dark and alluring and it had me on the edge of my seat!
I loved this new character take on survival above all, even love and intrigue, and I was just always watching for more. I would have loved more angst but it was perfect for what the true element of this book was about, which was survival.
The family theme in this book was strong, in both the mortal sisters and the vampir brothers, and I loved seeing what it meant to be “family” and protect family looked like for the different dynamics.
This book deserves more hype and it was also such a quick read, it’s perfect.

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The concept was great but not the execution.
This book needed to be longer. Everything throughout the book was told rather than shown.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I rate this book a solid 2/5 stars. "The Court of the Undead" is a story about two sisters, Yara and Aylin, who are raised in the heart of the Ottoman empire as dark-skinned African women. When Yara gets kidnapped and taken to the court of the undead - a place of gathering for vampires from all over the world, Aylin disguises herself as a man and joins an elite crusade of vampire hunters to retrieve her sister.

There were two main things I had issues with in this book:

1). The pacing

a. Yara going from hating Volkan to liking him in the same chapter after he saved her from Pomona. I understand why she became endeared to him but I think there should've been more hesitation.

b. Eldar developing an overwhelming obsession with Yara out of nowhere. I figured he most likely had a dormant attraction to her that he just kept forcing down in the beginning of the book but the way he began to express it was too sudden.

2). Yara

a. This is a personal nitpicky thing but I can't stand characters who go on and on about how beauty is a curse disguised as a blessing. It was especially unbearable in this novel since it was also mentioned that Yara often used her beauty to flirt with men and entice them into doing things she wanted.

b. Yara was advertised as someone who slowly becomes more evil and cunning but her "genius plan" to frame Eldar for murder was to... put his ring in the dead man's hand. And she genuinely thought it would work. I was disappointed to say the least.

c. She (and Volkan) would often do or encourage things without thinking of all the consequences, then get upset at others (see Eldar) for not wanting to take part in their games or help them clean up their messes. I totally get why Eldar is the "evil and heartless" twin (he was so mean throughout the whole book), but he was still more likeable than Yara and Volkan combined.

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Gorgeous cover? TICK!
Vampire romance book? HUGE TICK!
Gothic setting and vibes? TICK TICK!
Dark secrets and forbidden love interests? ANOTHER HUGE TICK.

What I liked about this book: genuine slow burn, unique fantasy setting, diversity (so good), sinister dark vibes, the whole second half of this book, deliciously morally grey characters, villains, redemption, true legit enemies to lovers.. so much to love.

What I didn't like about the book:the slow, kind of clunky first half of the book and at times the pacing and writing threw me a little. Oh and the lack of spice.

A huge thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the chance to read/review this book early. All thoughts are my own.

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Overall: 3.5 stars

I am digging all the vampire-but-not-dracula stories that are coming out this year. It's fun to see the ways a monster we grew up knowing about gets reimagined.

This book started off slow for me, feeling more like a lecture of the history of the Ottoman (?) and it made me lose interest a few times in the beginning. As the world building was set up and we got moving on the plot (around 35/40%) things definitely picked up which was good.

I wish both sister's POVs captivated me the same, but I felt like I was rushing through Aylin's to get to Yara's - and so I wish that had been matched; but I could also see the next book having Aylin's being more interesting and Yara's a bit slower.

All in all, a great fun read with the potential to get even better.

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The book absolutely delivered the castlevania vibes it promised . I love vampire stories and this definitely one of my top reads of the year !

thank you netgalley for the eArc .

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Unfortunately I didn't finish this book. I was intrigued by the gothic vibe and thought it would probably be in a similar vein to books like A Curse So Dark and Lonely where you need to be a little more comfortable with dark romance, which is probably the case, but it was too sinister for me and I got the sense early on that it the relationship between Yara and the twins would be more abusive and she would be assaulted and I didn't want to go further. I also didn't gel with the writing as I felt it was somewhat bumpy and stilted which was making it hard to connect to the characters or the world building that was being initiated. I'm sure this will be a great read for someone else who likes a very dark story but I'm sorry to say I'm not that person.

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The plot of The Court of the Undead was very unique, and made me excited to read it.

I did. like the characters and the alternating POV throughout the book. I liked the setting, and it was fun reading something set in a location I don’t typically read about.

I did struggle to get into the story, at first. The writing seemed a bit awkward and slow until the halfway point. Then the story started to become interesting.

The ending seemed very rushed, and I wish the ending was more drawn out and explained. The final battle and everything just seemed thrown together. And other parts at the beginning, like the training to be a vampire hunter, seemed to take forever and be so slow. The pacing was a bit off, and this made it not as enjoyable to read.

Overall, I had things I didn’t like, and things that I did like while reading.

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In "The Court of the Undead" by F.M. Aden, readers are transported into a mesmerizing world of vampiric intrigue, dark secrets, and a desperate quest for survival. The story follows Yara and her sister Aylin, who were raised on eerie tales of vampires whispered to them by their superstitious nursemaid. However, it's not until a fateful day when Yara is kidnapped and taken to the fortress of the Undying King that she realizes she has been thrust into a realm far removed from the safety of the Ottoman court. Nestled high in the mountains of Wallachia, the court of the undead is home to the trueborn vampir, their sired vampir flock, and a horde of blood slaves.

As Aylin joins a group of trained hunters to rescue her sister, Yara finds herself ensnared in a web of deception and manipulation. She becomes the pawn of two striking and enigmatic twin brothers, Volkan and Eldar, both of whom have their own hidden agendas. Volkan is free-spirited and obsessed with Yara, while Eldar is power-hungry and ruthless in his pursuit of dominance.

Caught between the contrasting allure of Volkan and the sinister designs of Eldar, Yara faces an agonizing choice—betray one of the brothers to ensure her survival and return home. As tension simmers at the vampir court and the hunters embark on their mission, Yara must navigate a treacherous path, deciding not only whom to trust with her loyalty but also her heart.

It is a spellbinding paranormal fantasy romance that immerses readers in a world where darkness and desire collide. The author's ability to craft a vivid and atmospheric setting within the vampir court adds depth to the narrative, creating a sense of foreboding and fascination. The characters, particularly Yara, are well-drawn and relatable. Yara's struggle to survive in a world where trust is a precious commodity and betrayal is commonplace adds an element of tension and emotional depth to the story. The dual dynamics between Yara and the twin brothers, Volkan and Eldar, keep readers guessing and engaged.

The central theme of trust and betrayal, intertwined with the complexities of desire and power, is expertly woven into the narrative. As Yara grapples with her feelings for the brothers and the consequences of her choices, the stakes continue to rise, driving the plot forward The writing style is immersive and evocative, bringing to life the eerie and captivating world of vampiric politics and intrigues. The pacing of the story is well-executed, with a sense of urgency that keeps readers eagerly turning the pages. For fans of paranormal romance and dark fantasy with intricate character relationships, "The Court of the Undead" offers a captivating and emotionally charged journey. It's a tale of forbidden love, deception, and the price of survival in a world where secrets abound.

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This book was just difficult for me to get into. I felt as though my attention was just constantly drifting away and it was difficult to stay focused on the page.

There was nothing wrong with the writing or the style or plot, it simply just wasn't for me.
But I greatly appreciate the change to read this book!

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My reviews are brain dumps so here we go: This book had me absolutely hooked. At first I thought it was just going to be a girl rescues sister but then I realized it was dual POV and they’re both badasses in their own right? Yes please. I absolutely adored Aylin, Yara, and somehow even Domenico and Eldar.

Also Yara plotting murder and pinning it on him ahhhhh.
The Mulan moment we got from Aylin.

Sometimes I have issues following fantasy books but this one was a breath of fresh air.
And the way the Court of the Undead was described I could feel like I was actually there with her.

I also love how deeply you could feel the love they had for one another.

Also I just have to say I’m here for how homoerotic this book was 🤷🏼‍♀️

Okay and that ending???? My baby Yara missing the sun, y’all Zuri and Mircea.

Overall I absolutely adored this book and can not wait for the second one.

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First of all thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Oboi let me see if I can write coherent thoughts aksjdhakjsdhkasjdhkajdshkajsdhkjasd

Ok for starters screw the reviews saying that the book is "difficult to understand or connect to" because of the different culture. That's nonsense. The different cultural elements are explained just fine and you don't need a Deep Comprehension Of Islam/Turk History or whatever to get the book. I'm a Brazilian catholic-raised atheist and understood it all just fine.

And well, yea, the book has no "spice" (as in sex scenes). The make-outs are steamy and there are even scenes not-of-physical-intimacy brimming with sexual tension. But there's not even a fade-to-black implied scene. I personally see no problem with that, but from other reviews it seems people want to know that about the book so there you have it.

And maybe because it's an ARC but there were a few grammar mistakes here and there (mostly misplaced commas).

Now. To the Good Stuff.


There are romantic triangles - yes, for both sisters, two triangles - BUT DON'T CLOSE THIS TAB JUST YET, HEAR ME OUT! It's, like, good. Like, all suitors are very possible endgames, and every feeling and sentiment and emotion and relationship between the characters is absolutely earned, and you keep going back and forth in your guesses of who's going to be endgame. It's well written, filled with tension and ambivalence, and won't have you rolling your eyes like romantic triangles usually do. Seriously, these are rare examples of the trope being done right.

And remember when I said enemies-to-lovers stans WILL WIN with this book? Like, 3 of the 4 romantic interests are enemies of the protagonists. And it's TRUE enemies-to-lovers, not merely "oh they were slightly mean to each other once", NO, there are LITERAL MURDER ATTEMPTS. THEY DO BAD THINGS TO EACH OTHER. IT'S THE REAL DEAL. Like, one of the protagonists has BOTH her suitors be her enemies, so, for real, NO MATTER THE ENDGAME, WE WIN.

Oh and, like, the sisters gave me Sansa and Arya Stark vibes. One is pretty and politically savvy and the other a tomboy aspiring warrior. Good soup.

The intrigues and corruption in both the Court of the Undead and the Silver Cross Order are good soup too. Morally grey characters abound! Lots of tragic despicable people to, as we say in my motherland, passar pano (that means to defend/dismiss the bad things they do).

I haven't watched more than a few episodes of The Vampire Diaries but I think its fans are in for a treat (I mean, one of the characters is named Salvatore, a definite nod to the show). Author is apparently a Delena and Damon apologist. So I'm genuinely optimistic for the rest of the series. Can I also get the upcoming sequels as ARCs for reviews? Sorry I'm new to NetGalley and BookSirens but this series is definitely one which I'll gladly follow.

Ok I hope this was in anyway at least a little bit coherent and understandable lol


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I fully enjoyed this book; it will full of drama, politics, history, and, of course vampires. It was nice to read a more historical adaptation on vampires versus the, more current, fantasy romance. I enjoyed reading about the different countries and how the court of vampires respected different nationalities and clothing customs. There was very clear character development and the world building wasn't overly done. The writing was clear and consise; the editting deserves high remarks as well.

I would highly recommend this to readers of historical fiction and those who enjoy fantasy. This is a great read for those who enjoyed Interview with a Vampire and want something new. If there was a second book, I would read it as well.

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I had a great time with this story, I loved all of the tension! I look forward to seeing where the next book goes.

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This romantic fantasy, inspired by the Ottoman empire, is about the journeys of two sisters after they have been separated by a kidnapping.

It begins with sisters' Aylin and Yara's nursemaid telling them a scary story about blood-sucking creatures. However, they are forced to reckon with the existence of these creatures when 18-year old Yara is kidnapped by the bloodsucking vampir. Aylin, only a year older, decides to rescue her sister. The story unravels from both sisters’ perspectives where they must contend with obsession, racism, and specism.

Most romantic novels use the ever-popular trope of love triangles and cast one romantic love interest as good and one as bad. This book features a love triangle while not shying away from making both of the romantic interests more complicated. The story left me wanting to know about what happens to Yara and Aylin. However, there are pacing issues throughout, but it is most noticeable in the beginning which is exacerbated by the information dump about the personalities of the two main protagonists. Pacing could be improved by showing these personalities a bit more in the beginning as opposed to telling. Even so, I believe this book is a fun read with a bit of spice for those who love love-triangles and a bit of enemies to lovers to play out later books, potentially!

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