Member Reviews

Thoroughly enjoyed every second of this book. BIPOC main characters, steamy tension, vampires, HELLO? What else could I ask for?

I received a copy of this book from the publisher (via Netgalley) in exchange for an honest review.

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I want to thank NetGalley and Northern Light Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book started quite slow but I was pleasantly surprised by halfway through how quickly it was moving. At the beginning of the book you are introduced to Aylin and Yara. Aylin is strong and domineering while Yara is soft and kind. I was disappointed at first that Yara was kidnapped by the Vampires but I was surprised by the vicious creature she could turn into. I loved reading Alyin and Iylas’s relationship it was so heartwarming and I hope something comes of it in the later books. I read the acknowledgments and found out that Aden was inspired by her love for the Vampire Diaries and I can see the inspiration especially with the love triangle with brothers.

Overall this was a great book and I cannot wait to read what comes next in the series! Such a good vampire read!!

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"She was filled with so many stories that Aylin imagined that if one were to cut her skin, she would bleed words."
3.5/5 stars
1/5 spice

Two sisters who are inseparable are tragically separated in the dead of night. Both must face many trials and tribulations to be reunited once more, but will what they have to endure change them forever?

In the beginning I was uncertain if I would be able to get through this book, not because of its writing (which was great!) but because there was so much Islamic terminology that was unknown to me that I felt like it was almost like homework, having to go google search the meaning of the words instead of there being subtle context clues to allow the reader to understand. At the end though I realized there was a glossary for all of the words that were used, but when you are reading a book online it is definitely a pain to switch back and forth between the glossary and the point of the book that you are in.
Aside from the terminology this book redeemed itself in the beginning of the middle half; You are given a wide variety of characters and the fact that there were two love triangles for each main character was something that was pretty cool!! This book was set up like Zodiac Academy by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti; It gave the pov of both sisters and allowed you to be with each of them on their own journeys.

The characters- They were all very in depth in their own ways. Each had their own set of beliefs and morals and you got to feel the difference between them all. It was captivating because some of them portrayed themselves as a completely different individuals until layers were pulled back, so it was as if you were learning about a real person and trying to dig into their intentions and personality yourself.

Love interests- Dont worry you wont get bored at all when it comes to that, in fact you will probably get whiplash haha!! However I was hoping for more spice but I can see how the book is leading up to it for the coming books that will be published, not so much slow burn romance but slow burn intimacy.

All in all I look forward to the next book to come out because I feel like this author is just going to get better and better as the series goes on. I also cannot wait to revisit this world which is based off of the tale of Dracula.

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This was unfortunately a huge miss for me. I love the idea of historical fantasy based on the Ottoman Empire, but the writing lacked any sort of passion. For example in chapter 2 when Yara goes missing, there’s about a page of dialogue between Aylin and their chaperone, where the chaperone says Aylin “was captured by a dark soul” and it’s supposed to be intense moment, but there was no build up and so it was just boring. That’s what happens when there is too much info dumping and telling the reader how they should feel, instead of letting them engage with the characters and discover things for themselves.

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Overall was a good read but was slow to start for me and then it seemed to speed up too much. (IMO) This read caught my attention with the mention of it being similar to FBAA but I don’t feel that was the case at all. Characters were strong and I enjoyed the relationship between the sisters. Lots of tension too. Just not a favorite for me!

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I wanted to love this book so bad. It has such a unique premise and it is so easy to step into this world but the book just fell short for me through characterization and through how this book was put together, it just feels incomplete, like important connecting scenes were missing.

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As soon as I read the synopsis for this book and that it was recommended for fans of the From Blood and Ash series, I was excited. 2023 is the year of the return for supernatural books which has had me excited. I general idea for this book sounded like a lot of fun to read as one sister battles to save the other, whilst the other battles with her deepest desires and loyalty. Unfortunately for myself as a reader, I had hoped for more and it did not deliver on this occasion. I understand with DRC (digital review copies) that formatting is not complete amongst other aspects, however this time around I really struggled with the format of this ARC. I often found myself confused and reverting back several pages as I seemed to have missed when timelines would change.

So for now, I’m withholding a public review until release when I can read the finished version of this book. I have high hopes that my opinion with be greatly improved when giving this story it’s second chance, and I look forward to revisiting this book in the future.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the DRC in exchange for an honest review.

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For a book I had requested with little forethought and had seen just scrolling through the list, this one impressed the heck out of me. I normally don't have an abundance of extra time to add extra books to read onto my growing list of TO READS, but this one was a gem. NO REGRETS!!!!!!

Thank you to the author, NetGalley, & Northern Light Press for the eARC!!!! Thoughts are my own.

If I were to give this book a comparison of sorts in the form of a culinary delight I would say the ingredient list of "The Court of the Undead" is as follows. A dash of "Vampire Diaries" (the good early seasons) with the triangles and dark intrigue. A generous palm full of "From Blood and Ash" (with gory bits and slow burn entanglements included, and a heaping teaspoon of "Dracula." Oh the brooding angst of vampires is still one of my timeless and darkest story must-have's. The difference between the above shows/novel is that where the above eventually got on my nerves, this book continued to intrigue and eclipse. This book, with its historical additions intermingled with fictional plot, political intrigue, and gothic romantasy, made it incredibly hard to put down and easy to overlook the first quarter of info dump from the beginning. It kept me reading and enjoying! The political intrigue in this book was like "The Tudors" level of intrigue and was just fabulous done. Bravo F.M. Aden! Then add the romance elements and brilliant fantasy world and, next level of entertainment achieved!

If you indulge in characters that that lean into their morally gray area, fantastical vampire lore, a story that drops a few good twists, and slow burn relationships with loads of chemistry...if you like dark magic, intrigue, dangerous secrets, and complicated romance... then you will want to hit the BIUY, now.


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Cluch those pearls ladies and gents.
This novel is not for those gentle readers. I would have to class it a little on the darker path than most run of the mill vampire novels. There is a need to clearly outline that if you have mental issues or struggle with some triggers... this is not for you. Back away slowly and forget you looked this way.
For those of you who love a side of dark without sex taking the whole plot this is the book for you. F.M Aden is a brand-new author for me but after reading this, is now added on my list of click first ask questions later.
Twists and turns, drama, biting, sisterly love and laugh out loud. Are just a small list of things this novel brings to the front.
Fantastic read and well-developed world. I could picture it all play out before my eyes as i turned the pages.

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So this is like a historical fiction fantasy and while i usually love them. I just couldnt get into this. Our Heroine annoyed me and the Vampire Kingdom felt weird to me as did the conflict that between the vampire families. Overall i was disappointed and hoped for more.

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"The Court of the Undead" by F.M. Aden is a riveting gothic fantasy that weaves together dark intrigue, blood-soaked drama, and complex character dynamics, all set against the backdrop of the Ottoman empire's rise. With echoes of the Netflix series "Castlevania" and Jennifer L. Armentrout's "From Blood and Ash," this novel presents a captivating world of vampires, power struggles, and secrets that will keep readers hooked from start to finish.

The story follows Yara and Aylin, two sisters whose lives take a dramatic turn when Yara is kidnapped and taken to the fortress of the Undying King. As Yara navigates the treacherous world of the vampir court, she finds herself entangled with the enigmatic twin brothers, Volkan and Eldar. The complex relationships and shifting allegiances among the characters provide a rich tapestry of intrigue that keeps the plot moving at a brisk pace.

The atmospheric setting of Wallachia, nestled in the high mountains, is vividly described, immersing readers in a world that is both captivating and chilling. The author's evocative writing brings to life the opulent and decadent court of the undead, as well as the danger that lies beyond its walls.

One of the strengths of the novel lies in its well-drawn characters. Yara's journey of self-discovery, as she navigates her relationships with the charismatic and manipulative brothers, adds depth to the narrative. Aylin's determination to rescue her sister and the hunters' quest to confront the vampir court provide additional layers of tension and excitement.

The plot is full of unexpected twists and turns that keep readers guessing. The balance between action, intrigue, and character development is well-maintained, creating a narrative that is both engaging and emotionally resonant.

F.M. Aden's ability to blend elements of fantasy, romance, and political intrigue in "The Court of the Undead" makes for an enthralling reading experience. Fans of gothic fantasy and vampire lore will be drawn into this world of dark magic, dangerous secrets, and complicated relationships. With its compelling characters and intricately woven plot, this novel sets the stage for an exciting series that readers will eagerly follow.

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Thank you to #NetGalley for the advanced read in turn for an honest response!

I really enjoyed this book! It was a quicker read than some books I’ve read lately but I couldn’t put it down!

It’s a bit different for me as I’m not as familiar with African/Muslim/Ottoman (more familiar with Ottoman from university but that was long ago!) backgrounds but it just added to the story to be more intriguing! It did feel like the books I used to read in high school with vampires! I really enjoyed that there was a familiar feel with an entirely new element for me!

I enjoyed the dual POV with the sisters who are almost polar opposites! Their characters really show in their point of views! Yara is classic good girl and upstanding citizen. Aylin is wild and like a tomboy.

The characters are morally grey and the author has you rooting for the villains. I loved this book!

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Thank you to #NetGalley and Northern Lights Press for an advanced copy of this book.

The Court of the Undead was such a surprising read. I was blown away by the amount of historical detail Aden took to include actual historical figures such as Aylin and Yara's father actually being an African Turk in the court during the time period and also knowing the ways that African names were changed to be more Muslim. I was fascinated by the closer to legend representations of the vampires in the book. This was a darker read than I was expecting as the vampires are pretty bloody (who would have thought rights?) but I loved it overall. I am very happy that this is the first in the series and hopefully Yara and Aylin will have the happy endings they deserve. Can't wait for more!

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'The Court Of The Undead' written by F.M. Aden

Release date: 20 December 2023

● for the type of book it is, it would have largely benefited the story and reader if there were dates

● the storyline was interesting and I was genuinely intrigued to see how it ended
● the writing flowed well and things were described with a creative and flowing voice

● the layout of the ebook isn't done correctly. I'm having chapters line up without the same spacing of other chapters. This is making it slightly frustrating to read.
● it's a very short book but the pace of the book felt very slow
● there wasn't long enough of a stage to 'get to know' the characters so I didn't care as much as I should have when they came into harms way

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Thank you Netgalley and F.M. Aden for the ARC I received for an honest review.
TW: Graphic Violence, Torture, Language, bullying

Five very enthusiastic stars for what I know promises to be an exciting series with vampires, political intrigue, and romantic tension. Admittedly, I was a little bored with the beginning of the book because of reading about the royal politics and such (which I'm starting to know now I'm really not into) but quickly, the story revved into a thrilling tale of deceit, betrayal, and romantic tensions abound. There's even a lot of actions scenes here, some of which is pretty gory, and although I couldn't watch this as a movie, I'm tolerant of it in a book (warning: a lot of eye gouging and depictions of torture).
So the story is about two sisters, Aylin and Yara. They grow up in a royal court. Although they have a fierce love for one another, they couldn't be more different than night and day. Aylin likes to fight, partake in swordplay. She's a tomboy basically. Yara, on the other hand, loves the arts, singing, and any quiet activity. She is also very beautiful and catches the attention of men. They grow up with Ilyas, who was brought in a a slave at a young age. Around where they live, they hear stories about Vampir.
One day, Yara is kidnapped by said folks and Aylin goes on a quest to save her. In order to do so, she must battle sexism of that time and poses as a boy. Ilyas goes with her to help, and along the way, they are faced with dealing with their underlying feeling for each other, which is very complicated because Ilyas is sworn never to marry or father a child. This throws a wrench into the story.
Meanwhile, Yara is lead away into a hidden court ruled by monstrous vampir who have humans known as blood slaves. She becomes a blood slave herself, hand-picked by the Dimirici brothers, twin true born (meaning they were never human, they are born of vampir lineage) vampire princes with a lot of personality which also compare and contrast. Yara, as head-strong as she is, will not take her fate lying down and works to seek favor among the more powerful vampir, and thus truly complicates things with the story and Yara's heart.
The funny thing about this story you will find yourself sympathizing with monsters. Volkan and Eldar have many moments where you will genuinely like them not as bad guys, but as individuals with true motivations and feelings. As a twin myself, (and a sister) i feel myself sympathizing with their plight. They start off monstrous, but they have a deep love and loyalty for one another. Eldar seems to be a complete monster, but many of the things he does is to benefit and avenge his brother. Volkan gradually learns to truly care for Yara, and there were many moments when I would want them to get together.
If you love morally grey characters, fascinating lore, twists and turns you don't see coming, and intense romantic chemistry that leave you breathless, you would love this. I can't wait to see where they next book will take us.

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Regret reading this book because now I want Book 2 IMMEDIATELY, 4.5 stars
I was so hooked on the book, I finished reading it in one sitting [and I have exams haha]

Anyways, let’s proceed to talk about what I loved about the novel;

Muslim and African rep: I learned so many new cultural terms. The novel ignited a desire in me to read more novels with such rep.

Character Development: The sudden change in our MC’s personality as soon as she is in dangerous terrain is astounding. She knows she isn’t physically strong enough to fight her enemies so she starts playing mind games, making everyone appreciate her. When you first start reading, Yara feels like your innocent kind, most beautiful but average boring girl who wants to please everyone around her. But girl, did she prove me wrong.

Character regression: *bombastic side-eye, criminal offensive side-eye* @ Eldar but that’s what makes the novel more addicting. Because of his character, it opens the door to many different upcoming plot ideas and keeps the reader’s attention on the series as there are many possibilities on how the novel might end.

Romance and Pining 10/10: I know Eldar x Yara, if it ever happens, will be toxic BUT I AM ROOTING FOR THEM. The sexual tension and pining between them is over the roof. I just love me some pining and foolish actions, even if it is one sided haha.
Ilyas, man tf up or wave goodbye to Alyin.

Strong bond between siblings (and we get both of their pov) : The sisterly bond between the sisters was crafted so well, you could feel it. They are complete opposite of each other but it doesn’t lessen the affection they have for each other. One of the common tropes is making one sister villain and the other hero, one filled with jealousy, the other being docile. This novel DIDN’T have it. The bond between the brothers is also good until [Redacted]

Plot: It’s been so long since I read vampire novels. The plot might not be mind blowing but it’s still refreshing. It creates this tension making you wonder if Yara will be able to escape. The ending ended exactly how I wanted it to. I do hope we get some sneak peeks on the sultan and the prince of the Ottoman Empire.

Thank you NetGalley, Northern Light Press, and F.M. Aden for granting me ARC of this book in return for my honest opinions.

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So much tension in this story! I loved how their relationships grew and changed along the pages and I will definitely read book 2 as soon as it's published as I want to know what happens to each and every one of the characters... because I like them all... even if some are totally loathsome.
The writing is fluid and the story is fast-paced (no time to get bored into long description, which I really appreciated). I would definitely recommend it!

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Thank you to NetGalley and F.M. Aden for letting me review this book.

There are vampires, politics, secrets, lies, fighting, and a lot more. Parts of the story definitely gave Castlevania vibes!

The beginning raised questions, and I kept reading because I wanted answers. But I wasn't hooked right from the start. I felt as if the story really hooked me only closer to the end.

I loved the potential of the setting. Still, I wish there had been more showing. For example, some of the foreign words aren't familiar to all readers. With more showing, however, they would have worked great.

At first, I didn't care about Yara. Aylin was more interesting, but I lost interest in her character as the story progressed. In the end, though, I wasn't sure if I really liked any of the characters. The plot is what kept me reading.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes Castlevania.


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I think this book is solid, but unfortunately because I can see so much of its potential, I am left a bit disappointed.

I appreciate the diverse cast of characters and unique spins on classic YA tropes, but ultimately, it has something that I cannot look past: multiple POVs, not all of which are entertaining.

I get really frustrated when there are multiple POVs with varying levels of intrigue. It doesn't have to be all plot/action all the time, but there was one POV (Aylin)'s that was particularly disappointing, and I felt like the book dragged whenever we were following her. So that was a bummer.

I think I would give this author another chance though. I would be interested in an adult novel from them!

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𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧 𝙍𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜: ⭐⭐⭐💫 (3.5, rounded to 4)
𝙎𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙍𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜: 🌶

I really enjoyed the overall plot of this book, as well as the diverse cast and mentions of differing religions.

I found the first few chapters, where the sisters were growing up, hard to get into, but understand it was setting up quite a lot of world-building. Even so, it wasn't until about 20% that I really got into the book.

I also found that the emphasised words within the text, which were both italicised and bold, felt like shouting. I would like for them to be either one or the other, preferably just italicised.

But, I loved the historical and fantasy elements, as well as the darkness of the vampire court. The forbidden romance (low spice) and obsession were well-written, and I'm interested to see what happens after that absolutely gripping ending.

💢 𝙏𝙒𝙨: violence, death, kidnapping, imprisonment, slavery, fantasy gore, and mentions of past childhood abuse, sexual assualt, and torture.

☆I recieved an ARC of this book from the author, Netgalley, and Northern Light Press. All thoughts are my own honest opinions.☆

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