Member Reviews

Loved the blurb.
Loved the story. Amazingly put together and kept me reading well into the night on a work day!
Thanks NetGalley and publishers for the arc.

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I personally really liked this book filled with hella tension, about two sisters very different from each other. One wants freedom while the other craves power, they also share a strong bond together after their mother died and they were left alone for some time. One night one of them gets kidnapped by cruel monsters looking to inflict as much physical and emotional pain as possible, while the other one is racing against time to find her and bring het home. Along the way both sisters find themselves entangled with two different men with that want have them as theirs. I can’t wait till the next one comes out! Thanks Net Galley for the read before release!

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Yara and Aylin grew up on ghost stories, specifically stories of vampirs. When Yara is kidnapped by the same creatures they were warned about, Aylin will stop at nothing to get her sister back.

This book was great! I loved the European setting and Aylin’s character. The book kept me on the edge of my seat, and I had to know what happened next. Great read!

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It was the blurb of The Court of the Undead that first caught my interest. The story sounded very much my cup of tea, so I decided to request it and give it a try. Unfortunately, it didn't really live up to my expectations. On the plus side, the setting and the premise were both interesting and helped to set the book apart from others in the same genre. However, the execution was a little lacking. The world building felt clunky, with too much 'telling', especially in the first quarter or so of the book. The characters, too, lacked depth, their actions and speech wooden and their relationships feeling forced. There was plenty of promise here, though. F.M. Aden clearly has a great imagination and I think if the prose style and characterisation could be improved they could produce something good in this genre in the future. This book gets 2.5 stars from me overall, but I will raise that to three on Goodreads for the sake of the interesting story idea.

(As a note to the publisher, it took me a while to read this because I had to read it on my PC. The text was fine on Adobe Digital Editions on my PC, but when I transferred the book to my e-reader all the pages were showing as blank, except for the sword and flower images at the start of each chapter - they were the only things visible. I also note a number of issues with incorrect comma usage throughout the text, for your information while completing final edits/proofing.)

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At the beginning of the book- I did not think I would like it, but I was wrong. The beginning started out rough for me with all the names/nouns I wasn’t sure of. It took me awhile to develop the differentiation of characters in my head. The plot really hooked me about 60% through and I couldn’t stop. The world building wasn’t my favorite, BUT the character really grew on me and now I feel invested. I need to know what happens next with Yara & Aylin especially. Eldar at the ending….what the heck-shocked. I am interested to read more from F.M. Aden. Overall, good book and I am anxiously awaiting to read more of the story!!!

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The Court of the Undead is a very serviceable dark vampire story. The pov is split between the two sisters Yara and Aylin as well Eldar (one half of a set of vampire twins). I enjoyed the similarities between the two sets of siblings. Yara and Aylin both have little power in the world due to their birth, their gender and the empire they live in. While as young vampires, Eldar and Volkan also are underdogs among the Court of the Undead. Both sets of siblings are fiercely protective and devoted to each other, and cite familial love as the driving force behind all of their actions. Yara's journey was by far the most compelling. It was equal parts horrifying and fascinating watching her navigate the vampire court. Unlike most Strong Female Characters she used her experience at court, her personality and her natural talents instead of physical prowess to advance her situation. I would've liked to have Volkan's perspective as well because it felt unbalanced to only see him through Yara and Eldar. Or maybe, Eldar's parts could have been expanded to better flesh out the vampire half of things.

I thought this book would be more in the new adult category, but it never quite tipped over that edge for me. If anything, it had more violence than spice. I see the potential for enemies to lovers for both of the sisters but I'm anticipating a slow burn. If you came for the Castlevania vibes I think you will instead be left with a strong dash of the Vampire Diaries: brothers obsessed with the same young woman, brooding, revenge, twisted affection. All in all, I will pick up the next book because I enjoyed the quick pace and I want to see if any of the relationships end up being hate to love.
Thank you to Northern Light Press and Netgalley for the ARC.

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I want to start off saying I don’t believe I’m a part of the audience who will enjoy this book most. There were a lot of elements I don’t personally seek out in a book, but I don’t think this makes The Court of The Undead a bad read by any means. In fact, I think if this book would do really well with the right kind of reader.

This story primarily follows two sisters who are the daughters of an important figure in Constantinople’s court. Aylin is a bit of a tomboy, who struggles finding her place in a palatial lifestyle. Her sister Yara is the opposite- she fits right in at court, and is universally adored. They grow up hearing stories about vampires, which they don’t take terribly seriously until Yara is abducted by them. Fearing that there’s not much their father or the sultan will be able to do, Aylin sets off to rescue her sister. The story then moves back and forth between Yara’s life amongst the vampires, and Aylin’s journey to join a gang of vampire hunters to save her sister. We eventually get some perspective from a few additional characters, however this is first and foremost a story about the sisters.

I think the setting is what will set this book apart from other vampire/court intrigue novels. It takes place across a few different countries during the rise of the Ottoman Empire. The setting lends itself to exploring themes of racism, sexism, and xenophobia- amongst other things- and provides a refreshing change in scenery to what we typically see in novels about vampires.

Personally, love triangles aren’t my thing, but if you are a fan, then you are in for a treat.

What kept me reading was the court intrigue elements of this book. I love some good ol’ scheming, plotting, and backstabbing, and there was no shortage of it.

I did feel the book as a whole could have used some more editing- there were several passages that read a bit redundant, and I did notice a typo (I forget where exactly, but it said “off” instead of “of”.)

The Court of the Undead probably isn’t the most groundbreaking novel of its type. However in a genre that has been oversaturated at times, you could certainly do a lot worse.

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Okay as an avid lover of vampire romances this book sounded incredible and so exciting!

The first chapter had me hooked on the beautiful writing and the character depth I believed we'd get. However, I very QUICKLY realized just how repetitive it was. Yara's chapters are full of her praise for Aylin while Aylin's chapters are also full of praise for Aylin.

As well, the pacing and tone of each scene is very off. Somehow Ilyas picks Aylin up by the back of her neck like a cat, literally removing her feet from the floor. And yet she can breathe fine, isn't in pain, and can hold a conversation. Not to mention that he shakes her as if enjoying it? And yet he's Aylin's protector? How?

ALSO, he does this in a supposedly intense moment when Aylin has just learned that Yara was kidnapped (which the reveal of this kidnapping felt very abrupt too and not written with enough intensity.)

Then there is this: "Footsteps creaked before her, and the blindfold was ripped from her face. Yara stared at an unfamiliar face. He was a hard-faced fellow". If the writing is this repetitive early on I can't imagine the state of it further in.

And there is a lack of consistency. In the exact same chapter, literal paragraphs apart are these two lines: "She opened her mouth to speak, but a rag had been twisted around her mouth." Then with no mention of it being removed, "Where am I?' She demanded"

My final complaint is the overwhelming 'look we're feminists' type of exposition. It is perfectly fine to paint that picture, but I was barely two chapters in and there seemed to be a mention of Aylin not being like other girls every other paragraph.

I was very excited for this read but I can barely get past the 10% mark from the lack of editing. If it had been edited more I REALLY believe this could have been star material.

This is in no way hate of the author, this story, or the publisher and is solely my personal opinion. I am sad to say I will be DNF-ing this read. Maybe someday I will pick it up once more.

Thank you so much to Northern Light Press for my ARC!

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A first in a ya story…I enjoy YA but I will be honest. This didn’t meet all my expectations. But that’s ok! Sometimes the ya fantast stories aren’t always what you wanted. But I appreciate the effort the author put into it. It took me a long time to understand what was going on. That is a minus always. You loose a lot of readers if they cannot understand what’s going on. I get it if you need to explain a few things but with YA fantasy you need to get into the action asap and make things simple to understand. This just missed that mark. The author tried, they tried to hit a lot of tropes and make this a book everyone wants. I think the mistake was writing this to please others and not themselves—-as in the author.
You write a story for you.

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I need book two stat!!!!

This was incredibly intense, I loved it, Volkan was a perfect character in this! Yara, I loved her, she was my favourite pov to read of the sisters. The plot intrigued me, Eldan as you can imagine annoys me, I hope he gets his comeuppence in the next one!

The only thing for me that would've made this a little better is a bit of Smut, especially at the end with Yara and Volkan but understand why they didn't!

Looking forwards to book two!

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Thank you to NetGalley and northern Light Press for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions.

I felt like this book had so much potential based on the synopsis. However as I started reading I immediately knew this book was going to be a struggle to finish. I could skip PAGES of this book and not miss anything.

I felt like I really liked Yara’s storyline but hated when it changed to Aylin’s and wanting to skip the entire chapter.

I may be in the minority with this but this book just wasn’t for me.

3/5 stars just because I really enjoyed Yara’s storyline.

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“The Court of the Undead” is about sisters Yara and Aylin. since they were children, they've heard stories of the “vampir” (vampires). The story is told through flashbacks, leading up to when the younger Yara is kidnapped. Aylin ignores her father’s orders not to go and - recruiting the help of her childhood friend, Ilyas - goes after her sister to bring her home.

I know little to nothing about Islam or Turk history or culture, so I honestly had very little idea about anything that was going on. I loved the added diversity, but I couldn't follow a lot of it. I had really high hopes that I would like the book, but I didn't really like the writing style. I had a hard time connecting with the characters as well. I did not like Domenico at all. I wish there was more romance since it's labeled as a romance as well as a fantasy novel. with all of that being said, this was so creative and I would be open to reading other books from this author but maybe not this series.

Thank you NetGalley and publishers for providing me with the ARC to read.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the arc.

The vampire plot line was what got me interested in this book at first. Takes a bit of time to get into the book but it’s definitely worth it in the end.

4/5 stars

Book is great for people that enjoy folklore, vampires, twins, mystery and dark desires.

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Another take on the story of the vampire. I’m always interested to read a new author and see how they imagined their vampire world to be. However, this one just didn’t do it for me. You have Stockholm Syndrome, kidnapping, sexism, and racism. It was hard to really get into the characters. And I definitely didn’t feel like “rooting” for any of the characters. All in all a decent read but not one I would read again.

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Thank you NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to review this free ARC in exchange for my honest review.

The book is cute. It reminds me of something I would have been in love with in middle of high school.

I had a very hard time following in the beginning. I wasn’t familiar with the culture and had to constantly look things up. That’s not a bad thing, but at some point I felt like I was studying instead of enjoying it.

It picks up around the quarter mark and it was cute.

Not my cup of tea.

Also there is zero zero spice. Which isn’t bad by any means. I just enjoy atleast a little in my reads.

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This book had me enthralled. I absolutely loved the story line and how close the sisters are. I could go on and on about how much I loved it! The only qualm I had with this book was that the writing felt quite stiff at times. It was the one thing that stopped me from truly thinking that I had ended up in the story. I felt like there should be be more *umph* in it...I can't explain it!

I will definitely be recommending this book to my friends when it is released!

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC. All opinions expressed are my own!

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ARC review

Story: 2/5 ⭐
I was somehow expecting more. Plot was fine, nothing to exciting. You have two sisters, one gets kidnapped and sold to vampires, the other goes to rescue the other. The main issue I had with this book was pacing and character development. I felt that the main characters, Aylin and Yara both had such wishy washy feelings for their suitors. It felt like a ping pong match at times, feelings for one then BAM, feelings for another. Tension felt underwhelming. The development was poor and there was no build up, just 0 to 100. I found myself confused and misled. It also was hard to get through the book, I was so close to DNFing, but it did pick up in the last 25-30%, but really, pacing was an issue. The majority of the book could have been cut down, or better developed.

***I received this book in exchange for my honest opinion. Thank you to the author/publishing company and netgalley for this opportunity!

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Loved reading the mesmerizing and spellbinding story. When Aylin's sister, Yara, is kidnapped by vampires, Aylin will do anything to get her sister back. Read the highly recommended, wonderfully written, and a must read riveting story. Can't wait to read the next story in the series!

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Let me say first that this book was incredible. It was steeped in mystery, folklore, culture, and dark desires. The beautiful settings of this book, Venice, Turkey, and Romania, were described in great detail that added a dark element to this book I’ve never see before. The sibling relationships were standouts for me. Both Eldar and Volkan, the undead siblings, and Yara and Aylin, the loyal sisters, stole my heart. I absolutely loved that you can almost feel how deeply they love each other. When Yara is taken Aylin never once considers staying back and letting others find her sister. And she Volkan is taken, Eldar makes it his death wish to avenge him, no matter the cost. This book was a wonderful start to a series and I cannot wait to see where it goes. At times, I wished the relationships were more developed. It seemed unlike Yara to forgive Volkan so quickly for mistreating her, and the same goes with Aylin and Domenico. I would love to see how these two women become the strong warriors they were always meant to be, Yara cruel and cunning, Aylin powerful and free. I think this was a beautiful book that sets up its sequel wonderfully and I cannot wait to see where the series goes.

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I wanted to like this, but I just can’t get over the writing. It’s so incredibly stilted and awkward. I realize this is a debut, but it feels like this author has never really written anything before. The characterization and plot are there, but are delivered in such a matter-of-fact way that it’s unbearable.

If you don’t mind awkward sentences and formal-feeling writing, I think this is a book you could genuinely enjoy—again, the story and characters are interesting! I just personally couldn’t get over the writing.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC!

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