Member Reviews

Set in the Ottoman empire, a high-standing family is forever changed when one of two sisters, Yara, is kidnapped and taken to the vampir court of Vlad Dracul to be sold as a blood slave. This was an interesting story of a young woman caught in the political wars of a foreign court, an almost-love-triangle, and the ever-shifting tides of allegiances influenced by deaths, marriages, and sires within powerful vampir families. Her sister, Aylin, also faces many obstacles as she tries to make her way to the vampir court to attempt to rescue Yara, as she poses as a boy alongside a soldier serving her family, Ilyas, to join the leagues of vampir hunters hoping to eliminate the species altogether in order to save her sister. Overall, this was a captivating read and I look forward to the sequel!

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2.5* Thank you NetGalley for a copy of “The Court of the Undead”! This story ultimately fell flat for me, the beginning of the book dragged and I never thought I would see an end in sight but then the last like 15% seemed to go way too quickly and that could’ve been flushed out more. I wish this wasn’t a dual POV because I could’ve cared less about Aylins POV and her weird relationship she had with that sketchy guy.

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4 stars

ARC review from NetGalley

This book was unique and I thoroughly enjoyed the diversity of it. It started off quite slow and boring for me, but it took a turn quite quickly.

The story following Yara was thoroughly enjoyable and I loved how strong and determined she was when it came to surviving in court life. The two brothers make things interesting, but I would have loved to have seen the story drawn out a lot more so there was a slower, more deserving redemption arc from one and fall from the other.

The other POV following Aylin was similar in the sense that it felt rushed and slightly lacking due to the pace. I didn’t enjoy this side of the story any where near as much as I enjoyed Yaras.

There wasn’t much time to bond with a lot of the characters, so certain scenes was really missing the emotion from it.

Overall, I enjoyed this book and am interested in seeing where the series heads!

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I could not get into this story no matter how hard I tried. My attention was not gripped by anything in the story. I hope others can like it though.

Thank you Netgalley for the ebook!

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Surprisingly good. I went in with no expectations and this was a pretty good read. I loved the representation, interesting characters, actual enemies-to lovers and the SLOW BURN.

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This was a fun romantasy. The characters were cool. The plot was fun. There is important representation in this book as well as well loved tropes like enemies to lovers and slow burn. I don't think it is a 5 stars, blew me away kind of book but that does not mean it's bad in any way and I highly suggest you give it a try.

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Vampires, familial bond, politics and love triangles. This book had potential to be really good however, I found it was lacking in character development and world building. At times I felt more frustrated and annoyed with the characters than not. The choices and actions taken by the characters were unnecessary and confusing. The idea was great but the execution was lacking.

I received this ARC via NetGalley and Northern Light Press in exchange for an honest review.

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A dark gothic fantasy tale. While I can see others really loving this book, it just wasn't for me. It was darkly written and the story just needed to progress a bit faster. I wasn't connected with the characters and the relationships were a bit for seen. Anyone who loves a dark vampire story will definitely vibe more with this book.

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Enjoyable story, although love triangles somewhat far fetched and characters forgive each other a bit too quickly. Really loved the different settings and perspectives.

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This review was made possible via an ARC through NetGalley.

The Court of the Undead is a historical romance set in the time of the Ottoman Empire with vampires, love triangles, and two sisters trying to make their way back to each other at the center of it all. Yara and Aylin are very different characters who's sisterly love for each other shines whenever they bring the other up in their POVs.

Ilyas and Aylin's slowburn is very slowburn but the way they speak to each other says volumes of their devotion and genuine feelings. Meanwhile, Yara and Eldar and Yara and Volkan are two potential ships with constant push and pull where you're never completely sure where Yara is going to lean and when and how the two brothers will react.

Court of the Undead is well-written and the worldbuilding feels authentic to the time period as well as exploring character complexities and lived realities. No character is entirely innocent and no relationship is without it's flaws, which makes it a great fit for anyone seeking a dark romantasy or dark historical romance.

I look forward to the sequel and how FM Aden wraps up this saga.

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I was very excited to read a book based in the Balkans, where I'm from. It doesn't happen often and got me very excited but the book wasn't exactly what I was hoped for.

The story was interesting enough but maybe needed a slightly better execution. I liked having the two POVs of the sisters but never really got into Ailyn's story. At first, I found it a bit boring and towards the end, I couldn't understand why she'll do any of the things she did. Especially, when it came to her relationship with Dominico - just one bad decision after another with no real explanation on to why.

Yara's POV was far better. Still, her sudden change of heart towards Volkan seemed sudden and a little forced. The thing that got to me the most was how easy it was for her to climb from a blood slave to one of the most loved spies in the King's court. Why? Because she's beautiful and she can sing well *eyeroll*.

It's an easy read that'll keep you entertained at times. I like the overall idea and I think the next book has a lot of potential, just needs a little more character building and better dialogue.

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The Court of The Undead by F.M. Aden is a wonderful gothic story about two sisters set during the Ottoman Empire. Oh, and did I mention Vampires! This is a juicy adventure horror story that kept me up reading until 4:00a.m. because I could not put it down. I was thrilled to find out this is the first book in a series, and I can't wait to find out what happens next! This book will have you hooked!

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"The Undead Court" offers a refreshing take on the fantasy genre with its diverse main characters, particularly the strong-willed and power-hungry female protagonists who are unafraid to employ acts of subterfuge. The contrast between the brashness of one sister and the seeming demureness of the other, each wielding their unique "weapons" against men.

The novel delves into themes such as war, religion, medieval leadership, and the conflicts between warring royal vampire houses—and I love that vampires are making a comeback.

However, it's worth noting that some passages in the book can be challenging to follow, requiring occasional backtracking.

Additionally, the trend in fantasy literature where female characters are attracted to obsessive abusers and literal monsters, as seen with both sisters in this book, leaves me with mixed feelings.

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The Ottoman Empire's historical background and the paranormal aspects of vampires, werewolves, and other creatures are combined in the dark fantasy book The Court of the Undead. The plot centers on two sisters named Yara and Aylin, who are split up after Yara is taken captive by vampires and brought to their court, where she develops romantic ties with two rival brothers. While everything is going on, Aylin joins a team of hunters who are motivated to save Yara and eliminate the vampir.

The book has a fascinating backstory and a great premise, but it falls short of its potential. Instead of accurately portraying the historical and cultural features of the Ottoman Empire, the author makes use of inaccurate stereotypes. The vampir are also shallowly developed and devoid of any depth or originality. They are merely nasty, vicious, and lusty beings that lack all motivation and redeeming characteristics.

Additionally, the characters lack depth and are unlikeable. The passive and naive protagonist Yara experiences Stockholm syndrome and begins to harbor feelings for her captors. She uses her beauty and allure to sway the vampire rather than displaying any agency or intelligence. Aylin is a hot-tempered, careless hunter who frequently causes trouble and makes snap decisions. She doesn't change or develop during the course of the book; instead, she is a static character.

Overall, The Court of the Undead is a disappointing read that wastes its potential and fails to impress. It is not recommended for fans of dark fantasy or historical fiction, as it does not do justice to either genre.

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An interesting and captivating gothic vampire tale! I enjoyed the characters and am interested to see where future books go, but it does have some content including violence and human trafficking that can throw readers off.

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4.5 THIS IS ENEMIES TO LOVERS (hopefully) This book was absolutely amazing. This is morally black men. The character development? Absolutely delectable. Just an amazing book.

Disclaimer: I've received an ARC through Netgalley but all opinions are my own.

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I have finished the book and I wanted to take a moment to think of it and process. The series has so much potential and I can’t wait to see where it goes but I will say it takes a moment to get into the story.

But I lived that it has different characters and the love triangle while suspected was done really well.

Thank you for the publishing house, the author and net galley!

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Vampires? Gothic undertones? This was SUCH a fun read. It had me hooked from beginning to end. I liked the family relationships, and appreciated how the darker topics were handled with grace and compassion while keeping the story fast paced and entertaining. I am excited to see more from this author!

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an e-arc of this title. This review contains my honest and voluntary thoughts.

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This book was absolutely amazing. The setting was my favorite thing, I have always been interested in Vlad Dracul and Wallachia, as well as the conflict between them and the Otroman empire. To see the context of that time period mixed with fantasy elements was extraordinary. I also liked Yara very much and was focused and riveted in her storyline. The plots and relationships in the court kept me at the edge of my seat. But I have to admit that I found the chapters about Aylin very boring; I wasn’t invested in her arc as I was with her sister

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Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for providing an e-arc of this book.
The Court of the Undead follows the story of two sisters. Yara and Aylin. There are vampires, and muslim references. Yara gets taken by vampires and somehow needs to navigate the politics in the vampire court. Aylin then goes on a journey to rescue her sister. The two sisters are involved in their own love triangle, which is a bit frustrating for me… since I keep switching ships up until the end. Lol. I very much enjoyed the last chapters, and i hope there is a sequel because I need to know what happens next.

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