Member Reviews

Claire Keegan dominates the short story in "So Lat in the Day". Three stories centered around a woman and a relationship in her life with some psychological aspect. Written with dark and vulnerable themes, Keegan calmly shocks readers.


This was the first time I read Keegan's work and I am so glad i did. She is beautiful writer of fiction and a master of the short story. I would highly recommend this book to readers who enjoy literary fiction, women's fiction, psychological fiction, and readers who want a quick yet rewarding read. A book that you don't want to put down, and when you do you'll be wishing it was longer.


A big thank you to NetGalley and Grove Atlantic (Grove Press) for providing readers with such a rewarding book.

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Another Claire Keegan read that has left a powerful punch. Her writing is beautiful, evocative and her characters and social observances/criticisms are spot on.

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I loved this collection of 3 Short’s stories about men and women and how they interact and communicate. Although each one is only about 50 pages long, the character development in those pages is incredible. I found myself thinking about these stories for days after reading them! Keegan is a genius!

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“Down on the lawns, some people were out sunbathing and there were children, and beds plump with flowers; so much of life carrying smoothly on, despite the tangle of human upsets and the knowledge of how everything must end.”

Another short and stunning book from Claire Keegan. If like me you loved Foster and Small Things Like These, So Late in the Day comes out on November 14th.

Structured a bit differently than the first two, this book is not a novella but rather a collection of three short stories:

So Late in the Day, about a couple about to get married.

The Long and Painful Death, about a writer who goes on a solo writing retreat at the home of the German author Heinrich Böll, and is inspired to write after a strange visit from a retired professor.

Antarctica, about a married woman who wonders what she might be missing and the consequences when she goes looking….

I liked each story and I read the collection in one sitting. Keegan has a unique talent for writing shorter stories. Antarctica was disturbing and my least favorite of the three but I’m still glad I read the collection.

Thank you to NetGalley and Grove Atlantic for an advanced digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I thoroughly enjoyed SO LATE IN THE DAY and highly recommend it for fans of literary fiction. Each of the 3 stories is carefully crafted and almost jewel-like in its resonance. Somewhat depressing at times, the narratives explore the various ways in which men and women let each other down. The relationship dynamics seem multi-layered and realistic. Keegan's writing has a lovely cinematic quality.

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Having previously read 'Small Things Like these' and "Foster' I was delighted to read 'So Late in the Day', a collection of three short stories all considering relationships in different ways. The first story, 'So Late in the Day', was my favourite and describes a couple's relationship and their differing expectations of life together. The second story, 'The Long and Painful Death', involves a writer staying at the seaside home of a famous author for a residency. Her search for inspiration is disturbed by a persistent visitor. The final story, Antarctica, about a married woman who decides to leave her family for one night and look for another man to sleep with. The author draws the reader in as she cleverly builds the tension. compelling but very short stories. Thank you to Net galley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Two short stories and one novella make up this intriguing book. The short stories are very good but the novella Antarctica is very disturbing but all are excellent reads.

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This was my first time reading Claire Keegan and every minute was well- invested.
So Late in the Day is formed by 3 short stories, So Late in the Day the more extensive one,The Long and Painful Day, and Antarctica. The three of them explore human nature through exquisite prose. The length of each is perfect, as well as the language used, and they end in the perfect moment. I would not have minded reading another 3 short stories or at least 1 more, it was a book that I read in one sitting.
For readers looking for something short and well-written, this could be a perfect pick.
Thank you, Grove Atlantic Grove Press and Netgalley, for this e-ARC.

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I really wanted to love this, and in many ways it was interesting and I liked how each story brought a different perspective, it is well written, but somehow I just didn't connect with it,

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Claire Keegan writes with such rigid honesty and I really loved this collection of stories, it felt very on tone with her other works and I appreciate what a reliable and raw writer she is.

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Short and stunning, as always, Keegan writing has a cinematic quality to it; I can always vividly picture the scene in a way that complete pulls me in to the small actions of the story. The tone of foreboding that underpins each of these stories in different ways is effective and deliciously well executed.

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Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for the earc !
So late in the day is a collection of three short stories. I found it quite ordinary and none of the three really grabbed my interest. All of the stories were about how men are sleazebags and don't deserve your time. This was my first read of Claire Keegan's works. Maybe I'll try some of her other works.

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Stunning short stories with a very deliberate writing style encapsulating ordinary moments. I would read anything she writes. A lovely reading experience which is a feat in itself, especially when the subject matter isn’t necessarily rosy.

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Simple, yet haunting. I read this in one sitting and then thought about it all night. Each story is slightly different, but all are stark and even scathing in their insights into both men and women. Claire Keegan is quickly becoming an auto-read author for me. These stories feel perfect for reading on the back porch on a crisp fall morning.

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** A copy of So Late in the Day was provided by the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review **

I think these three short stories cement Claire Keegan as one of the most skilled writers today. All three stories are precise and impactful - there's a quiet depth to every one of these stories! I will definitely read anything she writes in the future.

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Claire Keegan does not disappoint 🙌🏼 Loved both FOSTER and SMALL THINGS LIKE THESE by her previously and both left me in much admiration over her skill with the short story form. The precision! The impact! Each sentence and metaphor carefully considered. The weight of meaning imbuing every silence. She does the same again with the three stories in this collection, each of them having been published elsewhere previously.

All of the stories centre dynamics between different men and women, the little and big things that draw people to one another. Social constraints, barriers of communication, not realising that people aren’t what they seem, sometimes until it is too late. The only downside to this collection is that, being the length of three short stories, it was over before I knew it! Definitely keen to read more by her!

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I’ve read and enjoyed a few of Claire Keegan’s short stories. So Late in the Day is her most recent story, which publishes November 14th, and I read it last month. I enjoyed the first two short stories, but the last one left me feeling conflicted and icky, and it abruptly ended without a resolution. Maybe that was the whole point? I’m not really sure. The stories were all about women and how the men in their lives treat them. I received this advanced ebook from @netgalley and the publisher @groveatlantic.

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I am not usually a fan of short stories, but when they are from an author whose writing I enjoy, I can’t resist. I have read two novellas by Keegan that I really liked; when I saw this offering, I jumped at the chance to read it.

So Late in the Day is a book that consists of three provocative short stories. What they all have in common is that they touch on the tensions involved in male/female relationships.

There is misogyny, danger, sadness, and, in one story, triumph. Keegan’s vivid descriptions pull the reader right into the unfolding scenes. Especially evocative was the drive the main character in the second story embarked on as she traveled to a writing retreat, as well as the description of the property and its locale
Keegan proves once again that one doesn’t have to be wordy to be profound and affecting.

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My emotions toward Cathal, the protagonist in this short story by Claire Keegan, were a mix of frustration and empathy. There were moments when I found myself irritated with his actions, yet other times, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sadness for him. Keegan skillfully guides us through what should have been a joyous day for Cathal, only to reveal its mundane reality. Through skillful use of flashbacks to his time with Sabine, the woman he was meant to marry, Keegan invites us to question whether those memories were truly happier. In this contemplative exploration, Claire Keegan's exquisite prose delves into the inner world of a man who might not be the ideal partner for most women but evokes a sense of pity and understanding.

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Claire Keegan has mastered the art of saying a lot with few words. Every story has themes of the relationship between men and women, misogyny and patriarchy. All leave you with different emotions, but you're always touched.

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