Member Reviews

In this slim collection of just 3 short stories, Keegan continues her streak of spare, rich prose – densely packed with imagery and texture that bring every moment to life. What I found most compelling is that each short has strong and kinetic tension - an undercurrent which feels appropriate given their exploration of different relationships between men and women. The tension is at its best in the chilling finale, Antarctica - and while the collection reads quickly, I know I’ll revisit and study these deftly crafted stories again.

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I recently read SMALL THINGS LIKE THESE by Keegan and found her writing simple, impactful, and compelling. And SO LATE IN THE DAY rings true to this as well. These stories appear simple but require close reading, and even multiple readings, to unpack the themes interwoven within.

SO LATE IN THE DAY contains three different short stories that all center around the dynamic between men and women. And they are all quite dark and/or lonely. There are no happy endings, and honestly no real endings, which make these stories feel more real, in my opinion. And, again, the simple but compelling way that Keegan tells these stories also forces those dark feelings of loneliness, dread, and disappointment in the reader, making these short stories pack quite a punch.

For instance, the third story in the collection follows a woman who wants to experience sleeping with someone other than her husband. So she goes out of town and meets with this man. While we experience this strong connection and affair from her POV, there’s still a sense of foreboding throughout the whole story, but even still, the ending will still sneak up on you and catch you by surprise.

The subtlety and poignancy of Keegan’s writing creates such an all-consuming atmosphere mentally as you read this collection. I highly recommend SO LATE IN THE DAY, especially if you’re a fan of her other work. You won’t find closure in these pieces. Instead, they provide thought-starters and these short stories won’t leave your mind for days after you put them down.

Thank you NetGalley and Grove Press for the opportunity to read this collection of short stories before its release in exchange for my honest review.

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People. Relationships. Just when you thought you had it all figured out... Don't read this if you are already depressed and feeling friendless. It is, however, an excellent read~! Claire Keegan knows all about family. She brings us the bad, but also the very good.

I received a complimentary ARC of this excellent set of short stories from Netgalley, the author Claire Keegan, and publisher Grove Atlantic-Grove Press. Thank you all for sharing your hard work with me. I have read So Late in the Day of my own volition, and this review reflects my honest opinion of this work.

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Everything Claire Keegan writes is gold. I loved every page of So Late in the Day. This exploration of men and women and what we do to one another didn't miss a beat, with each story equally as good as its last. Keegan can do so much in so few pages and I'm forever in awe.

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One of my goals this year has been to read more short stories though I do not always love them. This collection of there was excellent. I think they would be even better on a reread. All three stories have a relationship between a man and a woman at the center. In the title story “So Late in the Day,” A man might have saved his relationship if only he were different. In “Antarctica,” a married woman wants to have some excitement in her life by having an affair that gives her more than she bargained for.
Keegan's writing style is gripping. She gives so much information and context in these stories while keeping them short stories. If you are not a short story person, these stories are exceptional and may grip you as they did me!
Thanks to NetGalley for a free copy of this book in exchange for my fair and unbiased review.

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I was one among many who found Claire Keegan through her Booker-nominated "Small Things Like These", and then went back and read "Foster", both of which are excellent and made me willing to read just about anything by Keegan. This recent publication is a collection of three stories, two of which were published previously, and thematically centers upon the interactions between women and men.

Like Keegan's other work, these stories are beautifully written and, although brief, each one packs a punch and leaves the reader with a lot to dwell on and consider. Upon a first reading, the title story "So Late in the Day" was my favorite of the three, but Keegan's stories beg for multiple readings.

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4 Stars
One Liner: Beautiful!

Claire Keegan could be the only author whose vague and open-ended short stories are my favorite. I love how she writes, be it the setting, emotions, or the inherent intricacies of human nature – good, bad, and ugly. Almost every detail is significant, even when it seems inconsequential.
The writing is poetic, beautiful, and immersive. She knows how to weave magic even with unlikeable characters. The stories are layered and have much to offer to readers. It’s up to us to take what we want and how much we want.

So Late in the Day – 4 Stars
Cathal seems to be having a routine day at the office. However, we see that it is far from an everyday occurrence. As Cathal thinks about the past, Sabine enters, bringing affection, warmth, and love, all of which are missing from his present day. So what happened and why?
The entire story comes from the man’s perspective, providing insight into his upbringing, his flaws, patterns, parallels, and what they did to him. Of course, knowing the author, I knew this wouldn’t have a resolution. But it ends on the right note, confirming what the reader has already guessed. We also see what is likely to happen based on Cathal’s responses to his thoughts or the lack of them.
The story deals with themes like family, relationships, marriage, toxic cycles, love, compromise, priorities, expectations, etc. The subtle and distant tone perfectly presents the characters, leaving the rest for the reader to decide.

The Long and Painful Death – 4 Stars
An unnamed woman, a 39-year-old writer, gets to stay at a popular writing residency for two weeks. She has plans, which have to be adjusted when a German professor wants to see the residence before he leaves. This visit by him ignites a tiny spark, leading to a long and painful death (of a character) but with great satisfaction.
The story is dreamy, languid, and meanders aimlessly, just like the woman. However, none of it goes to waste. She may be a random explorer with half-written ideas for her book, but there’s more to her than hope. Deep inside is her determination, one that runs in parallel to the heroine of a book she’s reading. And when the right trigger flips the switch, she knows to make the most of it.
NGL, I could be missing something deeper (or maybe not). There is loneliness, yearning, determination, judgment, resentment, and much more.

Antarctica – 4 Stars
Bored with her routine life, a married woman and mother of two wonders how it would be to sleep with another man. That December, she decides to find out before it’s too late. Her trip to the city begins well. She even meets a man interested in her. However, she realizes that everything comes at a price, and this one may not leave her with anything.
The story begins with speculation, which soon becomes action. There’s excitement, danger, recklessness, and a sense of freedom. However, the unspoken unease lingers in the background. It becomes more powerful, but not until it is too late to act or react.
The setting suits the theme, Christmasy yet uncomfortable and threatening. The ending is more definite in this story, though it is still open and left to the reader’s interpretation.

To summarize, So Late in the Day is a collection of three short stories dealing with several themes but with a central thread of loneliness, one that you feel so late in the day, left alone with nothing but uncomfortable thoughts for company.
Thank you, NetGalley and Grove Press, for the eARC. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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These quiet, elegant stories build slowly until you find yourself having to take a deep breath, unsure where all that sudden emotion came from. The final story is the only slight drawback, feeling a little strained or contrived.

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So Late in The Day
Author: Claire Keegan
Source: NetGalley
Pub Date: Nov. 14, 2023

Claire Keegan can take a few words and string them together into an intense train of thought that sends your mind skittering for coherent thought. In other words, she can write some edgy stories. So Late in The Day is three stories that aren’t similar except that they examine the relationships between men and women. The women are willing to bare it all and be naked before men to experience something profound. The men are mainly controlling, uncomfortable, and possessive. The writing, as always, is spectacular, and yet this left me feeling a bit queasy. Loneliness, for any of us, can be mood-altering. #NetGalley #ClaireKeegan #Ireland #selfishness #men #women #relationships #shortstories #novellas #relationship #dynamics #loneliness @grove_street_press #SoLateInTheDay @netgalley #Grovepress

I received a complimentary copy of this ARC from NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. Thank you to Grove Books, and the author for the opportunity to read this novel. Pub. Date: November 14, 2023.

#book #books #bookAddict #BooksOfInstagram #bookstagram #bookstagramer #bookshelf #reader #booklove #bookreader #reader #reviewer

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I loved the three stories in this brief collection. Claire Keegan captures humanity beautifully in each of her books, and her skill shines in the short story format. I particularly liked the last two stories about women and their agency.

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I became acquainted with Keegan last year when I read (and adored) Small Things Like These and Foster. I approached this short story collection with great anticipation. However, I couldn’t connect with them in the same way I connected with her two previous novellas. While well written and executed, these three short stories are dismal, dreary, and depressing in comparison. I can see that Keegan’s fans will admire her craft, but the content and mood of these stories were not to my taste. If you haven’t read Small Things or Foster, I’d start there! Keegan is a brilliant writer and I eagerly anticipate her next work.

Thanks #Netgalley @GroveAtlantic for a complimentary eARC upon my request. All opinions are my own.

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So Late in the Day by Claire Keegan is a collection of short stories which centre around misogyny and the dynamics between women and men in a patriarchal society. This collection contains three stories titled So Late in the Day, The Long and Painful Death, and Antarctica.

All of these stories were fantastic but I think my favourite was Antarctica... that ending!!! Claire Keegan’s writing is quiet and concise yet beautifully descriptive and impactful. I can’t wait to read more of her work in the future!

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The power of Keegan's stories remains in their subtlety. Her concentrated and compact prose makes the reader aware of even the most subtle discontent in the psychology of her characters. Though she is economic in her language and uses no melodrama to augment her conflicts, her stories are sharp and insightful character studies that result in a lasting impact on her readers' minds.

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I do tend to like slice of life stories and this author had been on my list of authors to try out for a while, so I jumped at the chance of reading this collection of three short stories. They left me with mixed feelings.

On one hand, I thought they were well written and they did wet my appetite for the author’s writing. On the other hand I feel like they just did not give me enough substance. It kind of felt like these were writing exercises more than anything.

It was interesting being in the heads of these three characters, but the stories themselves did not give me quite enough. However, I guess if their purpose was to make me want to read this author’s novels, I guess they were effective, but as a stand alone collection I feel a bit ‘meh’ about them.

So yes, mixed feelings.

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I have been slowly going through Keegan’s backlist, I have enjoyed them all so far and this collection didn’t let me down. Keegan has yet again blown me away with these three stories. I was thrilled to find two of her previously published stories that I was yet to read part of this collection.

So Late in the Day is slow and contemplative. The Long and Painful Death is smart and inspiring. Antarctica is chilling, deep and twisty. I really enjoyed this collection.

Every single sentence is intentional, and the characters are so 3D despite only being with them for a few pages.

Highly recommend adding this one to the list if you’re a Keegan fan :)

Published: November 14 2023

Thank you NetGalley and Grove Atlantic for an early copy, I am so pleased I have ticked off more of Keegan’s work.

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Having read two of Claire Keegan’s novellas and being absolutely blown away by them, I went into So Late in the Day expecting it to be another favorite of this year. Sadly, these short stories didn’t pack the same emotional punch for me and I couldn’t connect with the characters or the themes of the stories. This collection wasn’t for me, but I still look forward to reading more from Keegan in the future.

Thank you to Netgalley and Faber and Faber for an advanced copy to read. All opinions my own.

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Didn't feel the connection I expected🙁

This set of short stories left me flat and a bit baffled. After reading the author's Foster that inspired a lot of sympathy and emotion I expected similar, but I felt no connection with these characters. I found the stories too short.

The first story had only one, cruel moment of misogyny that struck me as memorable as the main character thinks back over how he lost his fiancee and considers how he was raised in a home where his mother was a servant and scapegoat to her husband and sons.

The second story was also a miss for me. A female author retreating for a few weeks to a seaside cottage and finding inspiration from an unwelcome and unexpected source. The story provided minute details of how her day was spent but I did not get any feel for who this character was or what made her tick.

The last story, Antarctica, was better than the other two but even that just frustrated me as I felt the stranger the housewife meets in the bar was a shadow: no name, no background, no explanation of his intentions.

Thanks to Grove Atlantic and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.

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If Claire Keegan writes it, I am going to read it. She is such a great contemporary Irish writer. I love her short stories and she never disappoints.

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As a fan of short stories and Irish literature, i was excited to read Claire Keegan's new short story collection. There are three stories here, and the brief collection packs a real punch. I love stories like these which describe the brief relationships between pairs of characters. The endings all surprised me and left lasting impressions. I can't wait for more people to read this when it comes out!

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I can't actually believe that this is my first book by Claire Keegan. I've several of her books on my shelves, and So Late In The Day has definitely prompted me to pick them up soon.

A triptych of short stories about women and men, love, misogyny, desire, and betrayal, there's something very special about these stories The prose is succinct and beautiful and then it's like an explosion of emotion. Of the three stories, I did prefer the first and last, but Claire is clearly a master of capturing relationships even if it's with one's self. There's great insight into the complexity of people in general, and I was completely captivated by this short but perfectly formed book!

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