Member Reviews

Loved this creepy thriller from Simone St. James! We pick up the story in July of 1995 as newlyweds April and Eddie are driving alone a deserted road on their honeymoon. They've taken a wrong turn somewhere but haven't stopped to check the map yet when they come across a young woman walking alone along the dark road. They stop to offer her a ride but once she's in the car they notice she's grievously injured and they're being followed aggressively by a truck. They get her to the local hospital only for her to die moments later, leaving April and Eddie as the only suspects in her murder. What's worse, there is a long string of murders on that road going back years that the local police are just dying to pin on someone. But something is not normal about these murders.

What I liked: the atmosphere was really fun and creepy, the local characters were either wonderfully likable or hatable, April and Eddie's characters had great depth and their characters backstories wove in really well with the ongoing drama.

What I didn't like: I didn't totally understand some of the reasoning behind why the paranormal activities started and stopped. I felt like that was a bit of a plot hole. Still a really fun book though.

Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for the free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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An inexplicable event crashes a couple’s honeymoon and they are soon dropped into the nightmare of proving themselves innocent for the murder of the wounded woman hitchhiker they brought to the hospital. Simone St. James has captivated me once again with a hair-raising atmospheric thriller set in a rural area of western Michigan.

Murder Road introduces a young pair of newlyweds, April and Eddy. Both had rough pasts, but are reaching for their slice of happiness now. They get lost on their way to their honeymoon spot and come across a fearful, fatally wounded woman along a deserted country road. *cue ominous music*

When the state police decide they look pretty good for the crime, April and Eddy launch their own investigation and discover that a series of murders haven taken place over a period of time along that road, Atticus Line, and there is even a legend about the first hitchhiker casualty ‘The Lost Girl’. They encounter colorful local characters in the wacky conspiracy proposing teenage, Snell Sisters and dear landlady, Rose who was obsessed with Princess Di (the story occurs in the mid-nineties) who lightened this spooky tale. The backdrop of the nineties and this resort area of Michigan were well drawn.

I love how April and Eddy are complex characters with rough edges which would get them arrested if the police dig enough into their individual situations and there is a darker tone as they try to gather facts with past occurrences and the present. April is the sole narrator of the story. I couldn’t figure out why the police were so fixated on strangers as chief suspects particularly after the past history of that road came out, but then again, strangers are easier to swallow rather than the knowledge its someone local. Speaking of locals, that small town and the residents including the police working there are as suspicious and odd as all get out. Poor April and Eddy have landed into a nightmare especially when April is drawn to dangerous Atticus Line.

Like previous reads from Simone St. James, I was tense and found the book unputdownable. It was dark and disturbing until it finally let me go at the end which was unexpected. Those who love spooky thrillers that tease the line into horror should give this one a go.

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What a thrilling ghost story this turned out to be. The last thing one expects on the way to their honeymoon is to pick up a injured woman walking on a creepy abandoned road. However this is exactly what happens to newlyweds April and Eddie. Unfortunately for them their good deed turns their lives and honeymoon completely upside down when they are accused of murder. Once the duo is exonerated they cannot help but become obsessed with who actually killed the girl they girl they picked up. Not only that but the mysterious road they were driving on has a sordid history and both April and Eddie can't help but get sucked in to the ghost story. The book retains an upbeat and quick setting that has you questioning whether a murderer is lurking around or if the ghost stories are true!

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April and Eddie are driving to their honeymoon resort when they take a wrong turn. Soon they are on a deserted road, deep in the woods with no one or nothing around. Then they see the girl stumbling down the road. They stop and determine that she is definitely in trouble; there is blood everywhere. They get her in the car and to a hospital at the nearest town but she dies there.

Now the police are suspicious of the couple and tell them not to leave town. The couple go to a local bed and breakfast and are interrogated repeatedly by the police. They learn that there have been other hitchhikers who have been killed on that stretch of road going back twenty years. There are also rumors of The Lost Girl who was the first murder victim found and who has never been identified.

Eddie and April know they are guiltless but that doesn't mean they don't have secrets. Both have things they have never told anyone, including each other. The police start to bring their secrets to the surface and the couple decides that they will have to find the killer if they are ever going to be able to leave. With the help of a pair of crime fascinated teenage sisters and the irascible owner of the bed and breakfast, they start to delve into the mystery. Can they find who killed The Lost Girl?

Simone St. James has made a name for herself in the mystery genre. Her books typically have a supernatural element and this one follows that. But the supernatural in this novel is much more believable than usual and the reader will be drawn into April and Eddie's story. They are both believable characters, haunted by their pasts but totally in love with each other. As they work to find the answers, they draw on the strength of their relationship. This book is recommended for mystery readers.

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Simone St. James is one of my auto buy authors. As always her writing style made me fly through this book. I’ve read so many book by this author and they always live up to or surpass the hype I create in my own head.

The fact that I couldn’t trust the main characters made it so much more fun to read. I love questioning people’s motives and this one definitely had me questioning. I liked that the main character felt she couldn’t even trust her own instincts.

Overall this is another engrossing novel by this author that just makes me want more. The supernatural aspects of this book were done really well, almost realistic. The twists and turns really made this book a page turner.

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Thank you to PRH Audio for the ALC and to Berkley Pub for the advanced digital copy to review.

My goodness, Simone St. James certainly knows how to work the paranormal into her thrillers for maximum effect, and she has done it again with Murder Road, which I absolutely loved. The audio is perfection (it’s Brittany Presley, duh) and had me looking around during the day while out on a walk with Jaxx, so you KNOW this one is a doozy. It is 1995, (umm, already loving this), and April and Eddie are on their honeymoon and have taken a wrong turn while looking for their small resort town. Lo and behold they see a lone hitchhiker walking along the deserted road, and they of course stop to help her. She gets in the back seat, get on their way, but oopsie, she’s bleeding out, and double oopsie, here comes a truck after them, and while they barely get away and get her to the hospital, she dies and they are suspects numero uno.

Following these events, April and Eddie learn there have been several murders over a few years along the road known as Atticus Line that have all gone unsolved, and while they try to clear their name, they learn that something supernatural is at play and they are determined to figure out just what in the heck is going on.

Let me tell you I LOVED this one, was properly creeped out, adored the teenagers that tried to help them solve the case, and the time period was perfection. I would loved to have read this in one sitting, but alas, nightmares, so I had to stick to the daytime hours but trust me, this is not to be missed. I highly recommend this along with all of her books, and while The Sun Down Motel is probably still my favorite just because I will never forget reading it on a plane and having to hold my reactions in haha, this one is a VERY close second, I loved it so much.

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The suspense? The mystery? The spook and thrills? I couldn’t stop listening to this one and right now? This is my favorite book by this author!

If you’re looking for the next thriller that will keep you on your toes and has haunted vibes? This is it.

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Simone St. James delivers another chilling tale in her latest novel, Murder Road. This suspenseful thriller blends classic ghost story elements. with a small-town mystery, all wrapped around a young couple's honeymoon gone horribly wrong.

Fast-Paced Plot: From the shocking opening scene, the story grabs you and doesn't let go. The mystery unfolds at a steady pace, with enough twists and turns to keep you guessing until the very end.
Atmospheric Setting: St. James masterfully creates a sense of unease with her descriptions of the deserted Atticus Line and the secrets buried within the seemingly idyllic town of Coldlake Falls.
Intriguing Characters: April and Eddie are well-developed protagonists, each with their own vulnerabilities and strengths. The supporting cast, particularly the quirky Snell sisters, adds a touch of humor amidst the chilling backdrop.
Supernatural Twist: The ghostly element adds another layer of intrigue to the story, without overshadowing the central mystery.

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Picture it: a long dark highway…a long dark highway that’s deserted. Deserted until you see a light in the woods and a lone figure barely walking on the side of the road. Would you slow down and offer help?

A couple on their honeymoon, picks up a woman, a woman who ends up dying. The road they picked her up from isn’t the first to claim a victim either. Many murders have happened and the police don’t have a suspect. All identified except for the first..why was she different?

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. If you’ve read Simone before, you know she’s a master of creepy, ghost infused stories. And Murder Road was no different. In fact, she excelled at this storytelling and I’m here for it! As always, Simone was brilliant at her job, she drew me into the story and held me captive until the end. The characters were detailed and their own stories were perfectly spliced into the main storyline.

I really loved this story. It was full of suspense and mystery and kept me engaged. A definite must read! Four stars!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Simone St James and Berkeley Publishing for the free ebook in exchange for an honest review.

This started a bit different from her normal works, but it quickly picks up and turns into quite an interesting ghost story and mystery with some stellar twists!

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4,5 ⭐️

“If you see her, you’ll be the next one dead on the side of the road”

Simone St. James did it again! She is definitely the Queen of Supernatural Thrillers. I’m not a big fan of supernatural elements but, when it comes to Simone St. James’ stories, I’m more than willing to overcome my reticences and just enjoy the ride (pun intended 😄), cause she does ghost stories extraordinarily.

July, 1995: Eddie and April are newlyweds on their way to their honeymoon when they take a wrong turn onto Atticus Lane, a deserted stretch of road where they spot a lone hitchhiker. Once they’ve offered their help, they realized the girl is bleeding and a truck seems to be going after them. When the girl dies at the hospital they become suspects in the murder investigation. As they start digging into the town’s past to clear their names, they’ll uncover a long string of deaths along Atticus Lane going back decades.

What a fantastic story!! It’s a great combo of mystery, thriller and supernatural horror full of 90s nostalgia. The attention to detail shown by the author managed to effortless sent me back to the mid 90s. The time period, prior to all the modern technology we use nowadays, worked incredibly well with the plot.

St. James is a master at creating eerie and creepy atmospheres. The town of Coldlake Falls and Atticus Lane are the perfect scenarios for the legend of The Lost Girl and the hunt for a serial killer. From those first pages when April and Eddie found themselves lost on the road, the foreboding sense of wickedness won’t leave you until the end. There were definitely several scenes that gave me chills…and I loved it!

April and Eddie work really well as the leads. Not only are they loveable, but mystery surrounds their pasts, and the hint of some secrets keeps them interesting all throughout the story. They have flaws, what makes them more relatable and attractive to the reader. The cast of side characters adds lots of flavor to the story, highlighting Rose and the Snell Sisters. They also offer some comic relief amidst all the tension.

I found the resolution a little bit far fetched, but it was enjoyable all the same. The whole story was pretty immersive, jumping straight into the plot and grabbing you right from the start.

Great writing makes this a really bingeable read. With an intricate plot, interesting characters and an unsettling feel, Murder Road is a good old fashioned ghost story that you don’t wanna miss.

Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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𝑺𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔𝒏'𝒕. 𝑺𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒔𝒐 𝒂𝒏 𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒚 𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆, 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔.

I'm not sure why this was my first book by this author, but I'm already stalking her backlist. This paranormal story read just like two of my favorite 𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒍 episodes. There were hints of the La Llorona ghost story along with remnants of an episode called "Roadkill," where an apparition haunts a remote stretch of highway after a fatal car crash in 1992.

Despite traumatic events in both of their pasts, April and Eddie have found each other. They are headed to the honeymoon that they have carefully budgeted for. They are lost on a lonely stretch of road when they spot a female hitchhiker. Despite their misgivings, they stop to help, allowing her into the car. Then April sees the blood pouring from the woman's stomach, and headlights from a truck come roaring up behind them. Expecting a tense standoff, I was holding my breath when the truck inexplicably passed. But my tension skyrocketed when Eddie tells April he saw something in the truck.

After doing their due diligence and taking the injured woman to the hospital, the couple find themselves in the spotlight of a murder investigation. Neither one wants law enforcement poking around in their past, and the news that several disappearances have been tied to Atticus Line, the fateful road they were traveling on, is shocking. Eddie can't explain how he was so far off course from the resort he and April were headed to, so they are detained.

Completely engrossing and totally atmospheric, the small town and its inhabitants are holding on to some secrets. Just how or even if April and Eddie fit into the puzzle remains unclear. Were they drawn to this town for a reason? If they can't clear their names, small towns have a way of making sure no trace of any outsider remains.

The character development was top notch, and I thoroughly enjoyed the paranormal aspects of this story. Many thanks to Berkley/Penguin Group for inviting me on this tour and providing me with an ARC. MURDER ROAD released March 5, 2024.

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Murder Road leads you on a quest to figure out who the lost girl is and how she came to be where she is. It takes you on a twisty circuitous route through possibilities and then springs a surprise that I didn't see coming. I wasn't sure what make of the characters as they all left me feeling slightly off balance, but I am sure that I will not be driving alone at night on a back road, and if I have to, I will definitely not be stopping, or getting out of the car. I listened to the audiobook expertly read by Brittany Pressley and it's a great way to enjoy this thriller.

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Simone St James is one of my favorite thriller/horror authors, so I was very excited to get the chance to read this book early!

Murder Road follows a young couple as they find themselves haunted by a string of murders in the summer of 1995. Dark and supernatural chaos ensues as the couple dig deeper into the history of the town where the murders take place. It’s action-packed and will keep you on the edge of your seat!

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Okay, I really enjoyed this! I’m actually kind of bummed it’s over. I want more!!

This was definitely my kind of thriller though. One that was no-ick with a deeper, more meaningful mystery and haunting. I could totally see this as a limited series on Netflix and I would 100% watch it.

Murder Road had this cozy, up close and personal feel to it that immediately drew me in, enticing me to come on its enigmatic journey. It was chill and evenkeeled yet sinister and frenzied. Intimate yet cold. Nostalgic yet matter-of-fact. It was low-key spooky yet unhinged and terrifying. The dynamic of the characters and the story itself straightforward yet complex. A paranormal thriller and murder mystery with a tidbit of romance (an unexpected part that I loved!).

I looked forward to picking this book up at every chance I got! My interest was piqued from the start and held throughout. The writing was smooth and easy to digest with short chapters and no muss. I didn't find any of it really jaw dropping or shocking, but its grip on me was no less intense. I genuinely just loved unraveling the mystery of it all with April and Eddie and truly wish there was more! I loved the early 90s vibes, the twists and turns it did take, Eddie (!) and, I mean, the ending!! So eerie.

The story overall just left me feeling slightly unnerved and wildly nostalgic by the end.

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Many thanks to NetGalley, Penguin Random House Berkley, for gifting me a digital ARC of the new thriller by Simone St. James and allowing me to participate in the blog tour (watch my instagram on 3.13!) - 4.5 creepy stars!

It's the mid-1990s, and April and Eddie are on their honeymoon, heading for a hotel on Lake Michigan. They get lost along the way, and find themselves on a deserted stretch of road when they see a young woman along the side. When she gets in their car, the couple realize that she is badly injured. They drop her off at the local hospital, only to find themselves in the middle of a murder investigation when she dies. Apparently, there have been many deaths and disappearances along this stretch of the road, going back decades with the first disappearance of a woman dubbed The Lost Girl. April and Eddie are intrigued enough to do some investigation on their own - at their own peril.

Typical of St. James' novels, this one is creepy and will keep you scared as you read along! There are a ton of interesting characters here -April and Eddie are both keeping secrets from each other, I loved Rose, the owner of the inn where the couple stays; and the detectives on the case add yet another layer. I liked the book's setting in the 1990s, before everyone was glued to their phones, and investigations were a totally different ballgame. You'll love this scary, creepy book!

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I'm a fan of Simone St. James' writing. This particular piece felt like a traditional ghost story, but with an intriguing twist. Eddie and April find themselves on an unexpected honeymoon at a remote resort in an unfamiliar town. Their journey takes a surprising turn when they encounter a bewildered woman on the road. After offering her a ride to the nearest hospital, they discover she has been fatally wounded. As they become entangled in the investigation, they realize they're not the first suspects in hitchhiker deaths. Set in the 90s without modern technology, the mystery requires genuine effort to unravel. While the plot twists weren't as surprising as expected, the eerie atmosphere was spot on.

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I liked this, though it was a little slow to get going. I figured out pretty early on why the Lost Girl had targeted April and Eddie (once a key part of his past is revealed it was obvious), though the reasoning behind her killer was a little abrupt and didn't make much sense. There were also a few timeline things that bothered me - it took place in 1995 but Eddie served in Iraq, which didn't start for another 8 years. I get that mid-90s makes more sense for certain things like developing film and lack of cell phones, but then there needs to be a different reason for Eddie's tortured past.

All that said, the Lost Girl is super creepy, I liked grumpy Rose and her obsession with Princess Diana, and even the weirdo Snell sisters were a great addition, if a bit underused. April's own history is slowly revealed and I liked April and Eddie's relationship.

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A thriller with a paranormal twist that made me want to keep reading. I loved how all the pieces came together in the end with just a little bit hanging to make you think. A good spooky read.

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I have been a fan of Ms. St James from her very first book and I have to admit I liked Murder Road much more then her previous 2 books. It is her usual engrossing supernatural mystery with characters you quickly come to like and care about. If you have read and enjoyed her other books then I know you’ll love this one and if you like some spooky happenings in your mystery/thrillers then you will love this and all of her other books.

I won my e-arc in a giveaway from Berkley so thanks to them but I also bought a hardcover from Book of the Month.

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