Member Reviews

Simone St. James is back and spooky as usual with her latest release, Murder Road.

Murder Road begins with strong 90s vibes as a newlywed couple are driving to their honeymoon destination. Things go horribly wrong when they pick up a woman from the side of the road...and become embroiled in the mystery shrouding Murder Road in a small town. Murder Road is addictively fast-paced so much so that I began reading and when I checked my progress, I had read over 50 percent of the book. All of the small town characters make you want to crawl out of your skin and run away because no one can be trusted. I particularly enjoyed the story involving the bed and breakfast owner, Rose, who had an edge but lovely story all the same. While the eerie feeling followed me as I read, I felt like this story lacked what St. James usually brings with the atmospheric and paranormal intrigue. By the end of the story, I was burned out from the almost repetitive nature of the story (due to the police procedural feel) and wasn't particularly shocked by the ending.

Murder Road is for the fans of 90s nostalgia and bumps in the night. Pick this up for your first summer thriller!

Thank you Berkley Pub for my gifted copy.

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What to Expect:
đź‘»a ghost story
đź‘»90s pop culture references
đź‘»dual timeline
đź‘»small town with lots of unsolved murders

🫶🏽What worked for me
I was immediately sucked in and didn’t want to put this down! It was a chilling read that had me questioning just about everything the more I read. This was bingeable and as I alternated between reading on my kindle and on audio, I finished within a 24 hour period.

🎧Audio Review
I adore Brittany Pressley and she did not disappoint! The atmosphere in the scenes were already well written enough for me to feel creeped out, but add in the quiver of Brittany’s voice and hushed whispers in specific scenes and it became a next level experience.

Will update with a link to my Instagram page after I post the review.

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Set in the mid 1990s, Simone St. James’ newest thriller is a thrilling tale of a young newlywed couple who make the fateful decision to aid an injured hitchhiker, only to find themselves accused of her murder when she dies of her stab wounds.
A relentless police officer, a Good Samaritan policeman’s widow and a couple of sheathing teen sisters help the couple, April and Eddie, clear their names and find not only the killer of this young woman, but of a string of victims along the sane stretch of road where April and Eddie picked her up.
What starts as a murder mystery, turns into a supernatural mystery that stretches back years, decades - and April and Eddie seem to have a connection to the killings that could put their own lives in danger.

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Simone St. James always delivers and this one is no different. A supernatural take on a hitchhiker serial murderer urban legend - very entertaining and a fun ride that I couldn't put down

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Take books from Stephen King and Laura Lippman. Throw is a cup of Nancy Drew. Blend it up and you get this new release from Simone St. James. You will root for Eddie and April Carter as they try to unravel to the mystery of the Atticus Line and the Lost Girl. How did Eddie and April make a wrong turn? Why won't the police in Coldlake Falls let them leave town? Then there are the supporting characters like Rose Jones, the B&B owner with no guests and Princess Di in every room. And the Snell girls! Beatrice and Gracie could give Nancy Drew some tips. This is my first read from Simone St. James. I definitely intend to read more.

Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was great. I liked the combination of thriller mystery and the paranormal. I will say, this is marketed as a horror. It is not. There are some horror elements but the whole vibe and feel are off. It’s a great thriller, so going in with that expectation is key.

All in all this isn’t one I would read a second time. Normally I like to go back and see what I missed. And I caught everything. I put clue together faster than the main couple. It didn’t diminish my enjoyment but it does affect rereadability.

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I'm a big fan of this author, and once again, she didn't disappoint. This story is a little bit ghostly, a little bit thriller and a whole lot entertaining.

Mind you, I've got to be honest; the ghostly part was a tough sell. It's not that I don't believe in "connections" with those who've gone before us; it's that this story relied a little too much on seeing things that couldn't possibly (in my mind) have been there. Still, it was impossible not to get caught up in the goings-on - especially when there are more than a few twists to keep things interesting.

Newlyweds Eddie and April Carter are off on their honeymoon (well, she hasn't had time to officially change her name to his, but she's planning to do that when they get back home to Ann Arbor, Michigan). Eddie once served in Iraq, and he still suffers from PTSD of sorts. While driving to their rental cabin upstate, he apparently misses a turn and ends up on remote Atticus Line Road. As they drive along, they spot an odd light; soon afterward, they see a body at the side of the road. It turns out to be girl who says her name is Rhonda Jean and that "He's coming!" Oh, and one other little thing: she's covered in blood. They manage to get her to a hospital, though not before a truck nearly runs them down.

But their good Samaritan efforts go for naught when the victim dies and the local police consider them the top suspects - not only for the murder of the young woman who died, but of several other hitchhiking victims who have met with foul play along this desolate road. But as they're finally in the clear - sort of - they're accosted by another victim; this one convinces them to hang around and try to find the real killer (or killers). As the story progresses, readers learn that both Eddie and April are victims of their own pasts - pasts that hold secrets they haven't shared with anyone including each other and that might hold answers to some of the mysteries they're encountering.

As I said at the beginning, it's an entertaining adventure from start to finish, and I thank the publisher, via NetGalley, for allowing me to read and review a pre-release copy.

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The beginning of this one started off strong for me, but quickly fell flat. I wasn’t attached nor a fan of the characters, and some of the characters introduced later on really annoyed me. There were a lot of dumb decisions made, and I just didn’t love it like I thought I would. Thank you Netgalley and Berkley Pub for the arc!

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This book was really great! This is my first by this author and I'm really looking forward to more of hers after reading this. I loved the supernatural element of it and the investigation by the 2 main characters. I also liked the nostalgia of a 90's hitchhiker movie/cautionary tale. There were times I felt so unsettled while reading this and times I was really creeped out. I read a lot of thrillers so it's hard to make me feel that way. I loved it! I did not see that ending coming and it was brilliant. Highly recommend the latest book by Simone St. James!

Thank you NetGalley and Berkley for this ARC which is being published on 3/5.

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A couple has taken a wrong turn on the way to their honey moon. Which turns into an encounter with a hitchhiker on the side of the road and next thing you know they are being questioned by police.

I haven’t come across a Simone st. James book I haven’t loved and this chilling, creepy, intense, atmospheric, ghostly read is no different. About 55% through I figured something out but wasn’t sure how it pertained to the main plot so I kept turning the pages and holy cow I did not expect that ending at all. There is so much going on in the story, so many mysterious and ghostly things happening along with huge secrets that this couple on their honey moon is coming across and as they put on their detective hats to get to the bottom of it somehow come closer together as a couple.

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I loved this story from the beginning and was hooked up until the 60% mark. After that, things slowed down for me a bit, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it and Simone St. James is a master at ghost stories!

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Murder Road was one of my most anticipated reads and it did not disappoint. I loved the 90s setting, small town vibes, the spooky deserted road where hitchhikers were murdered. I also loved the mystery aspect of the book. It gave off similar vibes to Sun Down Motel.

The legend of The Lost Girl was creepy and added the perfect haunting touch. Her description made me think of the ghost girls in The Ring or The Grudge. Everything about this book was excellent except for the motive for the original murder. For some reason, it just did not give me that wow factor. Otherwise, Simone St. James knows how to write a supernatural thriller and you should definitely check this one out!

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Murder Road
Simone St. James
reviewed by Lou Jacobs | Goodreads

A convoluted mystery is shrouded in multiple murders and a plausible supernatural component. April and Eddie have just married and are on their way to celebrate their honeymoon at the Five Pine Resorts. It’s dark, and they’ve been driving a while, and suddenly they’re lost.

Eddie has no idea how he turned onto this dark and lonely road called Atticus Line. April raises concerns when they visualize a lone woman walking on the side of the road. She seems dazed and vacant when they pull up beside her. She reluctantly gets into their car. She is weirdly wearing a large, oversized male jacket. After she finally sits in the back seat, April turns around to question her and notices she’s bleeding profusely under the coat. As Eddie takes off to find the nearest hospital, they notice a pickup truck barreling down upon them. When the turn-off to Coldlake Falls approaches, the truck, already close to their tail, veers off. Eddie briefly turns and shockingly observes a young woman with long hair in the truck bed, holding onto the sides. In his mind, he pictures her “as a dark, cold hole in the fabric of reality.”

He discounts this apparition somewhat… since returning from a tour of duty in Iraq, he has been dealing with the effects of PTSD. Shortly after arrival at the hospital, their passenger dies (later we learn her identity as Rhonda Jean). Shortly after, a local police officer questions them. Within minutes, at three in the morning, two detectives arrive at the scene and inundate them with an array of pointed questions. Why are they now suspects in her murder? There have been six murders over the course of the last nineteen years, all occurring on Atticus Line. None of the victims have any connection with the others or were sexually violated. There were never any witnesses or suspects. The first victim was in 1976 and was found on the side of the road, thrown aside like garbage, bashed in the head, without identification, assumed to be a hitchhiker. A local legend has arisen regarding The Lost Girl. She still roams the road at night; you can feel her, sometimes even hear her, and often she is associated with a strange, eerie light amongst the trees. Legend has it, if you see her, you’re next to die.

Simone St. James is a masterful storyteller as she weaves multiple plot lines together in a taut, thrilling yarn with escalating intrigue and an overwhelming feeling of pervasive dread. The supernatural component is effortlessly woven into the fabric of the whole, aided by her wonderful character development. The exciting denouement will persist in the mind of the reader, long after the last page is turned.

Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Books for providing an uncorrected proof in exchange for an honest review.

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This was so good! A great mystery with just the right amount of the supernatural that had me hooked from the first page until the last. April and Eddie are the perfect couple not only for each other but also to solve this mystery that has spanned 30-plus years. It gave me the perfect creepy vibes, especially the scenes that take place on that lonely stretch of road where all the killings have taken place. The pacing of the story was perfect and kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire story. I love the way Simone St. James seamlessly weaves the supernatural into the mystery without one overtaking the other, and I can't wait to purchase a copy of this to add to my library and see what she comes out with next!

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This was a luring murder mystery with creepy vibes and filled questionable characters, making me second guess my theories throughout the story. I enjoyed slowly uncovering the town secrets and learning more about each character. I felt April and Eddie were relatable and likable and appreciated that the story was from April’s POV. Simone St. James skillfully bends reality by adding paranormal elements, making the reader question everything. While I truly enjoyed this story, I wanted a little more from the ending and explanation.

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Simone St. James is my go-to author for all things spooky, creepy, and twisty. I absolutely love how she incorporates the supernatural, and also a little bit of horror into her storylines. I didn’t even know that I was a fan of ghost stories until I picked up one of her earlier novels, The Broken Girls. I’ve been hooked on her storytelling ever since. Her forthcoming novel, Murder Road follows a newlywed couple anxious to begin their honeymoon, and divulge in a little rest and relaxation. Unfortunately for them, they take a wrong turn and things go horribly wrong. Buckle up, and prepare yourself for a wild and crazy ride full of entertaining twists, turns, suspense, and shocking moments. I normally get shivers down my spine, and goosebumps all over my arms when I read a Simone St. James thriller, but I just didn’t get the same vibes from Murder Road for some reason. I can’t put my finger on exactly why, but mostly, the writing just didn’t seem as strong this time around. But I will say that she sure made my jaw drop with a few of the wild twists she threw in towards the end. With that said, I still enjoyed this one, but just not as much as her past thrillers. If you’re a big fan of her work, I’m sure you’ll enjoy Murder Road. It releases on March 5th, and it gets 3.5/5 stars from me!

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I couldn’t put this book down. Take me back to 1995 but add in 19 years of hitchhikers getting murdered along an isolated road. Add in a legend of the lost girl and settle in for a wild ride. I love the characters in this one especially two teenage sisters that are conspiracy theorist that help the main characters!!
This was another perfect blend of supernatural and mystery by this author!

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Thank you @berkleypub for my #gifted book #berkleypartner and @prhaudio for my ALC and @netgalley for my eARC.

I am a big fan of Simone St. James books and always look forward to her new releases. Murder Road is another atmospheric tale that mingles reality with the supernatural while giving you a creepy mystery that almost borders on horror at times. I started the audio while making Super Bowl snacks and blew through the first half of the book in no time. The pacing was tense and I was fully invested in this story set along a desolate road in 1995 where a newlywed couple are headed to a lakeside resort for their honeymoon when their plans are derailed by getting lost and picking up a girl walking alone. The 90’s nostalgia was great for me and it really ratchets up the dread knowing cell phones and CCTV doesn’t exist to bail the couple out. There were a few pacing issues after the first half but it picks up the last 20% of the book and I couldn’t finish fast enough. Another nice blending of genres from St. James and overall an enjoyable book.

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“You can’t run from your demons forever. Sometimes you have to walk into them head on.”

Murder Road is a creepy, fast paced murder mystery that starts off SO strong. I listened to the majority of this (narrated by @britpressley) and woah was it fantastic! There were actually a few parts that I couldn’t listen to with the lights off. 👻

Long buried secrets are unearthed, both with the newly married couple themselves and within the town they mysteriously find themselves in. Dark secrets. Secrets that are fighting to unearth themselves.

The writing is so good that I was actually on that long and dark road with April and Eddie, driving endlessly with only the headlights to guide you. Be careful with this one if you’re easily spooked as it delved right into a lot of our worst fears. Desolate roads. The dark. Unexpected and unexplained things happening on desolate roads in the dark. Arghh just so good! I highly recommend this one. Simone St. James has just been added to my auto-buy authors list!

Thanks for the free audiobook @PRHAudio #PRHAudioPartner and to Netgalley, Berkley Publishing, and the author for the ARC.

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Thank You to NetGalley for the free eARC.

Simone St. James is one of my favorite authors. I was so excited when I was able to read her new book. It is a quick, easy read. I loved the characters. The story was thrilling and suspenseful from the beginning.

A husband and wife are on their way from Ann Arbor to a little cabin for the honeymoon. In the middle of the night, they get lost and end up on a road where strange things happen. They pick up a woman who's bleeding and walking along the side of the road. They convince her to get into their car and take her to the hospital. They become murder suspects and are not able to leave town. They learn more about the road they were on and that there have been several unsolved murders on that road over the years. When they're cleaned and can leave town, they encounter something that could only be paranormal/ poltergeist/ ghost and can't leave town until they have solved the murders and the mystery of the road.

I like the paranormal that the author uses which adds more depth and intensity to the story. I couldn't put this book down. I would definitely recommend it. I think this may be favorite ones of hers.

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