Member Reviews

Simone St. James is great with the creepy atmosphere and I definitely felt like the "murder road" was not someplace I would want to get stranded. The way the victims were killed was incredibly well done and was the best part of a novel that I felt was just a little too slow at times. I didn't connect with April and Eddie as characters or care about their marriage but their secrets were interesting, especially April's background. The part I really didn't like was the addition of the true-crime loving, teenage amateur sleuths sisters who seemed to be able to get access to police records and other information. This made me cringe and took me completely out of the novel. For a novel about supernatural beings, this was the most unrealistic part of the whole thing. Their dialogue was bad and their scenes were just poorly done. It also didn't FEEL like it was the 1990s. Throwing around several pop culture references, like OJ, does not a setting make. This wasn't a bad ghost story/mystery, but it wasn't as good as The Sun Down Motel. Still, if you're looking for a spooky read, it does give off the vibes. 3 stars. Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for the DRC in exchange for an honest review.

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I only read Paranormal Thriller written by Simone St. James. She does this genre so well. I enjoyed this story and read it within 24 hours. Each character had their unreliableness to them that made me question almost everything.

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4.5 ⭐️ rounded up.
I am not normally a huge fan of ghost stories, but this was more of a thriller with paranormal elements. It was so well done that I was completely invested from the first page to the last and was left guessing until the very end. An added bonus is that this story takes place in the 90s, so I found myself going down memory lane a few times.
If you’re into whodunnit murder mysteries with a spooky twist, I would definitely suggest adding this one to your list…although I would recommend reading during the day…😅

Thank you NetGalley, Berkley, and Simone St. James for a #gifted ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Its 1995, and newlyweds find themselves on America's murder road in West Michigan. Atticus Lane has a horrific history of people being found murdered along its roadside. Since the 1970's, hitchhikers mysteriously end uo murdered with no suspects in custody.

All April and Eddie wanted to do was celebrate their nuptials, instead they find themselves murder suspects after coming to the aid of young women on Atticus Lane. How they got so lost, and ended up on this stretch of highway is a mystery and now they must find the answers that have haunted this community for years.

St. James continues her streak with atmospheric reads. The town is creepy, its citizens are even creepier. This was an immersive mystery, and I was completely stressed getting to its conclusion.

Thank you, Berkley Publishing Group

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Simone St. James is a master storyteller! She grabs you tight and does not let go! On a lonely road, is there a serial killer or more than one? Is it something not of this world? What has been killing hitchhikers for over 20 yrs? Keep reading if you dare!

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I really enjoyed reading this book by Simone St. James! She is an excellent storyteller, and her writing kept me engaged throughout. I particularly love supernatural stories, and this book had a ghost-hunting theme, which I loved! If you're looking for a murder mystery, paranormal fiction, a couple with many secrets, and a surprising conclusion, then you should definitely read this book! It's set in 1995 and follows the story of Eddie and April, a newly married couple who end up on the deserted Atticus Line, which is known for a series of unsolved killings. They stop to help a hitchhiker, only to find out that things are not what they seem. I won't spoil the plot, but it's definitely worth reading to find out what happens next. Simone St. James is a master at writing thrilling ghost stories, and this book had me hooked from beginning to end. I found the conclusion of this book to be more satisfying than some of her other works. Four of five strong stars for me!

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It's the summer of 1995 and April and Eddie have just gotten married and are en route to the place they plan to honeymoon at. It is nighttime and Eddie makes a wrong (very wrong) turn and the couple finds themselves on Atticus Lane. They spot a young woman walking alone on the road and offer her a ride. What seems like a very kind gesture turns into a nightmare. April realizes that the young woman is bleeding. They take her to the local hospital, but she dies soon after. They become the main murder suspects and are told not to leave the area. Eddie and April learn that Atticus Lane has been the location of a series of deaths which started twenty years ago with an unnamed victim known as The Lost Girl. Rose, the local innkeeper, educates the young couple on the murders and the rumors and legends surrounding them. As the story unfolds, Eddie and April, who both have their own secrets, come to the realization that there is something unexplained and eerie going on in Coldlake Falls.

Author Simone St. James writes intense mystery thrillers which delve a bit in the paranormal. This aspect of her storytelling is not something I normally seek, but in Murder Road, and the other books of hers that I have read, it works. And while there is a ghostly atmosphere, I wasn't terrified - I was intrigued and couldn't wait to find out how it would turn out. April and Eddie were appealing characters as was Rose. I also enjoyed the characters of Beatrice and Gracie Snell, two local teenagers who area completely absorbed in the tales of Atticus Lane and are trying to solve the murders. If this took place in the present time, they'd surely have their own podcast. Placing the story in 1995 removed all technology such as cell phones to call for help as well as the ability to take photos and videos, which added to the tenseness. This is a fast-paced page turner worth a look. You may want to keep the lights on.

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This one starts out so strong and it never let up for me, I was hooked after one chapter and that never waned for one minute. The author is one of a select few who can get me to read anything with a supernatural twist and it’s really just due to the fact that she’s so damn good at incorporating things of that nature into an everyday setting. Speaking of setting, the vibes from the start were so creepy and unsettling to the point where I felt like someone was watching me while I was reading 😂 A deserted road where strange stuff happens and a legend about The Lost Girl who haunts the road is already super creepy, then you throw in finding a hitchhiker who has been stabbed, and yeah creepy vibes for sure. The tension steadily builds as things progress and there are several interesting angles that are explored as the local cops are quick to want to pin the murder on April and Eddie and then this married couple are both harboring secrets of their own as well. The secondary characters were great too, specifically Rose who owns the house where April and Eddie are staying and the Snell sisters who are quirky teenagers with an obsession for true crime. It all leads up to an excellent conclusion with twists I didn’t see coming and answers that shocked me. The author can do no wrong for me, I loved all of her books!

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Murder Road by Simone St. James

I warmed up to this paranormal mystery quickly. It's July 1995 and newlyweds April and Eddie realize they are lost as they are driving to their honeymoon location. It's a dark night, April had fallen asleep and when she awakens she and Eddie are lost. Eddie doesn't know how it happened, somewhere back there he must have taken a wrong turn, he doesn't remember what he did or why.

And then they see a girl sort of standing by the side of the road. Not wanting to leave her out there by herself, they offer her a ride. She's acting strange and it's once they are back on the road that April realizes the girl is bleeding from the chest. By the time they get her to the nearby Coldlake Falls hospital, there is nothing that can be done to save the girl and April and Eddie are in a heap of trouble. Things don't look good for them since that road where they picked up the girl has a long history of hitchhikers being killed in a variety ways and the Coldlake Falls top detective has made it his life goal to find the killer/killers. With April and Eddie, he's the closest he's ever come to catching a hitchhiker murderer or two.

April and Eddie, in their twenties, already have more than a lifetime of bad baggage. Now they are stuck in Coldlake Falls, having to live at the bed and breakfast of eccentric, grumpy Rose, one of Princess Diana's biggest fans. Along with a houseful of dusty knickknacks and Princess Diana portraits and memorabilia, it turns out that Rose is no fan of the Coldlake Falls Police Department. Her late husband was a minority cop and he was treated very badly by some of the people still working there. Slowly, handsome Eddie, who is great with people, wins Rose over to his side, even if Rose still gives April the stink eye. Rose is all kinds of awesome behind her hobbies and quirks and became a favorite character of mine.

Two other characters that I really like are the Snell sisters. They deserve an entire book about them (and Rose, be sure to include Rose). I won't say more about what happens in the story but I like how it brings to mind old fashioned ghost stories, the kind that get told around campfires in the middle of nowhere. My grandad loved to tell those kinds of ghost stories and I could see him telling this one, in bits and pieces, causing little old eight year old me not be able to sleep at night.

Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for this ARC.

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First line: That July night seemed full of possibility, with the empty highway stretching out before us.

Summary: April and Eddie have just gotten married and are headed to a resort town for a blissful honeymoon until they pass a hitchhiker along a deserted road. Like any Good Samaritan, they stop to help the young woman only to find that she has been fatally stabbed. After reaching a hospital where the hitchhiker dies, April and Eddie give a description of the mysterious truck they saw following them along the dark road.

After years of murders along Atticus Road the police finally have witnesses. But could these witnesses also be suspects? In an attempt to clear their names the young couple dig into the history of what has happened along this particular stretch of road. But with each new discovery it appears that something more paranormal is behind the deaths along Atticus Road.

My Thoughts: I think I have found my new favorite Simone St. James book. This book was creepy, twisty and completely addicting. The supernatural element was perfectly blended into the contemporary mystery of the murders along Atticus Road. This is one of St. James’ most intense books in my opinion. There are ghostly sightings, angry townspeople and a murderer on the loose. I found myself gripping my iPad as I read, constantly worrying about the characters. Even the supporting characters were well rounded giving the story more substance.

Near the end is a twist which I found rather predictable but it did not spoil my love for this book. But the last interaction between our heroes and the detective was excellent as the truth comes out. I never once considered this twist but it made me question all that had happened between our characters up until this point. Once you read it you will understand!

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What a disappointment and from a trusted author no less. I’m so sad. I am throwing in the towel at 85 pages in. This story feels corny and not like her chilling last few stories. I LOvED Sun Down Motel. It’s still one that gives me chills thinking about it. Something feels off about April and Eddie and the police seem to be either possessed or dimwits. I’ll give the author chance but this is a no go for me.

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This one had me hooked! The action started right from the beginning. I loved how this also had a paranormal aspect to it. I had no clue who the killer was going to be and the ending had me shocked.

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Murder Road by Simone St. James is as creepy as the blurb makes it sound. I stayed up long into the night reading it and loved every minute of the creepiness, tension, and ghostly sitings. Usually, ghosts scare the bejesus out of me, but they add just the right amount of thrills and mystery to this story.

I loved the lore aspect because small-town lore fascinates me, even in fictional towns. The townspeople believe that the Lost Girl (the ghost of someone found dead on the side of Atticus Line - aka. Murder Road - in the 70s) is still haunting the road and murdering hitchhikers that are going to and from a small beach on the lake where free-spirits tend to stay. But the police are trying to find actual corporeal killers. The story is based on discovering who the murderer is and whether or not there is any truth to the lore.

The mystery of who stabbed (and killed) the girl April and Eddie found walking along Atticus Line is so complex, especially when so many unexpected pieces come into play. I loved every minute of trying to figure it out. There are plenty of red herrings and loads of thrills, plus a fun pair of sisters (who reminded me of the Frog brothers but more intelligent and strategic) who bring it all together and offer a townie's POV.

The atmosphere is perfect, especially when the main characters - April and Eddie - are traveling along the road. It's described in such a creepy, repressive way that the terror comes naturally to the reader and the characters. It's just a perfect blend of paranormal and mystery that created a story I couldn't put down.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it's my third from this author and she has yet to disappoint. Simone St. James usually has a slight paranormal element to her books and this one was no different. Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys a paranormal touch to their thrillers.

We follow newlyweds, April and Eddie, on their journey to start their honeymoon. Things quickly go wrong when they make a wrong turn and happen upon a hitchhiker. They soon realize she is severely injured and rush her to the hospital.

The hitchhiker ultimately dies and they now find themselves at the center of a murder investigation as prime suspects and they have to figure out how to clear their names. How can they be honest with the police when they have yet to be honest with each other?

Overall, this book was really good. The ending was a little predictable but I really enjoyed the journey it took me on!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read Murder Road!

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Murder Road by Simone St. James is another one of her excellent psychological thrillers. Murder Road takes place in the summer of 1995, centered between newlyweds April and Eddie. They are embarking on road trip to for their honeymoon destination, only to discover they had taken a wrong turn to Coldlake Falls; as they end up on a deserted highway called Atticus Line. On the dark road, a flash of lightning shows a woman slowly walking; they stop and offer her a ride, which she hesitates, but then accepts. April notices blood on the girl, and they rush to find a hospital, to help the her; who in a short period dies.

Detectives Quentin and Beam show up at the hospital, and after being interrogated, they warn April and Eddie, not to leave town. Instead of being good Samaritans, they now are considered suspects. Unexplained murders have been happening along the Atticus line for many years, and legend has it that a vengeful spirit roams the road, hunting for hitchhikers. Rumors say twenty years ago, someone was murdered, unable to identify her, they name her Jane Doe, but legend calls her The Lost Girl.

Unable to leave, April and Eddie manage to have the owner of a B&B allow them to stay. At first Rose, was very weird, but in a short time, Rose opens up, and beings to help them, explaining the stories from the past. They learn more about the ghostly legends of The Lost Girl. They also meet Beatrice and Gracie Snell, two teenage sisters, who are wannabe detectives, with lots of information about the missing people. Truly, they were better then the detectives. Both Eddie and April have their own secrets, which neither knew about; they both suffered from domestic abuse, adoptions, and personal drama. As we reach closer to the end, there is a surprise that will reveal some things from the past. Besides that, I really liked April and Eddie.

What follows is an exciting, dark, suspenseful and creepy mystery in both time periods, which kept me hooked to find out what happened. Murder Road was an exciting and awesome mystery, with a slight paranormal element, as well as being chilling and captivating. The mystery has so many surprises, which were gripping and horrifying at times; a page turner all the way. Simone St. James did an amazing job writing this captivating thriller. If you enjoy suspenseful thrillers with a ghostly background, you should be reading Murder Road.

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Murder Road by Simone St James
Release Date: 3/5/24
Format: audio/ebook hybrid
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I have been a huge fan of Simone St. James since I read The Sun Down Motel in 2020. I haven’t met a book by her I haven’t enjoyed. However, I’ve been chasing the high of The Sun Down Hotel since I closed that book. Enter: Murder Road.

St. James is the best at writing thrillers where you’re toeing the line of “is this paranormal or nah???” and that is my favorite kind of mystery!

Murder Road follows a newlywed couple who both have secrets! They are on their way to a low key honeymoon in Michigan when they pass a bleeding woman on the side an abandoned road. As they race her toward a nearby hospital, they find themselves full of more and more questions and anxiety.

This is a thriller that you will not be able to put down! It’s full of family trauma & drama, a couple you love to root for, and just enough spooky to keep the lights on! You do not want to miss this book & as usual, Brittany Pressley absolutely shines in the audiobook! She really is such a fab narrator!

Thank you to @prhaudio for the free audiobook and @netgalley for the advanced ebook copy in exchange for my honest opinion! This was an easy one day listen and five star read for me.

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Thank you so much to Netgalley & the publisher for this review copy! I am so looking forward to this and to writing a full review on my social media when I am able! Thanks again!

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I had high hopes for this one as I've enjoyed Simone St. James novels in the past. But MURDER ROAD didn't quite do it for me. But first what I did like. I liked the main character April, and I liked getting to know her through the mystery at hand as well as through flashbacks, and I liked getting to know her character and how it helped explain some of the things that she does in the book. I also liked some of the supporting characters, like the salty but ultimately generous Rose, and the precocious and pretty humorous Snell sisters, who fancy themselves amateur investigators. But I was disappointed by the urban legend/supernatural factor of the Lost Girl, who is said to kill hitchhikers on a lonesome highway, and how it didn't quite expand upon itself in ways that I was hoping for. I also called a huge twist super early because it was presented as a way that completely telegraphed where it was going, which was too bad.

I think that MURDER ROAD was just an anomaly for me, as I fully intend to seek out whatever St. James does next. It just didn't connect for me.

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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ½
Genre: Horror + Mystery Thriller

The story of this mystery thriller is set in 1995. April and Eddie are a young couple who just got married. They decide to spend their honeymoon in a small resort town, but on their way, they take a wrong turn and end up on the eerily deserted Atticus Line, notorious for its string of unsolved murders. On that road, they stop to help a hitchhiker, only to discover that she's not what they thought she was. You should get to the book without knowing anything more. Knowing more information will spoil the story.

Murder Road is the second book I have read by the author. The first one was The Sun Down Motel, which I really enjoyed a lot. Fortunately, Murder Road is even better than that one. I love how the author mixes mystery thriller with paranormal elements. These kinds of stories work for me when they are well-structured and narrated.

I admire the fact that the author did not employ the present and past alternating structure in this piece. Instead, the author chose to remain in the present for most of the story, with only flashbacks pertaining to the main characters' pasts. This immensely helped the reading focus more on the present and the eerie atmosphere.

The protagonists undergo significant growth throughout the course of the plot. Throughout the story, readers are able to see right through April and Eddie as they undergo extensive analysis of their past and present. This kind of development makes it much easier to relate to their circumstances and the challenges they face.

Although the first fifteen percent of the book may appear to be a bit slow, this is only the beginning of the book. As each chapter goes by, the situation becomes more interesting, and from then on, the pace will pick up further. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this atmospheric mystery thriller and would recommend it to any reader who enjoys paranormal elements in mystery thrillers.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book.

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Set against the backdrop of the summer of 1995, "Murder Road" follows April and Eddie on their honeymoon, where a wrong turn leads to a fateful encounter with a bleeding hitchhiker on Atticus Line, a desolate road. As they rush the hitchhiker to the hospital, a pursuing truck adds to the chaos. The hitchhiker dies, making April and Eddie murder suspects. However, Atticus Line holds a dark history of unexplained murders, prompting the newlyweds to investigate. Their quest reveals supernatural forces at play, risking the nearby town's unraveling and testing the resilience of April and Eddie's budding relationship.
Simone St. James, known for her supernatural twists in suspense thrillers, weaves a gripping narrative. April and Eddie, both with challenging pasts, become relatable protagonists, earning cheers from readers. April and Eddie stay at the local B&B, run by the formidable Rose. Assistance comes from the humorous duo of teenage sisters, Beatrice and Gracie Snell, adding levity to the tale. The well-crafted characters contribute unique elements to the storyline, making "Murder Road" a thoroughly enjoyable read with a compelling plot.

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