Member Reviews

Thank you so much to St. Martins Press and Netgalley for the ARC. The story follows Niamh O Conchobhair, a magical dressmaker who is hired to travel to the kingdom of Avaland to make clothes for the royal wedding and finds herself embroiled in politics, gossip and an undeniable chemistry with the Crown Prince, who just so happens to be the groom.

This was a lovely, light hearted fantasy romance. I was pleasantly surprised by this book - I’ve had some issues with fantasy romances lately but this one was not stereotypical at all and I found the relationship between Niamh and the crown Prince, Kit, to be well developed, believable and very passionate. I loved that both are flawed but still likeable characters and the tension between them is very well done. The side characters are also great - especially Infanta Rosa and her dead pan humour.

This book is definitely more romance than fantasy, the relationship between Niamh and the Prince is the core of this novel and while there is magic and fantasy elements the world building of the fantasy takes a bit of a back seat. I did enjoy that Saft clearly drew on European history between Ireland, England and Spain to create the fantasy world but there was little world building outside of the politics - no explanation for the magic or why Niamh’s magic was hurting her. I also found the ending to be a bit rushed - there is no real resolution of the political issues besides a hopeful "it will hopefully get better" sentiment and there is absolutely no resolution for the issues with Niamh's magic.

While a light hearted novel there was some serious subject matter that was dealt with almost in passing (t/w for alcoholism, colonialism and mentions of physical abuse) - sometimes in a blink and you'll miss it reference. Overall, I thought that some of the darker subject matter felt out of place at times with the light hearted nature of the romance, but it did add some depth to some characters (such as Kit and Jack) that helped to explain their actions and personality.
Overall this is a cute, fluffy fantasy romance with some hidden depths.

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When Niamh is summoned from Machland to be the prince’s seamstress, she knows this is her opportunity to make a name for herself and support her family. But as she begins to sew and her feelings for the prince grow, Niamh finds herself embroiled in royal politics and willing to risk everything to save those she loves.

I enjoyed everything about this book from the character arcs, to the pace, to the plot itself. The setting was well done and the magic system was different and fun. I would definitely recommend this book to other readers.

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A cute fairytale romance that shows love knows no boundaries. I enjoyed the banter between our two lovebirds and how Niamh is a spitfire to Kit’s broodiness right from the get go.

I would have loved a deeper focus on the magic system and how the royals plan on demolishing the racial injustice and repairing relationships between them and the “commoners”.

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This book... I had heard so many AMAZING things about this read, and let me tell you. The hype did not disappoint. I couldn't put it down. It was beautifully written, and the imagery was perfect. I just... I can't say enough good things about this read.
HIGHLY recommend.

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Absolutely loved the setting, plot, and characters. Such a fun and whimsical read!! I can't wait for more releases in the future from the author!

Thank you to the publisher for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC.

Niamh isn’t just a superb seamstress– she can literally imbue the fabric she sews with emotions by draining her own energy. She’s the girl who sewed a dress so beautiful it netted a woman a duke for a husband. Now, offered a position to create the wedding wardrobe for an Avaland prince and his bride, she’s filled with hope at the possibility of escaping poverty in her native country and taking her family with her. But her arrival in the capital city of Sootham is nothing like what she expects. The city is wracked with political turmoil while the nobility indulges in decadence. The king is strangely hands-on with the most minor of affairs in the palace. And the Avaland prince, Kit, is an utter prick. But as Niamh and Kit gradually become friends, Niamh finds herself closer and closer to understanding why the kingdom of Avaland teeters on the precipice as her own health does the same.

This is a cute fantasy with a welcome portrayal of chronic illness and the lightest brush of anticolonialism. Because there are descriptions of beautiful clothing and an anonymous gossip columnist who plays an important role, it gives off some Bridgerton vibes. There’s some very lovely imagery at points.

But as much as I occasionally like a fluffy light fantasy, the setting and romance were insubstantial and I didn’t find either compelling. Suspension of disbelief is definitely necessary here. The world is based on a very slightly reskinned version of England and Ireland politics, I kept getting caught up by how there’s no way an entire country, much less an estate, could be run like this. The magic system doesn’t seem to have much of a foundation. The romance is mostly insta-love on Niamh’s part, but I’m a bit of an idiot and was briefly confused for a while that this was a het romance at all because Niamh alludes to liking girls when Sinclair discloses he doesn’t want to court women (‘“we are of a kind”, she said’ after remembering kisses with a pretty girl named Erin).

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3.5 stars. Allison Saft crafts an enchanting fairytale that's atmospheric, whimsical and swoon worthy. A FRAGILE ENCHANTMENT is giving Bridgerton, royal romance and well tailored aesthetics worthy of any YA romantasy lovers.

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What a cute book! I enjoyed the story and I love the names the author used. They are so beautiful! The characters were adorable. I wish the writing had been a little more polished but other than that, I enjoyed the book.

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Unfortunately, this just wasn't what I wanted it to be. I have tried several times since receiving this ARC to read it, and every time I find myself becoming bored and wandering within the first few chapters. I was hopeful it was a moodreading issue, and that trying again would work well for me as it normally does, but the premise just isn't living up to what I hoped it would be.

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This book was another amazing romantic fantasy from Allison Saft. While I think A Far Wilder Magic remains my favorite of her books I've read so far, this one is still one of the best YA romances I have read. Saft is a master at yearning and longing and you could really feel that in the characters in these books. I also enjoy the themes of justice and belonging that she weaves into her books.

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I went into this with kind of low expectations because I wasn’t that big of a fan of Alison’s last book, but A Fragile Enchantment blew me away. The writing was stunning, the plot was easy to follow along and not dull, and I loved this cast of characters! Niamh is such a caring gem, and Kit, the typical moody prince boy was fun to crack open.

I also loved the little side plot of figuring out who the mysterious columnist was and the was this unraveled reminded me a bit of the anonymous writer in Bridgerton.

Anyways, I just really enjoyed the writing style, I can’t say that enough. It was gorgeous and I highly recommend this book to those who enjoy fantasy!

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This was a lovely story. It leans more romance than fantasy. I think a some of the magic and world building could have been a little more in depth. Overall I enjoyed the characters and the experience. The idea around Niamh's magic is really creative. Enchanting clothing she makes with feelings and other magical elements was really enjoyable to read through.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me a free copy of the ebook in exchange for my honest review. Though I’m for sure going to buy a copy for my personal library.

The story is original. I’m in love with the characters. The writing is to die for. I cannot say one negative thing about this book.

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For every Cinderella or Princess Diaries fan with Magic. Truly an instant classic. You will not be disappointed by this fairytale romance.

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A delightful fairy tale with the most sarcastic, biting yet lovable cast of characters. This was so fun!

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the ARC.

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I am so sad I had to DNF this book halfway through. I loved the idea of the trope, the magic, and the romance. Unfortunately every time I sat down to read I ended up falling asleep after barely finishing one chapter. I think the story dragged a bit. I knew there was so much that still needed to happen according to some reviews and halfway there was barely a connection between the FMC and the MMC. I am truly sad I couldn’t finish. Maybe one day I’ll start again and see if I can connect more with the story.

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My first by Allison Saft, and it will not be my last. I loved the magical realism touch and political intrigue. The communication between our love interests could've been better, but I see the point the author wants Kitt to come off as. The ending did seem a bit rushed, but overall, it was romantic.

3.5, maybe 4 stars read

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I absolutely loved this book so much! What a perfect read to add to my collection of historical romantasys! Definitely a new favorite!!!

A Fragile Enchantment was an absolutely beautiful and magical book. It was so unique with its magic, the fmc is able to weave emotions into clothing and fabric and it was so cool and amazing. I loved that aspect so so much. The relationship between Niamh and Kit was so beautiful, I absolutely loved their bickering and flirting and romantic moments. Literally every main character in this was a fav of mine. Sinclair, Rosa, Niamh, Kit, and Miriam were all absolutely perfect.

This book was a romantasy that followed the regency time period and as an avid fan of Bridgerton this book was the perfect embodiment of all the drama, gossip and scandal. Even with its own scandal sheet. If Bridgerton was fantasy this book would be it. Not to mention the book used the fantasy world to discuss real life situations/issues such as underpaid workers/middle class and class divisions. While some may have not liked the ending I really enjoyed it. It ended the love story perfectly while still alluding to working towards a better future for all characters.

Every scene in this book was perfect. I wouldn’t change a thing. I would love a Novella about some of the other characters or even a second book.

Also this book had great LGBTQ+ representation! So many of the main and side characters were represented with this and I think the author did a good job executing it. Like I mentioned before I would love to read novellas of another book about the side characters in the future.

Overall I really enjoyed this book and definitely recommend to those who are looking for a magical and swooning romance and those who, like me, have grown to love historical romantasy.

Excited to read more by this author in the future!

Thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books and the author, Allison Saft, for an E-ARC of this book!

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"A Fragile Enchantment" by Allison Saft captivated me from the very first page, weaving a spellbinding tale of romance set against a backdrop of fantasy that left me utterly enchanted.

The fantasy elements in the story add a layer of intrigue and magic, elevating the narrative beyond a typical historical romance. Saft's world-building is meticulous, creating an enchanting and immersive setting.

What sets "A Fragile Enchantment" apart is its romance and the underlying themes of resilience and self-discovery that thread through the narrative. The characters grapple with challenges that extend beyond matters of the heart, adding depth and complexity to their journeys. Saft seamlessly weaves themes of love, duty, and the pursuit of one's true self, creating a story that resonates on multiple levels.

As a fan of the Bridgerton series, I appreciated the nod to the Regency romance genre while reveling in the fresh and imaginative twists that Saft brings to the table. The novel is a delightful blend of the familiar and the fantastical, creating a reading experience that is both comforting and exhilarating.

In "A Fragile Enchantment," Allison Saft has crafted a novel that lingers in the heart long after turning the final page. It is a testament to the enduring appeal of romantic fantasy, offering readers a captivating escape into a world where love knows no bounds and magic is a force to be reckoned with. This novel is an absolute must-read for anyone seeking a romance and enchantment tale.

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At some point, probably after I read A Dark And Drowning Tide, I need to decide this author's books just aren't for me. This book had the hints of an interesting world, and a great cast of characters, but was bogged down by a weak plot and a hevay focus on a romance I just wasn't invested in.

Niamh is Machlish, which I presume here is fantasy Irish, and there's an ongoing protest outside the castle walls for whatever it is the Royals are doing. I didn't feel the story really cared to go into much depth about that, and I ended up feeling disappointed that Niamh's family stayed as mentioned background characters throughout.

I guessed the mysterious Gossip Girl style column writer within 30 pages, and I can't feel smug about that because they were just so blindingly obvious. They even talked the same as the writer. I felt the ending scenes were quite frankly ridiculous, and this story overall strongly reminded me of The Selection.

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