Member Reviews

I unfortunately will not be proving a review because of the boycott. Sorry to the author! I typically love books like this (and have read it)

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As a huge lover of Saft’s previous work, I was thrilled to pick this up. This is a beautiful and intricately woven story, yet easy to read with characters who are easy to sympathize with. Another atmospheric novel that it’s compulsory to pick up and keep going! The romance plot line in this book was extremely well-done and meaningful, as well. Highly recommend this story is you love Saft’s previous work or if you’re a lover of fantasy and romance!

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Allison Saft can do no wrong. I really liked this book, but sadly, I will be withholding the review because of the boycott.

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This was a fun, compelling YA fantasy with a great cast of characters. I liked the writing a lot. The magic system was easy to understand for those of us who aren’t high fantasy readers, and the love story was one to root for. I personally enjoy an unlikable character, so Kit was a favorite for me. I was a little confused about some of the political backstory, but that may have been a reader issue, not the story itself. All in all, a fun new YA read.

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🗡 Enemies to Lovers
📜 Gossip Girl/Bridgerton
✨ Magic
🏳‍🌈 LGBTQIA+ Representation

Niamh is the last in her family that has a magical ability and can weave emotions into anything she sews. She is hired by the royal family of a neighboring country and is tasked with making the clothes for the upcoming royal wedding. The plan is to bide her time so that she can make enough to make a better life for her family, but while she is in the capitol, she finds herself entangled in secrets, scandal, and betrayal.

This felt like Bridgerton, but with fantasy elements, and I loved it! The magic system was unique and whimsical and the romance was so sweet. 4/5⭐.

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I like this book and will finish it, but wasn't quite right for our book box. There are books you read and enjoy but they don't occupy your mind when you're not reading it, then there are books that you can't stop thinking about even when you've put it down. This is one of the former.

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I wanted to love this story because it had so much of what I look for in my books. The written for some reason just felt off. On the lower end of YA and it didn't appeal to me. It is first and foremost a romance so the plot is predictable which isn't a bad thing. I do appreciate that the main character is not a damsel in distress and isn't just trying to be with the prince. It didn't read as grumpyxsunshine trope because it almost felt more insta love. Is it a good cozy read for when you want to be able to predict the end and enjoy the romance? Absolutely! I appreciate that its a standalone and you are satisfied with everything wrapped up in a nice bow. Its definitely a good palette cleanser and I appreciated the chance to read the ARC!

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This book is such a delight! I love the marrying of Bridgerton and magic, the use of grumpy sunshine, and the fun dynamics in this motley crew. The relationships forged in this story are so beautiful and the coming of age/personal growth element really touched me. Saft has an enchanting writing style, using words you don’t often see which I appreciate. She also did a great job ramping up the plot and keeping me on edge at the end so I didn't want to put it down during the last 20%. Thank you, Allison, and Wednesday books for getting my hands on this one early!

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DNF @ 30%.

I had a hard time connecting with these characters. In addition to the slow start, I decided to stop trying to force myself through for fear of it putting me into a book slump. I was really hoping the story would pick up and I'd start to become interested, because the concept sounds great and something I would be interested in. You get romance and fantasy, albeit young adult, but I was okay with that as long as it was done right. Unfortunately, I feel this is a case of great story, but poor execution.

However, there are several great reviews, so I encourage you to check them out to see if it is something you would possibly enjoy. But, sadly, I didn't find it worth any more of my time.

**Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me an advanced copy of this book and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion. I am posting this review to my Goodreads account immediately and will post it to my Amazon & Instagram accounts upon publication.

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If you’re looking for an enchantingly romantic regency fantasy with cosy vibes and a vivid magic system, A Fragile Enchantment is for you!

Niamh is a dressmaker from a family with a gift; some of them are able to stitch memories and magic into their creations. When someone wears one of Niamh’s dresses to Avaland it gets noticed by the Crown Prince, who commissions Niamh to make his brother’s wedding outfit, as well as his bride’s wedding dress. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime, but there are many politics at play, and Niamh soon finds herself embroiled in the royal couple’s lives… and the gossip pages.

I absolutely loved Niamh from the beginning, she has that ‘country mouse’ kind of character arc which allows you to experience the city with her, but her character develops through the narrative in a way that I adored. Seeing her learn to go after what she wants was magical, and it’s something I particularly love seeing in YA fantasy which is likely to be picked up by younger readers.

The way the relationships developed through the story felt organic and believable. Not everyone is always who you think, and everyone has secrets - especially in the upper echelons of regency society.

I enjoyed the way the various plot lines developed and came together through the book; they were fairly simple at the beginning, but as Niamh’s understanding of the city, political climate, and everyone’s struggles develops, there are a number of interconnecting threads which were woven beautifully.

Despite having some fairly heavy themes, A Fragile Enchantment had those cosy, lighthearted vibes which just make me smile, and I genuinely enjoyed and was excited to come back to it each and every time.

Overall, I absolutely adored A Fragile Enchantment and will absolutely read more by Allison Saft in the future.

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This was fantastic I loved every bit of it and this author will be a insta-buy from now on I love the strength of the fmc and every bit of it kept me on the edge of my seat!

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✨ “It looked like a thousand quiet moments, each of them as small as a candle flame. But together, they were luminous - as expansive and bright as a galaxy. How could such beautiful, tender things be selfish?” ✨

Allison Saft. My girl. Love of my life. A true expert of her craft. (Okay, sorry, I’ll move on.)

A Fragile Enchantment is my second book written by Allison Saft, and it totally lived up to my expectations. It was wildly different from A Dark and Drowning Tide (like - utter opposites) while still maintaining the lyrical, poetic prose I’ve come to expect from her. Her use of metaphors is absolutely beautiful, and as someone who sometimes struggles to visualize the scene, I am incredibly thankful for her use of deliciously descriptive imagery.

I tend to like darker, moodier settings, but the world of A Fragile Enchantment is as sweet as can be. I loved the change of pace. Our main characters, Niamh and Kit, had palpable chemistry from the beginning regardless of their (read: Kit’s) grumpy banter, and I absolutely love how the found family trope was tied in. A Fragile Enchantment is as much a love story as it is a story of the relationships developed between an unlikely pairing of diverse and quirky characters.

This Bridgerton-esque, historical romance/romantic fantasy is perfect for those who love witty banter, a grumpy MMC, found family, and familial politics wrapped up in an easy-to-read package.

I would have loved to know a bit more about what happens to Niamh in the future, but I suppose not everything can be summed up in a standalone novel.

Thank you so much to the author and Netgalley for allowing me to read this :)

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I was so excited to read this book. What I liked: the world, the love interest, the concept, the enemies-to-lovers. My only complaint was the lack of personality in our main character. I think if she had been more fleshed out, this would have been a 5-star read for me. I still recommend this if you’re looking for some lite fantasy romance in a fun world. Thank you to Wednesday Books for my gifted copy!

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This book was adorable and had such a fun premise! I loved the characters and was thoroughly enchanted while reading!

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Included as a top pick in weekly January New Releases post, which highlights and promotes upcoming releases of the month (link attached)

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This was so cute! I've enjoyed Saft's other novels, and this was just as good! The romance had me invested and swoony, and I really enjoyed the magic. Highly recommend!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

My Selling Pitch:
Bridgerton, but she’s a chronically ill tailor and he’s a pipe-smoking short king with a man bun. They have magic powers but just for the vibes.

On this episode of Samantha reads YA fantasy she couldn't be fucked about to keep up with the book boxes and the other girlies.

Thick of it:
Already what the fuck is that name.

Wow, take a shot every time this book says reticule. (It’s just this intro bit that feels like it did not get edited enough.)

She's klutzy guys. It's giving adhd rep but like beat the audience over the head with it.

CLOUT in this book.

Describing homeboy’s hair as damp earth like it’s supposed to be appealing-in a man bun no less- is a bold move. Also isn’t he a ginger on the US cover?

Okay, but Roman Kit has ruined me for that name.

He’s Christopher to Kit? That’s weird.

Wow, can't wait for him to use his magic to give her a flower. (The way another character also calls him out for this.)

Very confused by the descriptions. She’s like let me describe this beautiful scene by comparing it to something gross. And it’s not meant to be in a creepy way.

Au courant

It is very much giving Bridgerton.

A short king

Chemistry is a bit forced here, love.

It reminds me of Divine Rivals.

She said mood stabilizer fashion.



Please don’t tell me she’s Elsa. (Oh but she is.)

if his wife Sofia is the gossip columnist-

I wish Sinclair and Jack were gay lovers. (I still wish this.)

You know, I may have been a little hasty judging this book. I’m having a bit of a good time. It’s cliché as shit, but like I’m having a good time. Does it also coincide with the introduction of a fuck to the dialogue, who can say? (Yes, yes it does.)

I’m assuming Machlish is supposed to be Ireland and the country she’s in is England and the new princess is from Spain and Sofia’s from Russia or something, but like the Machlish name really gives Scottish.


I bet the lady’s maid is the actual princess, and he sent her in disguise so that he could make sure that her new beau would treat her right if he treats his servants right. (Incredibly wrong.)

chronic illness rep

Can’t believe she just said he smells like dirt and cigarettes like it’s supposed to be appealing.

I don’t know what it says about this book’s class commentary that her assistants don’t get names. (It says it’s done poorly.)


Oh, that pencil moment was cute.

She’s winning me over. I didn’t think she could do it, but she’s winning me over to this book.

You’re not gonna convince me smoking is sexy. If Tommy Shelby couldn’t do it…

I like Sinclair.

A chalked dance floor does sound really romantic. Messy but romantic.

She’s like oh my god, his lips touched this glass! And I’m like ew, backwash.

Carry on my wayward son🎶

I feel like a silver hairstreak is very fucking distinctive.

Girl, just hypnotize him with pussy. (I don’t remember what exact part of the story this was a comment on but it’s very funny so I left it in.)

I like nasty Jack.

Wow, she really fumbled that emotional turning point.

The writing really oscillates between lovely, off-brand romantic, and then cringe. It’s like left-handed romantic. Does that make any sense to you? A little Maggie Stiefvater, a little Rebecca Ross, but the cringe is Isabella Ibanez.

Why is this book working on me? Like do you know how hard it has to work to tell me smoker man bun short king emo boy, and still have me be like what if they kiss?

These emotional confessions are not hitting for me.

It was like she built up this big emotional moment, but then she didn’t really have anything to say. There’s no big conclusion for the characters to come to.


It's giving Princess Di.

Well, they hooked up and this is a YA, so (you all know the drill by now) can’t wait for him to betray her.

Nah the kingdom’s out of money, girl. (Yup.)


Just like Divine Rivals sometimes these lines are unintentionally intentionally filthy.

There’s a lot of crying in this book.

Invisible cloaks exist but they’re not making them for the army? H’okay.

I know they’re trying to make Jack a villain or like a conflict, but I’m like that one. I pick that one. (She’s a Capricorn, kids.)

It’s too repetitive with the oh never a girl like me thing.

I mean at least he outed himself then? But kinda shitty for him to out other people.

Lol the YA post-coital betrayal. The math always works.

This conflict and resolution is a goddamn mess.

I guess everyone’s just instantly unracist? What the fuck.

Bitch slept through her wedding night. Oh my god.


This is an incredibly just okay book. It definitely feels similar to Bridgerton.

It reads a lot like a debut, even though it’s not. The magic system is particularly underdeveloped and is really just in there for the vibes.

For example, Niamh’s able to make an invisibility cloak, but somehow that type of technology isn't being used by thieves or the military. The book plays pretty fast and loose with the idea of consent and mind control. How ethical is it to influence people’s emotions? Is it powerful enough to deceive someone or persuade them to do something against their will? I understand the book’s slated as an innocent little romance, but it's pretty world-breaking and plotholey to ignore those issues.

And speaking of plot, the central conflict is forced to say the least. The big obstacles to the main couple’s romance never get resolved. It’s a pet peeve of mine in romance novels when the audience is told that a couple can’t be together for some reason but in the end, they just ignore that obstacle like it doesn’t exist. It’s lazy. It makes the story feel unfinished.

There’s a few romantic bits of writing in here that reminded me a lot of Rebecca Ross’s writing, but it has quite a few cringey moments as well. The emotional turning points of the story don’t hit. They’re built perfectly in the pacing of the novel, they just have nothing to say. It feels a lot like she knew she wanted characters to have a fight in this moment, but then didn’t really have anything for them to fight about.

The romance was cute enough. I was impressed that I ended up liking Kit because I did not have man bun having, smoker, short king on my bingo board for a love interest this year. He’s not getting added to the list of book boyfriends but I was surprised that I didn’t hate him. I’ll take a sequel about Jack though. How you doing, sir?

I’m unsure who this book’s intended audience is. It read like a YA but has a smut scene that feels pretty adult. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a tame smut scene, but somehow bracing a girl against your chest and fingering her from behind feels dirtier to me than breaking an armoire with your magic powers while your dragons fuck. Go figure.

This book had a lot of diversity and representation for what it was. I don’t think it was always successful, but I think this book’s depiction of chronic illness is better than a lot of other popular romantasy titles.

I don’t think you need to go out of your way to read this. I don’t think you’re missing anything if you skip it, but I also don’t think it’s a waste of your time if you pick it up. If you like Bridgerton and miss the vibes, you might get a kick out of this.

Who should read this:
Bridgerton fans

Do I want to reread this:

Similar books:
* Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross-historical romantasy
* What the River Knows by Isabel Ibanez-historical romantasy, The Mummy fanfiction
* The Forest Grimm by Kathryn Purdie-Grimm fairytale retelling, disability rep
* Bring Me Your Midnight by Rachel Griffin-ya romantasy, arranged marriage, rebels, enemies to lovers
* Ruined by Sarah Vaughn-regency graphic novel, romance
* The Princess and the Grilled Cheese by Deya Muniz-regency inspired graphic novel, queer romance
* Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater-YA historical-ish romantasy, no thoughts just vibes

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I really love Alison Saft. Her prose is gorgeous and the plot is easy to follow. The magic system in this book was so interesting, and I absolutely loved the worldbuilding! Can’t wait for my special edition!

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I honestly really liked this book and loved how romantic and whimsical it was? Like, as someone who is not the biggest fantasy reader (but does enjoy the genre and is always looking for a good ~romantasy tale especially), I found this book to be very accessible and charming, even in spite of some of it's imperfections. It definitely gives off some strong Bridgerton vibes, so I think people who enjoy that show/setting will probably have a good time with this book as well (plus: there's magic!). This isn't my first Allison Saft book - having read A Far Wilder Magic, A Gathering Dark, and now also currently reading her upcoming release of A Dark & Drowning Tide - and obviously most certainly won't be my last; I'm impressed by her growth as a writer, as well as by the wide range she possesses when it comes to mixing genres together in her stories. I can't wait for what she comes out with next!

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I had a really lovely time with this book. In this book we follow Niamh, a seamstress with the ability to imbue magic into the items she makes as she navigates making the wedding outfits for the younger brother of the king of Avaland, A neighboring kingdom that had previously invaded her homeland. Initially off put by the gloomy and rude prince, Kit, she ends up befriend his best friend and learns that their is more to Kit than the hostile prince he presents himself as, while also finding herself stuck in between a fight between the working class of her home country and the gentry of Avaland over fair wages.

Overall I thought this book was very fun and well written, it gives off some of the vibes of howls moving castle with Niamh’s magic, while also feeling like a regency romance which I found enjoyable. I enjoyed all of the characters especially Rosa and the queen, it was interesting how their status as royalty has effected their own wants and desires. I also found Jack and Kits relationship compelling seeing how the traumas from the past have really effected them as adults and their relationship with each other was very interesting.

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