Member Reviews

I love A Fragile Enchantment with my whole heart! It has everything you could ever want in a romantasy book, with a beautiful setting, enchanting writing, relatable characters, and more! From the very first page, I knew I was going to love it. We're immediately thrust into the magical world of Avaland with Allison's enchanting writing style that grabs your attention and never lets go. Much like Niamh's creations, the prose of this book was full of emotion and heart! Reading this book took me through so many emotions. I was constantly smiling throughout this whole read, but I also really appreciated the serious topics and discussions within it. The descriptions of the settings fully immersed me into the story right away. I felt like I was right beside Niamh and Kit, experiencing everything with them.

We have to talk about the characters! I related to Niamh so much. I loved the kindness and care she showed to everyone around her. But I also couldn't get enough of her character development. Seeing her grow and learn what it means to take charge of your life was inspiring. Her selflessness and determination were a few of the characteristics I admired most in Niamh. But I also loved her imperfections, her clumsiness, and her stubbornness. And Kit! His grumpiness complimented Niamh's earnestness perfectly! He's definitely a bit rough around the edges but I loved that about him! Plus the banter between the two of them was pure gold! The romance was perfectly paced and I was constantly rooting for them. All of the side characters were brilliant also! Each had an in depth background and unique personality. The elements of found family in this friend group were fantastic and definitely added to the cozy vibes of this book.

A Fragile Enchantment is one of those books where after you finish it, you close the book and stare at the cover for a while to process it all. The action was exciting and the plot twists kept me on the edge of my seat! It was an all around perfect read, I wouldn't change a thing!

This is without a doubt another all time favourite of mine! Everyone drop what you're doing and read it!

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A cozy romance that suffered from slow pacing and forgettable characters.

A Fragile Enchantment will likely find a home with the cozy reads crowd but for me the pacing and characters weren't engaging enough to make me care. The tale didn't really get any forward movement until the dead middle of the pages and by then the reading felt tedious and a chore. For me, it is hard to recover once you have hit that mark. The similarities to Bridgerton made the story feel unoriginal and set an expectation that was never met.

This was my first Saft novel and perhaps I had unfair lofty expectations, set after hearing positive reviews about her previous works.

I was lucky enough to get the earc and the audiobook and it is worth noting that I do think the narrator in the audio-book was phenomenal and definitely enhanced the story!

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🌹Opposites attract
✂️Scandal (Briderton Vibes)

I received a ARC from Netgalley for A Fragile Enchantment. These are my true opinions.

FMC Niamh is a up incoming dress maker. The thing that makes her designs special is that by using her magic she weaves enchantments into them. She is hired to make the clothing for the crown princes’ wedding. Being from a more poverty side of the land she could not refuse the offer. Coming to court means facing the rich people of the kingdom. People whom look down on because of her divine bloodline.

MMC Kit and groom is arranged to be married for political gain. He also shows indifference to Naimh. As time goes on that changes. Being a prince he can’t not marry for love.

During this book there is a rebellion brewing against the royals for how they treat their working class whom all happen to be of an undesirable bloodline. To make things worse there is all the gossip is being reported in the paper by an anonymous source called Lovelace.

I gave this book 4 stars. I would definitely recommend this book to others. The tension in this book is perfect. I also loved the banter between the two MCs.

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I absolutely enjoyed this novel by Alison Saft! It was so adorable and I wish I could spend more time in Avaland with Kit and Niamh! The author’s writing truly transported me to a world where Bridgerton meets magic and I was stunned by how well it worked. The story starts off very fast with Niamh traveling from Machland to Avaland as she has been commissioned to be the tailor of the royal wedding. There, she will embroider her magic to her beautiful creations while slowly developing friendships and relationships that will question why she does so much for others while putting herself at stake.

I empathized with Niamh very much so as some of her insecurities have certainly crossed my mind and seeing the character development was very fulfilling. I really loved this book and will be recommending to everyone around me!

P.S. Sequel please?! Give me more Kit and Niamh!

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The vibes of this book are.. *chefs kiss*

Royal, romantic, enchanting, political!

The main character being a magical seamstress drew me in. She is invited to make the dress for a special event for the prince and his bride to be. Along with making clothes, she has to deal with the comings and goings of Royal court life and it’s not at all what she’s used to.

When she gets to the castle she’s acquainted with the prince AND the bride…. You can probably guess where this is going but Allison wrote this so delicately and so enthralling, I ate it up! The side characters are diverse, as are a lot of Allison’s characters in all of her stories.

I loved Allison’s first couple of books but this fantasy world she wrote is probably my favorite so far!

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Lured by its–dare I say *enchanting*–magical premise, I had high hopes for A Fragile Enchantment. A dressmaker in a Regency era romantic fantasy who can sew magic into clothes? It just sounds so whimsical and cozy! The novel however, did not live up to my perhaps too high expectations and ultimately fell flat in its execution.

I was greatly looking forward to seeing the magic Niamh is able to stitch into her creations and was hoping this would be met with lovable characters and a sweet romance. The magic was there (when it was used) but dear reader, try as I might, I unfortunately was not hooked, even once, by the characters or the plot of this story. I wanted to love this book, and enjoyed Saft’s previous novel A Far Wilder Magic, but with AFE, I was simply bored. I kept waiting to feel that hook, be it from the plot and wanting to know what would happen next, or feeling invested in Niamh or one of the side characters, but it never came. If I had not been kindly given an ARC I would have DNFed.

As I kept reading, I found myself baffled by the feeling that… things were happening plot wise… yet at the same time it felt like nothing was happening at all? Niamh is instantly attracted to Kit but neither of them give each other any reason to particularly like each other, let alone fall in love. I never felt their chemistry and by the time we reached the ending, I simply could not believe where we wound up. The author also introduced several heavier topics such as civil unrest, differences in class/station, racism, alcoholism, and coming out, but none were fully explored. This felt like it bogged down what already was a sluggish plot. Other plot points, such as Niamh’s illness, which is said to be killing her, were introduced but then miraculously forgotten by the end. I might have been able to look past some of the murkier details if the romance had been romancing, but sadly it was not.

All this to say, this is likely a case of it's not the book but me, as from other early reviews, it seems to be finding its audience. I think that a younger reader and/or those who like fantasy novels with lower stakes, might find this to be an enjoyable read. Thank you to Wednesday Books and NetGalley for the digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley and Wednesday Books for this ALC!

- y’all I loved this one! There were a few things that’d usually bother me, but I was having too much fun!!
- at first I was frustrated by how rude/distant Kit was, but I was so impressed by his character arc!
- I think this definitely lived up to the regency Bridgerton comparisons, and it was so fun! It is YA though, so do not expect the spice of Bridgerton.
- I loved the twist at the end, and I thought it was all so well done! The pacing dips a little in the beginning, but it really picks up from there.
- I loved all the details about Niamh’s sewing and her designs!
- I thought the whole protest thing felt a bit idealized, but it fit with the overall story.
- I loved the LGBT rep! A lot of it would be a spoiler, but it was really well planned out.
- I wish there was more about the magic system! The way it factors into each country is so interesting, and I kept wanting more info.

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This is a story about a dressmaker named Niamh Ó Conchobhair who has magical abilities. She is hired to work on a royal wedding in Avaland, where she discovers a world of political unrest and class differences. Despite the challenges, she develops a beautiful relationship with the groom, Kit Carmine, whom society disapproves of. A gossip columnist spreads rumors about them, but their love prevails. The story is set in a world that combines elements of Regency England with fantasy. It deals with complex themes of societal issues, forbidden love, and sacrifice. The author, Saft, weaves a captivating tale that blends historical and fantasy elements. The book is an easy-to-read and engaging novel that will enchant you.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC of A FRAGILE ENCHANTMENT by Allison Saft. While the title and cover lured me in, the wonderful story kept me intrigued. I loved the mixture of fantasy and regency romance. It was so unique and captivating - I was hooked from beginning to end! I highly recommend this one!!

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Ugh. I DNF’d at about 50%. There were a lot of elements I enjoyed - the delicate and quiet magic system, the reserved and tenuous friendship between Niahm and Kit, the political bits about displaced people and their new homes continuing to not accept or care for them.

But despite that I just could not get into it. I found myself forgetting what was happening or going several days without picking the book up.

I’m sure at a different time I’d enjoy it more. It very much seems like a me problem and not a book problem. I’m hoping I’ll someday return to it but for now I’ll just enjoy how much others are enjoying it.

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This is a beautiful and enjoyable story. It had lovable characters, a dreamy setting, magic and tension. However, it was missing something for me. I think maybe the pacing was a little slower than I enjoy. I still found this book to be very cute and enchanting. I really enjoyed the little banter between characters and thought the main character had very unique talents. I also liked that the story addressed chronic illness. Overall, I would recommend this book to people looking for a cozy read as it really warmed my heart.

Rating 3.5/5

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I adored this book: a Regency romance with some fantastical elements and a grumpy/sunshine trope? I'm all in.

Niamh O'Connor is hired as a seamstress to sew the wedding clothes of the Prince Regent and his chosen bride, a match made solely to create a bond and create strong allies for the country. Love has never been a thought, and after the betrothed are introduced--they know love will never be a factor in their relationship, which is viewed more as a responsibility.

However, as Niamh and Kit, the Prince Regent, grow closer, they realize that love, something neither one of them ever dreamed of, may be well and alive, but at what cost?

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A Fragile Enchantment is a young adult fantasy novel about a poor but talented magical tailor who is asked to design garments for a royal wedding. But her relationship with the groom can destroy her career, reputation and the alliance between two countries.

Niamh is a magical tailor who can literally weave emotions into her garments and her abilities have caught the eye of the Prince Regent from a neighboring country (Avaland). Her family has suffered since the war between her own county (Machland) and Avaland ended and this opportunity could change their fortunes for good. But the tension between the Machlish who are used as cheap labor in Avaland and the strange behavior of the Prince Regent are creating tension in the days leading up to the Royal wedding. Plus, Niamh’s feelings toward the younger prince (and groom) could ruin the wedding and her career and she’ll have to decide if duty is more important than finding her own happiness.

A Fragile Enchantment has a lot of great world building about the precarious peace between countries especially after a war. The landscape and players are similar to Europe in the 1800’s and only the changes of the country’s names and addition of magic that make this novel fantasy. Alison Saft also included some storylines and details you don’t always see in YA fantasy like alcoholism in a main character and background on their sexuality. I really enjoyed the tension and angst between Niamh and Kit and how forthright she always was with her feelings. There is also a lot of humor and banter. I think a lot of readers will relate to Niamh’s struggle with trying to provide for her family and being a “good girl” while setting aside her own happiness. I would love to read more books set in this world especially centering around the royal family and Kit’s best friend Sinclair.

Overall this was a beautiful young adult fantasy and love story and I look forward to reading more from Alison Saft.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC.
3 stars

There were lots of good things about this book. I found it creative, and I did enjoy all of the different characters. I enjoyed the magic and the love story, and reading about how much thought Niahm put into her clothing designs.

What brings my rating down is that I felt like there wasn't enough magic. There were a lot of politics, there were a lot of repetitive rambling passages (in my opinion), and I didn't really appreciate the ties to Bridgerton that the author included. It felt too similar and was a part of the story I didn't find creative. It was just a little long, and I would've loved more dialogue between the characters with less repetitive arguments.

I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys slow burn romance, magic, and Bridgerton because it has great aspects of all of those things. It was just a little too slow paced for me.

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I absolutely adored the characters and truly did not have a single one I despised!

Read this book if you like:
▫️regency era-like romance
▫️enemies to lovers
▫️fantasy stories about magical abilities
▫️genuine friendships
▫️girls like Wednesday Addams (Infanta Rosa is amazing)

Niamh and Kit forever!

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Rating: 4/5
I received an eARC for my honest opinion.

This was a cute romcom, with a little bit of action thrown into the mix. It has magic, love, nobility and working class, it has politics, but at the end of the day it is all about the love of a kingdom, love of family and of course love in general.

I saw this book on NetGalley, and I knew that I wanted to read it. Last year I really got into historical romances, and when I saw that this was a regency England inspired fantasy and that I was able to read it I was overjoyed.

I think the author did a great job with the plot, I didn’t see anything wrong with the time period, and how it was represented in the book. The pace of the book was done well, I did feel at some parts of the book that it was a little slow but when it picked up I understood that it was just giving us time to really understand the characters more and wow the characters in this book were right on point for me, but it was the action and the drama in the back of the story that really helped to bring these characters to the forefront. I loved that even though you are getting to know the characters you see where the plot of the book is going, and you will get to see the ending of the plot and the characters all wrapped up. Now off to the characters.

I really loved getting to know Niamh in this book. I loved her devotion to her family and to her craft. I was able to connect with her characters very easily. I found her to be lovable and easy to relate to, maybe it was the little bit of mischief that she causes, whether it's to annoy a certain person or her own curiosity that gets her in interesting positions. I really enjoyed getting to understand the magic system that Niamh uses and honestly what most people have in this book is interesting. I thought the love story that blooms between Niamh and Kit was done well, not rushed, and not forced at all. It went very smoothly, and you get to see it happen slowly throughout the book.

I think the found family and sense of belonging really shined in this book. I loved the connection between Niamh, Sinclair, and Kit, even through the hard parts you can still feel the love that they all have for each other.

Overall, I think this was a great book for romance readers that would like to branch into the world of fantasy romances.

I want to thank NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to review this book.

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I loved this book, and Allison does not disappoint!
Arranged marriage and forbidden love are two of my favorite tropes and we got both of those in this Regency Fantasy. I love that part of it is inspired by Bridgerton.
The tension and banter is fantastic.
Allison did a great job of making the setting feel atmospheric and swoon-worthy.
The brothers relationship definitely gave off William and Harry vibes which was fun!
Thank you for this ARC opportunity!

Review to be posted on 1/11/24 on my instagram @thatbookishteach

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I wasn’t sure what made me request this book, it’s not my typical read, but I’m so glad that I did. This was such a beautiful book and I love how they mixed Bridgerton and magic. I absolutely love Niamh as the main character and Kit, oh Kit, definitely made me fall in love.

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After reading this book, I can state with absolute confidence that Allison Saft is a genius and A Fragile Enchantment is her masterpiece.

Niamh is a magical dressmaker on borrowed time. A commoner just trying to make a better life for her family, she weaves all her emotions into fabric using the magic that is will kill her. After getting the chance to design clothes for a royal wedding (arranged for political gain in a country of unrest), she meets Kit. Kit Carmine is the unhappy groom, and prince of Avaland. As Niamh and Kit spend more time together, they develop a friendship. Until a rumor spreads that Niamh and Kit are something more, putting both their and Avaland's future at risk.

I absolutely adored this book. It has all of my favorite tropes: grumpy x sunshine, forbidden romance, slow burn, drama, gossip, and an absolute insane amount of longing. I especially loved the cozy, magical setting of the story, and the Bridgerton-esque gossip column ala Lady Whistledown that forces our main characters together.

Speaking of main characters, Niamh is the sweetest, most genuine FMC: a literal ray of sunshine, while Kit absolutely nails the 'I hate everyone but you' MMC role. Even the cast of side characters - Sinclair, Rosa, Miriam, - are perfect and their group dynamic is so wonderful. I was flying through the pages, rooting for a happily ever after for everyone and then ending did not disappoint.

All in all, this book is the most perfect, cozy, heartwarming, regency era fantasy romance I have ever read. I cannot wait to recommend it to everyone I know.

Read if you like:
- forbidden romance (ala prince x commoner)
- grumpy x sunshine
- regency romance (aka Bridgerton)
- an absolutely insane amount of pining
- complex, lovable casts of characters

Thanks to NetGalley for providing an advanced reading copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This had so much in it! Political unrest, colonization by magical folks, bitter resentments from a past dealt with badly.
The romance between the two mcs was slow and built brick by brick. They were different classes and couldn't be together. He was getting married and she was designing their clothes for goodness sakes. I will say I loved the idea of being able to imbue magic and ideas and feelings into clothes. I would love an outfit that gave me courage, self confidence and make me feel unstoppable some days.

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