Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

This was the first book I've read by Allison Saft and it will not be my last! The world created in this novel was gripping and I loved every minute of it! The mystery and the royal family aspects were the main storyline with romance as a background piece. Since it is a YA novel it is closed door, non-steamy fantasy which worked well with this storyline. The main storyline was strong and the steam was not required!

Definitely recommend this one to all Fantasy lovers!

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This is not the kind of book that I typically read but I did enjoy reading it. The element of fantasy and magic was quite interesting. Thanks #NetGalley

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Overall I really enjoyed this book!! Loved the bridgerton vibes and it made my heart so so happy. Unfortunately, in solidarity with the SMP boycott, I will not be giving any additional feedback on this book at this time.

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This was a FANTASTIC opposites attract, forbidden historical fiction/fantasy romance that sees a magically gifted tailor, Niamh commissioned to help make a recently engaged Prince's wedding wardrobe. Right from the start Kit and Niamh get off to the wrong foot.

Kit is disgruntled about being forced into a political marriage of convenience but is determined to go through with it in order to help make up for his past mistakes and make his brother happy. However, the sparks fly between these two who couldn't have been from more opposite worlds and in no way make sense.

Full of action, adventure and the swooniest romance. I fell in love with these characters right from the start and absolutely devoured this story. Allison Saft was a new to me author and I can't wait to gobble up anything else she writes next!! Good on audio and highly recommended! Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital and audio copy in exchange for my honest review!

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A Fragile Enchantment is the first book I read by this author and it most certainly won't be the last. From the very first page until the very last I completely fell in love with her writing.
The world building was simple but immersive, and the secondary characters all felt very layered and complex, you doubted them all and had full faith in them all at different points of the story. The author weaves the mystery aspect in very well.
The political situation in the Kingdoms was a very important part of the story. and I liked to see the complicated perspectives and how that developed.
My most favorite part of this book was the chemistry and tension between the main characters... it was intense and crazy electrifying. Their story was so angsty and romantic and I absolutely loved it.
I really loved how both characters thrived together, each had definite flaws that they had to work on and they pushed each other to be better and to grow. They developed a beautiful friendship more than anything else, they became a team, and the love broke the surface as we read.
At times, the entire situation was very frustrating, but I think the ending managed to be satisfying in both romance and political sublot.

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I was drawn in by the gorgeous cover, which I think captures the mood of the book perfectly. I loved the magic system and how the different characters’ abilities were incorporated into the story. The story emphasizes the importance of family and friendship while also featuring a grumpy-sunshine forbidden romance. Although the main romance is MF, there is lots of queer representation, with gay, lesbian, and bisexual characters.

The story is told entirely from the perspective of Niamh, who is hired to design and sew wedding garments for a royal couple in a neighboring country because of her magical ability to imbue emotions into the garments she creates. Niamh is a commoner, clumsy, awkward, and impulsive, very much out of her element at court. Her choices sometimes disappointed me, but it was interesting to see her repeatedly get herself into trouble. She succeeds because of the strong relationships she forms with other members of the court, and I enjoyed getting to know these other characters.

I recommend this story to lovers of historical fantasy, fantasy romance, forbidden romance, grumpy-sunshine pairings, and fish out of water stories.

I received a free advanced review copy of the ebook through NetGalley. I volunteered to provide an honest review.

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Such a good read! Initially I expected a simple easy fairytale inspired read. However what I got was so much more. The characters and relationships were truly one of the best I’ve ever read. So many important topics were discussed while still managing to be in an entertaining book. The representation was a cherry on top. I will most definitely be buying a copy and recommending to my followers!

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I just loved this book so much , I have been in a reading slump and this book took me out of it. I loved the story it reminded me of why I love fantasy romances so much 10/10

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Bridgerton meets fantasy. I liked the magic element. The world building was decent. I just felt like too much happened with the conflict between lands. I realize it’s a take on British and Irish relations, but it just ….was distracting from the romance? Which I also kind of struggled with because it was so slow burn that by the time something happened it felt out of nowhere even though I knew it was coming. Maybe I’m the wrong audience because I see a ton of amazing reviews. Not to say this is bad - the writing was very nice. Just maybe not for me

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3.5 stars

This book had all the things I like in a book and I enjoyed the writing, but it definitely fell flat for me after Down Comes the Night and A Far Wilder Magic, but it was enjoyable. I really liked the banter and characterization, but it was missing that special little something that Saft's previous books had. However, I would still recommend checking it out if you enjoyed Saft's other works or if you're a fan of the Bridgerton series.

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This was delightful. Think Bridgerton, but with magic! The writing was great and the characters, each of them, were well developed and thought out. There was an array of sexualities represented in this, yet it didn’t feel forced. It felt natural, as it should be.

If I had one complaint, it would be that I didn’t get to experience enough longing from Kit’s perspective. The third-person POV was written favoring Naimh’s perspective and I did feel as if I were missing out on something with the lack of Kit’s perspective. I did love that he stayed true to character the entire book, and I loved how often he blushed! You don’t see that often with a MMC and I adored it.

Bottom line: this was a great book that I highly recommend!

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A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft was such a cozy story. This story described everything I love in a romantic fantasy. Romance, magic, tension, and enemies to lovers are the best stories. Of course, the characters were amazing too. Niamh and Kit were adorable and I wish there was more to their story because it wasn’t enough for me. Thank you once again NetGalley for giving the opportunity to experience more of Allison Saft’s writing. She has been turning into one of my favorite authors because her writing is truly captivating and magical.

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What a world Allison Saft had woven! For fans of Bridgerton meets the YA series The Selection. I thought the plot was clever and the world Allison created very interesting. While I enjoyed the book, I do have to say there was quite a few draw backs for me. Although I normally love the same tropes and themes done in this book as it’s don’t it others, this just seems to not have been the book for me.

I struggled immensely connected to the main female character. There were times she was strong willed and other times that seem to be very contradictory to the back story that was written for her. I didn’t feel that we have enough of her back story and inner dialogue for me to feel like I truly knew and wanted to cheer for her. She seemed very wooed by court life and the possibility of being with someone she couldn’t have, that she quickly lost sight of her goals. I found it a little annoying than alluring in this circumstance. The world building felt a little sloppy at times.

Overall, I felt the book felt very YOUNG, more than young adult. There were things I enjoyed but overall was not something that I could readily recommend to my fellow friends and readers based on my experience. Thank you though for the advanced copy! I feel grateful to have gotten to read it!

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“A Fragile Enchantment” was the perfect book delving into regency fantasy romance. The bickering and banter in here was filled with such longing and tension it was palpable. I often times was reminded of ‘bridgerton’ or ‘the buccaneers’ with the glitzy balls and blooming garden parties. This was magical, fantastical and filled with such beautiful emotion. Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press, and Allison Saft for providing this eARC!

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✨ Book Review ✨

A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft
⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ (3.5)

This book was so much fun to read and I’m glad I got to because I’ve never read anything from this author before!

If you want to read a book with royalty, the grumpy sunshine trope, a fun way to incorporate magic, and gut wrenching writing, this book might be for you!

The reason why I rated this 3.5 stars is because some of the dialogue felt a little off to me towards the beginning/middle of the book and I feel like a couple of things could have been fleshed out a bit more. Otherwise, this was a great read!

Niamh and Kit’s relationship is so interesting to follow along with and I’m so glad a person like Niamh was written because I see a lot of myself in her

Definitely check this book out if you haven’t yet!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for giving me this ARC in exchange for an honest book review!

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Seamstress Niamh is determined to use her ancestral magic to create the most beautiful clothing possible to create a better life for her family - even if that magic is slowly killing her. When the opportunity to tailor the royal wedding of a neighboring kingdom is offered, she cannot refuse, despite the fact that the royal family is the same who oppressed her people and decimated her home. To make matters worse, the young prince-to-be-wed is violently opposed to cooperating with her. Suffice to say, Niamh has her work cut out for her.

Happy pub day to this beautiful love story!!! I was honored to receive and ARC of A Fragile Enchantment (thank you NetGalley and author!!!!) and I could barely put it down. This story is YA Bridgerton - set in regency era, complete with a secret tattler publication and plenty of swoony ✨longing✨. What A Fragile Enchantment adds that is unique is a depth of theme and willingness to tackle difficult topics. Everything from cycles of hatred, parentification, reparations for past wrongs, to living with the burdens of expectations. I highly recommend this book if anything listed catches your interest!

Content Warnings: alcohol abuse, language, sexual content, domestic abuse, verbal abuse, homophobia

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thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for sending me an ARC of this book!!


this was my first Allison Saft book. and let me tell you… it was beyond good. im delighted to call myself an Allison Saft fan now.

a regency-inspired fantasy/romance, this story follows Niamh, a seamstress with the power to weave emotions into her pieces. she is commissioned by the prince regent of Avaland to create the clothing for his younger brother, Prince Kit’s wedding. of course, things get messy and a star-crossed romance blossoms.

Niamh truly is such a wonderfully written character. she is for the people pleasing girlies, for the older sisters, if you will. she and all the other main characters in this book were so easy to fall in love with. Salt’s writing is so descriptive and her imagery is gorgeous, something that i found especially important in having the clothing Niamh made come to life. i truly did not want to put this book down. i was enraptured from chapter one.

my only complaint with this book is that a few times it felt like some of the world building elements were just thrown in with minimal explanation. however, it usually wasn’t quite difficult to decipher these elements. just a bit confusing for a moment.

overall, this was a super fantastic read and such a lush, inspiring love story. couldn’t have wished to start off my new year with any other book. i will definitely be picking up the rest of Saft’s works!

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This book was good just not for me. It immediately felt too YA and I didn’t connect with the main character. This didn’t feel as unique as I thought it would be.

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A magical fairy tale that’s part folk lore, part Cinderella and part Rumpelstiltskin. You get whisked away into a magical place where dress are weaved with enchantments and princes control flowers . I really enjoyed this story and want more of Kit and Niamh story as well as the other characters

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{3.5 stars}

I would say this one is Bridgerton meets This Woven Kingdom. It’s cute and fun but it’s your typical girl meets rake love story. I liked the magic. I liked the tension between the two main characters (although I didn’t really get why they were both queer but ended up in a heteronormative relationship - felt a little horned in, especially with the other queer characters). This is a perfect palate cleanser read between heavier stories.

Thanks to Wednesday Books for the gifted copy. All opinions above are my own.

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