Member Reviews

A magical dressmaker is commissioned to dress the prince for his royal wedding finds herself doing the unthinkable, falling for the very thorny groom and being embroiled in political scandal like no other. Niamh has magic in her blood, she can stitch emotions and memories into fabric... but it comes at a cost if she overworks herself, it's killing her slowly. She is determined to use her gifts to provide for her family, so when she is offered the chance to design the wardrobe for a royal wedding in the neighboring kingdom she seizes it... despite said kingdom currently having a war about the mistreatment of people like her. When Niamh meets the groom, Kit, she finds that he is rude, prickly, and being forced to the altar by his brother. Kit and Niamh may not have had a good first meeting but they can't seem to stay away from one another. Their romance is forbidden, not only are they from two different classes but he's a groom promised in a political marriage and she's a commoner seamstress. Yet the more time she spends with him the more she is realizing there is much more going on in Avaland... and that the royal family has secrets that could destroy everything. Niamh has always given more of herself for others, always trying to make everyone else happy while Kit has kept himself walled up, afraid to show his true emotions and let anyone in... yet together they might be perfect for each other, if only they could find a way to get Kit out of his marriage without bloodshed. This was a really fun regency fantasy romance with a touch of mystery, angst, yearning, and a unique love story. I loved Niamh and Kit, they are both so invested in protecting others and being self sacrificing, they care so much and I loved their chemistry together. I adored getting to fall for their romance story and I enjoyed the unique Regency England-inspired world that was created and the bit of magic that was added! If you enjoy fantasy romance with a touch of historical give this a go, I promise it'll be a great time for you!

*Thanks Netgalley and St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Booksnfor sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

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A pretty cozy romantic fantasy read!

You get magical elements, and romance with tension and banter, (my favourite combo!).
I loved the dynamic range of supporting characters that worked so well alongside the main characters. The characters grew on me as I kept reading, and there were many moments during the story that had me either cackling or giggling and kicking my feet.

This was my very first novel by Allison Saft and trust, you can find me reading more from her!

E-ARC received from St. Martin’s Press, Wednesday Books, and Allison Saft via Netgalley

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Can we start out with how *gorgeous* that cover is?? I’ll admit I requested it half based on the cover art 😆

Thanks to @Netgalley and @stmartinspress for the ARC copy!

This was such a magical, cozy love story. I don’t know if it’s a standalone or not, but it reads like one. The setting has been compared to a Regency-inspired fantasy world, and I agree. Imagine the angst and strong characters from Pride and Prejudice mixed with ancient magic, royalty, political intrigue, and found family. While it didn’t quite hit five stars for me, it was an enchanting read from start to finish.

All the main and primary supporting characters featured in this book are part of the LGBTQ+ community. Niamh, the main character, has a chronic illness and I suspect several characters experience mental health struggles.

Overall I loved the characters in this book. Both their strengths and weaknesses felt real and relatable, and I loved the way their experiences and flaws shaped the way they interacted with each other. I will say that near the end of the book I became confused about some character decisions/actions (it could just be me though lol) but overall character development well done! I love the found family aspect that developed throughout the book too.

I loved Saft’s prose and her ability to paint a picture without overusing words. She made Avaland seem like such a magical place and I want to know more about the magic system! That aspect was touched on very little in the book. I also loved the romance between the FMC and MMC. The banter, the tension, the helping each other be their best selves and learn to let themselves be loved? Chefs kiss.

Some things I didn’t love: the spice factor in the story (I know this a personal preference). Some of you would consider it a very low amount of spice, but I wish it was more fade-to-black/closed-door than it was, so keep that in mind if that’s important to you. (Spice rating below) I also had a hard time with how some of the characters’ logic/actions played out near the end. I was confused 😅 But it didn’t ruin the story for me.

There were a lot of themes of social injustice/oppression throughout the book, which I suspect the author meant to tie in to current events/issues. I found these themes to be a little less seamless throughout the story, but I think they were still well-done.

Other themes are closely tied to the main characters personal belief systems and flaws, so if you love a good character arc, I think you’ll enjoy this book.

⚠️ Loss of a parent, minor injuries/blood, alcohol/smoking
🌶️ One fade-to-black scene with vague descriptions, one open-door scene with more explicit descriptions, but still mild. Several passionate kisses with thoughts of wanting more, not explicit

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Grumpy x sunshine with banter, mystery and tension = EASY 5 stars. From the moment I started this book I was intrigued by the main character and the world she occupies. All the characters were intriguing without being too complicated and added nicely to the flow of the story. This was a binge read for me and I enjoyed it immensely. I look forward to checking out other novels by Allison Saft, this one was an absolute delight to kick off 2024 with!

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Regency romance meets fantasy? SOLD. A Fragile Enchantment was a lovely tale of whimsical romance that had the perfect dynamics of forbidden love with a grumpy x sunshine dynamic with Niamh and Kit. I devoured it, cannot wait to read more from Saft!

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Full disclosure, I did not care for "A Far Wilder Magic" by Allison Saft, but I was sucked in by "A Fragile Enchantment"s pretty cover anyway.

I will expand upon this review later, but here's my bullet list for now:

• young adult, regency era, fantasy romance
• queer cast of characters (Niamh and Kit are bi, Sinclair is gay, <spoiler>Rosa and Miriam are sapphic</spoiler>)
• chronic illness rep
• newspaper columnist who has Gossip Girl / Lady Whistledown vibes
• various types of magic (emotional, plant, ice, lightning, etc.)
• descriptions of nature as fabric or sewing tools
• the longing, the pining, the yearning!
• romantic "rivals" whose interactions don't devolve into catfighting, but actually have mature, adult conversations about their situation
• fade-to-black romance scenes
• third-act breakup with a HEA

Thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books – St. Martin’s Publishing Group for the e-ARC! 💌

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Thank you to Wednesday Books and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I knew Miss Allison Saft was not going to disappoint with this book!! My heart is fluttering, crying, and aching all at the same time over this book!!

I have to begin with the sheer fact that this is a fantasy regency romance book like what a blend of genres!! You might be thinking “How does that all work together?” But I promise you it just does!! The world building is so gradual and develops so nicely that it all just makes sense and blends with the story. Also the issues that the kingdom of Avaland is facing are issues that we see in real life and it’s handled with much care and purpose—marginalized groups, aftermath of war/famine, the fight for fair treatment/compensation, amongst many other sub categories. Not the mention, the topic of queerness and chronic illness; all these subjects are woven in the book beautifully.

Onto the characters which are my favorite especially if they’re written by Allison Saft because let me tell you something, she knows how to write amazing characters. Niamh is one of those characters that you sympathize with because she’s so relatable that it kind of hurts. Niamh is a people pleaser, she does what she does out of duty to her family and seeing her progression out of that mentality is so nice to see. Kit is another great character and has a steady progression from being the grumpy in this grumpy x sunshine pairing to being someone Niamh confides in. The buildup of their relationship was so rewarding and it was tactfully done.

All the other sub-plots are getting a small mention because a lot does happen in this book! The Gossip Girl-esque column that is used to lay pressure on Jack, Kit’s brother and prince regent was so hard not to read in Kristen Bell’s iconic voice. Also just the sheer dramatics of this wedding and all the secrets that get unraveled throughout the story?? Absolutely was so in and along for the ride with it!

I definitely recommend this book if you ever thought to yourself “I want to read Bridgerton but fantasy” this is it and so much more!!

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When Niamh Ó Conchobhair is hired to make the prince of Avaland’s attire for the celebrations surrounding his royal wedding, she sees it as a chance to make a difference in the lives of herself and her family. She doesn’t expect the prince, Kit Carmine, to be grumpy, sullen, and even prickly about the entire experience, but as she soon discovers, the marriage is not a love match. The wedding is a political union.

Still, Niamh is there to focus on her work, on using her magical gift to imbue the garments she creates with emotions and memories. And as she grows closer to Kit, she’s able to tailor his garments more and more to what he needs.

But there’s political unrest in Avaland, and Niamh finds herself being used as a pawn in more ways than one.

The world-building at the beginning was a bit slow for me, but I was impressed by the world Allison Saft creates using the framework of Regency England. She uses this fantasy world to explore political and social unrest, discrepancies between classes, colonization, and what that cost the coffers of the monarchies.

I loved deeply-feeling Kit and how what he creates with his magic reflects what he is feeling. And the love story between Kit and Niamh is tender and sweet.

I also appreciated the queer representation interwoven into the story.

I found Fran Burgoyne’s narration to be very soothing. I especially enjoyed how she captures all of the different accents in play.

I received an advance copy of the ebook from Wednesday Books and NetGalley. All review opinions are my own.

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[ RATING: 2.5 stars ] I really wanted to like "A Fragile Enchantment" but couldn’t really, which is disappointing because I liked the premise and was looking forward to reading it.

I liked the beginning and ending, and the development of Niamh and Kit’s relationship. While there was considerable personal growth and reconciliation among several characters, everything in between was more miss than hit. It’s hard to describe. I wanted more of this and less of that. Maybe the story needed to be a duology…? I don’t know…

I tried hard to like "A Fragile Enchantment" and tried harder to even finish it (I’d considered dnf-ing multiple times), but I didn’t like the story. It’s an okay story and I do believe others will surely find it enjoyable.

CW: past colonization, past alcoholism

Thanks again Wednesday Books and NetGalley for the e-ARC to read in exchange for an honest review!

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This is my first read from this author and I very much enjoyed it. I liked the characters and the setting. It was just the right amount of fantasy & enchantment mixed with magic and romance. I thought the quasi enemies to lovers plot line was well paced and kept me listening. I was very happy for all the characters at the end & thought the ending of the story was well thought out and enjoyable. This isn’t a genre I usually choose but I’m so glad I had the chance to encounter this story. It was lovely!

Thanks to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for a copy of this book..

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A whimsical fantasy book perfect for people who love Margaret Rogerson and Bridgerton. The way Saft can create a magical world along with political interest very quickly and not make it overwhelming is amazing. I enjoyed this story and these characters a lot. The magic was fantastic along with the banter and tension between Kit and Niamh.

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I loved this! It was the level of whimsy and romance I needed to start my year. I can’t wait to get my physical copy.

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Niamh Ó Conchobhair is leaving her home of Machland to travel to Aveland to design the wedding clothes of its prince. Surely a royal appointment would be the cause of celebration? But no, her grandmother is furious with her for leaving their homeland to serve the royal family that blighted their land. Despite her grandmother’s misgiving,s Niamh is excited to experience the dreamlike fairytale romance of a royal wedding.

Once she arrives in Aveland she discovers that the royal wedding is more of a nightmare than a dream. Prince Kit Carmine does not wish to be married, and does not wish for Niamh to come anywhere near him, stating that her magic, and she herself, are useless. Niamh vows to prove him wrong, devising clothes of such magic and wonder to win over the prickly prince. But her magic has a cost, will Niamh exhaust her powers before the big day? And will she be able to stand aside and watch the prince she has poured so much of her heart and magic into marry another?

A Fragile Enchantment is a delightful book full of intrigue, decorum, magic, and romance. Fans of Bridgerton who wish to have more magic in the Ton will love Allison Saft’s latest- I did!

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"A Fragile Enchantment combines a Bridgerton ambiance (and maybe a little Ever After with Drew Barrymore feel) with enchanting magic. The book surpassed my expectations.

The author's beautiful writing style captivated me. While some might find the pacing slow, I appreciate character development, making the pace perfect for me. As someone with a chronic illness, I enjoyed the nuanced conversations around this theme. The author also adeptly incorporated aspects of mental illness and addiction, addressing all three thoughtfully.

The characters and their interactions, including the delightful banter, were a highlight. The love interest, initially a grump and onion, unfolds into a marshmallow. The book weaves loyalty, found family, romance, magic, and politics seamlessly. I wasn't prepared for the story to end.

One small critique is a desire for the author to delve a bit more into the main character's conversations with her family towards the end. Without giving away spoilers, the character's strong family connection influenced many decisions, and though briefly touched upon, a more extended exploration would have been appreciated. Despite this minor point, I genuinely loved the book. Eagerly awaiting its audiobook release for a re-listen.

Special thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC for an honest review.

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Oh my gosh, why did this have to end? I loved Kit and Niamh so much. This book was magical, heart wrenching, and had so much tension. I loved the added details of Niamh's profession and the backstory of the two main groups of people. It added this "forbidden" nature to their relationship.

This was the first Allison Saft book I've read and I can't wait to read more!

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This was a delightful read with heavy Bridgerton vibes and added magic. It turned out to be quite the page turner, with characters I cared about. You really get pulled into another world by the writing and I love that it was a standalone novel.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for access to this arc.

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A Fragile Enchantment is one of the most magical, engrossing books I've ever read! The worldbuilding is incredible, detailed and unique while also paralleling our own. I was completely taken in by the culture and Niamh Ó Conchobhair's place in it as an immigrant from an Irish-esque land in Avaland. Saft does an incredible job at showing the tensions between the two countries with micro-aggressions Niamh experiences and terrible histories. Everything Saft included in the pasts of the two countries made me want to learn as much as I could about them.
As Niamh fought to earn respect and a better life for her family, I fell in love with her character; her determination to make a better life for herself, her gentleness, the way she handles her pain. Niamh's chronic pain was done so well and handled with great importance.
Kit was also such an incredible character; I loved his passion and anger and the way it manifested with his powers.
The magic in this world feels so beautiful while also so real. Saft has an incredible talent for weaving a feeling of enchantment all throughout her writing.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a DRC in exchange or a review.

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A Fragile Enchantment is magical love story of a strong willed common girl and closed off prince.

I really enjoyed our main character Niamh. She had such a unique magical gift I have never read before. The ability to put emotions into the clothes she makes. I also really liked Kit. Their love was everything I want from a grumpy sunshine dynamic.

I will say the pacing of this book was extremely slow for me. I was engaged but felt that somethings dragged on for far too long.

Overall I really enjoyed this one. It was a solid fantasy romance.
3/5 Stars

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for sending me an arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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4 stars.
A Fragile Enchantment is a regency-era, fantasy novel with chronic illness and mental health representation. Niamh, a magical seamstress, captures the eye of the King and is hired to create pieces for the highly anticipated royal wedding of the Prince. Niamh puts others' needs before her own and pushes herself too hard for the sake of others, even with her own chronic illness. She meets Kit, the prickly and stubborn groom, who makes it his job to make her job harder. As these two continue to encounter one another during wedding preparations, Niamh realizes that the wedding between the two kingdoms is merely a political move and Kit is being dragged to the alter by his King brother. A columnist reminiscent of Lady Whistledown, implies chemistry sparking between Kit and Niamh that finds them in the middle of a forbidden love, royal scandal, and political tension.

The story is magical and captivating with its regency-era charm, romance and fantasy. It is an enchanting escape into a magical world of forbidden love, grumpy royals, friendship, loyalty, family and sacrifice. Readers will enjoy this new Romantasy novel by Allison Saft.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press/Wednesday Books for the e-arc of Allison Saft's newest novel, A Fragile Enchantment, in exchange for my honest review. I look forward to this release and getting my hands on a physical copy to reread.

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DNF @ 45%

I was looking forward to this one since I love books about fashion and the idea of a magical dressmaker sounds so interesting, but unfortunately I'm struggling to get into the story. It feels like there's not a lot of plot so far, and the story is pretty slow-paced. I'm finding myself bored while reading, and I'm not invested enough to finish the book. However, there are many elements in this one that I'm sure others will enjoy more than I did.

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