Member Reviews

4 1/2 stars!

This was a lovely young adult romantasy. Even though it was light on the fantasy elements other than some mild world building and details of magic, it definitely delivers on a swoony romance. Even better, it's an enemies to lovers trope. Gimmee Gimmee!

Niamh has been brought to the royal palace of another country to make the wedding clothing for the prince's upcoming nuptials. With her magical ability to blend emotions into her creations, she's creating a reputation as a talented seamstress and many are clamoring for her clothing. With dreams of using her abilities to secure financial stability for her mother and grandmother, Niamh is willing to work herself to the bone to earn a solid reputation. What she doesn't count on is finding herself caught up in an unforeseen romance. After all, the kingdom of Avaland looks down upon the Macklish people which is where Niamh is from.

I simply loved this book. It just had such a fun and flighty feel to it. Even though there were serious topics involved, it was still such a joyful and feel good book. I love it when true love wins out.

AUDIOBOOK: I also listened to the audiobook and truly loved the narration! 5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley for both the ebook and audiobook. I voluntarily chose to review them and the opinions contained within are my own.

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I enjoyed this book for sure. I thought it was a little slow, and then there was so much action at the end, and I wanted more of that. The characters were very cool and complex. I loved the different types of magic, especially Niamh's, and how they related to fashion and feeling. I also liked the regency vibes from this book—it mixed well with the fantasy world. I also think pretty much all of the main characters were LGBTQ+ and it was great to see that. I think the pacing was just off for me and it took me a while to fully invest. I also would have liked some more background on the kingdom and/or Niamh's family history. I wanted to love this one so much, but it just didn't hit for me. Thank you to Wednesday Books for the ARC and #gifted finished copy.

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I'm literally FROTHING at the mouth for ANYTHING that this author writes. Read it. Just read it. I can't imagine how you couldn't like it. I laughed, I cried, I obsessed over the prose and lush writing that never overpowered the plot because she's just that good. It was everything.

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Thank you to Netgalley, St. Martins Press/ Wednesday Books and Ms. Saft for the opportunity to read an ARC of this book. An honest review was requested but not required.

This reads as a STRONG alternative history-but-make-it-fantasy of England/Ireland, if alternative fantasy historical England was ruled by a version of William and his younger brother Harry were the MMC. Seriously. And William's, I mean Jack's, wife Sofia gave me some strong Queen Elsa vibes. So: a mashup! Not that there's anything wrong with that.

But I digress. This was super charming. Maybe a readalike for the Emily Wilde books, even. Niamh is a divine-blooded (read: has magic, bleeds gold not red) citizen of Not-Ireland, I mean, Machland. Her magical talent is in making clothes imbued with emotions, and she's tapped by the Not-English Prince Regent to make the wedding clothes for Prince Kit and his Not-Spanish fiancée, Rosa. Niamh is willing to do this because the money and exposure will mean a better life for her Mom and Grandma, even though using her magical talent is gradually killing her. OF COURSE sparks fly between Niamh and the prickly Prince Kit.

This was super cute, and sweet, and fun. Would recommend widely especially to BookTokers looking to read something while they wait to get a copy of the same 7 books they're all reading. Allison Saft has a deft way with descriptions that I really liked. I wish Niamh had been a little less obtuse about doing everything herself, and I was surprised that she was so comfortable (in her capacity as a paid contractor/servant) speaking her mind to Prince Kit and Prince Jack. It seemed a little too casual at times. But I didn't care because I was having so much fun. Looking forward to more by this author.

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This was like if Bridgerton actually discussed class struggles and mental health issues. The high class MMC + lower class FMC is a fairly common pairing in regency romance and I feel like it can either be really enjoyable or it can make the entire book tedious. Here, the weaving in of fantasy elements and full development of the characters makes it absolutely enjoyable. I love a book with more worldbuilding and this just makes me want to pick up another Allison Saft novel.

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I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed the fantasy world so similar to our Victorian era and all the Celtic names. There was a bad case of "explaining everything to the reader" that I just couldn't get into.

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A Fragile Enchantment is a regency era Bridgerton-esque story following our FMC named Niamh (pronounced Neave) and our MMC named Kit. Niamh jumps at the chance to design the clothes for the upcoming royal wedding in Avaland. Her family is poor with little money to their name, so this is a chance for Niamh to help her family. The kingdom is not what Niamh expects upon arrival. There is conflict brewing in the working class and it is changing the course of things in the palace. Niamh puts all her emotions into her fabric making and that sets her apart from the rest of the pack.

I requested this book on a whim while browsing Netgalley, and I was absolutely BLOWN away. I've had really great luck with YA this year which I haven't had in so many years. YA used to be my jam and I haven't been able to find books that affected me in the same way. But boy, oh boy this book was like a glass of cold water for my thirsty heart.

Historical romance is my favorite subgenre of romance, so I knew this book had great potential to be great for me. I was hesitant about the magical aspect that Saft wove into the story because I didn't know how magic in a historical romance setting would work out. However, I loved the magical aspect of the book and I think it worked really well for the story.

I loved Niamh as a main character. I liked how she was flawed, just like any other teenager would be. But I also loved how strong and brave she was. Kit was probably my favorite character in the story, with Rosa following as a close second. Kit was a complicated dude and I'm so glad he found a home in Niamh to let his emotions out. I loved seeing him gain his confidence toward the end of the book and seeing him really stand up to his brother was so refreshing.

One thing about me is I need a strong romance to keep me invested. The romance doesn't have to be the center of the story, and I most definitely don't need explicit content for me to read a book. However, having two characters with a strong and romantic love is so important for me to stay invested in a story. And I feel like I got just that with Niamh and Kit. Sometimes I'm a bit wary of a YA story because most times the romance is a fluffy high school romance that doesn't stick with me, but this was different than those books. The things Kit said to Niamh were romantic and heartfelt and had me giggling and kicking my legs like a little girl. This YA book was everything I needed and more. Allison Saft has beautiful writing that is steeped in romance and adventure and I can't wait to read from her backlist.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Read if you like:
• Magical elements
• Opposite attracts
• Enemies to lovers
• Forbidden love
• LGBTQ rep
• Royalty/Regency settings

There is something about Allison Saft's writing that really pulls you into her worlds like no other can do. I don't know what it is, but it's always easy to dive into it and feel the vibe. And I really enjoyed the vibe of this one.

Not gonna lie, Kit is exactly the type of character I instantly fall for. Broken, moody, trying hard not to show any emotions, mad at everyone. I was like: LET'S SAVE HIM! And that is exactly what happened, a story of two persons that want nothing to do with each other but end up saving each other. The way they both were so different and yet so similar in their want to put everyone else before them, just made me love them even more. I enjoyed the relationship between all the character, the friendships, the love, it was all so good and evolved so well.

I did enjoy the setting with the castle life, the historical vibe, the political intrigue, the secret identities, it was all very good. Alison Saft writes great tension between the characters and it always makes me giddy. There were some scenes that still live rent free in my head, I loved the fragility, honesty and vulnerability our character shared.

A lot of great representations were in this book, with chronic and mental illness well showcased with our main characters. You also get this whole problem between working class and monarchy going on, LGBTQ representation as well, and even some sort of racial discrimination over our main character and others who are considered outsiders and often seen as less than others due to where they came from and their origins. Navigating through all of this was very engaging.

I did however find that it got a little slow on the plot part at some point and I did lose a little tiny bit of my interest. I'm not big on 3rd act breakups and all, so I always find it hard to get through when it happens. But overall, still a very enjoyable read.

I did relate to this one on so many levels. This year, my family and I lived thoroughly with the "taking it day by day" mindset as we had some difficult events to get through. Knowing you'll lose someone isn't easy and I think that sometimes thinking about the future is the most depressing thing to do, so you have to take it one day at a time to survive. Focus on the small happiness, and continue to go on. So yes, this whole mindset really got to me on a whole other level.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the eARC. All opinions are my own.

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A Fragile Enchantment is one of the best books I’ve read in months! It was whimsical, and sweet, and angsty.

The story follows Niamh (an extremely positive dress-maker that can embed her designs with magic that brings forth certain memories or feelings) and Kit (a moody prince with a sharp tongue who doesn’t have full control of his powers, when he feels intense emotions the plants around him seem to have a mind of their own).

Allison Saft is a master at crafting well developed magic systems and combining them with swoon worthy romances. As I was reading I felt like Niamh’s magic was real, it was so vividly described. It helped that her magic was tied to emotion because it made me feel everything Niamh was feeling as she sewed.

I like to think both Niamh and Kit are cinnamon rolls, although Kit might be one in disguise. The two were so clearly perfect for each other, but I’m glad Saft took time to develop their feelings. Niamh feels this need to put everyone’s happiness above her own and Kit has never really thought about what he wants for himself. So these two definitely made for an interesting dynamic. Add on top of that Kit’s inability to say anything without sounding a little harsh and Niamh’s sensitivity, CHEF’S KISS.

I truly don’t know how to express just how much I loved these characters. It’s like when you see a cute animal and want to squish its face. That’s me with Niamh and Kit.

(Also the side characters were well written, I just needed to gush about the MCs)

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I enjoyed this book A LOT! This book gave a bit of Gossip Girl but in a Monarchy setting.

This book follows Niamh who is a dressmaker who has the magic power to stitch memories and feelings into what she makes. Niamh is commissioned by the Kingdome of Avaland, the same Kingdom that her country just won its freedom from, to make the garments for the upcoming wedding. Niamh finds herself learning the intricacies of court and finding out who she can and can't trust.

This book was magical and really sucked me into the world. I found myself wanting to know what happened next, it was a bit predictable in some places. I enjoyed the relationship between Niamh and Kit as it was fun to read them bantering at each other. 4/5 stars as I enjoyed this book and I hope those who read it enjoy this magical world as well.

Thank you to Netgalley, Allison Saft, and St. Martin's Press for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I have a lot to say about this title but due to St. Martin’s Press and Wednesday Books completely ignoring the concerns of the book online community, I will not be sharing them with my followers or here on NetGalley. If the legitimate issues are addressed, I will be happy to contribute an addendum to this review and post my review online.

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I enjoyed this!

While I've honestly read so many books similar to this that in some ways it felt like I'd already read this, this is still a solid romantic fantasy read with just a hint of magic.

This best thing about this, in my opinion, is the magical atmosphere and vibe. It's a steady, somewhat dreamy, read with intriguing world-building and a sweet romance.

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Am I reviewing both Saft books in one day? YES I AM.
The only other book I have read by the author, is 'A Dark and Drowning Tide,' also on Netgalley. I finished them both relatively close to one another. This has no effect on one another reviews

As usual, Allison DELIVERED. I was worried this book may have been too YA for me (I do not mean spicy content, I just mean writing wise) but this held it's own. It was written with just the perfect amount of prose, and never felt as grating and underwhelming as most YA writing today feels. It was also very cute and fluffy. There isn't much to dislike. Its a very sweet feel good romance.

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What an enchanting and magical story! It gives Bridgerton vibes SO MUCH! This book had me SWOONING :)

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***ARC received from Wednesday Books and NetGalley in exchange for honest review, opinions are all my own. Thank you!***

A Fragile Enchantment follows a magic seamstress as she tried to manage to find her place in a hostile court with a bridge and groom not exactly rushing to the alter. This was a sweet romantic read.

For the most part I liked Niamh, she is very sweet and a bit naive but she is just so honest. She truly believes that everyone should be allowed to get whatever they put their hearts to. Its runs counter to the other characters who are more bound by duty. I loved the friendship that she developed with Sinclair and Rosa, to very different personalities but both driven by duty that is destroying them. The author has a great way of created multiple complex characters that deal with trauma and duty in unique ways that feel true to their personalities. I wish that we had gotten to explore this more with Kit as he has such a sad backstory that really shapes who he was. He is so afraid to let people close and I did feel so bad for him when he felt so betrayed after slowly breaking down his walls. All the characters deserved the greatest of happiness and it felt like it was just out of reach for some.

The central romance between Niamh and Kit was probably my least favorite part of the book, which is a shame as its the main driving point of the book. I just wasn’t that invested in their romance it had a feeling of instalove to me and I just didn’t fully understand what drew them to each other since most of their early conversations are stilted and Kit is mostly rude to Niamh and everyone else. It felt hard to cheer for them as the romance rushes through to the end, they don’t seem to really know much about each other. Yes they do forge a budding friendship that I wish had been explored more than jumping right into the romance. I also found the secondary characters romantic relationships much deeper than the leads are we barely get to see any of it. I would have taken a full book of their romantic story.

I did really like the magic system in this world. Niamh’s magic in particular was so beautiful, how she would weave emotions and feelings into the clothing that she was creating. How it impacts both the wearer and those that are viewing them. Simple but also very powerful gift that you hope the person creating the fabric likes you. The other magic is a little more simple but I think if it had been explored more it would have been more interesting.

One frustrating thing about this book is that it is trying to juggle too much within the story. Maybe if it had been longer than a standalone it could have given them proper attention. Instead it felt like they were added in to give the book tension that wasn’t really necessary. There is no real payout to it other than its just there. When the book does handle the conflict well is when it comes to Niamh and the way she is treated for where she is from. Because we are in Niamh’s POV we get to experience her emotions and thoughts as she experiences the discrimination and backhanded compliments from the citizens that desire her work but not her.

A Fragile Enchantment had a few flaws but it was a good read with strong complex characters and an interesting magic system.

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I completely loved this book and found the plot very easy to follow along with. The characters were amazing, and Allison always has a way of writing a story and leaving readers captivated. This isn’t the first Allison Saft book I’ve read, I also liked A dark and drowning tide. I love how her books are always diverse. Highly recommend her books to fantasy romance readers.

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This was such a cozy lovely romance that included some magic and fantasy aspects. This follows Niamh who is hired by the prince regent to use her magic and create outfits for the younger prince Kits wedding. Her background is from a part of the country that warred with the kingdom. I’m always a sucker for a grumpy hero and Kit was no exception. I loved his story and how he grew throughout the story. Niamh was a great character as well and the way they started to fall as she worked on the clothes was great. I also loved the found family with Sinclair, Rosa and Miriam. This is my first by the author but won’t be my last. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this Arc.

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Real Rating: 3.5 / 5 Stars

Part Pride & Prejudice, part Bridgerton, and a very generous dollop of fairy tale magic is the stuff A Fragile Enchantment is made of. That’s a problem, because it just feels all so derivative.

Normally, this wouldn’t bother me so much. Genre fiction of all kinds is beholden to the paths trodden before it. I can see the influences from authors as disparate as Jane Austen and Naiomi Novik inside this book. In my opinion, it becomes an issue when I (as a reader) keep thinking about other authors’ works as I’m reading the book in front of me instead of being completely immersed in the book I’m reading. For instance: While reading many scenes in this book involving Kit, I shouldn’t constantly be comparing him to Mr. Darcy. I should be fully invested in Kit as a character all his own instead of saying, “My, how very Darcy-like of him”. At one point, in the third act, there was another strong P&P correlation that actually made me groan aloud. That isn’t something I can applaud.

What saves this book is Allison Saft’s compelling and beguiling sentence composition and her elegant word selections. Her prose is absolutely beautiful when given free rein. When A Fragile Enchantment isn’t concentrating on being so rigid in its period restraints, the prose absolutely glows with loveliness. That’s what kept me reading to the end. I wanted to gobble up those beautiful sentences. It shows that Saft truly has talent as a writer. That was worth sticking around for.

I was provided a copy of this title by NetGalley and the author. All thoughts, opinions, views, and ideas expressed herein are mine and mine alone. Thank you.

File Under: Fantasy/Romantasy/Historical Fantasy/LGBTQ Fantasy/Standalone Novel

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A FRAGILE ENCHANTMENT is a cozy, YA fantasy that will be sure to warm your heart and invoke those Bridgerton regency romance vibes that you're searching for. I enjoyed Kit and Niamh's romance dearly, and loved the audiobook narration. It felt just as charming as the story. Forbidden romance, enemies to lovers, a grump and a sunshine, regency romance, what more do you want?

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This is a Bridgerton-inspired fantasy romance about a tailor from an oppressed colony who is invited by the Prince Regent to make clothes for his brother's wedding, giving her the opportunity to establish her reputation and move to the mainland with her family so her mother and grandmother won't have to live in poverty any longer. The marriage is a political one so there's no love between the brother and his wife-to-be, and of course Niamh (the tailor) falls in love with the brother.

There is unfortunately a lot that misses the mark here. The political unrest from Niamh's homeland is driving the plot, but Niamh isn't herself radicalized, and because we're only in her POV and she's among the noble Avalish, not the oppressed Machlishes (her own people), we don't really get a visceral sense of how bad it is for them, which undercuts the stakes. The magic system is under-utilized here--why was magic even important to this story? Niamh's magic could have simply be chalked up to talent, and no one else seems to use their magic in any useful ways. Niamh's chronic illness is also vague--at times she seems close to death, but there's no real resolution about how this illness could kill her at any moment or in 40 years. Finally, the love story feels underdeveloped. Niamh isn't a terribly compelling character, and Kit seems to be not just grouchy but actively mean for much of the book, and then all the sudden, Niamh's interest in him goes from intrigue/confusion to love, even though he continues to push/pull with her for the rest of the book.

I had high hopes from the beautiful cover and the Regency vibes with magic blurb, but I wasn't wowed by this one.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC.

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