Member Reviews

"A Fragile Enchantment" is a 5-star gem that will leave readers spellbound. Allison Saft's evocative prose, memorable characters, and the seamless blending of romance and fantasy make this novel an absolute delight. For those who crave a magical journey filled with love, intrigue, and unforgettable characters, this enchanting read is an absolute must.

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I really enjoyed this and found it to be a delightful romantic romp. However, in solidarity with the St. Martinโ€™s Press boycott, I will be withholding a full review at this time.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I'm utterly enchanted by this story. Niamh and Kit, you were what I had been yearning for and didn't even know it. Reading this book was like watching the lighthearted & super charming k-drama (or comedy, whatever is your thing) that you didn't know you needed! This is my first novel by this author, and I'm captivated by her emotional storytelling that delves into deep waters of heartbreak yet remains hopeful. The fact that her next book is a dark academia is intriguing and speaks to the author's variety in taste and writing style. But until then, I welcome you to this fragile but heart-warming enchantment....

Niamh was a lovely heroine. Resourceful, kind, and righteous without being annoying. I also liked the character's nuances: she was righteous but practical enough to take the smart road and not sit on her high horse, kind and loving of her family but brutally smart and logical to choose wealth and a financially stable future even though her grandmother didn't approve. I loved her sense of humor and how charmingly and clumsily she adapted to the new society in Avaland. I loved how she didn't bow to the royal family, neither of fear, awe or hate, and how she challenged everyone around her to be and do better. And I loved how she didn't judge anyone for the faults and mistakes of their parents. She saw the people who stood before her, and not the horrible people who did horrible deeds. But what resonated with me was her need to help her family without caring for her own well-being. All she ever wanted was to contribute to her family and provide them with a financially stable future by using her powers, not caring about how her magic deteriorated her health. The selfnessness was so pure that it shone brightly, and a bit sadly, in the book.


Kit, being the love interest with the personality of a wet cat, like the author wrote on her Instagram. Kit is a character who has suffered a lot, due to his horrible family but also due to his self-judgment. To alleviate that pain, he went to drinking and some self-destructive behavior, but he got out of it on his own. It takes a lot of strength to see the darkness around you and stepping onto the light again and it takes more strength to remain on the right path. There was a scene of a party at a pub of sorts, and he remained so strong. Well, strong and broody, which is his default mode really. I love broody characters, and Kit was amazing. He had a grimace for everyone and a sarcastic thought for everything, and I had such a great time with him!

Niamh and Kit bickered like a married couple ALMOST from the first time they met. But it wasn't a case of instant love. Instant attraction, sure, but the love came afterwards like a nicely wrapped present. I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED THE ROMANCE!!! They complement and compliment each other perfectly. Niamh is like the passionate but warm and nice fire for Kit's broody, calm reasoning, both being way too self-deprecating for their own good. I loved them separately and I loved them together so much. Stunning romance for a stunning romantic fantasy!

I enjoyed the side characters, as well. Sinclair was a marvel, and he felt like the funny best friend we need in our lives. I also felt for the prince regent who is a control freak unable to realize he could use some help lmao and his wife, Sofia, who felt like the calm in all the storms in the story. Miriam and Rosa were a delight!!! All side characters were fully fleshed out with unique traits and quirks, which made this charming worldbuilding feel grander than it really was.

Did I mention that this is a queer romantic fantasy with some serious and glorious bisexual belongingness????? There are numerous LGBTQIA+ characters, and I loved how their /romantic/ storylines were seamlessly weaved into the story without it being the center-point of their whole existence.

The worldbuilding was nice, truly inspired by regency-England. It's not usually my thing, but the characters were too good for me not to fall in love with the story. Niamh's power to put emotions into clothes was unique and original, and it added to the emotional resonance of the story.

The plot was well-paced, with lots of breathing room and yet full of splendor, witty comebacks, and lots of small things that cumulate to some epic chaos towards the end.

The one thing I could say that I'm not sure how YA this story is. I'd say that it's more new adult as in upper, upper YA. Also, the very fact that Niamh chose to work in the land that had been at war with her people left me wondering the moral of it all, but desperate, poor people will look at all avenues to secure a financially stable future. It was about survival and a young girl's need to make sure her family lives on well.

I absolutely loved this story! Political intrigue, discussion on the need of a monarchy and how they rule, heart-wrenching insecurities and traumas, delightful banter, and relatable, rootable characters! It had it all, and I'm so glad I've read this book. It was exactly what I needed when I needed it.

I'm forever enchanted by it! It's the most beautiful romantic fantasy you'll read.

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My polite summary: This is a book that's great for lovers of YA romantasy and the related popular tropes.

My unfiltered summary: This is regurgitated drivel.

I knew going into this book that it may follow the most basic and overused formula and tropes, but I had hopes it would provide some inspired creativity. Instead, it is simply the very most common romantasy framework overlaid with new names and settings. Aside from some funny parts strewn throughout, the vast majority of this book was not worth my time reading it as it offered nothing new in the form of entertainment. I've read and watched the exact same plot over and over again already, and don't need yet another retelling of the same story.

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๐‘จ๐‘น๐‘ช ๐‘น๐’†๐’—๐’Š๐’†๐’˜: ๐ด ๐น๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘”๐‘–๐‘™๐‘’ ๐ธ๐‘›๐‘โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘ก๐‘š๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ก by Allison Saft

4 stars โ˜†


Niamh ร“ Conchobhair has divine blood. The magic that runs through her allows her to enchant fabric with emotions and memories. But the magic that grants her this gift is also killing her. Niamh is determined to use the time she has left to scrape out a better living for her family. So when she is summoned to the neighboring kingdom of Avaland to become the seamstress for the upcoming royal wedding, she canโ€™t possibly refuse.

However, things within the court are not what they seem. Everyone seems to wear a mask of propriety, keeping secrets that could spell ruin for a kingdom already holding on by a thread. Unrest brews within the working class and the Prince Regent, Jack Carmine, seems to be doing everything in his power to avoid his problems, his only focus getting through Kitโ€™s wedding. Prince Kit Carmine is Jackโ€™s abrasive and troubled younger brother, resigned to his fate as a political pawn. Niamh is unprepared to reside within the polite society of kingdom that doesnโ€™t seem to want her. But sheโ€™s even more unprepared to face the feelings for Kit that are starting to bloom and the heartbreak she knows will come.

This story is everything soft and delicate. Itโ€™s full of tender moments in jasmine-laced gardens and sunny days spent under parasols. I had so many mixed feelings throughout this book! The world is whimsical, full beautiful magic and reminiscent of a fairytale. I LOVED the diversity and representation within ๐›ข ๐น๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘”๐‘–๐‘™๐‘’ ๐›ฆ๐‘›๐‘โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘›๐˜ต๐‘š๐‘’๐‘›๐˜ต.

The romance portion wasnโ€™t my favorite at times, maybe because I didnโ€™t connect very well with Kit as our love interest. Some of his responses were just a little too abrasive for me. I do also wish there was more magic shown throughout the book. Reading about the unique magic of the divine blooded was one of my parts, but I feel like that aspect faded into the background a little bit too much.

Pick up ๐›ข ๐น๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘”๐‘–๐‘™๐‘’ ๐›ฆ๐‘›๐‘โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘›๐˜ต๐‘š๐‘’๐‘›๐˜ต if you love:

LGBTQ+ rep
Chronic Illness rep
Regency Romance


Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martinโ€™s Press for providing me with a copy!

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4.5 stars
This was such a cute fantasy romance! I read the ebook and listened to the audio. I definitely recommend the experience either/both way(s)! There wasnโ€™t a lot of world building in the story, which made it very accessible to just pick up and enjoy the story without worrying about having to keep track of something complicated or overrun with too many characters. The chemistry between the main characters was spot on. The storyline was top notch from start to finish. I hope there are more stories in this universe!!
*Thanks to MacMillan and NetGalley for the advance copy

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This book was so good! Dreamy, captivating, full of fantasy, magic and romance! My brain had issues pronouncing the main characters name... so I googled it... then my brain just saw the English translation instead of the Irish/ Celtic pronunciation. I couldn't put this book down!!!

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A sweet, fun, cozy, and adventurous read. Would absolutely recommend it to all Romantacy fans. I haven't read the Bridgerton series, but I think fans of that series would love this book. I am definitely interested in more from Allison Saft.

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3.25/5 - A Fragile Enchantment is considered to be a Young Adult Fantasy Romance novel, though I consider it a YA romance with elements of magic because their is no substantial presence of fantasy in the story arc. Itโ€™s in a Regency-esque setting. The storyline is said to be reminiscent of Bridgerton and Howlโ€™s Castle, I only saw faint traces of similarities between this story and those two.

Overall, this was decent. I liked the magical elements in the story especially Niamhโ€™s abilities as a tailor and learning about the different dresses sheโ€™d worked on. The writing itself was good and I enjoyed the descriptions; the pacing of the plot was perfect.

I think the main drawback of this novel is that the author rarely explored or elaborated on any aspect of the story - keeping everything very surface level. The plot was simplistic, there were different (fictional) countries and kingdoms involved but we donโ€™t delve too much into the history of them. I wouldโ€™ve loved to learn more but it was understandable if the author chose not to in order to avoid diverging too far from the main story. Same goes for certain side characters who seemed interesting but ended up being quite flat due to the lack of characterization.

With regards to Kit and Niamh, I think more attention should have been given to their backstories along with their evolving relationship especially given the history of where they both came from etc. The author seemed to fall back on the cliches of a specific trope to explain their dynamic. Most of their scenes together seemed to be a pattern of banter and hyper-analyzing facial expressions. As a result, I found it hard to believe in their relationship or get invested in their story.

This story seems to be for a younger demographic but can be a cozy romance for older readers. I wasnโ€™t the intended audience for this novel since I typically do not read Young Adult or Romance but I did not dislike this book. If youโ€™re into either of those genres and are looking to read something that is quick and light then this is a great choice. Going into it with minimal expectations will also help. Once I accepted how simple this story intended to be, it was a satisfactory read. After reading more complex novels with heavier subjects and themes, this was a nice change.

For those who enjoy reading YA Romance, Romantasy or Regency-inspired romance then you will like this...perhaps even love it.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for giving me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Net Galley for providing me an ARC of this novel.

Unfortunately, I didnโ€™t enjoy the novel as much as I hoped. The premise of a seamstress able to weave magic and memory into her work and, of course, a regency romance is what interested me in the first place.

However, the story only touches on the surface of the process of bringing designs to life. I get that it might be boring to some people, but when sowing and creating together an outfit from scratch is basically a main part of Niamhโ€™s identity, I want to see her work her magic, her entire creative process. But thereโ€™s no montage or anything, we start from the designs and skip directly to the end results. This greatly disappointed me.

Furthermore, in the first 20 pages of the novel, there was so much info dump that even halfway through the novel, I was still confused about the world building.

Moreover, the romance in the book feels random and forced. I feel like Kit being prickly for the sake of the โ€œmean but soft on the insideโ€ troupe. Also, Niamh, I understand sheโ€™s from Machland and so manners would be culturally different from Avaland, but she acts out of line too much. The opportunity to create outfits for Kit is one she desperately needs to take her family out of poverty and live a good life. Itโ€™s everything to her. Yet, she acts too friendly, and sometimes rude, to the royal family and itโ€™s justify that since Kit is rude to her, she can be rude back. It makes me feel that despite the importance of the opportunity, Niamh doesnโ€™t take it seriously enough.

One last thing, the conversation feels awkward. The main trio, Niamh, Kit and Gabriel, talk like theyโ€™re teenagers instead of adults. The bickering between Niamh and Kit feels like theyโ€™re ten years old fighting on the playground over a toy. Then thereโ€™re parts of the stories where I get thrown back into the modern era and it feels weird.

Overall, the premise of the book was really interesting. However, the execution was lacking in many ways.

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I really couldn't get into this book. The main character seemed like a cookie-cutter mold of every other female main character out there.

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I haven't been able to stop thinking about this book since I put it down. It's taken me forever to write this review because it was just so good!! What else is there to say?? 5/5 recommending this to everyone, Allison Saft you never disappoint!!

If the bisexual representation, chronic illness, mental health, grumpy x sunshine, regency inspired atmosphere isn't enough to draw you in, then maybe the tense political battle between the laborers and the monarchy will. Or maybe the forbidden love between a royal and a woman from the lower class? Ok if that still isn't good enough, then what about a gossip columnist spilling stories about the royal family in the newspaper???? AND THERE'S MAGIC!!!!

While this seems like just a romance, this book has so many more layers. There is a war brewing in the kingdom of Avaland between the working class and the monarchy, where the laborers aren't getting paid their wages and the kingdom is turning a blind eye. On top of that, the main character, Niamh O'Conchobhair comes from an Ireland-inspired country and is discriminated against for her ethnicity, class, and accent. These topics being the forefront of the book along with the romance are what truly made the book one of my top reads of this year.

5/5 stars, please read this.

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Let's start off with what I really enjoyed - the romance and the magic. For me, the romance storyline was strong, swoony, and full of all my favorite moments. There's plenty of yearning, romantic tension, and will-they-won't-they. In their romance, you can see them opening up and getting to know each other. This grumpy prince who has to realize that not everyone is out to hurt him, that he can open himself up and bloom. And then you have our magical seamstress who is fiercely protective and also just trying to provide for her family.

But I think where I struggled in A Fragile Enchantment was the world. At various points of the books, Saft is trying to introduce these political elements, but I had a hard time feeling the stakes. For Niamh there's this dichotomy between her identity and that of the nobility, but it only gets brought up when we are supposed to feel it and not in a lot of subtle ways. It feels very much a device for the plot in some instances.

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I honestly DNFโ€™d this book. The sentences read choppy, and itโ€™s *nicely* put that the author hasnโ€™t had an original idea. Itโ€™s like a Bridgerton spinoff involving young adults. Not my favorite. I read 10% into it and felt like I would be wasting my time to finish it.

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I adored this book so much! It was as lovely and warm as a cup of tea on a chilly afternoon. I've had Saft on my radar for a while, but this was my first book of hers. She's a very charming and well, comfy, writer. It was just soothing to read her words. If you like Rebecca Ross' work, I'm sure you'll like Saft's. A FRAGILE ENCHANTMENT itself was perfect modern fantasy--great queer character rep, fun types of magical powers, dashes of BRIDGERTON and all the good tropes tossed in (enemies to lovers, grumpy x sunshine, slow burn Romantasy). What's not to love?

This is the second book I have read where seamstresses can affect people magically with their garments (please read THE CORSET by Laura Purcell for a decidedly darker tale!) and I really like fantasy books where the fantasy elements are primarily illustrated through such types of craftiness. A FRAGILE ENCHANTMENT is low stakes fantasy with high stakes passions, and I'm here for anything and everything Allison Saft from here on out!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC! Can't wait to get this for my library.

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I've yet to read an Allison Saft book that I haven't enjoyed, but A Fragile Enchantment might just be my new favorite by her.

I absolutely adore the Regency England inspired setting, and I'm even more delighted that Saft didn't just borrow the aesthetics without addressing some of the social issues. Even though this is not technically our world, the class issues and relations between Avaland and Machland obviously mirror the fraught history between England and Ireland, while also allowing Saft a little bit more wiggle room with how her characters got to deal with these issues. I thought it was quite smart.

Niamh and Kit also had a fabulous dynamic. It's very much a classic 'getting off on the wrong foot, prickly/sunshiney' pair, but something about their romance just felt really tender and special. I got the sense that they really saw each other, and that can be difficult to pull off. These characters have layers, but they're each able to cut through the other with just a look, and that felt electric on the page.

I also quite enjoyed the supporting characters. Sinclair, Rosa, and Miriam rounded out the story quite nicely, and it felt like Niamh found a legitimate circle of friends to support her. I appreciated that Saft strayed away from the cliche cattiness that can occur between women in stories like this, and instead they actually talked through their issues and communicated like adults.

My only complaint is that it felt like everything wrapped up a bit too quickly/easily. Given that this is a standalone YA fantasy, and not a particularly long one at that, I'm not too surprised, but I wish the climax had been given a bit more time to play out.

This book was so charming and fun! Absolutely loved and recommend.

Thanks to NetGalley and Wednesday books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Having read A Far Wilder Magic and fallen in love with Allison Saft's way with words, I was ecstatic to get my hands on a copy of her newest release, A Fragile Enchantment. And while her prose continues to touch me, this story did not grab my attention the way her previous two novels did. Granted, I'm not a huge fan of historical fiction, and this is a regency-era based fantasy, but I also just wanted a bit 'more' generally from this book. I loved the magic system in this novel, but I wish there was a bit more fantasy elements to it. And while I love Kit and Niamh, I wished they had a few more scenes of romantic development. All that being said, this is still a really strong story. I'm tough on the author because I know what she is capable of. Overall, I would recommend this to any "romantasy" reader.

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oh my god!! this made me feel all kinds of emotions. i lost count of how many times my heart broke for Niamh, but also how many times my heart swelled for her. Niamh and Kit are such wonderful characters and i adore them both so much. best believe iโ€™ll be preordering a physical copy of this book asap

Thank you so much to Allison Saft, St. Martinโ€™s Press and Netgalley for allowing me to read and review this ARC.

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A Fragile Enchantment is enemies to lovers, grumpy x sunshine, forbidden love and magical. Let's just say Bridgerton (Season 2) set in a fantasy world makes for an enchanting love story.

Saft has created a layered romance mixing nobles and lower class love interests who overcome to love each other fully. The whole vibe of this book, its tenderness between its characters and their worlds made this read divine. I need more of their story,..can I have an extended epilogue?

Thank you Wednesday Books for the complimentary copy.

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I was so excited to read this book! It was my first book that I received an early copy of to review, so it will be a very special part of my reading journey.
A Fragile Enchantment follows Niamh, a seamstress who enchants her work with feelings and magic. She is brought to the kingdom of Avaland to make the royal wardrobe for the crowned prince, Kit, and his future bride. Not only is Niamh a talented seamstress but she is also Machlish. The Machlish people have been wrong by the Avaland Kingdom and a group of rioters have been trying to get the prince to listen to their requests. All the while there is a rumor column written by Lovelace. Lovelace always seems to be in the know about the royal family and taunting the Machlish rioters all the while keeping their true identity a secret. Through an unlike friendship Niamh, Kit, and Kitโ€™s best friend Sinclair, try their best to free Kit from his engagement to Rosa and help the Machlish people.
Overall the book was pretty good, I liked the world building and magic system but I struggled getting through the first half of the book. I found the second half much more exciting and easier to follow. At times I got annoyed with Niamh and the way she would like life and opportunities pass her but in the end she learned to stand up for herself and truly take the reins on her life. Kit was also difficult to like at times with his extreme stubbornness and sometimes arrogance. My favorite character in the book was Sinclair. I loved his humor and sarcasm and dedication to his friends.

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