Member Reviews

Allison Saft has this beautiful poetic prose to her, while also maintaining thought provoking plot advancement, slow-burn romance, and character development. Her books are SO fun to read, and A Fragile Enchantment was no different. Niamh is driven and talented and I loved all of the ways a reader could relate to her through the story. Her motivations were clear and she had this innate confidence that was so refreshing to read in a main character. Gone are the days of poorly written, underdeveloped FMCs (Thank goodness!!!) I loved this story, it’s the perfect crossover of regency era antics and wild magical fantasy. I love the worlds Saft weaves and cannot wait to read more! Once I finished it, I immediately preordered a physical copy for my bookshelf!

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A charming fantasy romance with slow burn and a dash of magic.

This book is like a fairy tale. Usually when I say that, I mean it in the "dark, tragic, unsettling" sort of way, but this time I mean it in the "dreamy, beautiful, hopeful ending" sort of way. You've got your self-sacrificing heroine with a heart a gold and magic in her fingertips, a cranky prince surrounded by a wall of thorns (sometimes literally), and a kingdom in peril. The magic system doesn't get much detail, leaving the reader to have to accept that magic is magic, but the rest of the world building is solid - weighted heavily on real world history, including a frank look at colonization, classism, the fact that LGBT people have existed at every point in history. And yet even with all the weight, it remains a dreamy, sometimes cozy read about a gently blossoming romance between two lonely people.

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I was super excited for this from the way it was marketed, but overall it sadly fell flat for me. The writing was good, the potential was there, but it lacked in execution.

Technically this isn’t regency romance, since it’s a fantasy world, but it’s basically historic Ireland/England, even down to the class struggle, just vaguely repainted.

And that’s sort of my biggest problem and why I don’t think I connected with it - everything felt too derivative. Like the author didn’t feel like putting in the effort of diving deep to craft something unique or at least a bit more fleshed out.

It’s Bridgerton’s Lady Whistledown renamed to Lovelace. It’s Elizabeth and Darcy’s heated exchange in the rain, but with no buildup. I can tell the author was having a blast, but as a reader nothing felt earned to me.

Don’t get me wrong, I can see a ton of people loving this. As a fanfic I bet this would pop off on views. If you like a collection of scenes that highlight your favorite romance tropes, I think you might like this. But if you need clean plotting, maybe look elsewhere?

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This is a fantastic book by a fantastic author that I unfortunately cannot review until the boycott for St. Martin’s Press and Wednesday Books has ended. I would love for the publisher to truly consider what they’re requesting. I wish the author lots of love.

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I really wanted to love this, but it ultimately just fell a little flat for me. I love the characters but I thought the worldbuilding and plotting were not as good as they could have been. I wanted to see more of Rosa and Miriam. There were moments, especially towards the end, where characters made choices that didn't make sense and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. There were certain plot points that almost felt tacked on and deserved more screentime than they got.

This wasn't the best read for me, but I think it will appeal to a lot of other readers!

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Regency era books with a fantasy element are slowly but surely becoming my favorite genre.

A fragile enchantment brought me joy even whilst I was in a dark mindset at the moment and for that alone I applaud the characters for peaking my interest and frustrating me with their whims and foolish decisions that I secretly enjoyed solely for the sake of the plot thickening.

The magic system was sorta confusing and not very touched upon imo but regardless what I loved most was Niamh’s ability to somehow place certain feelings/emotions into the materials she made.

Overall, quite an enjoyable read just not the most outstanding fantasy but enough to make one amused whilst reading.

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Thank you NetGalley and the author for giving me an ARC.

This was such a fun and magical romance fantasy novel. It reminded a bit of the bridgerton series and I love it. This is also a great representation of a slow burning romance. I really love Kit and Niamh together. I honestly just wanted more of them.

If you love magic, romance, funny banter, slow burning romance, and intense love; I would definitely check this book out.

4 stars!

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Thank you so much NetGalley for the arc! This book was amazing and I loved every part of it. The fantasy aspect of it was amazing. The characters were also amazing omg. I’m definitely getting a physical copy of this book once it’s out!

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Ok so I’m definitely outnumbered here but I didn’t not like this book LOL

It was just overall boring and lacked idk believable ness? I also believe Niamh has “talk-no-jutsu” and no one realizes it. She’s literally the worst seamstress. Her power is making her dresses magical but the way it works is never explained. Actually the entire magic system is never explained. The boys both can control entire plant growth and wield them while she just does little cantrips and sews “avoidance” into a jacket. And why are they bringing the seamstress with them on vacation when she has to make their outfits by the time of the wedding?? That’s the whole reason she is there?

What type of name is Machland? Do they serve big Mac’s? The author tried to show overt stereotyping and racism but did not do a good job at all imo. I’m not a poc but I want to see if anyone thought the same bc this seemed to be a surface view of it all.

This felt like a Tricia Levenseller book which is my least liked writing style and the plots are always just meh. Definite 3 star read. This book was honestly a snooze fest and I almost DNFd it so many times.

Although the ending was satisfying-ish for being completed and there was a kind of hint of the future? If there’s a novella were she returns to Machland I shall definitely read it.

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What a sweet and captivating YA fantasy/romance! It has all the meat of an adult fantasy but with that touch of innocence that makes reading YA so delightful. Niamh (have no idea how to pronounce her name - in fact many terms are impossible to pronounce unless one is very well versed in what looks to be something Celtic) is a gifted seamstress who can sew emotions into her creations. This unique ability caught the eye of the crown prince and he has hired her to make the clothing for his younger brother’s wedding. She is thrilled because this opportunity could provide a way for her impoverished family to finally have some stability. The problem is, she is from a starving country that was conquered, then neglected by the very royal family who are requesting her services. Subsequently, she is a young woman with the weight of her world riding on her shoulders. This premise allows for more than a light-hearted, easy escape and gives the story much depth as we read.

Kit (Christopher) is the prince whose marriage is eminent. Sadly, it is a union he despises but is unable to get out of, making him surly at best, caustic at worst. So, when he sees the young Machlish woman who is tasked to make everyone beautiful, his ire and temper knows no bounds. As time progresses, however, both Kit and Niamh grow to understand each other more and a strong friendship is formed.

From this premise the story embarks on all kinds of twists and turns that keep the reader completely engrossed and turning the pages! There are secrets and deceptions galore while the characters unravel the reasons behind everything that is keeping Niamh’s people impoverished and why Kit’s marriage is so important. I did struggle with the big “betrayal” because there really shouldn’t have been one. The act was so small for Niamh that it seemed silly to cause such heartache and devastation because of it. Yet, all the final conflicts and climax revolve around it.

Still, the emotions and feelings behind the characters are so well written that any reader will undoubtably laugh, cry, and keep reading until that final page is turned. Then, cross their fingers in hopes another book in this fabulous world is in the making!

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This book was such an interesting read. It’s a historical/fantasy fiction romance which, in my opinion seemed like it was loosely based on the Irish/English conflict and potato famine and economical troubles that Ireland had. The setting and the fact that fantasy, royalty, political strife, and romance was thrown in the mix makes this a very enticing read.

This book is written in the FMC, Niamh who is a gifted seamstress who can embroider emotion and memories from magic she inherited into all the garments she makes. Niamh’s goal is to work so that her family does not experience any further hardship due to the economic distress occurring in Machland. Her talents became so well regarded that she was invited to be the royal tailor for the prince of Avaland’s wedding.

Despite Niamhs family’s protest, Niamh sets sail to Avaland to take the job of a lifetime. Upon arriving, Niamh gets immediately introduced to the Prince Regent once arrives to the palace, and then meets the groom to be, Kit Carmine, who not only is he incredibly attractive, but an abrasive and difficult individual. Kit is being used as a political pawn of his brother and forced to marry for political reasons. As Niamh and Kit get more acquainted, friendship and something else starts blossoming between them, which could lead to calamity. This is especially the case because there is an anonymous writer who has been publishing royal gossip and could expose their fledgling romance.

SPICE: 1/5
LOL: 2/5 – the banter was excellent!
EMO: 1/5

I this book you will find:
-Grumpy / sunshine trope
-Political intrigue
-Enemies to lovers
-Forbidden love
-Bridgerton with magic with you squint
-Chronic health issues
- LGBTQ rep

I highly recommend this book. It was incredibly engaging, the aspect of political intrigue and forbidden love within a royal setting had me devouring this book.

I want to thank NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for providing me with this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A Fragile Enchantment was a sweet, lovely book about love, duty, and putting oneself first. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Niamh and Kit are so adorable, and I love their friends as well. They all complement each other so wonderfully, and I loved seeing not only the romantic dynamic between our two leads but also their blossoming friendships as well.

I think that the balance of romance and political intrigue was done quite well! That can be a struggle for me with historical romance, but Saft did a great job. She also balanced the obvious inspirations of Ireland, England, and Spain with the fantastical worldbuilding of Machland, Avaland, and Castilia. I could easily tell where she found her inspiration, but I could also tell that she took that history and made it her own. I wish there had been a bit more separation of the real-world history and the fantasy world of the book, but that is my personal preference.

I will say that some of the plot points felt either not quite resolved or resolved too quickly, but otherwise, this was so lovely and I can’t wait to read more from Allison Saft. 4 stars

I will post my review on Instagram between Dec 19 and Jan 2, and will post my review on Amazon on publication day.

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woof, this is a fantasy romance book of my dreams!

This has it all: slow burn romance, layered and deep characters, breathtakingly romantic writing, magic not beholden or caught up in rules, historical flare, enemies to lovers that makes sense, everyone is bi or queer, pretty clothes, familial trauma and repair, found family, incredible exploration and self awareness of trauma and introspection, and clear communication.

ALSO HE IS SHORT!!! I stan short or average height romantic leads, this was refreshing. Still taller than Niamh but it makes a difference to see a shorter man described.

I'd describe this like Jane Austen meets Studio Ghibli. He has Darcy vibes and she's Lizzie-meets-Emma. Absolutely recommended for Margaret Rogerson fans of Sorcery of Thorns. It's dramatic but cozy at the same time.

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A cute, wholesome tale of magic and romance wherein up and coming tailor Niamh is summoned to design the wedding wardrobe of Avaland's prince. Despite knowing of the strong prejudice against her people, Niamh seizes the chance to earn a golden commission for her family, spread word of her designs, and maybe reconnect with an old friend in the bustling city of Sootham. Clumsiness, protests, and an ornery prince are not part of the plan, which most certainly doesn't include getting close to said prince either...

In classic Saft style, the story sheds light on historic socio-economic tensions, while also featuring a colorful pseudo-historic setting, glimmers of magic intertwined with everyday life, and beautiful turns of phrase. The language makes the setting, with all the appropriate reticules and curricles and matches of croquet, although the characters speak in a more modern way. I generally didn't mind (sometimes I did). Also a few plot points unfortunately fizzle into nothing, including the consequences of Niamh's magic. But overall it's a quick, charming read that explores the value of self worth and the toxic side of protective sacrifice. Recommend for YA readers who like characters first, plot/setting second.

A closing thought - I generally related to the entire cast of characters as beleaguered children ("You'll figure it out someday, sweetie. I'm rooting for you. Have a peppermint"), but in one place at least I found Prince Kit very relatable. When asked about clothing design preferences, he retorts, "What is so difficult for you to understand? I don't want people to look at me at all." And yeah, I feel that.

Big thanks to this book for keeping me company in the airport this week, and thanks to Netgalley for the ARC

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I throughly enjoyed this book from the first page to the last. I loved the the unique storyline that this author wrote. The story about how Niamh and Kit come together in preparation for his wedding, and explore how people from two different worlds can have so much in common. I loved how she was a magical dressmaker and that her emotions were sewn into all the garments that she created. I very much liked who even though the book was a love story it was also about loving yourself and self acceptance of the good things that come your way.

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For fans of Bridgerton, Pride and Prejudice, and Divine Rivals, A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft includes regency era societal norms but in a fantastical new world with all new mythology, politics, and magic. The enemies to friends to lovers movement that occurs between Niamh and Kit will keep you on your toes the entire time because...Kit is a prince and engaged in an arranged marriage, while Niamh is the tailor hired for the wedding, which causes a lot of trouble.
You'll also be kept on your toes because there is a gossip columnist on the loose who not inly gossips but promotes political causes. While the author leads us to believe our primary suspect is the culprit, the rug is drawn out from beneath us once the real Lovelace (the author of the column) is revealed.
The romance, magic, and war is similar to Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross BUT it is still much different and more light, fun, and frivolous feeling! We also have a strong and dependable FMC, who is trying to support her family and her magical craft even during these tumultuous times.
The secrets, the tension between Kit and Niamh, the drama, the plot twists, and more will drag you into the world of A Fragile Enchantment! Thank you so much to Wednesday books for giving me access to a free e-ARC and the opportunity to read this book before release day because I am not sure I could have waited any longer!💖

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In this romantic fantasy of manners from New York Times bestselling author Allison Saft, a magical dressmaker commissioned for a royal wedding finds herself embroiled in scandal when a gossip columnist draws attention to her undeniable chemistry with the groom.

This was such a sweet little romantic fantasy. I really enjoyed the world-building, the characters, the overall plot. Allison Saft is a terrific writer.

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The world building. The politics. The magic. The names! I love this book so much, I just wish there was more of it! A perfect blend of fantasy with real life political turmoil. I do wish the ending wasn't so abrupt and gave more detail, but it's hard to argue with a HEA.

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Such a touching and lovely ode to loving yourself and not sacrificing your happiness.
In this story, Niamh starts off her journey nervous but ready to sacrifice herself to ensure the wellbeing of her family. Even if such taste would hasten her demise. She soon comes to learn that not even nobility escapes the hardship that she faces. Burden to shoulder everything to protect those you love. Putting up a front to not get hurt but also having a core kindness to those you love.

This book is heartwarming, whimsical, and utterly delightful.
When a book can make me tear up as much as this book did, it is an automatic five stars for me!

I highlighted so many passages from this book that is so searingly true and hits hard to home that I can not help but be endeared. Kit is like a grumpy bear but the heart of a teddybear. How much he cares for Niamh made me swoon. Actions over words ladies!!

Definitely a story I highly recommend.
I cannot wait for a physical copy.

Thank you netgalley for this early copy for my honest subjective opinion.

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I adored this book. It was so fun to read and full of laughter. The banter between the love interests was my favorite part. I can see this series being the next Netflix sensation!

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