Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and the publishing company for giving me an advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review.

This book was truly a delight and I will be reading this book again in the spring since it brought me so much joy! Between the world building and whimsical writing I was hooked!

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A Fragile Enchantment is a whimsically fun fantasy romance with a regency era setting and a cast of morally gray, complex characters. I loved everything about this book. Niamh is an extremely talented tailor who can sew magical enchantments into her designs. When she is hired to design the wardrobe for the royal wedding, she can't believe her luck. Her family desperately needs the money and support. However, this task will be much more challenging than she expected, since the groom is a brooding, angry, uncooperative individual who could care less about both fashion and this wedding. The development of Niamh and Kit's relationship is perfectly executed. In fact, the author does a great job with all of the characters. I especially loved Kit, Sinclair, and Jack. They are all facing their own personal obstacles and, at times, are their own worst enemies. The author also does a fantastic job of demonstrating that there are many types of love and that love can be portrayed through many different actions (not just through hugs and kisses).

I have read Allison Saft's other books and loved them as well. She is definitely one of my must-read authors. I will be recommending A Fragile Enchantment to everyone I know. Easy 5 stars!

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I really wanted to love A Fragile Enchantment, but sadly I found myself frustrated with the story overall! The premise really drew me in: the book is set in a whimsical Regency-esque world with touches of magical realism (the protagonist Niamh is a seamstress who can imbue her designs with particular feelings and memories), contains undercurrents of political intrigue and tension as well as forbidden romance with a prickly prince.

Saft has a lyrical writing quality that I always enjoy; it was present in her previous novel A Far Wilder Magic, and is on full display here as well. The allegorical element seen in her previous book is also present here: Saft seems to explore some of the historical tensions between the English and Irish during the 18th-19th centuries. Despite having fantasy undertones, it feels more grounded as a result and the allegory (even if handled a bit simplistically) gives the novel some complexity.

I just couldn’t get behind the relationships between all the characters. They’re all meant to be a bit unlikeable, (or at least, that’s how I ended up feeling about them) apart from Niamh– who is supposed to be a ray of sunshine. But I really couldn’t understand what Niamh saw in her love interest; it was “insta-love” frustratingly executed as their subsequent interactions didn’t really improve. Additionally, the plot ended up feeling quite messy in its balance of romance and court/political intrigue; it never seemed to find its footing enough to succeed from either angle for me. I wish the magical realism element had been played up a bit more, as I really liked the concept of Niamh’s talent with needle and thread and felt that was overshadowed.

Thank you to Wednesday Books and NetGalley for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review!

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Allison Saft has quickly become one of my must buy authors. Her writing is divinely whimsical and effortless in its narrative. One of the highlights of this book’s many dynamics was the emergence of found family. If you’re into enemies to lovers, regency romance, grumpyxsunshine this is the book for you. Thank you for the e-arc I can’t wait for other readers to fall in love with this novel.

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Some very sweet moments! Loved the whimsy in the magic and the friendships/ found family vibes. Didn't always love the characters, but still a fun read!!

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I have read everything Allison Saft has written. I love how she makes her stories seem effortless and they’re enthralling.
All that to say, this book held my expectations. It was magical and had a lovely slow burn. I wasn’t expecting the person who was outed as the gossip to be the gossip, but I’m glad it was them
I’m also loved how vividly I could picture the stitching magic and emotions into the cloth. Perhaps because I can sew, but it was explained so well.
This book was just delightful and I wanted more but also was so happy with the overall story. I cannot wait for the next book Allison writes.
Many thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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A Fragile Enchantment was such a cozy fantasy, it warmed my heart, it felt a bit like Bridgerton meets Sorcery of Thorns.

Niamh is our protagonist, she’s from Machland a country that once was prosperous and rich but because of the oppression of Avaland, it became poor, their people all but destroyed by the Independence War.

Niamh wants what is best for her family and after being invited by the Crown Prince of Avalan to come to their country and use her unique powers as seamstress to make the clothes to his brother’s upcoming wedding, she knows she can’t let this opportunity pass.

I loved Niamh’s sense of duty, she was such wholesome character, I really connected with her and her feelings, it was beautiful seeing her and Kit fall in love, it happened in a organic way, so it wasn’t rushed.

I also loved the found family in this book, Allison Saft did the trope justice, the relationship between Niamh, Sinclair and Kit had such an amazing dynamic, I could read pages and pages of their shenanigans.

I just wish the magic system was explained a bit better, as well as their religious belief, Niamh mentions the Fair Ones a lot, it would had been nice to know more about them, but overall A Fragile Enchantment was a beautifully written book, with amazing characters and a nice plot, I’m really glad I requested this book!

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Absolutely kicking my feet, blushing, and screaming into a pillow.

This was fantastic! This is Allison Shaft's third book, and it is by far my favorite. It's like Bridgerton meets Studio Ghibli, and I'm completely smitten. This novel was so beautifully created, and all of the characters were given so much affection. However, what stood out most was the subtle elegance of Shaft's writing. It truly brought this story to life. This is perfect for fans of Divine Rivals.

Y’all already know where I will be on January 23rd!

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If you're looking for a regency era romance (something extremely like *Bridgerton*) that happens to take place in a fantasy kingdom instead of England, you're on the right track with this book. But you should know that it may take a long time to finish or maybe that was just me since I found it predictable and my mind was wandering...

I wanted to like this book. I really did. However, I found it difficult to connect with or sympathize with the main characters (both Niamh and Kit). I just wasn't emotionally involved in the book and that's what I look for. The main characters get together quite quickly without any compelling reason (he's extremely rude, but hey, he's attractive so we're okay with it -- yeah, I know this happens a lot in books, but I really didn't go for it here) and there just really didn't seem like fully fleshed out.

It was also extremely predictable and sadly did not live up to the beautiful cover for me. But I do think that others who frequently read regency romances and are looking for a little fantasy may like this book.

Thank you so much to NetGallet and St Martin's Press for giving me an arc in exchange for an honest review!

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A huge HUGE thank you to NetGalley, St Martin’s Press and Allison Saft for an ARC.

Allison, you’ve done it again. Only this time, you took one of my favorite genres and put your (literal and figurative) magic into it. A Fragile Enchantment is a painful reminder to not live in the future but in the now, and to do what makes you happy, regardless of the “consequences”. Niamh and Kit are beautiful characters, inside and out, with quirks and vices and passions that make them so relatable and wonderful. This book oozes longing, and yearning, and love on every page. The side characters are fantastic, as well, each having their own personalities that make them stand out amongst two breakout MCs.

This is my third Saft read but it will, in no way, be my last.

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CW: occasional mild language, some spice, trauma

Read as an ARC via NetGalley. Book publishes January 24, 2024.

When the legacies we inherit are full of pain, what do we become?

Niamh makes dresses. Other things, too. And all of them are layered with her magic—the magic of emotions. So when she’s commissioned to make the wedding apparel for the second heir to the Avalish throne, she leaps at the chance to prove her skill and secure a better future for herself and her family. But all is not well in Avaland, Niamh’s magic is slowly killing her, and the reluctant groom she’s working for is a spiteful mess. Oh, and a particular gossip columnist has decided Niamh is the perfect person to gather information for their inflammatory articles.

This was a remarkable book, and I’m so pleased to have had the chance to read it. A slow burn, grumpy sunshine, regency romance that has echoes of ‘Bridgerton’, but with magic. And such beautifully described magic! Niamh’s particular skill is that she can weave memories and emotions into her work, and the way the author describes the effects make you feel like you’ve put on that garment as well. To call it ‘enchanting’ would be a terrible pun, but one I’ll make for the sake of accuracy.

Our FMC is phenomenally written, and you really get a wonderful insight into her life and her being throughout the book. She’s dealing not only with the expectations of a foreign land and a people who don’t value her but also with an incredible amount of self imposed pressure. That heavy, frantic crush to do all the things for everybody and do them perfectly because you must.

Where our FMC handles her personal and generational trauma by striving for perfection, our MMC handles his by making sure he lives up to the incredibly low expectations of everybody around him. Those few who can get close are not spared when he lashes out. The two of them make such a wonderful picture of how people handle such burdens, and it was really refreshing (if not also revealing) to see what I think a lot of us experience reflecting back off the page.

On to lighter topics: the romance. Slowwwwwww burn, but in the best way. Our MMC is an incredibly thorny character (is 2 puns in one review too many?), but their relationship is so good.

The plot itself is just the right amount of complex: not so many moving parts that you lose track of what’s going on, just enough moving parts that the book doesn’t feel like a poorly built boat that’s just there to convey a romance. The characters felt like real, individual people, and their interactions frequently caused me to laugh or cringe as necessary.

If an almost-but-not-quite-set-in-London regency romantasy sounds like something you’d be interested in, I cannot recommend this book enough. It’s equal parts sweet, funny, and heart wrenching, and you probably aren’t nearly prepared enough for all the repressed emotions you may feel while reading. You need to add this one to your TBR immediately!

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3 ⭐️

—niamh accepts an invitation from the prince regent of avaland to tailor his brothers wedding—at first meeting niamh o’connor and kit carmine do not get on well, though niamh has definitely left her impression on kit. through the various weeks and parties leading up the wedding itself, she finds herself falling for the one person she isn’t supposed to fall for…not only that, she’s somehow involved herself on both sides of a political war between her people and avalish people. with the help of her new found family, they come together to stop an wedding and fix their family dramas all while falling in love and creating lasting friendships.

𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬:
—while i usually love a good slow-burn romance, this was a little too slow-burn for me. there were quite a few times that i wanted to stop and just not finish it, but i pulled through because every time i felt that way the story grabbed my attention again but i quickly found myself getting bored…again. at this point i finished because of straight determination. the story wasn’t bad if you like a lot of court politics and self-growth. i was looking for more romance and more intrigue than what i actually got. it was very whimsical and enchanting, the title holds true to that. i just couldn’t find myself genuinely enjoying it despite the lovely words allison wrote.

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This was such a light and fun palate cleanser for me. I have a deep place in my heart for regency novels and I've seen so few fantasy twists on them. Niamh is so soft, Kit is so grumpy, and that was a happy place for my brain to go.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

"A Fragile Enchantment" by Allison Saft is a Cinderella-esque tale filled with magic, royalty, and political intrigue. The main character, Niamh, comes from a unique background, giving her an important perspective and role in the political unrest she encounters upon arriving to work at the royal palace in Avaland. Niamh meets a handsome prince, courtiers, foreign royals, and others, and gets tangled in their complex web of schemes, lies, magic, and court games. I enjoyed this story and the evocative setting a lot, and I appreciated that it's a standalone novel that wrapped up neatly at the end.

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Kit was easy to love especially because of his gruff, acerbic demeanor. Niamh was inspiring and endearing with her constant positivity and selflessness.

For the first half of the book, I felt like there was a lot going on, and part of it felt superfluous to the overall story. Eventually everything came to a head and it was easy to understand why it included in the story.

I enjoyed the Regency Era setting, the contention between the main characters, and the friendships with some of the side characters—most notably Sinclair.

I’d say the book had more of a ‘happy for now’ ending than a ‘happily ever after’ but there was still closure for the characters and story, and I’m happy with how it ended.

The sexual tension between the main characters was definitely enjoyable and, for me, made up for any parts of the story that I wasn’t enjoying.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. It was a pleasant read, and I definitely recommend it for anyone who is a major fan of Bridgerton or Regency Era romances.

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This unfortunately did not capture my attention as well as I'd thought it would. The plot moves very slowly and with each page turned, my attn waned. I wanted to love this novel but just couldn't get through it.

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Very sweet, wholesome fantasy with such a magical tone. The worldbuilding is definitely the text's greatest strength, with a truly fascinating and fully realized magic system. The relationship at the heart of the story is a little weak and not as well developed, and the fantasy Irish-English politics are oversimplified, but that makes sense for a YA.

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This was absolutely delightful! A sweet, cosy, Regency-style fantasy romance - it's as if the premise was dreamed up specifically with me in mind :'). Overall it was a very charming read and I would recommend it to anyone who likes relatively quiet, magical stories with a good dose of swoony romance.

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Rating: 5/5

Let me just start by saying that I’ve had my eye on this book the very second it was brought to light. When I was approved for an arc of this absolute beauty, I was so incredibly happy because I knew that I would love this book, which after reading, I most definitely did. This book was so beautiful. It was everything I ever wanted: a historical fantasy romance filled with magic and yearning that leaves you in just complete satisfactory bliss.

The writing was absolutely breathtaking and whimsical. I felt like I was in a dreamy fairytale, and I never wanted it to end. I love period pieces so much and this is probably one of my favorite reads in a long time– the type of read that will stick with you for a long time, all while missing the world and all of its characters.

In a lot of ways, I found myself relating to Niamh. Throughout the story, she had so much love in her and all of this kindness that she carried with her and gave out to those who needed it, all while she skirted around her own happiness and was unable to put herself first in a lot of situations, in which Kit would help her try to navigate (ahhh, my heart). Let me talk about Kit for a moment. He was a very fascinating character. I found myself giggling, kicking my feet, and just completely enraged over some of the things he would say or do. As the plot thickened, I learned a lot more about him, his stubbornness and all of the walls that he had up and the reasons for them, and I ate up his dialogue whenever he was with Niamh. Their banter was so funny and so incredibly cute.

The romance in this was gorgeous and I found myself sobbing at how much I loved their love. I cried at the end because of how soft it was. Their journey made everything worthwhile. I grew attached to the main characters as the story progressed, as well as the side characters. I just love a good and established found family trope amidst the chaos they went through during the season. I enjoyed the magic aspect of it, how each character had their own little bits of magic, and how it matched with their personalities. Also, there is chronic illness, LGBTQ+, and mental health representation in this book and I just want to give the author all of her flowers for writing them so well.

Everything about this book was cozy and brilliant, and I had the best time ever reading this. I can’t wait to see what Allison Saft has up her sleeve next.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I won't lie, at first it was almost tooo Bridgeton but I was eventually swooped into the swooning magical love story rooting for the not so "average" commoner.
From the get go you could tell there was some depth to be uncovered in this novel. So in-between the casual relationship building there is a mystery to uncover and piece together.

This book was such a easy entertaining read. It was cozy, romantic and magical. I found myself smiling a lot.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to read and review this arc!

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