Member Reviews

A middling reading experience. The names were a mouthful, and I unfortunately wasn't hooked, but I stuck through it until the end because I'm not the kind of reader who drops a book unless it's abhorrent. This story was fine, but it didn't wow me.

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SWOON 🥹😭 Every single book Allison Saft writes has so much emotion, romance, and whimsy, but you can tell she put her ENTIRE heart into this one! This is my favorite of her books so far. It's a tender and comforting regency romance with plant, weather, and sewing magic. Everyone's queer (both MCs are bi/pan with a gay and lesbian cast of found family). This is perfect for fans of <i>Half a Soul</i>, <i>Ten Thousand Stitches</i>, <i>Spin the Dawn</i>, or <i>An Enchantment of Ravens</i>!

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I loved this! This story kept me engaged and attentive the whole way. The political intrigue,and the way the author wove the characters pain throughout while teasing us with the answers we so desperately wanted, and needed, was chefs kiss! While I wasn’t hooked from the beginning, I was hooked by at least the 100 page mark. The last 100 or so pages flew by.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing me this ARC!

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My brain hears "Allison Saft is coming out with a new novel" and suddenly I've already preordered three copies. I was so excited to get an ARC of A Fragile Enchantment. This book was incredible and so beautifully written. Allison Saft is a master of romantic fantasies. You need to read this book!

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Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

Allison Saft is an automatic buy for me. I love her books, and this one did not disappoint. Niamh has the ability to stitch emotions and memories into magic, even knowing that eventually it will kill her. When she has the opportunity to design a wardrobe for the royal wedding, she jumps at the chance.

However, Kit is frustrating and stubborn. He does not believe or want her to create his wardrobe. As Niamh attempts to create a wardrobe that he approves of (such as creating a cloak that lets him seem invisible to the people around him, or a garment with memories that create safety) Kit's prickly demeanor softens a little. I enjoyed the unique plot as Niamh is attempting to create a wardrobe and the politics that are going on between Machland and Avaland. It felt like the pacing was perfect.

What I love about Kit is that while he softens a little towards Niamh, he remains fairly prickly throughout the whole book. It's like his personality doesn't entirely change and I thought that made the relationship between the two even better. Even as Niamh broke down some of his walls, he was still guarded around her and had a difficult time showing his vulnerability about certain things (surprisingly even a little bit towards the end in my opinion). I adored this couple and I thought it was so well done. I also liked her friendship with Sinclair and felt that it was a good addition to the story.

Overall, Allison Saft will continue to be a must read for me and I highly recommend if you haven't read her other books that you read them as well.

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Release date: January 30, 2024

They say don’t judge a book by its cover, but in this case I highly recommend it! Before I even start talking about the book itself, props to the artist (@afterblossom_art) for designing such a beautiful cover that 1) perfectly encapsulates this story and 2) is sure to convince a lot of people to buy this book.

In A Fragile Enchantment, Niahm, a magical dressmaker, is hired to make clothing for Prince Kit and his bride before their upcoming wedding. Although she initially thinks him rude and self-centered, something begins blossoming between them that neither of them can deny. To make things worse, a (very Lady Whistledown-like) anonymous journalist seems to have eyes on everyone in the palace and begins to notice the chemistry between them as well. Scandal ensues!

The plot itself is pretty basic, but it makes for a quaint, charming story. The romance between Kit and Niahm was sweet (if unprofessional). Kit reminded me of Cardan from Folk of the Air and Nathaniel from Sorcery of Thorns, so I’m sure everyone will enjoy his character. I really appreciated the supportive relationships between all the women; I expected more cattiness, but instead there are just a lot of wholesome friendships. There are a few magical elements that also add to the cottagecore vibes: Niahm’s magical dressmaking (reminiscent of Howl’s Moving Castle) and Kit’s plant magic.

Overall thoughts: If you look at the cover and think, “wow, that’s pretty and seems like a book I would enjoy,” you are probably correct! A Fragile Enchantment is a great light read for anyone who loves YA romance and fairytales.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced digital copy!

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I think Allison Saft's book was just not for me but however thanks Netgalley and St Martin’s Press for sending me an arc

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this was a STELLAR and just delightful regency fantasy romance! i’ve personally never read anything like this before and it felt so fresh and authentic.

niamh and kit are polar opposites in every way possible. yet, they manage to knock down their walls over time which i never tire of reading. their relationship and personal character developments were just so delightful to read. the slow burn was intense in both the romance as well as the plot. there is amazing representation across the board. there is a found family component with a compelling cast of minor characters. saft’s figurative and enchanting writing style sold me in “a far wilder magic,” but dare i say it’s even better in this book?

this is only my second read of this author’s, but i’ve found that she’s quickly become an underrated favorite of mine. she adds such complexity to her works by including discussions of themes that are so important! chronic illness, alcoholism, and homophobia are only a few of the themes explored in this book.

thank you so much st martin’s press & netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

4/5 stars!

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Thank you Netgalley for letting me read this!

I would recommend this book if you looking for a romance with a bit of magic. I really enjoyed the characters and they are definitely what drove the story. However I felt the story itself lacked some cohesion with some plot points. I think the plot could have been fleshed out better as there were quite a few major plot lines that I felt were a huge concern one minute and then completely ignored. This feels like the first book in a series becauae of the unresolved plot points. Also I know this book is supposed to have Bridgerton vibes but sometimes I think the author went a bit too far in emulating Bridgerton at the cost of losing some of the uniqueness of tbe world.

Overall if you want a romance book that's character driven rather than plot driven then this is the book for you. If there is a sequel to this book I will be reading it.

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A Fragile Enchantment was such a cozy fantasy, it warmed my heart, it felt a bit like Bridgerton meets Sorcery of Thorns.

Niamh is our protagonist, she’s from Machland a country that once was prosperous and rich but because of the oppression of Avaland, it became poor, their people all but destroyed by the Independence War.

Niamh wants what is best for her family and after being invited by the Crown Prince of Avalan to come to their country and use her unique powers as seamstress to make the clothes to his brother’s upcoming wedding, she knows she can’t let this opportunity pass.

I loved Niamh’s sense of duty, she was such wholesome character, I really connected with her and her feelings, it was beautiful seeing her and Kit fall in love, it happened in a organic way, so it wasn’t rushed.

I also loved the found family in this book, Allison Saft did the trope justice, the relationship between Niamh, Sinclair and Kit had such an amazing dynamic, I could read pages and pages of their shenanigans.

I just wish the magic system was explained a bit better, as well as their religious belief, Niamh mentions the Fair Ones a lot, it would had been nice to know more about them, but overall A Fragile Enchantment was a beautifully written book, with amazing characters and a nice plot, I’m really glad I requested this book!

Thanks Netgalley and St Martin’s Press for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The premise of this book was executed well and what I hoped it to be. I loved seeing the characters' individual personalities, watching their relationships unfold, and seeing them grow together.

I did feel lost in the actual world around the characters, however. I felt like I never truly understood what was going on even when finding out more and more. It led me to find the book hard to get through. Despite all of that, I still enjoyed my time reading this book.

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An enchanting story about romance, yearning, and the desire to please those around us before giving in to our own desires

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This was such a fun, romantic and meaningful read. I found myself enjoying the overarching story a lot but what I love the most is the themes and topics Saft discussed in this book. Saft brought up the conversation of sacrifice and selflessness but also the importance of doing things for yourself because your worth also matter upon the grand scheme of things. There were a handful of quotes that touched me so much. The characters are fantastic as well- the romance, the friendship and family dynamics were all wonderful. I've read all of the books Saft has put out so far and her improvement is immense and felt with every new release. I definitely look forward to whatever she plan next and her debut into the adult genre later next year.

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Allison Saft's book 'The Fragile Enchantment' feels like I'm reading or watching Bridgerton. The story tells of a designer named Niamh and her friendship with a soon-to-be groom, Kit. Eventually, it turns into something else. They join forces to examine the secrets of the royal family. The book describes Niamh's aspirations as a designer.

Thank you to St Martin Press and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book and give a review.

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My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this digital ARC. This is my honest review.

I was so excited to read this book. I greatly enjoyed Saft's previous books this was an instant request. I'm so glad to have had the chance to read it.

Niamh is a seamstress of great skill but also one who has the ability to weave magic into the clothing she makes. Kit is a prince who is being forced into a royal marriage by his brother, for reasons that slowly come to the surface as the book progresses.

Fate brings them together when Niamh is chosen to be Kit's seamstress for his wedding garments. She comes to the palace, meets Kit and his brother, and sets to work creating clothing for this reluctant groom.

Niamh is a sweet and deeply kind person, who put her family's well-being before her own. She is determined to give them financial security through this contract with the royal family, no matter what the personal cost to herself. She has secrets of her own. I do like the way chronic illness is woven into her narrative.

Kit has a very prickly and off putting personality, which he has cultivated and uses as armor to shield the kind and observant and considerate person he is underneath. His character arc was satisfying and getting to peek beneath the rough exterior was great.

This book was lyrical in the writing. Whimsical, romantic, steeped in political intrigue and drama, with a mostly HEA, or at least HFN ending.

I liked the idea of magic being woven into clothing and that the creator's own mood could seep in and alter the expected result, often in unexpected and troublesome ways.

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When I think of a dreamy, cozy, romantic young adult novel, I will forever be turning to this story. Words honestly cannot describe how deeply I fell in love with this book and how excited I was every time I picked it up to read. Sure, the plotting turned a bit predictable at the end, but the characters? The dreamy writing? The world-building? There is so much to appreciate about this novel. It was fun and escapist, but also well-structured and well-written.

I want to open this review discussing the writing style. I’m a sucker for beautiful prose that harkens imagery and emotions from figurative language. And, wow, did this novel deliver when it came to that. Most of my highlights were sentences (or entire paragraphs!) of beautiful writing. What truly enchanted me was the purposefulness of the prose, and how much of the figurative language harkened back to Niamh (our main character) being a dressmaker. That tie-in gave the writing depth, but also gave Niamh an incredibly strong character voice. Truly, the writing style was the pillar of this story.

The characters! The representation! The romance! The transformation! Honestly, if Allison Saft wanted to write more books in this world with this cast of characters, I would be unbelievably down. There was not a single character I didn’t root for (okay, Rosa’s father is an exception to this), which shows how strong Niamh’s character voice was. Our main character was, simply put, a cinnamon roll. She wasn’t afraid to be herself and protect her goals, but she was also able to see the best in people and did so without judgement but with empathy. I cannot imagine any of the other characters leading this story as well as Niamh did. Plus, she had an incredibly important theme to explore: that being a people pleaser will only bring more harm than good to one’s life. As a people pleaser myself, it was so interesting to see that theme/psychological element explored in a fantasy world. And it was portrayed with honesty and empathy through Niamh’s experiences.

Of course, our cast of minor characters added everything to this story. There was Sinclair, the prince’s best friend and our gay side character. There was Infanta Rosa and Miriam, our closeted lesbians (I was rooting for them the entire time!). And we can’t forget about Prince Kit and Niamh, our bisexual love interests! (Sidebar: There were world-building mentions of homophobia in the world as well, but that wasn’t challenged much, considering the other subplots unfolding on page.) These five made the most adorable found family, but they also each had their own personal journeys they were on. While the focus was on Niamh’s personal development—of which every single side character reminded her to develop away from her people pleaser ways—the side characters weren’t neglected either. The stronger developmental arcs were for Kit (Prince Christopher) and Infanta Rosa, who had to learn to somewhat abandon their prickly exteriors, allow themselves to be challenged, and to stand up to the royal leaders dictating their futures (Prince Regent John [Jack] and the King of Castilla). Overall, though, I have nothing but love for these characters and honestly would read an entire series about these characters.

Of course, there is so much to say about the plot too! I would say the plot was solid in the beginning but began to unravel into predictability around the 70% mark. The opening sections drenched the reader in a rich, Regency era inspired world with a sprinkle of magic on top. But I was impressed with the slow-burn of both the plot and the romance. Usually, I expect young adult novels to be a little speedier with their plots and that was not the case here, but that ended up being an advantage for the novel. The novel balanced a fair number of subplots, too. But none of them were overwhelming or forgotten about. They each take their turn on the page and nudge the characters in the direction they need to go. With that being said, around the 70% mark, it was easy to predict the trajectory of the plot. I had already figured out Lovelace’s identity and knew the story would wrap up cleanly. That didn’t mean the remainder of the conflicts were any less fun to read about—it just took a little bit of sparkle out of the novel.

If I had to make a minor critique, it has to do with Lovelace’s column. Obviously, the gossip column (ala Bridgerton and Lady Whistledown) must have a level of anonymity to it. But I found myself having to slow down at those passages and really take a minute to figure out who Lovelace was discussing. The codenames weren’t always clear (mainly, thinking of Jack’s codename here) and it took some thinking to determine who Lovelace was referring to.

I hadn’t read an Allison Saft novel before this, and it goes without saying that I’ll be picking up her other novels as soon as I can. I fell in love with her unbelievably tight plotting, character work, and world-building. I was enchanted by her writing style, and that’s truly what made me fall for this novel. I hope every reader that loves romantasy will grab a copy of this book—it’s worth it. Trust me.

TW: alcoholism (mentioned, off-page), homophobia (mentioned, off-page)

Thank you to Wednesday Books and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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This was a lovely, if not super groundbreaking reading experience. There were so many things I loved about this: Allison Saft’s descriptions were so magical and lush, which lent to the story well. I absolutely loved reading the moments of our main character weaving enchantments into her tailoring, it made the magic of the story feel special. If you like Stephanie Garber’s writing, you’ll definitely enjoy Saft’s. I also really loved how she was able to make the grumpy-sunshine trope feel authentic and not super trope-y, which I feel can often happen with books now. My main issue with the book is that the political aspect of the story felt like it was weighing it down, and I often felt my mind drifting during those moments. It felt like this was happening more often around the halfway point of the book. This was still a fun, magical reading experience and I will definitely continue to read Allison Saft’s work.

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A Fragile Enchantment is what I needed in my life right now. I loved the writing, the characters, and the plot! It reminded me of Howl’s Moving Castle and with that comes the feeling of nostalgia. I absolutely recommend this novel to anyone! I will be buying copies for friends!

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The best way to describe this book would be a fantasy version of Bridgerton. There was a lot of court politics but with added magical elements. And while I didn't love the main love interest, I still enjoyed the story and the overall plot of the book, especially because of the extremely strong supporting characters. The writing was as I expected for a regency era fantasy novel, I cannot say it blew me away but it also didn't leave me desiring more. This book will be perfect for fans of ACOTAR, Bridgerton, From Blood and Ash, and Fourthwing

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This gave fantasy romance and Bridgerton vibes! It sort of reminded me of the Selection as well. The world building was a little hard to follow along with but I loved the English/Scottish elements.

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