Member Reviews

This book had me so completely frustrated and so annoyed with the way men do things. I swear if people just had normal adult conversations and learned to communicate, things would work out in everyone's favor.
That being said, I did love this book, I loved Niamhs character so much, I loved the use of magic, I loved the details. And I loved that her and Kit ended up together. Truly black cat and golden retriever couple. His soft spot for her was so perfect.
This book gave me Outlander mixed with Bridgerton vibes.
I loved the casual queer representation, the protests, and the people finally being heard in the end. Truly a good read. Would definitely recommend. My only wish is that there was a pronounciation page for the names, but other than that this book was so adorable and i loved every ssecond of it.

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This regency inspired romantic fantasy was an interesting read that took me a little while to get into, but once I did, I was entertained for the most part.

The very obvious English and Irish dynamic that had names changed for the interest of the story helped me understand a little more than I think I would've otherwise if I had no knowledge of historical tensions between the two. I had hoped for a little more originality with the setting, class struggle, and prejudice, but for the story's sake it did help me follow along. As for the main characters, I saw a lot of myself in Niamh and her constant need to live her life for others. It's an all too familiar wormhole that I find myself in often and the way that the lesson was presented in this story really struck a chord with me and I found myself connecting to that part of the story. As for Kit, his cynical and rude personality hides an inner softie for only those he truly loves and trusts and I liked him well enough. I did think the rate at which he allowed Niamh in and how insta-lovey it was kind of threw me off but perhaps it's because I don't find myself a fan of the trope and even more so when one of the characters hates the other one so much at the beginning. I did really appreciate the queer and chronic illness representation we get, especially since we get a lot of that with a main character. I also really liked the political intrigue, the interesting magical aspect, and forbidden romance.

Overall I liked this story and the whole cast of characters. It has that fun regency feel in a fantasy world where magic and romance and political tensions reign supreme while also teaching you to live your life for yourself and no one else.

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Niamh is a dressmaker with the magical ability of stitching emotions and memories into the fabric as she sews. She has grown up with a family who relies on her to be the breadwinner and hope for their future. She has never thought solely of herself and puts the needs of others even before her health. Her magic is extraordinary, but it is slowly deteriorating her health. But she knows that a commission from the King with help solve her financial woes and heads to Avaland to secure her family’s future. What she doesn’t expect is the Prince.

Kit is not gentlemanly. He is surly. He is rude. Kit is not prince material. And he cannot control his magic. Kit has been sent away from the Kingdom these past four years, and has only returned in order to wed a woman he has never met. He cares little for anything around him, so why does the tailor draw his attention?

A wonderful fantasy world with a cast of characters that are well written and draw you into the story. I hope there might be another book with these characters because I truly want more of Niamh and Kit.

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4.5 stars
Thank you to NetGalley & Wednesday Books for the ARC! This was very Cute with a capital C. Bridgerton with magic, Grumpy vs. Sunshine with a light side of enemies to lovers- this pleasantly surprised me. I wish the countries were just called England and Ireland though- I didn’t get the name change. Will definitely look up this authors other work now!

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4.25 stars
I adored this book, my goodness! I LOVED the magic system and how the main character could weave feelings and memories into the clothes she made. Seriously such an amazing idea and it was something that I haven't really seen before.
My real only gripe was that the complication between Kit and Rosa's father was solved in one page. It felt too easy. That seriously is my only complaint and even still, I think this book is INCREDIBLE. I'm hoping there is another book to come. I will definitely be picking up some of this authors other works!
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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I've been on an historical fantasy kick this summer, and this story was amazing!

This was my first time reading this author and I loved her writing and world-building.

Niamh leaves her village and her family to design a royal wedding in the palace, as she is a seamstress with great magical abilities.

When she arrives at the court, things are different from what she expected and political intrigue abounds. Everything gets more complicated when Kit, the prince, and Niamh form an unlikely friendship.

A gripping story with well-developed characters. Highly recommend!

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

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This is a really sweet, historical, fantasy romance story. It is really well written. Allison Saft has such a way of creating beautiful images in words (I felt like I could see some of the dresses Niamh was making). There were some good tropes that I enjoy (grumpy/sunshine, forbidden romance, slow burn). It definitely has Bridgerton vibes with the Lovelace gossip column. But I did not feel the chemistry between the two main characters, so the romance fell flat for me.

Bonus points for lots of LGBTQIA+ representation.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books for providing an eARC of this book!

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A Regency romance inspired fantasy .. think Bridgerton vibes, but add magic!
The story was whimsical, the forbidden romance was filled with just the right amount of banter and swoon worthy moments.
This was such a fun read, and exactly what I needed in the moment. I’ll definitely be looking for this authors books in the future.

Special thanks to NetGalley and the published for graciously providing me the opportunity to read this eARC!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!
Really lovely writing and story, love this author!
The magic element was super neat, and the romance was sweet and heart warming.
A perfect cozy little read.

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This book is so precious and dear to my heart. I fell in love with Allison’s writing in a far wilder magic, and this regency fantasy romance was just as good. I think her writing is so beautiful and she makes characters that I legitimately wanna be friends with. The bisexual panic from our woman main character here is so relatable. I truly think that all of you who are not fans of Sara J mass fantasy romance type books would really enjoy fantasy romance the way that Allison writes it. There’s some thing so tender about the way she writes romance.

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this was absolutely *enchanting* and i had the best time reading it. when i tell you i was kicking my feet, giggling nonstop, there’s no exaggeration.

i do think there were a few plot points that were unresolved, which was a bit of a letdown. plus, niamh got on my nerves a lil. i know nothing will beat a far wilder magic by the same author tho. i love that book <3

thank you netgalley for the arc, i feel so lucky :)

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The idea of weaving memories into clothing is a really unique form of magic and I thought it was well written. I love regency era romances so I was excited to read one with a magical twist. However, I had trouble believing the storyline and connecting with the characters. It felt like Niamh felt entitled to everyone’s time even though she was new to court and didn’t know anybody. The characters also did not seem to mature throughout the book. This book just wasn’t for me. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Super cute and sweet romance. A little too sweet and young for my taste. I sped read much of the second half.

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Now, I see you asking why I would want to pick up this book.
I have the answers:
- Grumpy x Sunshine
- Interesting magic
- Slow burn (With much yearning)
- Forbidden Romance
- Beautiful world-building

I often struggle with Fantasy Romance books due to the lack of world-building alongside any romance that normally turns up but this book had a very nice mix of the both to me.
It's a low-stakes fantasy focused largely on relationships between characters yes but, The magic and world we are introduced to throughout the story are rather whimsical in their own right.
I also have to give props to Allision Saft for creating a cast of characters where everyone is my favourite, that's no easy task

Thank you very much to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the ARC

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A Fragile Enchantment will wrap you in spun sugar and leave you breathless as it weaves its way into your heart. Allison Saft has created something mesmerizing: soft and wistful; we worry the story may blow away with the breeze. It is quietly moving, a beauty to behold— as fragile things often are.

Niamh, an enchanted seamstress, arrives at the castle of Avaland eager to create a wardrobe for the impending Royal wedding. She wasn't expecting, however, to become embroiled in long-standing class conflict or attracted to the surly and soon-to-be-married prince Kit.

If you like Bridgerton, this is for you: there is a game of Pall Mall (pink and black mallets included), an anonymous gossip rag, glitzy balls, and character tension that builds with each page. The Regency-inspired period and Irish folklore blend into a romantic drama where you can hear Taylor Swift instrumentals playing, all with a hint of magic— it's that endearing.

Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for an advanced copy to review.

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Sweet romance revolving a seamstress with a particular gift of putting her emotions onto her creations and a grumpy but kind prince.

From the except and reviews, I really thought I would like the book, but I had a really hard time connecting with both main characters, On romance books, I usually read anything that is not interaction between the main characters fast and focus on the romance building between them. On this one, I found the some of the side characters much more interesting that the main ones - I ended up skimming any interaction between the two. I found that Rose and Sofia were more compelling characters, and that some both Sinclair and Jack ended up having personalities and actions too inconsistent throughout the book, becoming only plot devices for the main plot.

Overall, I feel like this was just not a match for me - I would still read other book by the author as I enjoyed the writing, though. I would recommend people having a go at it considering the other great reviews - it was probably more of a "its not you, it is me" kind of thing

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I received a free copy of this book thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press; all opinions are my own!

Wow! This was a gorgeous, lush read, full of magic and wonder! It's also a fantastic look at family, born and found; love of all shapes and angles; and class conflict in a psuedo-Regency era England. I deeply appreciate that the author did not feel the need to vilify any of the main characters, but presented them as complicated, flawed humans with a variety of motives and ideals. I especially enjoyed the fact that where it would have been easy to set up a rivalry with the love interest's fiancee, Saft takes a completely different approach. For sensitive readers, any sexual interaction is solidly in the fade-to-black category, and there are references to homophobia and racism due to the time period the book is based on.

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This cover is soo pretty! The book has major Bridgerton vibes. Loved the characters and the romance.

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Read if you like:
Forbidden Romance
Magical Bridgerton

This book is exactly what I needed, and I am so glad I gave this Bridgerton-esque fantasy book a chance.
Niamh, our main character can sew emotions into her clothing as part of her divine magic. The plot centers around Niamh being commissioned to make the wedding clothes for the Royals, Kit and Rosa in a month’s time. Of course, things get messy when she begins to fall for the groom. A Fragile Enchantment had a bit of everything I loved and was an amazing comfort read that I gobbled up.
So, there is a lot going on behind the scenes that added to this novel, there’s mention of a past genocide causing racism and court politics. Not to mention a pesky anonymous writer who seems to know all the courts gossip and goes by the name of Lady Lovelace (I guessed who it was early). All these elements added so much depth and I loved the regency themed setting Allison Saft created. The writing was delicate and prose with flourish. I am excited to read other books Saft has written, she truly has a unique style.
I loved the main character Niamh, so rarely have I been able to relate to a character as much as I have with her. Niamh is hopelessly clumsy in all ways, prone to putting others in front of herself. Working herself to the bone so that her family can have a better life. Kit is a complex character as well, as are most of the ensemble. There was no clearcut villain in this story, everyone had thoughts and reasons behind their actions. I thoroughly enjoyed this aspect of the story.
Lets talk about the romance. Oh, the romance. Let me just say this is a book where boys love boys and girls love boys and girls (okay almost every character is gay). There is a moment where we learn that while the country our FMC grew up in is embracive, the country where this story takes place is much more rigid and less accepting. Also, I love the amount of friendship in this story as well. It isn’t just about the two MC’s and the love story. The chemistry between these characters and the dialog between them had me giggling and smiling along the way.
This book was an amazing read, and a fun time all around. Mystery, forbidden love, and a sprinkle of scandal await in A Fragile Enchantment. I think this is a great read for those that aren’t that big into fantasy as well because once you learn the names, the world itself is easy to understand.
Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for letting me read a copy of the book voluntarily so I could review it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this eARC!

I could not put this book down! A rich and captivating blend of romance, fantasy, and political intrigue, A Fragile Enchantment was exactly what I wanted in this Bridgerton-esque book. Saft skillfully blends of historical and imaginative world-building that is magical and yet grounded. The characters all feel well-considered and fleshed out with vivid personalities and hidden depths. The romance that unfurls within this enchanting backdrop is spellbinding, and Niamh and Kit make the best bantering pair.

4.5 Stars!

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