Member Reviews

The world is always a softer place after finishing one of Allison's books, and this is no exception.
A Fragile Enchantment is a love story filled with delicate moments and heated conversations, tucked among hard truths. The longing alone will drive you to dramatics.
*Be prepared for tears.

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Fans of Bridgerton Season 2,

Maaaaaay I suggest A Fragile Enchantment? (Free of unnecessary sister vs sister storylines.)

This is my second Saft book and I feel like I'm having an identity crisis because I do N O T like/read romance novels, but this story is so cute. BUT, the prose, oh my goodness, the prose. It's beautiful and effective. (Don't get me started on how she truly captures autumn in A Far Wilder Magic. The atmosphere!!!!!!) So, while I'm sure I may have caused some eye rolling with my not-a-romance-reader comments after choosing to read a romantasy novel, let me explain: I just can't resist Saft's prose. It's just TOO beautiful. I knowingly and willingly keep reading and will probably keep on reading just so I can continue reveling in the way Allison Saft strings words together.

So, if you like romance forward storylines with lush and evocative writing, I'd suggest Allison Saft!

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This book is very whimsical and lovely. I enjoyed the Progression of the relationships, and the characters felt round and developed. The descriptions of the dresses, for example, were also very vibrant and enchanting to read about. Would definitely recommend for fans of “Divine Rivals,” if you prefer a soft, fantastical way of writing.

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A Massive Thank You to the Author, the Publisher and NetGalley for giving me the chance to read and review this book prior to its release date.

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It is such pleasure to read another gorgeous tale from the incredibly talented Allison Saft.

When you buckle in for a Saft book you know it will be a story that will carry its weight in brillaint gold. Strife, grief, consequence will weigh heavily, but it will be uplifted by love, hope, and resolve. I welcomed this story wholeheartedly and left it wishing for more, while looking forward to all the works Saft has in store for us.

》The Lead《

This story belongs to Niamh Ó Conchobhair, a most worthy protagonist.

I loved her optimism in while facing the uncertain future of her own mortality. She was sunshine even when it seemed the future was only rain. It simply did not matter, she’d face it regardless. Her strength in character was so admirable to read. I loved how she kept her head high even when others looked down upon her. She marched to her own beat and owned it, even when it silently hurt to feel she was never properly seen.

And while I also so admired how selflessly she cared for others, but sometimes she cared too much as she always placed others ahead of herself. To her own detriment at times. There was not a selfish bone in Niamh but that’s exactly what I rooted for throughout her journey. I wanted her to say, yes, I deserve this spotlight, I want love— I want to live. She deserved to be selfish for once, because she deserved all the world for how hard she tried to make it better for those around her.

》The Cast《

I adored Kit! Kit is Niamh’s love interest who begins on the wrong foot with her, but slowly but surely they find their way into a mutual understanding which forms the foundation to so much more. I loved how easily Kit read Niamh. He could see how much she cared for others but could also see how much damage that did to herself. How she would forsake her own well being for the sake of others. I loved how he challenged her, pushed her to place herself first. To live. To simply live all the time she has left, one I personally hope is many years ahead of her.

The rest of the cast is every eclectic, even with minor roles Saft does more than enough to ensure each individual character stands out as their own fleshed out being. None blur to the background but stand strong in their own unique colors. I enjoyed how well crafted the character list in this tale was.

》The Romance《

This is a slow burn romance, which is my absolute favorite! You know where the love story is going before the characters do and are just laughing maniacally as they butt heads without realizing they will soon have no choice but to fall in love. And fall in love is exactly what they do! I love the evolution of their romance, from head-butting strangers, to a tense camaraderie, to a burgeoning friendship, and finally romance.

That said, I did feel the steps that led into love confessions felt strangely rushed, as if the romancing was bypassed. It was clear the feelings were developing but I think I would have appreciated more overt showings of that developing romance prior to the acknowledgement of feelings. There was a slight disconnect that surprised me.

》Weaving Magic《

I really like how Saft incorporated fantasy. It’s lightly done, there’s no complex world-building. I would consider it quite contained in a way that makes it very palpable. Very intimate. Here we follow a lead who has the magic to weave emotions and enchantments into the clothes she crafts. I thought it was all done quite stunningly!

》A Missed Stitch《

Besides wishing the romance had developed just a tiny bit differently, I also must admit I wish the ending was extended, including a proper epilogue. I was satisfied but was left wanting more— specifically more closure.

》An Enchanting Tale《

When I read A Far Wilder Magic by Allison Saft last year I was transported and transformed. Saft’s writing truly is magic. She can weave a beautiful, delicate romance alongside a narrative heavy with politics, morality, and choice and consequence. It’s an amazing balance to witness and gold was struck yet again in A Fragile Enchantment.

I’m a fan for life of Allison Saft.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this so much more than I expected to. It’s filled with emotional points that I didn’t see coming when I requested.

There’s also representation (mental health, chronic illness). The supporting cast is wonderful.

It’s just a well-told tale filled with different themes that come together, creating a beautiful romantasy tale.

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A Brigertonesque inspired YA fantasy romance, with family struggles and draws heavily from England (Avaland in the book) colonising Ireland (Machisland in the book) which in turned caused the famine (called the Blight in the book).
I liked both the MCs but kinda wish Niamh was a bit of a stronger personality sometimes. A fun, quick read with enjoyable characters and easy to follow plot. The ending did also feel a tad rushed. 3.75 stars.

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I loved this book. Niamh was a really well-written character. Her familial obligations and her belief that she just needs to keep working harder were all too easy to relate to. The side characters were hard not to fall in love with.
I enjoyed Niamh and Kit’s tentative friendship and their slide into real feelings. The ending kept me on the edge of my seat. I stayed up hours later than I should’ve trying to finish it, but the ending was well worth it.
Thank you St. Martin’s Press and Wednesday Books for the chance to read an early copy!

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really cute. I’m not the biggest fan of young adult fantasy but this was a quick and fun read. I can’t wait for more from this author.

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Five stars is NOT enough for this absolute gem of a book. This cozy, beautiful story is regency fantasy romance at its best, exploring deeply human emotion with the glitter and sparkle of magical tailoring.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I'd describe this as Bridgerton with magic, and I really enjoyed it.

- Forbidden love (0.5/5 spice)
- Found family
- Regency + magic
- Political scandal
- Grumpy/prickly MMC

Niamh and Kit were so fun and I loved their progression from "enemies" to lovers (though maybe more like "haters to lovers").

Niamh's magic was interesting, and I loved that this was a fairytale for her as a commoner. Kit's magic was unpredictable and he was so cranky, which I enjoyed. It did make the sweet moments more swoony.

The found family with the supporting cast was also great. Totally recommend if you're in the mood for a fantastical period drama.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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I’ve been curious about A Fragile Enchantment since I finished reading Allison Saft’s other book, A Far Wilder Magic, last month. I really enjoyed that book so I was very happy to receive an ARC of Saft’s upcoming book and I’m also happy to say that it did not disappoint.

First of all, Saft’s writing style and her settings are one of my favorite parts of this book. The way she describes nature and the beautiful palaces and villas that populate A Fragile Enchantment is truly magical and it made me believe in this fantastical world. As Niamh, our protagonist, navigates the Avaland courts she finds herself entrenched in as the newly-appointed royal tailor for the second prince’s upcoming wedding, we get a good look into the kind of magic that exists and the much less whimsical political tensions.

I really think Saft hits the nail on the head in terms of the magic–I loved reading about the different kinds that exist and seeing different characters express themselves in various ways. Niamh’s magic is especially enchanting and I enjoyed how she spun her feelings into her craft and the kind of artistry it takes to do that. Similarly, Kit’s (the ML) powers reflect his personality and indicate his mood as plants grow around him, protecting him and helping him keep people away. He’s quite literally pricky at times.

The supporting characters were all interesting in their own ways though Niamh and Kit definitely stand out as the ones who receive the most development. While I didn’t root for them or feel that chemistry the same way I did for the couple in A Far Wilder Magic, I can see how they fit together and still enjoyed reading about them. The ways in which they’re torn between their respective duties and attractions to one another definitely makes for some enjoyable angst and, most of all, I loved the book’s message of learning how to balance self-sacrifice with actually loving those around you in the moment.

The aspect of A Fragile Enchantment that I couldn’t fully get on board with are the politics. I understand why they’re in the book but I don’t feel like it pushes it far enough to be considered worthy of taking so much space. The ending and the kind of closure we get is pretty underwhelming for the issues that were brought up in this book.

Overall, Saft’s latest book is going to be a hit with people that are fans of historical fantasy and romance, with an emphasis on slow-burn and a focus on the couple learning to be open and vulnerable with one another. If you enjoyed one of Saft’s other books, it’s definitely worth checking out and it’s also a great introduction into the magic of her writing for those new to her.

Thanks to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

This review has been scheduled to be posted on Goodreads, Amazon, and my blog on January 16, 2024.

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An beautiful romance with fantastic and relatable characters and Worldbuilding. I fell in love with the book instantly. The romance is so sweet. I love the characters. 5 out of 5.

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Thank you St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books for allowing me to read a ARC in exchange for an honest review. All the views and opinions in this review are purely my own and not affiliated with any brand.

This was a very enjoyable book. The idea of being able to sew emotions or enchantments into garments is intriguing. I personally really like fashion and do like to hear stories from people who make the clothing. Allison Saft does an amazing job of taking Victorian England traditions and modesty and mixing with with magic!

If you like a good old Victorian England type story with a twist, this is the book for you!

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Honestly 4 stars-

even though i loved it i had problems with the characters especially the main character. She felt forced and convoluted.

But overall 4 stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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A Fragile Enchantment, by Allison Saft, is a romantic fantasy that will have you turning pages until there are no more. This is a fun story that can easily be polished off in a lazy afternoon. Thanks, NetGalley and the publisher, for providing me with an ARC ebook of this novel to read and review.

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Bridgerton season 2 vibes with a touch of magic and a Cinderlla story.

Lovely and enchanting, vibes were great all the way through.

I lost interest in the actual plot and characters about ~40% through and DNF

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4.5 ⭐️

This book’s premise and BEAUTIFUL cover automatically had me wanting to read it. I love forbidden romances, a good political side plot, and saw people saying this had Bridgerton vibes so expectations were high before starting. This author was also new to me and that’s always exciting!

Starting with Niamh and Kit, I loved their dynamic and individual complexities. They are flawed, frustrating at times, emotionally-driven, and kind. They are everything I want in fantasyesque characters. I thought the pacing of their vulnerability, specifically Kit’s, was done so well. Aside from them, practically every character in this book was written with thoughtfulness and had such depth. I cared for all of them in a way and loved the main group that ultimately formed and the way they found comfort in each other.

Characters like these write the story themselves. The romance and the way Kit and Niamh fought for each other was beautifully done. I am SO impatient and this was a slower burn, but I didn’t find myself bored or skimming at all. The more political plot maybe had a couple holes, but nothing jarring and I enjoyed this read so much that I didn’t even really care to notice.

I do wish there was more elaboration at the end. Everything I was waiting for happened but it was so quick! I just wanted more time to understand and see it all play out. I really think it would’ve added even more to the already present depth of the characters. Overall, however, I adored this book. Like I said, expectations were high and I can say that I wasn’t disappointed whatsoever. I’ll definitely be looking at both past and future works of this author!

Enchanted - Taylor Swift
Angels Fly - Louis Tomlinson
Afterglow - Taylor Swift

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review! :)

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If there was ever a book to read in moments where you seem to be holding on to happiness by a thread, it's this one. A Fragile Enchantment is a true testament to what Allison Saft does best; it's a soft romance with elements of court intrigue, political unrest, and societal commentary--and somehow manages to balance all of this weight with finesse. I picked up this book knowing that it was going to be Bridgerton-esque, but it manages to keep away from becoming a "knockoff," mostly due to Saft's ability to write dynamic and lovable characters.
The queer representation is also fantastic (while I would have loved to see some Aspec- characters!) and I found myself rooting for all of the romantic pairings that were presented, especially Kit and Niamh's. Kit, who happens to be the epitome of "a man written by a woman," and a grumpy bisexual king (prince? duke?), is paired so well with Niamh, and I'm glad we've reached a point in YA where we can have bi/bi m/f couples!

Complete 5 star read -- Allison Saft has never let me down.

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I’m kind of heartbroken about this, because I loved Saft’s A Far Wilder Magic so much, but A Fragile Enchantment is simply not working for me. It’s not quite striking the right notes for the kind of soft romantic-fantasy I enjoy, and almost halfway through the book, I still don’t feel at all invested in the characters, never mind the romance.

It’s possible that Saft setting this story in an analogue of Ireland and England, post-Great Famine, is part of what’s making me feel uncomfortable – I’m half-Irish, was born and grew up in Ireland, and it’s not that I think Saft’s depiction is disrespectful or anything; it’s more that this is a hugely dark period of history that doesn’t mix well with the light-hearted charm Saft is going for here. Saft is writing ballroom scenes, and all I can think about are the pictures and exhibits from my history books and school trips to the museum. It’s jarring, and definitely keeping me from really connecting with the story.

If you never went through the Irish school system, then that probably won’t be an issue for you. I don’t think this is a badly-written book as such, but it’s not gripping me, and I really don’t care about how all the relationships and intrigue are going to fall out. (If anything, the idea of a not-English prince potentially marrying a not-Irish woman in the political climate Saft has set up is wince-inducing to me.) So I won’t be at all surprised if most other readers enjoy this a lot, but alas, I’m not one of them – and it’s not a book I’d recommend if I was asked for romantic fantasy recs.

This isn’t going to stop me from pouncing on Saft’s future books, though, especially A Dark and Drowning Tide, out next March, which sounds like it will be much more to my taste!

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