Member Reviews

I am so in love with Allison Saft's writing. Her stories pull me in from the very first page and don't let go. I really liked how this book mirrored historical England and Ireland while still being completely unique. I wish we had gotten to learn more about Niamh's life before her stepping off the boat, as well as a little bit more after the events of the book. I would've loved to spend more time in this world with the characters. The romance was excellent, as usual, and probably one of my all-time favorite YA romances.

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today i finished a fragile enchantment by allison saft(@allisonhsaft), which follows niamh, a seamstress with a chronic illness hired to dress a royal wedding. soon after her arrival, she becomes embroiled in the political conflict between her homeland and her employers and in a relationship with the groom-to-be. and to add to all that pressure, this relationship is being discussed in one of the most controversial gossip columns in town. the main thing pulling me towards this book was its magic system and its world, but the romance is absolutely incredible. the relationship between niamh and kit is incredibly compelling, and it’s half the reason i devoured this book as quickly as i did. the other half is its interesting cast of characters. even if i didn’t like them as people, i enjoyed their role in the story. without spoiling too much, there was also a bit of surprise lgbtq+ representation, which is always welcome! the worldbuilding in this story was also very fun! it’s pretty obvious that this is an alternate europe, and i thought that it was established in a way that felt natural. the only place that the worldbuilding fell a bit flat to me was with the magic system. there’s little done to explain it or why niamh seems to be the only one dealing with adverse effects because of her magic, but i can overlook that and the few plot issues i had towards the end because of how wonderful this book was overall. if you love a good fantasy romance, this book is for you, and it’s out on january 30, 2024! thank you to netgalley and st. martin’s press for providing me access to this title in exchange for my review!

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4.5 (rounded to 5 stars)

A Fragile Enchantment is a fantasy romance book that takes place in a regency historical period. It is whimsical and has a true romance with yearning and longing.

Niamh is a dressmaker that has a magical ability to imbue emotions and feelings in her work. She works hard to support her family that are from a poor province that's subjugated by the neighboring kingdom (keep in mind this is inspired by England and Ireland). Niamh is offered the opportunity to make the outfits for the prince that is set to be married. She travels to the royal court and meets Kit, a very prickly and rude prince. Over time, she gets to know him but also begins to discover things are not right in the royal family and is drawn into conspiracies and secrets.

This is regency inspired England, with Naimh being from Ireland after a great famine. The magic system as a whole isn't a hard magic system, with people having all different types of magic, but Naimh's magic is very obviously a very unique idea as a protagonist. The writing is so, so immersive and creates a wonderful setting that is rich and whimsical. It highlights the romantic moments in the book and makes them feel all that much sweeter.

The romance is easily the best part of this book. When we first meet Kit, he is mean and stubborn to Niamh and she can't stand him. But she peels back those layers and we meet the loyal and kind Kit who only wants to do right and prove the rumors about him aren't true. There is yearning and longing, and small moments that touch your heart. It is the driving force of this story and it is done so well.

The characters are also just so flawed and written to be dimensional, even the side characters. Niamh is optimistic, emotional, and definitely a touch naive. For me, this doesn't detract from her actions and it's not annoying in the sense that a lot of naive characters can be. Naimh is very in tune with other people's emotions and is able to draw out other people. Kit and Niamh are both deeply complex people and both struggle with responsibility and selflessness with this in turn, affecting their relationship.

Outside of the romance, we are seeing the inner workings of the royal court, elegant balls, and the court politics that are central to the story. One of the few criticisms I have is that it feels like Naimh's disease is addressed and is written to show how she pushes past it and how it affects her life. For the last 30ish% of the book, it isn't talked about as much and I do wish there was more about it other than, "it is manageable with the correct treatment."

Overall, definitely pick up this book if you like the regency era, forbidden romance, and political intrigue!

Thank you to St. Martin's Press/Wednesday Books and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Well, Allison Saft has done it again. Another magical, perfectly whimsical story steals another piece of my soul.

"A Fragile Enchantment" is a delightful read that had me hooked from the first page. Niamh, a dressmaker who infuses her work with emotions, was so incredibly relatable, it was almost like reading about myself. Her kindness and charm worked really well with the other characters, especially the love interest, Kit - a grumpy prince with the power to control plants. I'm a sucker for well-done "opposites attract" plots, and this hit just the spot.

Perhaps one of my favorite things about this novel is how it deftly handles the idea of making oneself miserable to ensure the happiness of others. The theme plays an integral part in the story, depicting a fairly accurate (imo) representation of what people-pleasing your entire life will do to you, namely your mental and physical health.

I think at this point, it's safe to say I'll be picking up whatever Saft releases.

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This was such an amazing read! I love the blend of fantasy and reality for the setting. It gave the story a background that was almost as beautiful as it was. The story was a bit slow at first, but once I got to the first ball scene, I couldn't put the book down. I love the reveal of Lovelace's identity. It surprised me as I thought I know who it was but I was wrong. Can't wait to pick up a copy when this comes out!

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This book was a romp. Niamh is such an enjoyable main character, and I always go in on the grumpy x sunshine trope. I also felt like the relationship between the MMC and FMC developed in a pretty believable way. I also felt like the political unrest and character manipulations within this story added much-needed structure and tension to the romance plotline—AND introduced the reader to my favorite (oblivious) character, the Infanta Rosa.

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This book by Allison Saft was beautifully written and the romance made me swoon. This book gives major Bridgeton vibes while incorporating popular tropes such as enemies to lovers and grumpy/sunshine. I was worried Niamh would be naive and ridiculed as a "sunshine" character, while Kit would get away with being rude and a terrible person just because he exhibits the "grumpy" trait. Luckily, this did not happen and both characters were respectful for their traits. I also absolutely loved the mental health discussions in this novel. I think it was done in a very thought provoking way. Most books that talk about mental health either gloss over the topic or only discuss the downsides, but Saft is able to craft the hope and joy of life itself in this novel. I highly, highly recommend this book for someone who is looking for a joyous and sweet romance, but isn't afraid to shed a few tears.

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This upper YA novel s perfectly fitting for students who love fantasy. There is a regency aspect thrown in with a twist of magic. Love it. It was frustrating to walk through the relationship of Rosa/Kit/Niamh since Rosa seemed so apathetic to her union with Kit. The added mystery of Lovelace helped push that book along as well, but made it seem political, too. A decent fantasy read.

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To me, this entire book was pure perfection.

I've enjoyed all of Saft's novels and this one just adds to the list of amazing stories penned by her. Niamh is such a wonderful protagonist and I enjoyed her personal growth immensely but of course I most loved when she and Kit were on the page together. They had great banter from the start and beautiful moments the whole way through. Individually, they were incredibly well-thought out and developed which made the story feel both more real and more weighty with real people on the line.

It's such a tender-hearted love story touching on some really painful themes but they're such a sweet couple that you can't help but root for them. It's incredibly well-written and the magic is just the perfect mixture of cost and mystery while also being absolutely stunning to visualize. The supporting cast of characters really added to the story as well, with Sinclair being my favorite of them all.

I can't get enough of this book. Even though I got a free reviewer ebook copy, I already preordered a hardback for my own because I loved it so much. I definitely recommend it to any fantasy romance reader. It's an absolute delight!

Note: I received a free electronic edition of this book via NetGalley in exchange for the honest review above. I would like to thank them, the publisher, and the author for the opportunity to do so.

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Allison Saft has quickly become one of my new favourite writers. After the third book of hers that I've read (2 were 5 stars, and 1 was 4 stars), it just must be so! She's INCREDIBLE!

I read this in a 24 hour period because I cannot get enough of her writing, storytelling, and characters.

Niamh and Kit were an incredible duo, always at each others necks, but still generous with one another. I loved them so much. Their banter and wit with one another - trademark Saft dialogue that I just eat up every time. The magic system was really cool, and Saft has a way of not over explaining things to the point of boredom, but laying things out so we can understand just exactly what is happening and how it's happening.

I want more more more more more. She can do no wrong! 5/5 stars.

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book! After reading the author’s other book, A Far Wilder Magic, I found myself wanting for more. Imagine my happiness when I got approved for this arc. This book was delightful, the characters endearing, and the magic whimsical. Not to mention a romance that is almost sickingly sweet. I devoured this, and honestly, I wouldn’t mind another book that goes into the relationships of the side characters in this book. They truly added to its charm. I will for sure be picking up a copy when it releases.

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This is now an Allison Saft fan account. When I get a physical copy of A Fragile Enchantment, it will be residing on my fave fantasy shelf next to Kristin Cashore, Marie Rutkoski, Tamora Pierce, Sarah J Maas, and Holly Black. I do not make the rules. This is just how it is now. A Fragile Enchantment was such a beautiful and, at times, heartbreaking, book. The chemistry was perfection, and the tension unmatched. When this book is released on January 30th, 2024, I need you all to give this the same amount of attention that Fourth Wing and Divine Rivals are getting right now. I haven't read Divine Rivals yet, and I know that this book is more delicate than Fourth Wing, but the emotions are there. We have the bad boy, who is really just a broken boy who is afraid of being loved, and then we have the bubbly girl that has always put others first and will call out any unkindness. Not to mention that they also have magic powers. Kit can control plants, and Niamh can embed feelings and memories into her embroidery. Did I mention that she is hired to make the wedding attire for Kit's arranged marriage?

I need you to love this as much as I do. I can not put into words how much this book has broken me and put me back together. There were a few times I did not think I could emotionally survive these two, but we made it. Please, please read this. Think of a more delicate, but just as passionate Cruel Prince. You will not want to miss this one, I promise. 
[Disclaimer: I was given this eARC by St. Martin's Press- Wednesday Books via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!]

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Allison Saft’s writing is always lovely and a joy to read.

A Far Wilder Magic was one of my favorite reads of 2022—so magical, atmospheric, character-driven and romantic.

This one had magic and romance, but those elements didn't quite come together for me. The hero and heroine both fell a bit flat in this one. It was a grumpyxsunshine pairing, but despite the characters talking a lot about their problems and some good chronic pain rep in the heroine, neither the hero nor heroine read as particularly nuanced or memorable.

There were lots of things solved and resolved with ~the power of love~ type speeches and sentiments. It definitely made this book seem on the younger side of YA and a bit pollyanna-ish, despite the characters being in their late teens.

I think it's a matter of taste, however. I found this to be a soothing and relaxing read, a nice low-stakes fantasy that I would enjoy reading on a lazy Sunday. I prefer more drama and intensity in books I wind up loving, but I know there are plenty of readers who prefer more soothing, calming fare—and that's exactly what this book is. So your mileage will vary, depending on the type of reader you are.

I'll still pick up Saft's next book.

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A Fragile Enchantment is a regency, fantasy, capital R Romance novel. It has all the best of period fiction we've come to look forward to; the worst first impressions, repressed longing, witty banter between friends and meddlesome relatives.

Niamh (pronounced Neeve) is a seamstress gifted, by the soft magic system of this world, with the ability to imbue her stitchings with emotion and memory. Perhaps not the most powerful magical trait of a main character in history but the descriptions of the crafting of each piece and what it specifically invoked in an individual were lush and moving.

Kit was very typically your broody love interest with a secret and soft heart of gold. I enjoyed their romance and its slower build though it did feel slightly contrived that a foreign seamstress would be seen as an appropriate social company for two royals. By the end, I felt they had found a common ground all their own and did understand each other on the deepest of levels. I swooned.

The one place this book falters, and I'm sorry but it does, is the political B plot. The Machlish from Machland, of whom Niamh is part, are underpaid and oppressed in Avaland and are currently striking for reparations and fair treatment after a recent monarch destroyed their livelihoods and homeland after years of plundering it. This plotline seemed to have obvious similarities to Irish History and their conflict with England.
While Niamh is an empathic person she seemed to only occasionally relate to her countrymen. And in fact, refuses to help their cause but later does tangentially do so to help Kit. Even at the climax she chooses to free Kit at what could, obviously, be at the cost of both nations and her friendship with Princessa Rosa. I found this emotional distance baffling. Perhaps I focused too hard on this plot when it was meant to add a lightly intriguing atmosphere, but it was never given the gravitas I thought it deserved and was even wrapped up off-page with the audience being unsure of the solution ultimately. Making this plot so large and close to home ended up being at the cost of Niamh's character unfortunately, as I became increasingly frustrated at her association with the royal family. She barely spares a thought as to how her mother and grandmother would feel about a romance involving the family who oppressed her people.

Ultimately when I finished 'A Fragile Enchantment' I was left with the warm glow of contentment from hours well spent reading about love and friendship and found- family. I was taken back to moments in other novels that I loved such as Pride and Prejudice and Gaskell's North and South. And in doing so, like Niamh, Allison Saft wove me a fragile enchantment all her own.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this ARC. This review contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

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When I first started reading A Fragile Enchantment, I really liked the concept of it. The book is about a Machlish commoner named Niamh who has been hired by the royal family to design and tailor the wedding outfits of Prince Cristopher of Avaland (or Kit) and Her Royal Highness Rosa of Castilia. I liked the idea that Niamh had the power to sew enchantments into garments, while other “divine-blooded” families could manipulate plants or the weather.

Niamh is a clumsy, selfless tailor who is talented in her sewing arts and comes to Avaland, despite the prejudices between the two lands, so she can provide for her family. She meets the abrasive Kit who she at first despises, but then begins to see is really a softy inside and is merely doing his royal duty by agreeing to the arranged marriage with Rosa to form alliances for the betterment of the kingdom. This is an enemies-to-lovers YA, romance fairytale-esque novel. The persistent theme of the book seemed to be that one should choose to pursue love and happiness, and to not always be so sacrificial and selfless at the cost of one’s own self.

While I initially liked the book, I unfortunately can’t say the same for the rest of the book. I think the book tried to do too much and things kind of got lost. First, there is supposed to be conflict between Machland and Avaland and I was looking forward to some political drama, social unrest with labor disputes, and something more with the protest mobs. However, that storyline seemed to be a minor background idea that was not fully developed and, thus, felt like a lost opportunity. Second, there is a columnist named “Lovelace” (who is a bit reminiscent of Bridgerton’s Lady Whistledown), who writes scandal sheets with a bit of a political flair. However, again, the political agenda was pretty insignificant, as well as the gossip in the scandal sheet. Third, Niamh mentions a few times that she has a strand of silver in her hair, which apparently means she has some sort of fatal illness, but the significance of the silver hair/illness is barely explained and then it seems to be entirely forgotten by the end. I thought her “illness” was going to come into play (like doomed love), but after one or two mentions, it did not bear on the plot in any way. Maybe there will be a sequel that will go deeper into the political aspects of the lands and Niamh’s illness, but who knows?

Overall, I wanted to love this book, but I think it fell a bit flat for me.

Thank you @netgalley for this eARC. A Fragile Enchantment comes out on January 30, 2024.

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Wow, I was not expecting to absolutely love this as much as I did. The characters and plot moved at a comfortable pace and I loved the setting and this romance of manners - it felt like a callback to Jane Austen and "proper romances" but still had a contemporary edge. Definitely has cross-over to adult appeal with some of the romance being a bit spicy for a traditional YA audience.

Definitely recommend.

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A Fragile Enchantment is one of my most anticipated reads for 2024. I’m so grateful to have received an ARC of this. I have read Allison Saft’s other books and enjoyed them a lot. This one might be my favorite! I AM OBSESSED! It was a perfect historical fantasy romance, and I would definitely recommend. A must read.


If you like:
🌸 Historical Fantasy
🌸 Forbidden Romance
🌸 Grumpy/Sunshine
🌸 Enemies to Lovers
🌸 Political Intrigue
consider reading A Fragile Enchantment!

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This Bridgerton-esque fantasy is a delightful story of an enchanted seamstress and a wayward prince, betrothed to another. I loved the court intrigue, the mysterious columnist, the beautiful story-telling, and the reluctant romance. The pure enjoyment, coziness, and atmospheric writing will have you longing to turn the next page. I adored this one and I want a million more books like it!

Thank you Allison Saft for this beautiful story. Thank you St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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A Fragile Enchantment is Bridgerton meets fantasy, with divine blooded individuals that hold magical enchantments. This book focuses on Niamh, a divine blooded individual that has the ability to incorporate emotions and memories into the garments she sews. The one catch, this power whittles away slowly at her life, accelerating the rate and age at which she will pass. With her garments catching the attention of the Prince Regent of Avaland, she is commissioned to create garments for his younger brother, Prince Christopher....going by Kit to those close to him. Kit recently came back after being sent away by his older brother with the new task of marrying to create an alliance with Castilla. Kit is grumpy and snarky, with insults hurled at Niamh upon their first meeting, Tasked with making her garments, she finds herself spending more and more time with this unapproachable prince.

As the two find themselves spending more time with each other, Niamh starts to see there's more to Kit than meets the eye. As they find themselves getting closer then enters Lovelace. Lovelace is an anonymous writer that shares the latest gossip of what's happening during this season with a column in their newspaper distributed to all. With Lovelace hinting at a possible fling between the prince and a mystery girl weeks leading to his marriage the two find themselves trying to put a stop to this story.

This book includes forced proximity and grumpy/sunshine tropes that I enjoyed. Minimal spice since it's a YA book. But I did enjoy this book, I found it to be a light and easy read, nothing too complex for a fantasy book. It focused more on the romance aspect with a hint of fantasy in my opinion. I would rate this book 3.5 stars. I liked the idea and plot of this story and enjoyed the slow burn between the characters.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books and Netgalley for this ARC in return for my honest review.

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Bridgerton vibes with a bit of magic. This is a standalone YA romantic fantasy.

This was an enjoyable read with interesting characters, political intrigue, and a different type of magic (but easy to understand) from other worlds. This author does a great job of creating the atmosphere within the story. It was easy to root for Niamh, the main character, who puts her literal life into the dresses and clothing she makes.

Read if you want a YA Bridgerton romance, grumpy/sunshine couple.

This is the second book I have read from this author (A Far Wilder Magic being the other) and will continue to follow her work.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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