Member Reviews

I wanted to enjoy A Fragile Enchantment. This is normally a book I would have loved and given a 4 or 5 star rating. I just could not get into the story. I am not sure if it was the pace or the writing style. I tried to read it again after publication using the audiobook and still could not get into the story.

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There were a lot of elements I really liked about this novel. The intrigue was great. The world building was wonderful. The characters were lovable and showed plenty of growth and development. The romance was... okay? It wasn't the most endearing romance novel I've ever read, but it didn't feel unnatural or forced. The themes of finding belonging and love conquers all are not overwrought; they're well done and it feels natural. The prose was beautiful, and there were a few quotes I highlighted because I really loved them and wanted to sit with them a few minutes.

There is one really big issue with this book. The queer rep feels very performative. Most of the prominent characters are queer; however, this does virtually nothing to drive forward the plot. You could easily change their previous relationships to heterosexual relationships and mostly have the same result. The two main characters (male and female) bond over their mutual queerness and then wind up falling in love with each other. I am bisexual, so I understand the importance of good bisexual representation, but this is not it. None of the queer relationships are shown on page, and they're all discussed in very vague terms. Most characters are either closeted or ostracized due to societal homophobia. Only one of the queer relationships is shown on page, and that's very late in the book and it's two very brief moments. This book has been marketed as having queer representation, but it feels like a bait and switch. If you're going to claim queer rep, I expect to see queer relationships played out on page and to see the characters encounter the struggles and triumphs that come with being in a queer relationship. This book was a huge disappointment in this area, and I spent half the book wanting to DNF because it felt like queerbaiting but I really wanted to see how all of the relationships played out before I wrote a review to that effect. Needless to say, the novel did not subvert my expectations, and mostly, I wish I had DNFed to spare myself the disappointment.

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This is a beautiful book that will hit with fans of romantic fantasy and bridgerton. The banter between the characters was top notch and I felt myself engrossed in the world. While it did feel a little predictable at times, I still thoroughly enjoyed reading it and was enchanted by the book. I will definitely be picking up more books by this author.

I received a copy of this book from netgalley in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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I am always so excited when I see a new book from Allison Saft. I have been an avid fan since her first book. This book was another beautiful fairytale romance that had so much to love from start to finish.

This is a novel about love and what we are willing to do for it. Niamh has a beautiful magic: she can weave magic into the gorgeous clothes that she creates. As a talented tailor, she is contracted by the royal family to create clothes for the upcoming wedding of the prince. This is a big opportunity to help her family, which is always her primary concern. The first time she meets the prince, Kit, she is underwhelmed, because he's a jerk, but as Niamh gets to know him, she realizes there's a lot more to him than she initially thought. As she is swept into palace intrigue and drama, she realizes that she has never put her self first, and her own happiness has never been her own priority--and now is the time to finally take charge of her life and fight for what she really believes in.

This was a beautiful, romantic story with drama and mystery. There was a lot of heart and some truly heart-pounding romantic moments. Allison Saft wrote another incredible novel.

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I have realized that I have outgrown YA Romantasy set in a Regency setting. This is at NO fault of the authors which is why my review is a little skewed.

I really don't want to post anything negative about this book because I feel it would just be my own personal feelings on how I view regency style books.

I feel if you like Regency Romance, you like Bridgerton, you want to dive into a unique YA Romantasy, I would strongly suggest picking this up because you will probably love it!

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This book was a balm to my soul! I enjoyed the romance so much, and the ending was perfect for this book. I would say though, that it is ideal for the upper YA crowd, just because there was one intimate scene in the book. I would say 16+ for sure.
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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didn't quite live up to my love for Down Comes the Night, but still a solid romantasy from Allison Saft!!! I did love the vibes of this book!!!

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I really wanted more from this one. I felt like it started off really strong and then gradually fell flat. The plot and characters had promise but weren't fleshed out by the end. I wanted more from the romance as well. I love a good slow burn but there is a limit on the amount of time it takes to get there and this one just went a bit too long.

Overall, the vibe is good but the story and romance was lacking for me. It could have been my mood or the fact that I had high expectations given the hype but it just didn't do much for me.

The audio was well developed and the narration good. I would recommend it for those who prefer to listen.

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Niamh has been hired to be the seamstress for the royal wedding.
Determined to change the life for her and her family, she is determined to create the best wedding costumes, even if it kills her.

Kit, the reluctant groom, seems to be determined to make Niamh's life difficult. But against her better judgement even Niamh can't deny the chemistry she feels with the regent prince.

Unfortunately this chemistry has not gone unnoticed by others in the king's court, and Kit and Niamh might find themselves called out in a "lady Whistledown-esq" article if Niamh refuses to help the elusive and mysterious writer take down the royal family.

This book had a great premise and I was so excited to read it, but the execution left a lot to be desired.
It felt like nothing really happened throughout the book, and I didn't really understand the big "reveal", it just seemed like regular politics to me, not something so monumental it would take out the royal family.
I found the magic aspect interesting but underdeveloped.
Niamh's 'illness' was interesting, but also didn't go anywhere.
The ending left a lot to be desired with no update on some of the characters.

I was all for this forbidden love romantacy, but in the end it wasn't for me.

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Niamh Ó Conchobhair is born with a magic in her blood with which she can imbue the clothes she makes with emotions and memories. This magic also draws death ever nearer. Having no hope for her own future, she accepts the invitation to produce the wardrobe for a royal wedding in a neighboring land and provide enough for her mother and grandmother to live out their days at ease.

A far cry from her humble home in Machland, Avaland is not the perfect, fantastical land she expected. The class disparity is coming to a head, the engaged royal couple is comprised of two unhappy pawns, and an anonymous gossip columnist keeps stirring the pot. Oh, and Niamh and the prince, Kit, strike up a friendship that has the potential for more...if she wasn't dying and he wasn't engaged.

The ties to Regency England in this YA fantasy are strong and with it come a lot of the usual plotlines and tensions we see in Regency romance. If you can't get enough of that, this book will satisfy. The magic was interesting but didn't add much to the plot itself. It did however strengthen the imagery and stakes for characters as it tended to be linked with emotions.

All of the main characters had visible growth throughout the book, which is quite the feat as there are a lot of them! Each was pushed and challenged and forced to reckon with themselves. Niamh's arrival seems to break down a lot of the walls that had been built around each of them as she doesn't fall into the norms of the nobility she find herself surrounded by.

If you love Regency era fiction with romance, intrigue, wisps of magic, and the disruption of nobility, you will likely enjoy this book!

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I love the way Allison Saft writes. This was such an atmospheric book, and I liked the descriptions throughout. It’s a stunning read visually; however, I wanted a little more out of the plot.

My first thought is progression of the story is a bit oddly paced. For example, we see characters do and start things that don’t get mentioned again until much later. This disrupts other events and elements in the story and makes them look more like an afterthought than intended. The disruption causes an almost event-based plot that means some aspects get dragged out until some big event is supposed to happen, followed by everything happening in a rush.

While the characters are likable and fun, the rush to have them learn, accomplish, and experience what they need to leaves more to be desired out of the political intrigue and Lovelace letters/column. They feel the most like afterthoughts in the story since they’re not addressed nor appear often enough to have them feel really necessary to the story.

The magic was gorgeous and reading about the romance was so cute, so the ending does redeem the book, and it is reminiscent of several exceptional classics in the writing and some elements. Almost everything is tied up and readers are given what they want from the book.

Ultimately, I liked it and would recommend it, though. It’s cute and fairly straightforward. Perfect for fans of Pride and Prejudice or Bridgerton.

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I am withholding my review until St. Martin's Press addresses the demands and concerns of the boycott.

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Buckle up Bridgerton fans, this one's for you. What a fun, cozy, enchanting little read. I knew I would like this book the moment I saw the cover. Allison Saft's writing is enchanting and engaging and her characters feel so real. I loved the relationship dynamic of this book and found both of the main characters to be so charming. I also loved the vivid descriptions and attention to detail because that made this such a sensory experience. I desperately need more books like this please!

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<i>I received a copy of this story from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.</i>

3.5 stars

There's so much potential hiding behind this gorgeous cover and intriguing title! Colonialism, classism, disability, economic tensions, childhood trauma, duty and honor are all big topics that this story could've explored in an accessible way. Unfortunately, very little of it comes to fruition. It's like the bones of a queer YA romance were draped with buzzy ideas to seem current and relatable.

First, the magic system seems haphazard. It isn't fully realized or explored, so it comes off as convenient. I loved that Niamh's magic has a physical toll but it hardly mattered to the story. Kit's magic is also interesting but these things weren't expanded upon.

Second, the tension between Niamh's people and the Avlish felt shallow. It was hard to accept Niamh's attitude towards all things Avlish. And Jack and Kit's behavior just struck me as nonsensical.

Third, the relationships didn't really make sense. They were hard to believe. I could kind of see how Niamh and Kit fall for each other but it felt really forced. And the ending was blind wish fulfillment! Nothing was solved or embarked upon. Nothing changed!

I also had issues with the pacing. It's not a long book but it sure feels like it is. It dragged on and on and on. I was invested enough to see where it would go but I was glad to finish it.

I do love how queer it is! That part made me so happy.

If you're looking for a fluffy, low-stakes romantasy, this checks those boxes nicely. But if you're looking for more substance, look elsewhere.

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4.5. This was such a lovely little romantic read. Allison Saft has SUCH GOOD PROSE. It's just so very romantic and full of longing glances that are very Austenian. (Is that a word? It is now.) I loved every character, the stakes, the magic, the things being said about colonialism and rising against oppression, and the difficulty of being on the margins. The slow change of a grumpy, prickly, broken man to someone with hope, willing to bare his soul - delicious.

I'd like to have known a little bit more about the magic. I get the sense of how it works, so it isn't confusing, but there's very little history given, including about the curse on Niamh. We didn't need a whole info dump, but just a little more would have been nice to really round out the world. But overall it was a very enjoyable read, and Saft is an instant read for me.

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This was such a fun read! I appreciate that Saft throws the reader into the world without explaining too much. The reader figures things out as they read.

Niamh is a tailor who has magical blood that allows her to imbue magic into the clothes she creates. Her designs allow the wearer to feel whatever emotion Niamh has willed into the thread and fabric. She is summoned from Machland to Avaland to design wedding clothes for the younger prince and his betrothed. She becomes friends with the prickly prince, Kit, and romance blossoms. However, political unrest and secrets make this a more layered romantsy. There was a lot of depth to this story which I enjoyed.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC.

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Allison Saft's A Fragile Enchantment is a magical romance that takes you to a world where love defies expectations. Niamh, a dressmaker who can sew magic into clothes, gets the chance of a lifetime to work on a royal wedding in Avaland. But instead of a fairytale, she finds herself in the middle of scandals and secrets, especially when she and the groom, Kit, unexpectedly fall for each other.

The book shines with its magical setting, intriguing plot, and heartfelt romance. Niamh and Kit’s story is more than just love; it's about finding courage and fighting for what's right. Saft’s writing is beautiful, making every scene vivid and every emotion felt. A Fragile Enchantment is perfect for anyone who loves fantasy, romance, and stories about overcoming obstacles for love."

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I was drawn to this book by the pretty cover and the premise. The rise of cozy fantasy has been interesting. They have all the fun of a fantasy world with a less intense plot. This book captures that perfectly with a mostly romantic plot, with some mystery and political intrigue. There were some higher stakes, but they don't really feel that way. The star of the book is Niamh, a magical seamstress, who is invited to create the clothes for the Prince and his fiance for their wedding. But, it is not a simple thing. Niamh wants this job to send back money to her mother and grandmother, even though the royal family is responsible for the destruction of her people, most of which who now live in poverty. While it is not a subject I am terribly familiar with it seemed to be loosely paralleling the history between Ireland and Britain. Then once she arrives she becomes entangled with the engaged Prince who has a troubled past and does not want to marry his fiance. Overall enjoyed the book and it had a very sweet ending. There was some representation for chronic illness, though it is never named. Will be recommending to my students and purchasing for our collection. (Thank You to Wednesday Books and Negalley for the ARC)

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Whimsical and enchanting - this book was a fresh take on a classic fairytale type of story. I loved the rich history and lore of the geography. The characters were so relatable and rich, nobody was 2 dimensional or straight forward and that is something I really appreciate. Overall a really fun read!

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Niamh has magic that allows her to enchant her embroidered garments with feelings and memories. This allows her to get a position as a dressmaker for the crown price of Avalon. She is interested in letting her talents be known so that eventually she can open her own shop while continuing to provide for her family back home. Prince Kit has no interest in her garments or anything having to do with the court until Niamh starts to discover secrets that only bring them closer.

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