Member Reviews

Mazey Eddings writes the cutest stories, but they also have so much more. I love that all her characters are neurodivergent, either with ADHD or Autism, and she writes it so beautifully. Opal and Pepper were complete opposites (grumpy vs. sunshine) and its was fun to read of a sapphic couple. I loved all the flowers and the relationships they had with their friends and family.

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Mazey Eddings does what she does best in this book: create lovable, quirky, neurodivergent characters. Opal feels like a chaos demon, and she is too susceptible to her awful ex-boyfriend and her "friend" Laney, who is most likely sleeping with her ex. Everything in her life changes when she wins the lottery. At first, I thought that this was a silly plot device (been there, done that), but of course Opal spends the money in her own unique way--all in one go, making a spur of the moment decision to trust a complete stranger and buy her flower farm. It's on the flower farm that she meets Pepper, who is busily working to try to keep her grandmother's farm afloat while also grieving her grandmother's death. The two girls decide to be roommates, and Opal helps Pepper with the farm while setting up her painting studio. Pepper describes herself as autistic, and is used to people not understanding her, but Opal has oodles of patience, and the two end up having a lot of chemistry. Eddings is great at the romance part--she always is--and there are some hot scenes between Opal and Pepper. Overall, this is a charming book about two women who help each other through grief, self-doubt, and all the hard parts of being a human in the world who might think or act neurodivergently. And they fall in love! What's not to love about all that? It's pretty perfect.

Thank you NetGalley for the digital ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.5)

This was such a cute read! If you like contemporary romance, with a few explicit scenes, and forced proximity, opposites attract, and virgin tropes, you’ll probably like this story. As always, Eddings has her signature inclusion of representation, this time regarding neurodivergence. Overall, this is a light read that’s fun and steamy too 😉

Thank you NetGalley, Mazey Eddings, and St. Martin’s for a free copy of Late Bloomer in exchange for an honest review. Happy pub day!! 🫶

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Late Bloomer by Mazey Eddings is a sapphic love story between Opal and Pepper. After winning the lottery, Opal decides to buy a failing flower farm in North Carolina to start her career as an artist. Once she gets there, she soon discovers that the farm is not empty, and a woman Pepper, lives there. Pepper says she refuses to move out, so Opal comes up with a solution: they will live there together and all they do is fight. Unfortunately, I DNF'ed this book. Mazey Eddings writing is great, and I did enjoy the beginning, but I could not connect with either one of the characters. As the story progressed, I hoped there would be be some type of spark between the characters that made me want to root for them to be together. Unfortunately, some of the characters felt like they were manipulating Opal. Opal is very insecure in her relationships with people in general, and even though Opal legally owns the farm, no one cared and treated her poorly. I can understand that somewhat because Pepper and her friends were sticking up for Pepper, but Opal feeling unwelcome in her own home in the beginning rubbed me the wrong way. I got 40% into the story before I realized I don't think I should continue. I was not the right person for this story. If you can suspend your beliefs more than I did considering this is a fictional romance, then I definitely think you'll enjoy it- but one thing that felt extremely unrealistic was Opal buying a farm on Facebook Marketplace for $300,000. I don't think anyone would do that, but again, if you suspend your beliefs in some of the details, I think you'll enjoy it. I do think the neurodivergent representation in this story is important; however, I think at times Pepper used her neurodivergence as an excuse for her reactions and I didn't necessarily agree with them.

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I’ve read all of Mazey’s books and I love her representation and her humor and the way she develops her characters. This was not my favorite of hers though. It was still really good and I blew through it in 2 days, I just found opal and pepper and their relationship underdeveloped. I still consider Eddings to be one of my favorite authors and I really hope we get the Christmas romance that she mentioned in her acknowledgements!!

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If I won the lottery I think I would also buy a flower farm too to get away from the people taking advantage of me. Late Bloomer was a cute read with a little bit of unexpected spice and dirty talk. I think I blushed a little. I really enjoyed Opal and Peppers relationship. I loved this "no strings attached" situation they started and what it evolved into. I thought Opal was fun and creative and I found her background to be similar to mine. I would totally buy a pair of her shoes. I would do anything for Pepper. I thought the autism/neurodivergent rep in this book was also done really well, A little bit cheesy and full of pop culture references which aren't my favorite thing to include in books. My biggest gripe was saying that Taylor Swift was emo music. I still enjoyed this book and thought it was a pretty quick read.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for sending me this arc in exchange for my review. All opinions are my own.

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Late Bloomer by Mazey Eddings simply has the cutest of all the cute covers!

This is a light and airy, opposites attract, sapphic romance, which gave off some new adult vibes (Opal is twenty-four and Pepper is twenty-six). There are steamy scenes (hello lavender!), amazing autistic and neurodivergent representation, plus a supportive cast of found family... but this story just lacked something for it to really stand out, elevating it just that little bit extra.

I loved the included information of how the title came to be and the meaning behind the many flowers mentioned throughout the novel. Both of these inclusions added some fun character and plot information, allowing a deeper connection with the story and the authors process!

Ellie Gossage did a phenomenal job narrating! With this being a dual perspective romance, it was amazing to have the unique voices throughout each and every chapter, no matter whose narrative it was! Gossage nailed two very distinct main voices, as well as a cast of other characters, always adding the right bit of emotion at just the right time! I have honestly checked multiple times just to confirm there was only one narrator - that's how good of a job Gossage did providing such different voices for Opal and Pepper!

I really think this is the perfect low conflict book to sit with in the shade of a weeping willow or to read amongst the blooms this summer!

Thank you NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Griffin and Macmillan Audio for the complimentary copies to read and review.

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This was a really cute read, perfect for fans of Grumpy x sunshine and Opposites attract!

First, let's talk about how GORGEOUS this cover is! Absolutely stunning!

I loved the setting, a beautiful flower farm in a cozy small-town with all the spring and summer vibes. I loved the representation - neurodivergent and LGTQIA+.

I had a bit of a hard time getting into this, because in the first chapters, we meet Opal at a really low-point in her life (post break-up), with no self-esteem and no backbone, and we meet Lainey and Miles, who are both despicable characters.

Then, following her lottery win, Opal impulsively spends all her winnings on buying a flower farm, in a different city, away from her family, and while I understand now it's part of her charm, initially, I had a hard time connecting with her.

I really felt for Pepper's character. She didn't have an easy childhood, and she had recently lost the most important person in her life - her Grandma Lou. I could feel her grief through the pages!

All in all, this was a great read, with the perfect amount of slow-burn and pining! While this wasn't my favorite book by the author (The Plus One remains number 1), I definitely recommend!

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What a beautiful story about finding the life and partner that works for you. I may need to go buy a flower farm and come right back!

If you want a book with the most perfect spring vibes this is it! I loved that Opal and Pepper had such complementary skills when it came to the flower farm. Opal bought a flower farm for the vibes and without Pepper would have had absolutely no hope of maintaining it. Honestly relatable. I loved seeing them working together and learning to understand one another.

I also loved how this story explored neurodivergence and the different strengths and struggles it can bring. Opal's experience of being neurodivergent is dissimilar to other descriptions I have read and I really appreciated it. I became a reader because I love seeing how people's minds work differently but with how much I read it's unusual that I come across a character who really stands out. Opal is one who does.

If you want a story that is the perfect escapism while also being very grounded in issues and experiences people have then this is the perfect fit! I love reading books about things that sound so incredibly cool, like owning a flower farm, but I would be completely terrible at! I'm over here like maybe I do need a flower farm and my half-dead houseplants are judging me.

🌶️🌶️🌶️ - This one had a few open door spicy scenes. They are fairly descriptive but nothing out of the norm for an adult romcom.

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I was so taken in by the elegance and romance of Mazey Eddings latest work, Late Bloomer, that I completely lost track of time. So much so I read it through the night which made me late for work the next day. But zero regrets here. Opal and Pepper's journey to each other combined with there individual character's growth truly opened up an unknown world to me. As someone who does not identify as neurodivergent, I appreciate Eddings' skill at translating that feeling to the reader. I also very much appreciated all the tropes at work on the flower farm. Overwhelming enjoyed!

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5/5 Stars 3/5 Spice

Small Town
Enemies to Lovers
Forced Proximity
Roomates to Lovers
Autism Representation
Opposites Attract
Grumpy x Sunshine

Relationship: FF

I absolutely adored this book. It was so cute & so fun. It had some heavy topics that i thought were handled really well - death & grief & starting over. i loved how opal was so sunshine but dealt with anxiety & people pleasing. it was so relatable & i just felt really seen. her brief mention of her college sexual history also was a nice moment of not shaming someone for their past. this is something that i feel like gets either too heavy or really shame focused & i felt like the author handled this perfectly. i lovedddddd pepper. her grumpy black cat vibes with her directness & the way she melted for opal just killed me. i loved their dynamic & the way opal stood up for herself but also was so giving & loving to pepper. this whole book was a love letter to healthy relationship & flower puns & i loved it.

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Another great book by Mazey. I felt like I was reading directly from my own thoughts at some points. Mazey does neurodivergent and mental health representation so well and it clearly showed in this book. Some of the inner dialogue for each character was similar and felt like they didn’t always have their own voices, but it was only a few parts. I loved watching this couple come together and overcome their distaste!

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4.5 stars rounded up. I adore Mazey Eddings's writing, and I jumped at the chance to read her first sapphic book. Late Bloomer tells the story of Opal, an ADHDer artist whose primary medium is painting shoes with constantly-dyed hair who wins the lottery (!) and impulsively buys a flower farm from Facebook Marketplace, and Pepper, the autistic owner of said flower farm that was sold from beneath her feet. Cue absolute chaos when Opal shows up to turn the farm into her art studio, and Pepper thinks she's going to be evicted, and instead, Opal suggests that they both live on the farm (they were ROOMMATES). Meanwhile, Pepper wants to try to buy Opal out, because she can't lose the farm, and wouldn't you know it, there just happens to be a flower design competition that Pepper's best friend insists she compete it, and wouldn't you know it, Opal's an artist so obviously she's going to help.

There certainly was a lot of chaos in this book, but I absolutely loved Pepper and Opal. The autistic/ADHDer combo is like a leveled up grumpy/sunshine -- there's something sweet about this combo where each person knows that the other person's brain is different, and maybe doesn't fully understand it, but understands what it's like to have a different brain. We even get some cute moments where Opal is the grumpy one. And the queer rep was so good -- everyone is queer in a very normal way, and Opal and Pepper have the space to figure out who they are, Pepper especially, as she's never really *done* anything like this before. (Plus, bonus points for having a nonbinary character who uses they/them pronouns who just exists in the story -- they aren't introduced as wearing a pronoun pin or overly described. They just were.)

This book felt more like Tilly in Technicolor than her previous adult books in a lot of ways -- this book, like Tilly, is written in first person dual POV, with an autistic POV and an ADHDer POV, compared to her previous adult books which are in third person. I'm really leaning into my first person dual POV era, and I especially like it for neurodivergent narrators. There's something really special about being able to hear from a neurodivergent character what the experience inside their brain is like.

I definitely teared up a little at the grand gesture at the end of the book, and then I laugh cried my way through the list of alternate titles. The book is worth it just to read that list (but you should still absolutely read all of Late Bloomer).

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Griffin for providing me with an eARC of Late Bloomer in exchange for my honest review.

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I’ve been a Mazey Eddings fan since day 1 so I was so excited for her new book that was also her first sapphic book! I love a good dual pov romance and this definitely delivered. The conceit of this book is very charming and I was definitely yelling along with Opal’s sisters when she bought an entire flower farm sight unseen after winning the lottery! Luckily it works out for Opal who not only gets a farm, but a romantic interest in the closed off Pepper. Pepper and Opal were so lovely together. This was a pretty low stakes romance with little capital “D” drama which was so nice. I just got to sit back, relax and enjoy as the two of them found each other. Also, did I mention how HOT this book was?? 🔥🔥🔥

Thank you so much to SMP and Netgalley for the opportunity to read an early copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow, what an absolutely amazing book. My heart is bleeding at how much I loved this. I haven't cried as much at a book as I did this one. Brilliant writing.

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My favorite books to read are sapphic romances. They’re premium in my opinion & this one didn’t disappoint.

This book has amazing tropes.

Forced proximity
Opposites attract
Neurodiversity rep
LGBT rep

While at times parts in this book fell a little flat for me, in the end I still really enjoyed the book. It’s quirky and cute. Lots of character development was present which is something I feel is super important.

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I love a good sapphic romance and this book was adorable, quirky, and just so freaking giggle-worthy. Mazey always writes such loveable and complex characters, and Opal and Pepper fit that mold perfectly.

I loved the plot of this book being Opal accidentally buying Pepper’s home out from under her, forcing the two to live together til they can figure out a way out of Opal’s ownership. Throughout the book we get so much growth from both characters because of their families, relationships, and work. While the plot felt slow at times, it was never boring and I really grew to love both girls, even if the romance lacked a connection in my eyes. But overall, loved this book and so glad I got the time to read it!

"You, are the most chaotic, wild, wonderful person I have ever met. You have upended my life and I don't ever, ever want it righted again. If you don't think you belong here, we can talk about that. But all I know is I belong with you. We can figure the rest out as it comes. But I love you, Opal. I love you and your messes and your laugh and your hair and the way you say my name with that perfect, exasperated sigh that makes me feel like the word was created just for you to speak it.”

🌸Forced Proximity
🌈Opposites Attract
🌸 Neurodiversity rep
🌈 LGBTQ rep
🌸Friends with Benefits

“What do you have to be so happy about?” I ask, staring at that magnetic smile of hers that always draws me in. It’s pure sunshine, warmth radiating from the crooked corners.
She shakes her head and shrugs. “Nothing in particular, I guess happy for happiness’s sake.”

Final Rating: 4⭐️, 2.5🌶️

Thank you NetGalley and St. Marin’s Press for an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest and free review!

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This was a cute story but i wasn't overly attached to the characters. If you're looking for a fluffy romance then this is a good option!

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Opal is a people pleasing, rambling, kind hearted person. After winning some money she buys a flower farm, sight unseen. This is where she meets Pepper, the current farmer of The Thistle and Bloom flower farm. Pepper cares for these flowers with all her heart and attention. She thought she’d own the farm after her Grandma Lou’s passing.

Opal and Pepper might get off on the wrong foot but quickly see the kindness in each other and become friends instead of enemies. Pepper has a very hard time trusting after a troubled childhood and relationship with her mother. But as they lean on each other more and more… more than a friendship blooms.

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3.5 stars

Opal's life is finally going well! She wins the lottery and decides to buy a flower farm in North Carolina. How quaint! Except, Pepper is already there, and she believes it's HER farm. The two decide to become roommates as they attempt to figure out who should truly own the farm. Initially they can barely stand each other, but quickly they realize they need to join forces. As time goes on, it's clear that their white-hot chemistry is making it hard for either of them to function, so they decide to try the physical without letting those pesky feelings get in the way. But can that work?!? And who will wind up with the farm?!?

I loved how the author gave us special insights into two people who are neurodivergent: autism and ADHD. As someone who loves several neurodivergent people, I was pleasantly surprised to experience even deeper understanding of the people I care about through this writing. Often the prose was just GORGEOUS, especially when it came to thoughts about love and the human condition. Much of the interactions between the characters, especially the secondary characters, I found to be a bit too abrasive for my taste. The characters were certainly interesting, but I struggled to connect, or sometimes even like, many of them.

Bottom Line: If you enjoy a spicy (sapphic) romance in a rural setting with a colorful cast of characters, you'll enjoy this book!

Trigger warnings: gaslighting, mother who abandons daughter (off page), deeply narcissistic mother, house damaged during a storm, woman mourning the death of her grandmother

I'd like to thank St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for the eARC of the book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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