Member Reviews

This was my first Mazey Eddings novel and I’m so happy I had the opportunity to read Late Bloomer. This book had so many elements I love: opposites attract trope, starting over in a small town, queer friend groups, and a HEA. And as a wannabe romance author, I also very much liked reading the author notes at the end 🫶🏻

Read for:
😊 neurodivergent rep
🔥 amazing sapphic spice
🌷 small town community vibes

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martins for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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Winning the lottery has ruined Opal Devlin's life. She’s bombarded by people knocking at her door for a handout the second they found out her bank account was overflowing with cash and Opal can’t seem to stop saying yes. With her tender heart thoroughly abused, Opal decides to protect herself by any means necessary, which to her translates to putting almost all her new money to buying a failing flower farm in Asheville, North Carolina to let the flowers live out their plant destiny while she uses the cabin on the property to start her painting business. But her plans for isolation and self-preservation go hopelessly awry when an angry (albeit gorgeous) Pepper Smith is waiting for her at her new farm. Pepper states she’s the rightful owner of Thistle and Bloom Farms, and isn’t moving out. The unlikely pair strike up an agreement of co-habitation, and butt-heads at every turn. Can these opposites both live out their dreams and plant roots? Or will their combustible arguing (and growing attraction) burn the whole place down?

I am a huge fan of Mazey Eddings books. I was so excited to read this one. I really wanted to love this book, however, I just found myself not staying connected. I kept skimming and putting this one down. I will say I am probably not the target demographic for this book, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I found Opal's innocence in the beginning almost unbelievable. Like who just buys a farm off Facebook marketplace without doing any due diligence or even seeing the place or having an inspection? Not to mention $500,000 in winnings isn't that much, especially after taxes. I felt like everyone thought she won 5,000,000. I did like the secondary characters more. Opal's sisters and Peppers friends swooped in when it really mattered and they had great personalities. While this book wasn't for me, I think it is important to keep putting sapphic romances, especially showing mental health and neurodivergences out into the world as this one did so well. There is such a need for representation in literature like this.

Thanks to the publisher for the ARC in return for an honest review. This book releases 4/16

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An enemies to lovers queer romance set on a flower farm in Asheville? Sold. I love Mazey’s voice—current, fast and funny. Lots of sex scenes, if you’re into that. Just what I needed to read right now, honestly.

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Overall I enjoyed the story. It was sweet and lighthearted. This book is sapphic with opposites attract.

It focuses more on the two main characters with short bits from side characters, but I enjoyed the characters. I did feel like something little was missing between the two main characters. For me they were more friends with benefits and I didn't feel as much chemistry between the two as the author meant for there to be. They were great together and I enjoyed both of the characters.

At the end of the book the author includes a list of flowers used throughout the story, the flower meaning and how each was used throughout the story. Not just where the flowers were in the scene, but also what the flowers meant for that particular scene. This was a wonderful touch to the story and shows the author did her homework and put care into the story.

I have enjoyed each of Mazey Eddings books. I love the way she tells stories and creates her characters. This wasn't my favorite of her books, but I still enjoyed it.

Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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📚Late Bloomer by Mazey Eddings
🎧ALC Review(Copy gifted by @macmillanaudio via @netgalley)
🚨While reviewed copy is gifted, opinions are always my own.
Status: Available April 16th, Not KU

🥰Enjoyment: Ah I loved this! I loved Opal and Pepper and their friends and the flower farm. I just loved it.

📖 🎧 Writing &/or Audio Style: This was my second Mazey Eddings title, the previous one being Tilly in Technicolor, which is a YA title. This one definitely not. Not “smutty” per se but there’s spice and steaaaam. Eddings writing style is easy to get sucked into and really enjoyable. I love her representation of neurodivergent characters. Ellie Gossage did a very nice job with the narration, I particularly enjoyed her performance as Opal, but her Pepper voice grew on me over time as well.

👥 Characters & Relationships: Late Bloomer is literally the perfect title for this one (there’s a whole explanation on how this title came to be at the end of the book), but in Opal & Pepper both (despite their sunshine/grumpy demeanors) we have two perfectly imperfect women, living with ND brains, trying to carve out their spot in the world in spite of external influences.

⁉️Plot, Intrigue & Logic: The plot was really cute and enjoyable. I felt like the blurb exaggerated aspects that were not as prominent in the story, just an FYI. But I loved the premise and how Opal’s personality really dragged Pepper along for the glass half full ride.

🏞️Atmosphere & Setting: Set in Asheville NC, but primarily on the flower farm I imagined this beautiful fragrant setting.

🚨 For Reader Awareness: Really crappy parent, crappy “friends”

📣Recommended for fans of: Romcoms with Neurodivergent rep

🎭Mood Reader Classification: I loved it. Might own a copy one day, especially if the right special edition comes along.

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Absolutely loved this book. It's actually a 4.5, but this was the perfect level of banter, healing from trauma, and spicy to make the perfect book.

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Oh, how I wish I loved this more.

Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy aspects of it (the setting, Pepper's growth and background story), unfortunately I did not connect with Opal or the romance in general which for someone reading a romance book...says a lot. I found the romance to be too cheesy and kind of cringe at time with the way they would talk to each other, especially Opal. I can understand why Opal is the character that she is but I found her to be a difficult character to connect to mainly because she is a MESS. While I can empathize with feeling like life has a way of always knocking you down, the ways that was portrayed in this book--albeit, I believe it was meant for comic relief---I just found it so cringe and eye-roll worthy. She's almost like this extreme caricature of a the "hot mess, free spirited girly" that it just fell flat for me and annoyed me more than it put a smile on my face.

I did, however, really like Pepper's character. While she did also have some cliche types of behaviors or dialogue, her backstory and trauma and her responses to it (i.e., her personality and the way she responds to people and things around her), felt more authentic. I also really liked her small found family and I loved how they wholly accepted her for who she is. I would've loved more scenes with them because you could really see a different side of what made up Pepper when they were in the scene.

The romance...I just didn't feel anything. I think their dynamic just didn't work for me and reading their *spicy* scenes was like reading a report for work. They were spicy, but because I didn't feel their connection, I sadly just did not care. While I can understand why/how they work well together (looking at the personalities, how they can balance each other, etc.), I felt it fell a bit flat in practice. Nonetheless, I do think I'm in the majority with that feeling and I'm totally ok with that!

Overall, I am happy I read this as it was cute and I loved the aspect of the flower farming and I would recommend this to anyone looking for a sweet, cheesy kind of romance that gives you Hallmark movie vibes.

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Never in my life did I think I would get an approved copy of this book, but I am so happy I did! I finished this book so quickly because I just could not put it down at all. I loved both Pepper and Opal so much! The way they were able to both work with each other through their differences while figuring out who they are independently was so lovely to read. I felt so connected to both of the characters in different ways and seeing them develop throughout the story was so touching. The angst, the tension, the romance!!! I LOVED the found family aspect and would have killed to see more of it.

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Late Bloomer - Mazey Eddings
Rating: 4/5 ⭐️

“Sapphic, neurodivergent women working on a flower farm and falling in love? Be still my cottagecore lesbian heart! Eddings always knows how to check all my boxes with her affirming romance novels, but Late Bloomer has my whole heart. This book bursts with Eddings’ trademark compassion, humor, and beautifully flawed characters, all within a magnificent story about queer joy, queer love, and the power of queer community. As hopeful as the first bud of spring, as lovely as the lilacs in bloom, and as gay as lavender, this book is a must-read.” — Alison Cochrun

Mazey is always a must read for me and this one was no different! I love that she uses neurodiverse and flawed but lovable characters.

Recommend if you like:
- Sapphic romance
- Slow burn
- Enemies to lovers
- Neurodiversity
- Found family

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I wanted to love this one more than I did. I love Mazey Eddings and her writing style and her characters. But I just couldn't connect to either Opal or Pepper like I wanted to. So while I did enjoy the book,and I thought it was really cute, it didn't resonate with me like her previous works have. It did have a good cast of characters and I would love to read about Ophelia and Olivia's stories as well.

3.5 stars
2 spice

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"Late Boomer" by Mazey Eddings offers a refreshing and candid exploration of the millennial experience wrapped in a package of humor, self-reflection, and poignant observations. Eddings' latest novel is a delightful journey through the ups and downs of young adulthood, as seen through the eyes of the charmingly flawed protagonist. Opal.

One of the most compelling strengths of 'Late Bloomer' is its authenticity. Eddings isn't afraid to tackle themes such as imposter syndrome, being neurodivergent, and the pressure to have it all figured out by a certain age. By grounding the story in a sense of real-world relevance, Opal and Pepper felt like genuine individuals grappling with universal struggles, making it easy for us to connect with their triumphs and setbacks.

Overall, "Late Boomer" is a must-read for anyone looking for a captivating and insightful portrayal of the millennial experience. With its humor, self-reflection, and poignant observations, this novel is sure to leave a lasting impression. Plus flowers

Forced proximity
Lottery Winner

Arc received from the publisher; all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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3.5 - I really loved this sapphic romance, with such great representation! Opal and Pepper are two truly unique characters and women. Opal wins the lottery, is tricked into buying a farm to restart her life, and ends up becoming roommates with Pepper, who is not too excited for this massive change. Opal is a bisexual neurodiverse woman, who never puts herself in a box, but has been floating through a lot of her past few years, unable to commit to starting her career as an artist. Pepper is an autistic, who struggles to connect with and open herself up to others, and has just lost her favorite person, her grandmother.

While this book felt a bit slow to me to start, once Opal and Pepper were forced to start interacting and tearing down some of their walls, I really enjoyed the way that they both were so true to themselves and their personalities. Throughout the book and as they grow closer, they both learn more about their identities and personalities, and open themselves up to new opportunities and connections. I loved the way that they were both working towards becoming unashamed about who they are, and how loving each other gave them both strength in themselves. And the underlying story was so beautiful, with Opal joining Pepper to live on her flower farm, and them working together to try and win a local flower contest.

Overall, I enjoyed this book and the representation it had for both the LGBTQ+ and neurodiverse communities. Thank you to Netgalley for this advanced reader's copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I’m going to call this a DNF at 40%. This book felt like a chore I was dreading every time I knocked out another 10% at a time over a few weeks. I don’t know what’s not clicking. I WANTED to like this.

Opal’s people pleasing makes her make silly mistakes and she comes across as someone without any common sense. Then, she’s treated poorly by Pepper and the second Pepper is nice to her (while she’s unconscious with a migraine, mind you), Opal develops feelings for her. All the friends are telling each Opal and Pepper that they have feelings for each other and they’re denying it and whatnot but I didn’t feel it in the story at all.

Pepper was unkind. I understand her take on it but she was mean to the woman who kind of technically owns this property. Opal could toss her out any time she wanted yet Pepper is yelling at her for opening rooms in the house and telling her to leave all the time.

Thank you to Netgalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This steamy sapphic, dual pov romance was refreshing and cute. A bit cheesy and cliche but that just made it all the more enjoyable. It was a fast read, with short-ish chapters (which I love!). There are lots of pop culture references that kept it entertaining. And the representation in this was fantastic and well written.

Opal and Pepper are such funny and likeable characters, they are prone to messing up but it just makes them more relatable. I loved Opal’s optimism and vibrant personality, and I really enjoyed seeing her caring side. Pepper is grumpy and reserved but feels deeply, I loved seeing her open up to Opal. I just loved their relationship so much. The side characters were funny and charming. I loved how much they cared for Pepper and Opal. Also, I wasn’t really expecting the steamy scenes in this but they were pretty damn hot!

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. This is my first book from this author and I went into it not knowing what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised. It was fun, sexy, sweet, with some heartfelt moments. I definitely recommend checking this out when it releases on April 16th!

Thank you NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Pepper was a fine heroine. I appreciated the autism and migraine representation, but other than that -- she fell flat. Kind of like this entire book. There's just too much going on -- the competition, the friends, the family, the saving the farm, the migraines, the virgin heroine, etc etc etc etc. It's too much and somehow still felt boring. 

And then there was Opal. Just once I wish Mazey Eddings would write a character with ADHD that wasn't a flighty woman chasing a ridiculous career in art. Opal spends the entire book being...wildly immature and foolish, and somehow, of course, she wins in the end. 
I think this book was a little too high concept. What has shined about Mazey's previous books are the ways in which she exposes little aspects of the nuance of the "real world." This felt too trite for Eddings writings -- the last ditch chance to protect a flower farm with a competition that is mostly forgotten and is rushed? The spice was fine, but it felt more like filler than a way for the characters to connect.

I like Eddings books and what she's doing in the romance space, but this one felt like it missed the mark.

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Late Bloomer was a sweet and spicy sapphic romance in pure Mazey Eddings fashion. She always writes the best characters, I love how she portrays neurodivergence and sexual orientation. This was another well done book by this author.

I loved the characters. Pepper & Opal were the cutest. They were so perfect together, they had great chemistry, great banter and the way they just understood each other and were both there for one another was truly beautiful. The fact they were both new to the FF relationship, how they discovered eachother, what they liked. I loved it !!!! Their love story progressed perfectly 👌

Mazey just has a way with words, that grabs you and gives you all the feels. It was so heartwarming, sweet, spicy and just plain adorable. The setting in the flower farm was to die for. Is this super cliche and cheesy, it is but it's worth it!

✨️ Thank you to @netgalley, @macmillanaudio & @mazeyeddings for my gifted ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was my first book by Mazey. I wish she had 15 other sapphic books, because I need MORE. One, the book was absolutely hilarious and the writing was incredible. I appreciated the various little details that totally pulled me into the story and made me fall in love with the characters right away. The writing was so smooth, it read like butter. Two, I have never read a romance book where both of the characters were neurodivergent and I have never felt more validated. Honestly, this needs to be a movie. This is the kind of story I need to see on my TV. I thought it was the perfect balance of humor, insightful story, interesting characters who you can't help but love and spice. The spice was spicying. And also the cover - stunning!

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After winning the lottery, Opal buys a failing flower farm. However, when she gets there, she finds out the owner’s daughter, Pepper, lives there and has no intention of leaving.

This had all of my favorite pieces of a Mazey book: neurodivergent rep, humor, spice and a fun full cast of characters. It was a low angst, low conflict romance read, and I think I was just looking to be pulled deeper into the story!

Read if you like:
-Sapphic romances
-Flower farms
-Opposites attract
-Neurodiverse rep
-Spicy reads
-Alison Cochrun/ Alexandra Bellefluer

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Arc Review
This was a cute, quick, and easy read. I really liked the autistic/neurodivergent rep. I also really liked the setting of a flower farm, however, I do wish we would’ve gotten a little more about it. I also liked the relationships with the side characters/friend group.
I did find Opal a little hard to relate to. To put it simply, she was a mess. I also felt like she was a different person in her chapters versus Pepper’s chapters. I didn’t think their arguments made much sense. At one point they were arguing and I had no idea until they mentioned yelling. To me it seemed like a pointless fight?
Overall, it was an okay read. I wish we would’ve gone a little more in depth and seen more of their relationship development. I did still have a good time while reading and I laughed out loud at some parts.

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4.5 stars. This book was so sweet and hit so many topics all in one! Toxic, manipulative friendships, narcissistic parents, autism, death/grief, adhd. The author did such a good job in my opinion of representing the different disorders and how those types of neurodivergent people would handle different situations. The relationship between Pepper and Opal was good, it had the tension however I feel like sometimes I’m just not in the mood for the let’s screw and get our feelings out and move on with our lives trope.

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