Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC :)

Late Bloomer is a sapphic romance which follows two neurodivergent women as they navigate the unexpected. This story features an opposites attract slow burn romance with a hint of grumpy x sunshine. One thing that makes this book really unique is that it not only features two neurodivergent main characters, each with their own POVs, but also autistic representation that I have yet to encounter in other books I’ve read. I really enjoyed this cute little story and think this will be a go-to comfort read in the future.

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Thank you to netgalley and St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Griffin for allowing me to read Late Bloomer by Mazey Eddings. The characters in this book were so well developed and easy to love.

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Opal Devlin gives too much of herself and gets taken advantage of – regularly, especially by her “best friend.” However, when she wins the lottery (and wins big) she decides it's time for change and (in a sketchy manner) buys a flower farm. Once she gets to the farm, she meets Pepper, a girl similar in age who is living there … because the farm was her late grandmothers. Pepper, now having nowhere to go and shocked by the news the place was sold, is even more surprised when Opal offers to let her continue to stay there. Pepper is not used to kindness, especially from a stranger, so Opal throws her off balance and does it often. But as time grows, so do feelings and their attraction for each other.

So often when I read books, I just feel like I’m reading words but never when it comes to any of Mazey’s works, instead I feel like a fly on the wall experiencing everything firsthand. Mazey is one of the realest authors also because her characters are real – unshaved and feeling not so fresh? FINALLY, SOMEONE TALKS ABOUT IT. The characters are so raw and relatable in their neurodivergent ways. The storyline was sweet and felt like a warm spring morning.

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Soooo ... how have I missed Mazey Eddings? I see that Late Bloomer will be published in April 2024. I was lucky enough to read it in December 2023, and I'll go out on a limb and say that it will be hard to beat as the best sapphic fiction read of the year.

I loved that this is not a "perfect" couple with witty banter and Insta-worthy lives. I loved all the descriptions of the flowers. Honestly I've never read anything like this.

Asheville NC is my dream retirement location. Just big enough, just small enough, warm enough, cold enough. If only I could win the lottery like Opal.

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Loved the two main characters and rep in this book! The flowers were so much fun and Mazey's writing is amazing!

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Mazey's characters are approachable and earnest and her writing is lovely, sexy, and easy to immerse myself in.

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I love living in a world where we have all the sapphic books at our fingertips, and such a varied range as well.

I never know what to expect when I try new authors, but I was not disappointed by starting Late Bloomer. It's a refreshing take on a plot I've seen before and I'd argue the best I've ever seen do it,

The contrasting characters, forced proximity and a connection you can see sparking from the first meeting all kept me reading well into the night.

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This is a sweet, queer love story set on a flower farm. One character is bi and the other explores their queerness settling on their queerness as on the multi-attraction spectrum.

The writing felt like it told more than showed. There were passages that felt overly stated to share a moral or advance the plot. While there isn't instalove, there are a few too many hard-to-believe circumstances.

Both characters are neurodivergent, and I appreciated how that was a represented and how each character finds understanding, acceptance, and love in the other because of their whole selves, including their neurodivergence.

The spice factor was also a plus! The found queer community and family was cozy.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced reader's copy.

CN: parental abandonment, neglect, death of a parent figure

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Mazey Eddings created such dynamic, delightful characters, and in Late Bloomer we see her tackle queer characters in thoughtful, adorable ways. Pepper and Opal are an opposites attract combo—artist, head in the clouds, pixie dream girl Opal meets gruff around the edges, guard your heart at all costs Pepper. When Opal wins the lottery and buys a flower farm in Asheville off Facebook Marketplace, she has no idea that it is already occupied by someone who very much does not want to sell. This book was a run roomies to more book, and while it didn’t hit the same as Eddings others books for me, I still enjoyed the book and will recommend to others. Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC and thanks to Eddings for doing the pining thing so dang well.

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There aren’t enough sapphic romances for me, so finding this was perfect. With a neurodivergrent and queer rep, this book meant a lot to me. While one woman is discovering her sexual identity, the other is simply discovering herself, and it’s AMAZING. I felt the struggles from each perspective, and loved the support they offered one another. But also their individual support systems (which merge) was heartwarming.

Sweet, and spicy, if you’re into that (I am), Late Bloomer hit all the right spots for me.

Thank you NetGalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Late Bloomers is lush with all the colors of the rainbow… or maybe just a really good sapphic romance about two women trying to navigate the complexities of living on a dying flower farm together and questionable real estate sales? Mazey Eddings has created a cozy, warm story about two women with the best names — Opal and Pepper — trying to each find their way and finding each other on that journey. There’s lots of wonderful supporting queer friends amongst the group and a whole lot of flower picking in these pages. This was low stress, quiet, and one of my favorite Mazey Eddings entries to date. (Also I’m obsessed with the cover). For anyone looking for a gentle sapphic romance, pick this up! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early review copy, all opinions are my own.

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as st Martin’s press remain silent on the blatant racism allegations they have been under for months now and as myself a woman of color, I will not review and promote this book until accountability is taken, even if I nicely received an advanced copy. books are political no matter what has been said

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If you’re looking for a light hearted, funny at times, romance this is it.

We have two POVs, Opal and Pepper. Without spoiling anything Opal wins the lottery and buys the flower farm Pepper lives on, and it’s legal but not on the up and up. They end up staying there together.

It’s a struggle at first but they find a groove in living and working together.

Personally I prefer a little more conflict, or angst, that makes the romance overcome some obstacles. There are some here but slight.. that said it’s a feel good read and if that’s what you’re after than I recommend.

Thank you to Net Galley and St. Martins Press for an ARC copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Late Bloomer was such an amazing read! The vibes of this book were so fun and cozy. The queer and neurodivergent representation was amazing! I recommend this book to anyone who likes reading about queer stories! The people in this book felt so real and the number of Taylor swift mentions had me screaming (I am a big whore for folklore). I also enjoyed learning more about lesbian history and as a literal lesbian I am ashamed I didn’t know some of these preferences sooner :)

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Late Bloomer is different from Eddings' other books and I wasn't sure that I was going to like it, but I should've known I would! This is a great love story between two dynamic characters.

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Mazey Eddings has done it again. From stunningly crafted characters with to-die-for chemistry to undeniable humor, fast pacing, and delicious steam, LATE BLOOMER is a fantastic read. Opal and Pepper pop off the page, inviting you to find comfort and romance in their world. I really rooted for these two, both as individual characters and as a pair. A rom-com at its finest. As a neurodivergent, queer reader, I can confirm this story is going to be so special for so many people. I devoured every word. Queen Mazey never misses!!!!

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A perfectly fine book, but it just didn't work for me and I can't put my finger on why. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity.

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This book was joyful and messy and full of humor and heart. Opal and Pepper are two women who have very deep wells of emotion that they aren't immediately great at expressing with others, or even with themselves, and it is so satisfying to see them both evolve throughout the story and yet also both stay true to the essence of who they are and love each other for it. The friends and family that surround them are wonderful and deserve more on-page time. Honestly, my only wish about this book is for more. More of everything, because Opal and Pepper are two characters that have so much more to explore and offer to readers.

The relationship was handled with such care, and it was refreshing to see something so real, raw, and beautiful unfolding between Opal and Pepper. Their hesitance with each other, and the nuance of both of their neurodivergent personalities, made the stakes feel real and alive. I loved the references to movies and music and the absolute delight our two protagonists found in making the other happy. The flower farm setting, Opal's artistic endeavors, and the family and emotional baggage that they both work through, all of it is a means to see these two women bloom into versions of themselves that they need to be. Both individually and together.

There's a line near the end, "and nothing is perfect but everything is right, and that's all that matters." This is Opal and Pepper - life, really - in a nutshell.

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This was such an entertaining read, with just the right amount of animosity, comedy and romance. I definitely recommend this book for anyone looking for a fun and flirty novel. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC of the fabulous read!

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This was a fun small town romance. It was such a sweet story, and it reminded me of the song “Sweet Nothings” by Taylor Swift. It’s heart warming, and sweet and the perfect enemies to lovers.

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